You Know You Are Playing Pathfinder Too Much When...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
JohnF wrote:
Mistwalker wrote:
228. When your bosses consider you a hard worker, willing to work overtime, but never, ever, would think to ask that on your weekly game night.
You only play weekly? How can that possibly be too much?

Well, the game only happens once a week, but the planning and preparation happens pretty much seven days a week.

I am in the process of getting my 5 and 8 year olds to play, which will give me another gaming day. :)

Eugene Nelson wrote:

206: When your black cat jumps on the gaming table and it becomes a random black dragon encounter.

#16 hits home :(

This one happened so much we put our cat into a harness and leash to keep her from doing it. - Gauss

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

207. When you consider trying to schedule a business trip to Seattle to coincide with Paizocon

Signore di Fortuna wrote:

176. The most expensive anniversary gifts you've bought are swords.

177. You walk into a game store and gravitate towards people talking about Pathfinder...

178. ...Then you invite said people to your game night.

179. Your favorite webcomics center around roleplayers and/or D&D from the monsters' perspective.

180. You have had to explain what all your Pathfinder stuff is doing at work.

181. Whilst perusing your Bestiary 2 for future encounters, you restrain yourself from committing physical violence when someone walks by and calls it "porn".

RE: 179 What comic is that?

231: It's 3am and i wanna got to bed...
but gotta make an adequately thorough post on your pbp first cause you won't be able to for 39 hours due to family time over the holiday.

Drejk wrote:
Kyras Ausks wrote:
if you do it that way all the math is off and you wont get spreadsheet to work. check your math

I just made a spreadsheet and it worked fine. Maybe you used wrong function in spreadsheet to round down to integer values?

** spoiler omitted **

i just formatted my cells to round

waiph wrote:

RE: 179 What comic is that?

Umm...Weregeek, d20monkey, Goblins, Dungeons and Denizens and probably a bajillion more...

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Non-Pathfinder specific:
232. Real-life acronyms/initials get automatically switched to gaming terms in your head. (i.e. "That document will come out of the Hit Point printer", or when seeing a temperature of 68 degrees on an air conditioner you think, "damn! that's a high AC!")

233. Anytime you watch a sci-fi movie or show, you wonder if some element from it could be used in a Numeria campaign.

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234. Your knife collection contains both cold iron and silver weapons so that fiendish uprisings won't catch you off guard.

235. You sometimes people-watch and try to guess what class they would be based on their appearance.

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236. Str, Dex, Int, Wis, and Cha have all been added to your word processor's dictionary. (Con doesn't count since it's also another word.)

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237. You think this thread needs brought back to life, but you don't have a Diamond of high value.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

238. You reread this thread to see how many times your posts had been favored or quoted.

I have a coworker who used to jump out at me from hidibg with an invisible rapier and whisper sneak attack a couple times a week.

The Exchange

240. You have ever told someone leaving a room "Watch out for pit falls." That someone replies "And if I don't?" And you reply "The spikes will break your fall."

241. You see this thread as a possible Pathfinder book.

242. When the amount of variations and versions for one character is enough to comprise of a small army.

243. When you just say the hell with it, and make your character a total drug addict to reflect famous peoples lives who are addicts, because you've played everything else.

244. Your first reaction to this question is: There's no such thing as playing too much Pathfinder!!!!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

245. You volunteer to GM in the Grand Convocation with no idea what is going on.

246. You are really happy this thread is brought back to life.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Son of the Veterinarian wrote:
113. You have ever, in any way, been part of an attempt or discussion on creating a character from either Naruto or Bleach using Pathfinder rules.

My current character is *definitely* not a synthesist summoner with a nine-tailed fox eidolon. Nope. And he definitely isn't using gestalt rules to also be a multiclass monk/ninja.


Grizzly the Archer wrote:

242. When the amount of variations and versions for one character is enough to comprise of a small army.

243. When you just say the hell with it, and make your character a total drug addict to reflect famous peoples lives who are addicts, because you've played everything else.

Wait, someone waits with making total addict characters until he is left out of character ideas?!

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Kyras Ausks wrote:

211. when you spent 3hrs ting to figure out the math in pathfinder

oh and let me save you some time and sanity
fighter BAB=x*1
cleric BAB =x*75-.5
wizard BAB =x*.5-.5
good save =x*.5+1.5
bad save =x*.33-.33
then round up

Drejk wrote:

211a. You play too much Pathfinder when you spend 3 hours figuring math in Pathfinder and come with overly complex calculations instead of simple ones:

medium BAB: x * 3/4
low BAB: x * 1/2
good save: x/2 +2
bad save: x/3

Drop all fractions.

*coughs* <_<

Bard spells per day levels 1-4: =MAX(MIN(ROUND(0.016835*((Level-(3*(SpellLevel-1)))^3)-0.301227*((Level-(3* (SpellLevel-1)))^2)+1.96765*(Level-(3*(SpellLevel-1)))-0.753968)+MAX(INT((C haMod-SpellLevel)*0.25)+1,0),5+MAX(INT((ChaMod-SpellLevel)*0.25)+1,0)),0)

I have the other ones too, but...too lazy to translate them all over. <_<

Shadow Lodge

247. You sneak in from a long night out, and hit the stair that creaks - darn another 1 on my stealth roll!

Drejk wrote:
Grizzly the Archer wrote:

242. When the amount of variations and versions for one character is enough to comprise of a small army.

243. When you just say the hell with it, and make your character a total drug addict to reflect famous peoples lives who are addicts, because you've played everything else.

Wait, someone waits with making total addict characters until he is left out of character ideas?!

I've done addict characters, just not one that is typically centered around one person and their lifestyle. Like making a heavy, obese bard character who had a penchant for needles and the sort- Chris Farley and/or blushing.

248. When you would rather skip a family vacation then miss your Pathfinder game.

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248 Doesn't count.

Hells, I would rather skip a family vacation than miss a day at work. Or the dentist. Or proctologost. (At least the embarassment and uncomfortable situations are over quick with Dr. Coldfinger.)

Liberty's Edge

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249. You buy a Nissan Rogue or a Nissan Pathfinder just because of the name.

250. When you hang around a pond or something similar and think about the Dire Crocodiles that could be living within.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

251. You see a sale for Pathfinder books and have a list of PDFs in mind. When you go to purchase those PDFs, all of them are already in your downloads.

252. You pick up a part-time job to pay for your Pathfinder/gaming habit ... and rue that you don't have time for your gaming habit. apologies if this is a repeat.

253. When teaching you think about what character classes your students best fit.

254. You check your campaigns, recruitment threads and the off-topic forums three times before you check your actual e-mail.

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255. You think Facebook would be better if they got rid of all that silly frippery and just had virtual tabletops.

256. You have used The Sims (1,2, or 3) to create dungeons for Pathfinder.

257. You have gone to a sushi bar and said, "I wonder if they import this from Minkai."

258. You wonder what layers of the Abyss fast 'food' is imported from.

259. You've forgotten the passwords to secondary and tertiary e-mails, et al because none of them match your password.

260. You think that the Army should issue necklaces of fireballs, a brace of 9th level wands of magic missile and +5 chain shirts of heavy fortification instead of what the Army uses now. Yes this is silly.

261. you try to shedule a game, but have no time to fit in it between all the other pathfinder games you run/participate in

Turin the Mad wrote:

258. You wonder what layers of the Abyss fast 'food' is imported from.

259. You've forgotten the passwords to secondary and tertiary e-mails, et al because none of them match your password.

260. You think that the Army should issue necklaces of fireballs, a brace of 9th level wands of magic missile and +5 chain shirts of heavy fortification instead of what the Army uses now. Yes this is silly.

No wand of cure light wounds as a standard issue?

Drejk wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

258. You wonder what layers of the Abyss fast 'food' is imported from.

259. You've forgotten the passwords to secondary and tertiary e-mails, et al because none of them match your password.

260. You think that the Army should issue necklaces of fireballs, a brace of 9th level wands of magic missile and +5 chain shirts of heavy fortification instead of what the Army uses now. Yes this is silly.

No wand of cure light wounds as a standard issue?

Been playing too much FPS lately ... although I'd want your addition - medics get breath of life too.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

262. You watched the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics and thought, "This Industrial Revolution set piece would make an awesome campaign setting!"

Seriously. A coven of top-hat wearing wizards paving over reality and conjuring smokestacks from the ground by making synchronized mechanical gestures? That's steampunk setting gold!

Dark Archive

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When filling out your profile or job application, you input the information for one of the characters that you play in role-playing games.

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"Hey, you think I can land that?"
"Depends on your Acrobatics skill. I do know that if you miss you'll be taking about 3d6 damage."

265. You believe getting your GM stars for PFS is more important than any video game achievement.

266. (If male:)You can roleplay a female Pathfinder character with ranks in Profession(courtesan) better than a female character in an MMO.

The Exchange

267. You fell off of something and immediately think "1d6 damage sucks!"

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268. During the drive to work you start thinking up Pathfinder Light Bulb Jokes

269. This thread never gets old. :P

270. You say to your spouse/SO that the Olympics don't allow taking 10 or 20.

271. You've thought about writing "Do Adventurers Dream of Chain Mail Clad Sheep?"

272. Your CRB doubles as your pillow.

273. You wish Adobe would just start calling them PFDs (Pathfinder Document) instead.

274. Your wife brings up a gaming group that posted on her job's classifieds looking for players and you only consider calling if they list Pathfinder as a game option (Unfortunately, they play on weekends and I work those. C'mon, we need more weekday gamers in Arkansas!).

275. Your week's most interesting discussion of morality is not with a friend from church but on this forum.

276. You can't bare to see your favorite Pathfinder thread die.

277. The time that isn't spent on the forums or creating new characters is used designing a new tactical combat simulator.

Liberty's Edge

Grizzly the Archer wrote:

242. When the amount of variations and versions for one character is enough to comprise of a small army.

243. When you just say the hell with it, and make your character a total drug addict to reflect famous peoples lives who are addicts, because you've played everything else.

278. But...I played those drug addicts. Years ago...

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279. You're listening to a witness in court and you think that he just failed his bluff roll.

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