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I have only played through "Shackled city" all they way through and "rune Lords up to book "sins of the saviors" when most of the party died 3/4 of the way through. The Group then disbanded and regrouped to then play PTOLUS witch we completed after two years. My gaming group then disbanded as I changed jobs and many of my players finished their Uni degrees and left the state. I have purchassed some of "Wraith Ritcheous" but as yet still havent played a full session of PF. Currently playing Beginner Box.

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Kingmaker, as GM - finished.
Carrion Crown, as Player - Finished.
Serpent's Skull as GM - Finished.
Way of the Wicked (by Fire Mountain Games) Books 1-3. As GM
Skull & Shackles, as player, currently in Book 5.
Carrion Crown - as GM, just started, still in Book 1. Hoping my experiences as player will help me be a better GM than I was when I ran Serpent's Skull.

Umbranus |

Kingmaker, as a player: GM ended it early because of what he's seen as the monster of the month problem. I liked it very much.
Carrion crown, as a player: I quit the group because I didn't like the AP.
Wrath of the righteous, as a player: Left during character creation. Didn't like how the campaign traits forced certain pc backgrounds depending on what you wanted to play.
Now Kingmaker again, as a player. I still like it, let's see how it goes.

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Savage Tide, as GM: Stopped after part 3 (of 12); group fell apart when I needed to take a couple of months off from GMing because of the birth of my daughter.
Curse of the Crimson Throne, as GM: Completed.
Rise of the Runelords, as GM: Currently on part 4 (of 6) and hoping to complete late this year or early next.

Jeffrey Palmer |

I own them all (including a personally leather bound Savage Tides) and love'em, but....
I've only GM'd Second Darkness books 1 to 2 and a half and then stopped.
I've played as a PC Carrion Crown in books 1-4 and am looking forward to finsihing it up, but will liekly take some serious time (1+ years) to do so, as we game it very infrequently.
I'm currently running my guys on Rappan Athuk from Frog God Games.

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Shackled City as the GM
1st time Imploded due to work (all military in Korea)
2nd time TPK at the Temple
3rd time Went back in time and mashed it up using Savage Tide as the intro. We jumped back into the Shackled City story after the TPK from the 2nd time. Started using 3.x moved to Beta then to Pathfinder, finished it up in about 3 years if you add 2nd and third times together.
Kingmaker with lots of add in's as the GM in around two years
RotRL Anniversary ed as a player (in book 5 ATM but going strong)

roysier |

For our group we did them in this order with some overlap with a weekend meeting group and a weekday meeting group. Many players play in both groups.
Rise of the Runelords Book 1 to 4 - GM Quit (lots of GM/Player friction)
Carrion Crown finished
Kingmaker finished
Serpent Skull books 1 to 5 - Stopped playing at the start of book 6, (everyone GM and Players hated books 4 to 6 )
Curse of the Crimson Throne finished book 5 -GM quit, (thought we were too powerful)
Way of the Wicked - TPK at the end of book 2.
Slumbering Tsar – Stopped after a few chapters not our groups style of adventure
Skulls and Shackles Finished
Reign of Winter currently playing in book 6
Wrath of the Righteous currently playing in book 1
So we finished:
3 of 8 and are in the middle of 2 others
Next up:
Throne of Night
Jade Regent

Zethorn |

Just started playing in the APs as a player but currently working on:
Curse of the Crimson Throne -- on Book 5.
Rise of the Runelords -- near the end of book 4.
In two gaming groups that attempt to play bi-weekly that can meet 3-4 hours a session.
Short answer -- none but hope to change that shortly.

WitchyTangles |

Kingmaker, CoT and I'm now almost done with CC. I don't have an AP that I really want to work with right now, so I'm doing my own campaign work. Golarion is a great world with a lot of potential and while I like the AP's that I like, I don't mind writing my own Golarion based campaigns and adventures either. I'm really looking forward to seeing what's beyond Iron Gods !!!
I mightuse the kingmaker kingdom system to make another kingdom up near the ruins of Iobaria or something.

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Rise of the Runelords: Ran up through Book 3 (near start of Book 4) before had to stop, members of group moved away.
Curse of the Crimson Throne: Similar story to above, but got to Book 5.
Second Darkness: Willing stop at Book 3. Not interested in the AP enough to continue.
Legacy of Fire: First AP to complete the entire way.
Council of Thieves: Played up to Book 4, TPK occurred, group not interested in continuing.
Kingmaker: All but completed, maybe one session left of Book 6, member left for military, put it on hold until a future day when it might get completed.
Serpent's Skull: Played to Book 3, dropped due to lack of interest.
Carrion Crown: Currently running in person, almost done with Book 4.
Jade Regent: Completed.
Skull & Shackles: Have not attempted.
Shattered Star: Currently running online, almost done with Book 1.
Reign of Winter: Have not attempted.
Wrath of the Righteous: Have not attempted, planned next campaign after Carrion Crown.
Mummy's Mask: Have not attempted.

wolfpack75 |

I've played in and finished Second Darkness. That's it. :(
I'm currently playing in Kingmaker (we started in 2010) and it looks like we'll finish this year. :)
How 'bout you?
Zero - I've run Kingmaker and Jade Regent, played in Skulls and Shackles... But never finished any of them.
Kingmaker the country building got in the way of the adventure for my players so we switched to Jade Regent which went fairly well but then since I had GM'ed for too long one of my players offered to run Skulls & Shackles... And then two players moved and it put an end to that.
I have another group who want to play an AP but I can't figure out the best one to run with two new players and two semi experienced players...

Zhangar |

As a player, I've finished Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull.
As a GM, I've finished Carrion Crown.
I'm currently playing in Jade Regent.
I'm currently running Reign of Winter (five players) and Rise of the Runelords (two players, each running two characters).
My groups have been alternating AP and homebrew stuff, more or less.

Zaister |
Here's my breakdown:
Shackled City: up to TPK early on in Secrets of the Soul Pillars with Thursday group; finished with Wednesday group
Age of Worms: abandoned after Encounter at Blackwall Keep with Monday group; abandoned after The Spire of Long Shadows with Thursday group [both for various reasons]
Savage Tide: brought to a close after Into the Maw with Wednesday group
Rise of the Runelords: finished with Monday group, but on a TPK against the final villain
Curse of the Crimson Throne: currently playing with Monday group, near the end of Skeletons of Scarwall
Legacy of Fire: finished with Thursday group
Council of Thieves: finished as player
Kingmaker: finished with Wednesday group
Serpent's Skull: abandoned during City of Seven Spears with Monday group
Jade Regent: currently playing as player, near the end of The Hungry Storm
Skull & Shackles: currently playing with Wednesday group, halfway through Tempest Rising
Reign of Winter: currently playing with Thursday group, just finished The Shackled Hut
Way of the Wicked: abandoned late in Knot of Thorns with Thursday group due to change in group composition

Googleshng |

The group I play with knocked out Shackled City and are closing in on the end of Kingmaker, averaging 4.5 years per AP somehow.
The group I run for knocks one out about every 5 months, so far having blown through Legacy of Fire, Jade Regent, and most of Rise of the Runelords AE. Should have all the Varisian ones knocked out within a year and a half if I don't drop dead from all the prep work.

Lee Hanna |
Shackled city , as a player; we quit after saving the city. Levels were too high for us, a lot of powers/abilities/spells were being forgotten & confused. At the end of that adventure, my PC wanted to stay in town and help rebuild, another was dead and a third needed to mourn him, and the players were kind of tired of another player.
Savage Tide, as a player; again, I wanted to quit after saving the town, but we pushed into the interior of the island some more to go after black eggs. Featured 5 of the 6 players from above, the DM was a player in SC.
Kingmaker me as DM, same group (+1) as Savage Tide. Just finishing Book 2.
We play monthly, so it takes a while to get through an AP. I suspect (fear) we may get tired of it around level 14, like the two games above, so I am crafting plans and alterations to speed things along, that it might finish before we burn out.

Broken |

Rise of the Runelords : on hold, DM, in part 5
Legacy of Fire : partial complete, parts 3-6
Serpent Skull : on hold, DM, in part 3
Carrion Crown : on hold, in part 3
We have been stalled out since November. Stopped for the holidays and never got back to it. I am currently pushing to get the RoRL rolling again. Serpent Skull, who knows? I think the DM of the Carrion Crown game may be done.

Narango |

The first AP I DM'd was Shackled City when it 1st came out. We made it to the end of the 3rd to last chapter, when Rise of the Runelords came out and everyone wanted to try that out, so we did that up to chapter 4 before we had to end because 2 people moved.
Then I DM'd Curse of the Crimson Throne with a new group and we played it to completion. One of my biggest accomplishments as a DM.
Tried to simultaneously run a 2nd group through Legacy of Fire and made it through Chapter 1 before I realized DMing 2 games was a bit too much for me, plus the players in that group ended up having other commitments.
Then after finishing Crimson Throne, that group started Carrion Crown, and finished up Chapter 3 before I had to move away.
After moving, I found a new group and started a Rise of the Runelords game with them, and made it to chapter 4.
Then they REALLY wanted to do a pirate themed adventure, so we decided to start Skull & Shackles. We just finished chapter 1 and are going on a hiatus, because my wife just gave birth to our 1st child. I hope to one day get back to these 2 unfinished games, but I have no doubt that that will probably be unlikely for some time : /

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Reign of Winter (GM) - Finished
Wrath of the Righteous (GM) - Finished
Rise of the Runelords (Player) - Eternally trapped in Sandpoint (never finished)
Jade Regent (Player) - GM quit after finishing the hungry storm
Skull and Shackles - Finished book 2 before GM laziness got the best of him.
Mummy's Mask (Player) - About to finish book 1 and going strong.

Black Dougal |

GM'd Shackled City first 3 parts
GM'd age of worms first 4 parts
Played savage tide first 8 sections
Played through the entirity of Curse of Crisone Throne
It was nice to actually finish an AP although the player and PC roster changed so much didn't feel very statisfying.
Looking forward to starting wrath of righteous this fall with a stable group

Calydria |

So many deaths from TPKs! I kill individual players, sure, but I have to admit, if all my party members were about to die, I'd fudge something or have them captured or robbbed of all their stuff and dumped someplace nasty. My players would expect me to keep the story going somehow - they would be devastated if they had to can a whole adventure path in book 4 or 5 because of a TPK.
But to the topic at hand:
Finished? None. But we're getting there.
After over 3 years we are heading toward the end of book 3 in Kingmaker. We love the roleplaying, intrigue and political mechinations of this game, so whole sessions can be spent talking to local NPCs rather than hiking around trying to find the ominous big bad. Irronically, real time is tracking nicely alongside gametime...
I am also in the final stretch of DMing Carrion Crown, but we are having a little diversionary jaunt through a modified version of the Tomb of the Iron Medusa that I inserted in between book 5 and 6 to add a bit more story and background. We have been playing this since just after it came out. Years and years again, but there was a bit of a gap when I was preoccupied with a newborn.
Started playing SS but went on hiatus in book three. That took the least time. Less roleplaying than the others. Also,
Started DMing Skull and Shackles but my party wanted to be heroes so we moved back to my world-saving homebrew. I would love to run this one with players who would embrace their more chaotic neutral sides...

Prophet of Doom |

Did Rise of the Runelords as a player. Our GM edited out a lot of the NPC backstories, because it was just too hard for the group to follow, and all those lengthy backstories didn't really add much to the game.
Ran Jade Regent, took 13 months of about 3 sessions a month. Most fun I've ever had gaming. I added a lot of side adventures for on the road north from Sandpoint until the party reached the arctic. (Except for one big castle, there are almost no significant encounters for a thousand miles of travel.) The players were a bit over-buffed, just 4 plus a pair of weak NPC as support finished it at only 11th level. (I really don't get how some people think the adventure paths are meat grinders They must run really weak characters, or have a GM who is really cruel.)
Currently playing the 5th book of Skull and Shackles, and on first book of Reign of Winter. Trying to do Reign of Winter with really weak characters (16 attribute max) seeing how well that works. Been having fun with a few character interconnections between the games. My paladin in Reign of Winter is a follower of another player's cleric from Jade Regent.

Orthos |
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Been playing Kingmaker since 2009/2010?
We're only just in book 5 now.
Been playing Legacy of Fire since late 2010.
We just completed book 5.
Our group likes heavy RP and a more sedate pace I guess :)
About the same pace here. Started Kingmaker in the summer of 2012 and we're halfway through Book 4, we expect to finish it sometime in 2015.
If we finish it, it'll be not only the first AP I've ever completed, but the first campaign I ever completed. I've run two homebrew campaigns that died in the early teens before reaching story completion, due to various out-of-game circumstances.
In addition, I ran Savage Tide back in 2008-9, but we only made it up through The Lightless Depths before the game collapsed. Once we finish KM we'll be restarting it, with a little Serpent's Skull mixed in.
After that - estimating circa 2018 or so, provided the group's still together then ;) - will be the long-awaited Crimson Throne, revised to be set far in the future in the players' Kingmaker kingdom.
That's just the stuff I've run - as a player I've been in Council of Thieves, Rise of the Runelords, and two attempts at Age of Worms; all have been cancelled or paused for some reason except the second AoW attempt, which is currently running and just finished Chapter 1.

Cintra Bristol |
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I've run the complete Age of Worms campaign.
(We did the Red Hand of Doom adventure after that, but it isn't an Adventure Path per se.)
A sub-group got about two-thirds of the way through the Savage Tide path, but bogged down somewhere around 13th level. I'd like to go back and re-try that one someday.
We then completed the Rise of the Runelords.
And we're currently only 1 or 2 sessions away from completing Kingmaker.

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OK here goes...
Shackled City: Completed as player
Age of Worms: Completed as GM (TPK on BBEG)
Savage Tide: Currently GMing. On part 4
Rise of the Runelords: Currently GMing. On Book 6.
Curse of the Crimson Throne: Completed as GM
Second Darkness: Completed as player
Legacy of Fire: Completed as GM
Council of Thieves: Got through to book 2 when the game collapsed
Kingmaker: Completed as GM (TPK on BBEG)
Serpent's Skull: Got through to book 2 when the game collapsed
Carrion Crown: Completed as GM
Jade Regent: Completed as GM
Skull and Shackles: Completed as player
Shattered Star: Currently playing. On book 3.
I'm currently taking a break from Pathfinder to run the Saga Star Wars AP Dawn of Defiance. We are on Book 3 of that.
As for the rest, Mrs Camelot is down to do Wrath of the Righteous after Shattered Star and I'm doing Way of the Wicked after Dawn of Defiance. I was down to do Reign of Winter but I took an extreme dislike to it after book 3 so I did Dawn of Defiance instead. If we run out of AP's I'll revisit it.
Mrs Camelot and I will split duties on Mummy's Mask (which I like the look of) and Iron Gods. Not sure who's running and who's playing.

Zhangar |

Completed as a player: Kingmaker, Serpent's Skull, Jade Regent
Completed as a GM: Carrion Crown
Currently playing in: no APs (currently playing in a homebrew Pathfinder game using mythic rule, and expect to be starting a Numenera campaign soonish)
Currently GMing: Reign of Winter (with mythic added; just starting part 4), Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition) (in part 5)

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I ran Carrion Crown to conclusion.
I'm currently running Wrath of the Righteous; we are nearing the end of book 2, but I think I'm going to end it after book 3. I really like Demon's Heresy, but I feel the second half of the AP is a lot weaker.
I've played Legacy of Fire up into book 4 before our GM burned out and quit.
Also got halfway into book 2 of Jade Regent before our GM became too busy to run and the game fell apart.

Black Moria |

Age of Worms - Completed as DM
Savage Tide - Completed as DM
War of the Burning Sky - Completed as DM
Shackled City - got to Book 3 as player before RL circumstances ended the campaign
Rise of the Runelords -Completed as DM
Curse of the Crimson Throne - Completed as Player
Second Darkness- Completed as Player
Legacy of Fire- Completed as DM
Council of Thieves - Completed as Player
Kingmaker - Made it to end of Book 4 as DM. Not group's cup of tea so new campaign
Serpent's Skull - Completed as DM
Carrion Crown - Completed as Player
Jade Regent - Completed as DM
Skull & Shackles - Completed as DM
Shattered Star - Ongoing. Middle of Book 5 as DM
Reign of Winter - Ongoing. Near end of Book 1 as Player
Wrath of the Righteous -Have not attempted yet
Mummy's Mask - Have not attempted yet