Altering Fate Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

M Human

This is a discussion thread, not quite sure what that entails... so I am going to sanction this area as a chatter zone. Anything you wish to say may be said here, in regards to the game. Also in order for you to have a journal, you need to post it as a thread here Journals and send me the link via pm.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Orc Rogue 2

Totally got here first. I'm the coolest.

M Human
Worthington wrote:
Totally got here first. I'm the coolest.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

perhaps the greatest program made for pathfinder

it has everything you'll need to run a game....except for a story but that's a minor concern anyway.

M Human
Ishmell wrote:

perhaps the greatest program made for pathfinder

it has everything you'll need to run a game....except for a story but that's a minor concern anyway.

This... awesome...O.O

Male Ifrit Oracle/2

I will be writing any posts with Goumranth's r coming out as w sounding, so keep this in mind when he speaks, I'll dol my best to keep this up in combat play. I do this so everyone whi believes he should have some sort of speach impediment can be happy.:P

m human monk

I did it. I am in

m human monk

not entirely sure what im doing though

M Human
Anthony Douse wrote:
not entirely sure what im doing though

Make your character info and then post in the gameplay forum

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