Pippi |
280. When you go into the mechanic because your AC in your car isn't working and you accidently tell them: "I need to get my armor class fixed".
Sitri |
31: At work (I'm a Bartender in a Nightclub) you inform the drinkers of the Fort save DC of the cocktail that they are gulping back, as well as calling out effect...'Dazed for 3 rounds. Ouch, that one hurt.'
286: You have to read this sentence 3 times before the letters of "barbarian" turn into "bartender" and it finally makes sense.
Gluttony |
283: You silently scoff at others' zombie apocalypse plans for their lack of contingencies for necromantic sources
284: You are hoping to become that necromantic source
285: You are slightly worried by how easy it is for you to role-play a megalomaniac.
288: You were once worried by how easy it is for you to roleplay a megalomaniac, but have come to embrace it.
Chemlak |
291) You correctly fix someone's response to a Rules Question post... and the someone is Sean K Reynolds.
292) James Jacobs comes to you with questions on Golarion lore.
293) Your tax rebate arriving makes Lisa Stevens giggle.
Chemlak |
296) The bookcase right next to your gaming table has a shelf for Pathfinder books at just the right height to select them while you're sitting in the GM chair... and that shelf is always empty because they're on the table, where they should be.
Pyrrhic Victory |
142. You can argue passionately and logically on one side or the other of the debate regarding the question of guns in Golarion, referencing personal experiences, arguments by past commentators, and the opinions of the very creators of fantasy RPGs themselves, but if someone were to ask you about the effects of District of Columbia v. Heller on the Second Amendment it would draw, at best, a blank stare.
One of the few good things to recently come out of DC...Darn did I just ruin my Pathfinder cred.
I also often wonder what everyday objects hardness would be if that helps.
Rashagar |
294. You got in on the Reaper Bones kickstarter not because you like painting minis, but so you'd have minis to use to represent just about anything in your Pathfinder games.
A world of yes. They had a dwarven wizard and two different kinds of undead dragon. I never had a chance of resisting.
Lord Foul II |
davidvs wrote:1. You have looked at the carrying capacity table to determine your real life Strength score....Aw geez, I apparently have Str 6.
28. You start thinking of what class characters from other media would be in Pathfinder.
29. You start thinking of what class you would be in Pathfinder.
im not doing too bad at str 16
299: you have a pad of graph paper dedicated to finding out how much a gold piece is worth,300: you wish you had favored enemy humanoid(human) because of the bonus to diplomacy and sense motive
Fromper |
Fitzwalrus wrote:Whew! As long as its cats and not dogs, am I safe?Son of the Veterinarian wrote:145. You own cats you've named after characters from a fantasy novel.
D*mn. Got me there.
304. You've owned generations of cats named after characters from fantasy novels......
I have a rabbit named after a comic book superhero. Does that count?
Conman the Bardbarian |
Myron Pauls wrote:54. When ordering pizza, you ask if your coupon discounts stack.Actually it is just a common sense. Except every pizzeria I know explicitly states that their discounts and special offers don't stack :(
305. but when it isn't on the coupon you get in a long argument with the guy that it's not RAW. And you wait for him to give his RAI side.