[Frog God Games] Opinion Poll - Slumbering Tsar Saga Maps

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Frog God Games

As the time approaches to start putting together the massive Slumbering Tsar Saga more and more people are asking about the final format and how the maps will be presented.

Now, we are already moving forward with a PDF with the "Player Maps" which is, at this point, intended to be a free download. It would be a simple matter to create another downloadable PDF for "GM Maps". So we'll see.

What I would like to ask is how folks would like to see the maps done in the final product.

A) Inserted into the pertinent area of the adventure.
B) Compiled in the back of the volume.
C) Both
D) Map Dictator - NO MAPS FOR YOU!
E) Other

Dark Archive

Chuck Wright wrote:

As the time approaches to start putting together the massive Slumbering Tsar Saga more and more people are asking about the final format and how the maps will be presented.

Now, we are already moving forward with a PDF with the "Player Maps" which is, at this point, intended to be a free download. It would be a simple matter to create another downloadable PDF for "GM Maps". So we'll see.

What I would like to ask is how folks would like to see the maps done in the final product.
A) Inserted into the pertinent area of the adventure.
B) Compiled in the back of the volume.
C) Both
D) Map Dictator - NO MAPS FOR YOU!
E) Other


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Chuck Wright wrote:

A) Inserted into the pertinent area of the adventure.
B) Compiled in the back of the volume.
C) Both
D) Map Dictator - NO MAPS FOR YOU!
E) Other

C & E

Always like them with the area of the adventure, but liked them compiled as well.

That said, E would be I would like many of them re-done to deemphasize the shading of the grid. Many of the maps the Grid shade so closely matches the Map Drawing Shade it is hard to distinguished them, at least on PDF, I do not yet have a physical product to tell if it is the same.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Frog God Games

My vote is "C", too.

C as well.

And I agree with Dragnmoon - some are hard to discern where there are walls vs grid lines.

Grand Lodge

C & E. And option E: please add the map numbers/symbols as layers into the final pdf, so when the images are exported out (for us VTT users), the symbols are stripped out.

Having to manually photoshop out the numbers/symbols is my own hellis First World Problem.

Frog God Games

As I have said before it's not possible to do it that way because of the format that we get the maps in. We are compiling a Player Maps download (free) that will have the maps stripped of the numbers.

my vote is for C

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Goatlord wrote:
my vote is for C

C here as well

C, definitely. :)

C. And please make them layered so I can eliminate the numbers and letters and secret doors and don't have to photoshop them out myself. I HATE doing that.

Grand Lodge

Chuck Wright wrote:
We are compiling a Player Maps download (free) that will have the maps stripped of the numbers.

Will this Player's Map also be stripped of secret areas as well?

Nothing screams "secret door" to a player than a dead-end hallway with a room behind it plainly visible on "their" map...

Oh, and my vote would be for "C" as well...

I vote for C. But whatever form it takes will be fine.

Chuck Wright wrote:

As the time approaches to start putting together the massive Slumbering Tsar Saga more and more people are asking about the final format and how the maps will be presented.

Now, we are already moving forward with a PDF with the "Player Maps" which is, at this point, intended to be a free download. It would be a simple matter to create another downloadable PDF for "GM Maps". So we'll see.

What I would like to ask is how folks would like to see the maps done in the final product.

A) Inserted into the pertinent area of the adventure.
B) Compiled in the back of the volume.
C) Both
D) Map Dictator - NO MAPS FOR YOU!
E) Other

The jester in my wants to say, "D, just give us text boxes describing each room and let the PLAYERS draw the map," but my real vote is for C.

A big vote from me for the separate PDF of "Player Maps" (with secret doors and secret areas removed) and a separate PDF of GM Maps (with all the goodies shown).

Frog God Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Guys - I can't layer the final print product! ;)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Option C.

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Can we have player-friendly maps in the back/seperate pdf and the keyed maps in the book?

Shadow Lodge

C) Both
E) Other - Please build me a full-size model of the entire thing using papier-mâché.

My choice is C as well.

I know you said you can't layer the final product, but I hope if you do go down the C route, you are able to find a solution in not showing the secret doors/rooms on the player maps as it does sort of defeat the purpose in being player maps if they are shown.

Shadow Lodge

Chuck Wright wrote:
Guys - I can't layer the final print product! ;)

Sure you can! Transparency sheets, like in some biological illustrations of the human body! Add that to the list, along with the full scale model and the map booklet.

Option C

Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I worked on "Player-ifying" the maps for the first three books and I can tell you that I removed areas that screamed "secret door". Three's one that was tricky as it leaves an obvious void. but I did my best with those.

I believe that Greg is working with our cartographer (Robert Altbauer) to do the same with the rest of the Player Maps.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is awesome news! Purchasing the subscription when Frog god went live was a great investment, perhaps one of the best I've made in the last couple of years, and the player's maps will add even more value.

Dark Archive

I would like a seperate booklet in a flap pocket on the inside of the back cover, but option C would also work (the seperate book of maps for the RAR box set was great).

Will there be any of this kind of this additional map work for the bonus material that comes with the full sub?

Frog God Games

We are currently working on a Player Maps download for all. I'm not sure how it will be distributed but Greg has said that we have no intention of adding to the cost.

Frog God Games

The trend that I'm starting to see (and I personally agree with) is for the DM Maps to be located where they belong in the adventure and for the back of the book to have compiled Player Maps.

It would be a simple thing to also make a GM Maps PDF booklet available along with the Player Maps PDF booklet that folks would be able to download and print out or share with their players as they see fit.

Also, for the more low-tech or ink-starved among us, the Player Maps in the back and the stitch-binding will allow for easy photocopying with very limited damage (if any) to the integrity of the book.

If you own a copy of Tome of Horrors Complete, please attest to the awesomeness of the bindings FGG pays for. <grin>

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'll stick my money on C. One of the things that really put me off WotC's later adventures was having half the info for an encounter in one place, then the rest somewhere else in the book, so I think the maps should be with the rest of the encounter for easy reference, while having a separate maps section or handout makes said maps easier to use/copy/etc for actual play. Handout rather than separate books section is probably best because that helps eliminate page flipping in what looks to be one large book.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Yes, the binding on the Tome of Horrors Complete was awesome. One of the best I have seen in an RPG book.

+1 dm maps in the book, player maps in the back.

Grand Lodge

Chuck Wright wrote:
It would be a simple thing to also make a GM Maps PDF booklet available along with the Player Maps PDF booklet that folks would be able to download and print out or share with their players as they see fit.

I'll add my vote for this option... :-)

Frog God Games

Room numbers, secret doors, traps, etc. are being removed from the players' maps. The grid has also been lightened and the texturing removed to make all the maps easier to read. We can't fill in voids for secret rooms, halls, etc. because that involves adjusting the original drawings (or whatever you call them in computer talk), so you'll need to cover them with something. I find that MapTool does a great job because you can black out areas and then just uncover them on the screen as they are explored with no telltale secret door marks to give stuff away.

We're trying to do what everyone wants on these to make it the best product possible, but there are some things that we will, unfortunately, be unable to do. Paizo's standard of awesomeness is a mixed blessing because it is both full of awesomeness but also sets a standard for technical awesomeness that little guys like FGG are hard-pressed to try and match.

Anyway, I hope that answers most of your questions about how the maps are going to look. Chuck, as he mentioned, is still working out how he will lay them out.

Thanks, everyone, for all your interest and ideas!


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm good with option 'C' as well. That way I can drop the player map into d20Pro for in-game play (d20Pro has Fog of War so I can, with a little effort, cover/expose areas of the map as necessary) and have the DM version near to the encounter descriptions in the pertinent areas of the adventure. This means A LOT less clicking and/or scrolling in the .pdf.

Me likey!

Sovereign Court


Auxmaulous wrote:
I would like a seperate booklet in a flap pocket on the inside of the back cover, but option C would also work (the seperate book of maps for the RAR box set was great).

A really cheap and easy way to create your own flap pocket on the inside cover is to use a paper grocery bag to make a book cover. This serves the dual purpose of protecting your beautiful book AND providing a flap to hold the map booklet that you will be making from the Map booklet PDFs.

This is what I did to hold/preserve the map that came with The Black Monastery.

Shadow Lodge

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I am saddened by the lack of support for my papier-mâché model suggestion. :(

I vote for A. I never quite understood the need for maps in two places. With the area they pertain to makes sense to me.

Kthulhu wrote:
I am saddened by the lack of support for my papier-mâché model suggestion. :(

I fully support it and would even contribute 1,000 cents towards its development!

Frog God Games

Kthulhu wrote:
I am saddened by the lack of support for my papier-mâché model suggestion. :(

My mistake, I thought that was the one we were going with. Isn't that option C?

Shadow Lodge

Also, I'd like for you to:
1) Build the Black Monastary in my back yard, and
2) Dig out Rappan Athuck (with all the new levels) under it.

Black Monastary/Rappan Athuck LARP FTW!

Frog God Games

We're still working on 2 in Bill's backyard, but it keeps filling with water (stupid Puget Sound).

Kthulhu wrote:

Also, I'd like for you to:

1) Build the Black Monastary in my back yard, and
2) Dig out Rappan Athuck (with all the new levels) under it.

Black Monastary/Rappan Athuck LARP FTW!

As a LARPer myself, i must say: Yes, yes, dear god, YES!

However, seeing as that might just end up increasing the cost of the book ever so slightly, i'll vote for C (However, i will change that vote to A if we get the PDF player map pack)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Chuck Wright wrote:
The trend that I'm starting to see (and I personally agree with) is for the DM Maps to be located where they belong in the adventure and for the back of the book to have compiled Player Maps.

Sounds good.

Chuck Wright wrote:
It would be a simple thing to also make a GM Maps PDF booklet available along with the Player Maps PDF booklet that folks would be able to download and print out or share with their players as they see fit.

I would really like both PDFs. Having the maps in the adventure as well as compiled addresses two different jobs, and as such is mega-useful.

Chuck Wright wrote:

Also, for the more low-tech or ink-starved among us, the Player Maps in the back and the stitch-binding will allow for easy photocopying with very limited damage (if any) to the integrity of the book.

If you own a copy of Tome of Horrors Complete, please attest to the awesomeness of the bindings FGG pays for. <grin>


Thank you!

Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HolmesandWatson wrote:

I vote for A. I never quite understood the need for maps in two places. With the area they pertain to makes sense to me.

I think that it makes sense if they are GM Maps in the adventure and Player Maps compiled at the end of the book, in my humble opinion.

C - Both. Another vote from a Slumbering Tsar subscriber.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My vote is C.

Ditto, C is best. I really love what Paizo's done with their interactive maps, and this sound about the same, just in two separate files :)

Having nabbed the full subscription, I'd say spoilerific DM maps in the adventure, player-safe maps compiled in the back, C. Cheers!

Dark Archive

Chuck Wright wrote:
We are currently working on a Player Maps download for all. I'm not sure how it will be distributed but Greg has said that we have no intention of adding to the cost.

Is there any word on this download yet? I'm itching to get some of the PC friendly maps to my table without having to leave my book out.

Frog God Games

Carbon D. Metric wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:
We are currently working on a Player Maps download for all. I'm not sure how it will be distributed but Greg has said that we have no intention of adding to the cost.

Is there any word on this download yet? I'm itching to get some of the PC friendly maps to my table without having to leave my book out.

The Bytes Interactive A+ Downloads person was still on vacation last I heard. The player maps, already in the hardcover book, will be included along with the remainder of The Slumbering Tsar Saga (with the exception of the bonus chapter). If you ordered from Paizo, I believe the pdf will be available from them some time afterwards, but they would know better than I.

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