Sun Priestess

Zhamie Zhapp's page

471 posts. Organized Play character for UncleFroggy.


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Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Sacre Bleu! Vat 'appened to vous?!"

With Dennis holding the man down, Zhamie helps stitch him up.

Medicine(E): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

"Ve are not from 'ere. Ve vill gladly accept your offer to Zharchovsk to prove that ve haf no 'ostile actions."

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Crafting(E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

Zhamie's eyes dart around and she takes in the scene. "Mes amis, ve vant no trouble 'ere. I know of a good person who likes mushrooms. Do you know 'im?"

She whispers softly to her comrades "Ze men are formidable and vell built. Let's try not to anger zem..."

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5
Dennis the Menace wrote:

Oskar -- Haha, it's always a struggle with the Bard's CA. Sadly, everyone forgets. Since I play bards too, hopefully Dennis will never forget!

Zhamie -- Your latest attack is vs the bear or the mirror? Just checking.

I guess I should have attempted it nonlethal -- But since Misha hadn't taken any damage I didn't think one shot would kill it unless I critted for max damage... but at the 5-8 level it's kinda hard to do that.

And Dennis asking "why I tried to hurt Teddy" is hilarious... I can hear it in my head with that voice of his. Like you told me once, it's both wholesome and annoying at the same time! :)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Arcana: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Sigh... the dice bot hates me...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie pulls her Jezail off her back and sights down the barrel at the prone bear.

Devise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 Hits AC 32 (or 34 if the bear is prone)

Sure of her target, Zhamie shoots.

Devise Strategy Mods (+1 Striking Jezail): 16 + 1 + 15 = 32 for Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (7, 1) + 1 = 9 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6 Critical Hit: 1d6 Persistent Bleed

"Estes! Bonk ze bear!"
Misha is OG to Estes until Zhamie's next turn

◆ Interact
◆ Devise
◆ Bang

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5
Dennis the Menace wrote:

Dennis likes the dog sled ride. Turning to Ogthup, the boy asks, "Can I pet the dogs?" He doesn't let the emphatic "no" deter him. He asks again a few minutes later. And a few minutes after that. Eventually, he gets bored and whines, "Are we there yet?"

When Ogthup asks for help at the pass, Dennis confirms, "Break a path through the snow?" He raises his hand excitedly, "Pick me! Pick me!" While everyone's deciding how to help, the lad jumps out with his new snowshoes and tries his best.

Zhamie does her best to conceal her smile.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Hopefully nobody notices :)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Nature +12. Zhamie will also pick up the snowshoes and winter clothing

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

when I saw Dennis in this game, I just had to send Zhaimie!! :)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5


A tallish woman enters the room where the Pathfinders are assembled. Hearing a familiar voice, she hurries in and spots her quarry.

"AH! Duh-nee!! I zot I 'eard vous! Ve are on an adventure encore!!" The woman speaks with a French (not sure what it translates to on Golarion) accent. A long rifle is slung on her back and she now has a bandolier of vials on her chest.

I'll update her statblock soon

"Zhamie Zhapp mes amis! Nice to meet vous all!"

Essentially, Zhamie Zhapp is the French version of Chief Inspector James Japp from the Hercule Poirot series

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Ditto Zhamie -- she has the Alchemist Dedication so she will probably also do friendly fire.

ACH... I need to update her statblock and level her up...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

4 glyphs
RPG Chronicles/Slides - mostly done
Friendly Fire - ok as long as she doesn't drop

I read the scenario thinking I was going to prep it. But it was awhile ago...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Rerolling downtime for the GM because of a record-keeping gaffe...

Crafting DC 18: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29

Crit for 6.4 gp

The original character I was assigning the chronicle to had 4XP more than I thought. Applying this chronicle would have leveled her past the 3-6 scenario I was playing in...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Ze chronicle looks tres bien! Merci Zee-Emm! :P

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie builds a diorama of the firelight clearing...

Crafting, DC 18: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Woo-hoo! Crit; 6.4gp

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie stares at the twitching Wanikawwi. "Mon Dieu! Zis is ze vorst creature I had to fight. Is everyvon all right?"

"Zee-Emm, I zink you can use this for your bleeding nose... :P"

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie again tries to get an angle on the big guy.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Unsure if the shot would hit, she reloads, moves up and slaps a battle dressing on Grommfell.

Medicine(E), Healer's Gloves, DC 20: 1d20 + 15 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 15 + 1 = 23
Healing, Forensic Medicine Methodology, DC 20: 2d8 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (5, 1) + 5 + 10 = 21

◇ Devise
◆ Reload
◆ Stride
◆ Battle Med @Grommfell

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie moves back to within the firelight. She tries to get another angle on Wanikawwi.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 14 Hits AC 29 (or 31 if the big boy's prone)

She reload and shoots.

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (8, 1) + 1 = 10 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 Critical Hit: Double Damage, 1d6 Persistent Bleed

If that hits, Wanikawwi is OG to Professor Whitegourd

"Bonk 'im Professeur!!"

◆ Stride
◇ Devise
◆ Reload

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie again attempts to get an angle on Wannikawi.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Abandoning that idea she sees that Erevan is hurt and runs to aid him.

Battle Medicine(E), DC 20: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
Healing, DC 20, Forensic Med: 2d8 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (5, 3) + 10 + 5 = 23

She levels her jezail on the remaining giant and fires.

Concealment: 1d20 ⇒ 13

+1 Striking Jezail, 60' range, Reload 1: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 for Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 1 = 3 Critical Hit: Double Damage

kicks the dice bot

◇ Devise
◆ Stride
◆ Battle Med Erevan

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Will vs DC 28: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

"Non! Vous vill not influence moi!" Whew!

Zhamie can only stare as Boltblade, well, bolts... "Boltblade!" she calls, "Vere are vous going?!"

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Sacre Bleu!" Zhamie exclaims, "Vous are big!"

Zhamie tries to get an angle on Wanikawwi... she also tries to find out if he has any weakness (Known Weakness)

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Hits AC 27

She reloads her jezail and shoots him anyway before reloading.

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5) + 1 = 7 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 Critical Hit: Double Damage, 1d6 Persistent Bleed

◇ Devise
◇ Known Weakness
◆ Reload
◆ Reload

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie moves up and sheds some light on the giants attacking them. Jezail in hand she tries to get an angle on White.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 17 Hits AC 32
Concealed: 1d20 ⇒ 14

She also attempts to determine what White is. RK, Known Weakness

Sure of her target, she fires.

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (4, 8) + 1 = 13 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 Critical Hit: Double Damage, 1d6 Persistent Bleed

"Bonk 'im, Gromfell!" she calls. White is OG to Gromfell

◆◆ Stride (x2)
◇ Devise
◇ Known Weakness

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Aiee! Zat 'urt!" Zhamie cries out. She pulls out a healing potion and drinks it down.

Lesser Healing: 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (7, 8) + 5 = 20

She lights her Wayfinder.

I'm assuming here that we have weapons out and loaded

◆ Interact
◆ Light

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ve don't know ze real story. Maybe vous can tell us?"

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Flee?! Sure vous jest! I vill not leave my friends!"

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Zhamie's gonna be earning her Doctor's fees tonight...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ve are all friends 'ere. Vous should join us and tell us vat ze real story is!"

Society: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Teja's Crit just covered for Erevan and me! :)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"A bon soir! Ve come in peace and friendship. 'Ave some berry pudding. I made zis one myself."

Society(E): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Society(E): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Not a crit no matter what... but I'll take it!

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie heads to Gromfell to treat his wounds.

Medicine(E), DC 20: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Healing, DC 20: 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (4, 3) + 10 = 17

Battle Med, DC 20, Forensic Medicine: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
Healing, Crit, DC 20, Forensic Med: 4d8 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (8, 5, 8, 3) + 10 + 5 = 39

Gromfell is immune to Zhamie's battle med for 1 hour (Forensic Med Methodology)

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Was tempted to throw a fireball (from a necklace of fireballs) in 05-15 (battle in Mahja's house). But I don't think the orcs would like me very much if I incinerate her corpse! :)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie reloads and tries to get an angle on Withered.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 15 Hits AC 30

Sure of her target, Zhamie places her other hand on her jezail to steady her aim before shooting it.

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (7, 2) + 1 = 10 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 Critical Hit: see spoiler below

If a 30 is a crit:

+1 Striking Jezail Critical Damage w/ Fatal Aim using Devise Strategem, Concussive, Strategic Strike: 2d12 + 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 1) + (5, 3) + 1 = 13 plus Fatal: 1d12 ⇒ 6 Double Base damage + Fatal d12 + 1d6 Persistent Bleed

"Boltblade! Bonk 'is 'ead! Withered is OG to Boltblade

◆ Reload
◇ Devise
◆ Interact (Fatal Aim)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ve did not destroy ze forest!" Zhamie calls to Malicious. "Vy don't vous stop zis and ve can talk about it?"

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie moves to the edge of the clearing and lights her Wayfinder, throwing more light at the area. She games the angles on Wilted and tries to determine what it is.

Devise: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Hits AC 31

Confident of her target, she shoots him/her/it...

Concussive Damage: 2d8 + 1 ⇒ (7, 4) + 1 = 12 with Strategic Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Critical Hit: Double Damage, 1d6 Persistent Bleed

She calls to Gromfell. "Bonk 'is 'ead, Grommfell!" (Wilted is OG to Grommfell)

◆ Stride
◆ Activate Wayfinder
◇ Devise (Firelight)
◇ Known Weakness

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie prepares her weapon, sensing that the voice doesn't sound friendly.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ah! Merci Erevan!" Zhamie says gratefully.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie takes a power nap after such a heavy meal. Before snoozing, however, she checks her weapons...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Sacre bleu!" she exclaims, "Who or vat are vous?! I saw vous trying to disrupt the children's play! Ve mean no 'arm! Ve are 'ere to prepare for ze Fire Vatch. Ve are from ze Pathfinder Society."

PFS Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Vere did zat dust cloud come from?" Zhamie looks around for a possible source.

Perc +14

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Fortitude: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Zhamie begins coughing as the dust cloud forms but manages to get clear.

"Vone of my friend ees an elf. She taught me some tricks."

Acrobatics(E), Pursue a Lead: 1d20 + 12 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 12 + 1 = 22

Unfortunately, Zhamie's attempt to replicate one of the Acrobatic trick goes wrong and she fails on the handstand.

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Pardon, Boltblade. I 'ad to do eet to make ze 'ealing faster." She helps the kobold to his feet.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

If we have 10 minutes...

Zhamie rushes to where Teja and Boltblade are peeling themselves off the forest floor. She gets to work treating them.

She pulls out a throwing knife. "'Old still mes amis! Zis vill sting a bit." She makes an incision and cleans out the wounds.

Slashing: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Taking out her sewing kit, she sutures the wounds closed before covering them with a clean bandage.

Treat Wounds, Risky Surgery, DC 20, Healer's Gloves: 1d20 + 15 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 15 + 1 + 2 = 34
Healing: 4d8 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 4) + 10 - 5 = 21

Both Teja and Boltblade get 21 hp back (Ward Medic)

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Mon Dieu, Professeur!" Zhamie screams as she sees Professor Whitegourd get trampled. She rushes to him as he peels himself off the ground. She immediately begins treating him.

Battle Medicine, Healer's Gloves, DC 20: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Healing, Forensic Medicine Methodology, DC 20: 2d8 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (1, 1) + 5 + 10 = 17
Professor Whitegourd is immune to her Battle Med for 1 hr instead of 1 day due to her Forensic Medicine Methodology

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Reflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

"Sacre Bleu!" Zhamie manages to exclaim before diving out of the way. She hits the ground, though she gets clipped by one of the bison's hooves. She tucks into a roll and comes up, a throwing knife in hand.

"Ees everyvone all right?" she calls.

She has a Pearly White Spindle Aeon stone so she'll be fine in 15 minutes

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie heads into the brush to see what she can find.

Crafting: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

"Aha! Zere is a large patch growing 'ere!" She gathers up all she can find.

If this can be considered as Pursuing a Lead (Active Investigation - Fire Watch) then she gets a +1 to the check, which makes it a crit success?

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Sacre Bleu! Vat eez 'appening!" Zhamie manages to pull her sap and swat the salt and pepper away before it reaches the mash. "Vere eez it coming from?!"

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5
GM Frost wrote:

I don't have info on Aztryx in the Macros, kindly roll your DC 22 Reflex save. Others can roleplay their reaction into this incident.

Aztryx isn't in this game. Grommfell has Ref +11

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"ah! Merci! Erevan! I'm sure it vill be useful! If vous do not vant it, Grommfell, I can take it" Zhamie tells the dwarf sweetly...

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Zhamie adds herbs to enhance the flavor.

Medicine(E): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21
Medicine(E), HP: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ah! Oui! Bonjour again, Mayor! Very nice to see vous again!"

"Ve vill gladly 'elp vous vith ze preparations! I am also curious vat ve need to do."

Zhaimie pulls out her notebook as her mentor, Isaku, taught her and takes some notes down on the task at hand. Active Investigation: Niishan's Fire Watch

Please note I'm currently running this scenario so I'll let those who are playing this the first time take the lead

Radiant Oath

Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

"Ah! Bonjour mes amis! I am Zhamie Zhapp. Detectif and docteur from Absalom. I vonder vat ve vill be doing 'ere. "

Zhamie is a woman of medium height. She carries a long weapon on her back as well a healer's kit strapped to her bandolier.

Radiant Oath

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sacre Bleu! | 2396852-2020 | NG Female Human | Back-Alley Doctor | Investigator Lvl 6 | ◆◇↺ | HP 63/63 | AC 21 | F/R/W: +11/+12/+14 | Perc +14 | 25 feet | Class DC 22 | Jezail Rounds: 50/50 | Medicine(E): +15, Crafting(E): +14, Acrobatics(E)/Society(E)/Athletics(E)/Arcana/Nature/Lore (PFS, Underworld)/Occultism/Religion/Survival: +12, Thievery/Stealth: +10, Diplomacy: +8, Deception(U)/Intimidation(U)/Performance(U): +5

Hi Isis. Looking forward to 05-15 next week. :)

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