To murder a fellow player character.


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Grand Lodge

TOZ wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Any advice?
Stop playing with that guy.

Yeah, that means not playing with my actual friends.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
As a side note, I play with this guy in a Saga game, and his character in that game is pretty cool. I really did not see this character coming.

Any other differences in the game? Different GM or whatever?

Reading most of the thread I was all like, "Make a badger-folk grappling monk that flies into a blood rage whenever he hears riddles."

Reading that quoted bit up there, though, makes me think he's got a concept he thinks is really entertaining, but it's not.

Maybe there's hope.

Then again the whole "silence is lying, I took a vow!" thing makes me think it's time for turtle soup.

Ask the DM to have his god strike him mute ala the oracle curse with all the handicaps that entails as punishment for his efforts to harm people with the truth?

Grand Lodge

Yeah, this DM is kind of a "deal amongst thyselves" sort of DM. I have hinted often that this character pisses me off. I have also told this player that his character pisses off my character. I have not told this player that his character pisses me off. If I did not think I could pull off murdering his character without hurt feelings, then I wouldn't consider it. I just want to be sure I do it right, and if I cannot figure out how, then I won't. I just really want a way to get rid of the character, but not the player.

I read through the whole first page, and unless I have gone blind in my old age not one person said "run this scheme by your DM first" yet.

Which is probably a good idea. Give your DM a chance to talk you out of it... or not, as the case may be. But few things can be as disruptive to a campaign as pvp, so you should definitely not spring this on him.

Ask the DM for Silence potions that last 24 hours and have everyone rotate poison duty, including amongst the NPCs, using notes and texts, so he doesn't realize where it came from?

Grand Lodge

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Update: My DM just gave me the okay to murder the guy. Laughed and asked if I was going to make turtle soup. I did not expect that answer.

A garrote will often nearly decapitate a person... it is a stealthy way to kill someone in that, they wont be alive long, and cant yell out, but they can still kick and gurgle for a few seconds, and there will be lots and lots of blood, so it is not a "what? noooo... i have no idea what happened, he must have had a heart attack in his sleep!" sort of a death.

you are on a boat though, coup de grace him with a blunt object, then toss him overboard at night... no body, very little blood. if you can figure a way to become silenced for even a few rounds, it will help tremendously getting into his room + clubbing without waking any one else up.

Scarab Sages

On the boat, is there any way to arrange a "mishap" with faulty equipment? Ooops, how did that spare 100lbs of iron attached to the rope with an inconvenient loop in it be placed there where your foot got into it? and then however did you manage to fall off the side of the boat dragging it after you? Oh dear!"

I dont know. Wand of animate rope or something? Have some big wood piece sweep him off his feet ala the first "Pirates of the Carribean" movie, and only this time drop him overboard.

All done without the rest of the party knowing of course, and even better if the victim doesn't know it was you either. That way, he cannot come back with his avenging cousin or what the heck ever, and be all butthurt about it.

I have had occasion to kill other PCs in game before, and inevitably it comes back to haunt you in some manner...there will always be that small amount of butthurt which grows and grows.

Grand Lodge

I like the garrote idea. I have a +15 stealth, so being sneaky is not a problem. I am not proficient with a garrote, but that should not matter. I have a 18 strength and a coup de grace should kill him in one blow. With a minimum DC 24 fortitude save, I think this 2nd level monk is going to be dead without having to use the choke aspect of the weapon. Maybe a weapon with the deadly property would be better?

in that case, I'll offer an idea from a paranoia campaign we did recently:

One of our players drew the "you are a suicide bomber, you must destroy this base" card from the character stack. Other NPCs started making drops to get messages to him to stop him and change his orders to blowing up something, stealing something else and returning to base. Each of us successfully intercepted the orders, inevitably resulting in him blowing himself up.

Until the unveil at the end, he legitimately thought the DM had forced him to kill himself... it was only then he found out we made him kill himself.

Thus, I suggest: Arrange a situation that makes him think his character got itself killed, while making it look like you're all trying to save him and simply are unable to. He'll think it was bad luck.

Then lift the curtain. Maybe yell candid camera.

Grand Lodge

Circumstances leave me with a lot less options in murder, but I believe I can do it. I cannot drown him as he has a swim speed, and a good climb. As a flowing monk he has high saves, so poisons that we could afford wouldn't cut it. Our short bursts on land are in villages and jungles, and we tend to not split up. A silent murder in the night is all I could think of that can work. If any one has other ideas, I would love to hear them.

Grand Lodge

Maybe a katana would work better than the garrote?

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Wait until he is in combat and initiative has already been rolled.

Wait again until he has been wounded and then flank and finish him.

The rest of the party will be too involved in the combat to react straight away. Then just have a great story prepared on how he was a devil...

The murder in his sleep is also a great one. Just message the dm with a note saying 'Tortle boy doesn't wake up this morning'.

And act shocked when you find out he's dead and vow to find the assassin!

Does his character like drinking? If so, get him hammered (and poison all his drinks; even if he has good saves, poison all night long will eventually get to him. Make it a Con damage poison so his saves get worse).

Once he's blotto, garrote him and dump the body.

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*Maroon him on an island, preferably with turtleivorous giant crabs/islanders/necrotic reefs.

*Hoist him from the yard arm and shoot at him until dead, all the while spouting riddles, or sell "shoot the tortle" tickets to NPCs he has annoyed.

*Tell the player you want to kill his character and why. Then don't and say you did. Feel better about it for approximately zero seconds. Kill character and say you didn't.

*Call out player on Kung-fu Panda concept steal. Appeal to other players. Kill character.

*Show player this thread. Count all fors and againsts. Ask his opinion. Kill character.

* Strangle tortle with katana. As a test of prowess, ingenuity and skill.

*have your lizardfolk character commit ritual seppuku. Roll up unarmed combat, limerick spouting tortle with savage sarcasm lisp +2 and trickle-down loot distribution fetish. THEN kill his tortle and keep playing said tortle until vexing player buckles down and admits he was vewwy vewwy wong. Have own character commit suicide. Make new character. Chaotic neutral this time.

*Get over it and wait till some other party member hires you to kill him.

* Have you killed the f$&king tortle yet! This wolf is hungry for soup!

Grand Lodge

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Yeah, murder in his sleep seems the best option as of now, unless someone can suggest another. What do you think, garrote, or katana?


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Yeah, murder in his sleep seems the best option as of now, unless someone can suggest another. What do you think, garrote, or katana?

Blunt object, more vicious.

Definitely write down a riddle and leave it on his pillow.

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"What's true, slightly twisted, and always fatal?"

A scythe's x4 crit on a coup de grace?

Grand Lodge

I have ran the numbers and the max hit points he could have is 28 and the
max fortitude save he could have is +8. Nice catch with the x4 scythe.

Style points for wearing a black robe. ;D

blackbloodtroll wrote:
I am not looking for justification, I am looking for resolution. I have played evil characters in the past without pissing off a single player. This is why I have been given the okay time after time by GMs when I do choose to play evil characters. Evil does not equal jerk, you do not need to be evil to be a jerk. I like the idea of murdering the character, but would like to do it in a way in which my fellow players are cool with. Any advice to get players/characters to be cool with this is appreciated as well. If there is no way that is possible, then I am still open to other suggestions.

If you are a pirate, roleplay that you are a pirate. Cut his throat in his sleep. Have the party get on-board, take him alive, chained up, and throw him off a ship into the deep sea. Get the party grappler to throw him to the sharks, poison his food.

Or, do the very silly thing of getting the party on-board and his character kicked out of the party. Yes, you sabotaged the mission, you are fired, get out of here before we kill you.

Simple, no need to hold his hand. Unless you keep it as a memento. Also blinding, the byzantines loved blinding so if you are a Mediterranean-eque pirate...

Iced2k wrote:

The murder in his sleep is also a great one. Just message the dm with a note saying 'Tortle boy doesn't wake up this morning'.

And act shocked when you find out he's dead and vow to find the assassin!

The tortle is sleeping with the fishes.

Grand Lodge

No, my character is not a pretend pirate. A gentleman and a murderer, but no pirate.

If you go for the garrote, it won't be a gentle option.

You could make it a duel if you feel like being a dashing bravo. Warning, risk looking foolish and losing.

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Since this is not my game and I don't have to deal with the hurt feelings, I would like to remind you that the light pick also has a x4 crit and is much more mundane and concealable.

I should mention that every subsequent dose of poison increases the DC to save by 2. Over a period of drinking, if you keep applying doses of a poison, the DC will keep increasing until he fails. You aren't going to know when he fails, just that he did. So you keep applying the poison, which hopefully drains con, further reducing his save, until he is dead.

If you simply murder him in his sleep, try and leave evidence of devils. Go to Hell 'R Us and pick up some Fire and Brimstone so people think the devils killed him.

Drown him in riddles.

Sure, why not duel him. He sounds terrible. Might make the player less pissed too.

Or,.....maybe you could tell the player of the turtle dude how you feel, and have a nice heart-to-heart like....

Grand Lodge

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That's entirely too mature a response, Spanky. I expected better of you.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
TOZ wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Any advice?
Stop playing with that guy.
Yeah, that means not playing with my actual friends.

As a servicemember who has had to build a new group at least three times, I cannot offer you any sympathy in that regard.

TriOmegaZero wrote:

That's entirely too mature a response, Spanky. I expected better of you.


Sorry; I'm sort of ill right now.

You can tell by my inability to do quotes right that I'm under the weather.

This is why I like warforged.....they don't need to sleep, so they can pull guard duty and wait until everybody is in REM sleep and waste the whole party if it suits them.

That better?


Erm as a general point I would sit him down talk to him entirely out of character and let him know how you feel, then inform him as to why his argument of "I'm just roleplaying!" doesn't make sense. It's actually fairly simple, this is a group of people who live together, travel together, and fight together under potentially lethal consequences with some frequency if they couldn't trust each other and get along for the most part would they really do that? I mean if these guys were racist dbags to each other and constantly screwing each other over would they still be friends and if they weren't friends would they spend any time whatsoever adventuring together?

He really ought to see the logic behind that and rethink whether or not his role actually makes sense.

I dunno, gnomersy; having gotten GM approval, and at least the tacit acknowledgement that the Tortle is a douche from the other players, his behavior -- if the descriptions are accurate -- seems to indicate that "the Talk" would be a waste of breath... kinda like the Tortle in question.

Heck, my evil-est characters don't pull stuff like that on their own party.

Besides, I want to hear the report on how the murder attempt plays out!


If you kill him make sure to include quieting needles. That way you can get your vengeance even if he comes back as the turtle dies in agony from the needles in his liver.

Faking a note from his monastery revealing that he has been exiled for breaking the codes, and setting up a false seppuku would be amusing. Just tell the other players that he asked you to be his second as you were the closest person after he received the letter. Would also give you a reason to chop off his head with a Katana in his sleep.
Heck, get a good enough fake and you won't need to kill him he would do it himself.

Grand Lodge

Set up another truth or truth with a BEG and as he's telling the truth of all your plans, keep interrupting him with your own version of the truth which, of course, you have been subtly manipulating in the background with every flippin' NPC you can get our hands on. do it in such a way as to make him out to be the biggest lier and make it look like he thinks the BEG is too stupid to see through it... make everything he says piss the BEG off and let the BEG have him... and if the other players object, turn them in too. it's the LAWFUL thing to do, and if they expose your crimes, point out that you were working undercover for the Goddragon.

if you survive this gambit, you sneak in and rescue the other players and escape.... just make sure the distraction for the breakout is the tortle being lead away to be tortured to deat...err.. have a talk with the BEG who, after your honeyed words, now believes he is the leader of a rebellion and is an immortal regenerating being that can easily withstand normal torture and should likely be vivisected first, just to show they mean business and when he comes back to life they can begin asking questions....

Katana power attack coup de gras in tortle-boy's sleep. Toss his broke carcass off the poop deck. *if* he survives the coup de gras Fort save, odds are he's in negative hp. Use the katana two-handed for maximum damage output. Don't forget its "deadly" quality.

If you don't lop his head clean off, tossing his unconscious self in the drink should preceeded by a knife under the ribs. Leave the dagger in.

Mop up the gwilch and make like nothing happened until you wake up in the morning. GM should handle it via a note (as suggested above). Be flabbergasted that some one would have the temerity to off tortle-boy. Express condolences. Most importantly, have a wake celebrating his unexpected shuffling off to Nirvana. Party hard.

Pick up a proper scaliwag at your next port of call (his replacemnt), party hard in celebration of the spirit of those dauntless crew that have shuffled off their mortal coil with the race to find the McGuffin to deliver a full cranial evacuation upon the Gawd-Dragon thing.

I suspect that tortle-boy's player is looking for a foil or straightman to his character. Indulgence may be in order ... once you have turtle soup for breakfast.

Movin wrote:

If you kill him make sure to include quieting needles. That way you can get your vengeance even if he comes back as the turtle dies in agony from the needles in his liver.

Faking a note from his monastery revealing that he has been exiled for breaking the codes, and setting up a false seppuku would be amusing. Just tell the other players that he asked you to be his second as you were the closest person after he received the letter. Would also give you a reason to chop off his head with a Katana in his sleep.
Heck, get a good enough fake and you won't need to kill him he would do it himself.

...that's f***ed up.

Personally, I would talk with the other player and come to some kind of understanding. Life becomes simpler over time.

If that is the route you are not going, have fun and remove his tongue, watch the dude that likes to role play this talky guy not be able to speak. For added bonus points, lop off his fingers, so he can't write. As he is a poverty monk he is beholden on the party to cast the whatever spell it is to grow that stuff back. He should still be able to do his monk stuff still and is useful to you that way.

Grand Lodge

I won't be able to do it until the 29th, and I will post results. I think I will be as kind and helpful as possible prior to the deed. For those who suggest the talk method, yeah, I would always suggest that, and have tried. This is the first time I can think of that killing the annoying pc might actually work out. I have told another one of the players, and I got a fist bump. I had no idea how well this idea would be received.

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You better post the results. I'm anxious to hear the outcome.

One word of advice: Talk over with the DM to see if you can have it all done without you giving your character's actions at the table. The DM could have the character roll his perception checks at severe negatives and if he fails have him make a fort save. Actually, if you use a scythe and do a coup de grace then I doubt a save is even in order as the minimum damage likely puts him at negatives. So long as the character doesn't notice then the player doesn't need to know either. Lack of OOC information negates the possibility of meta-gaming vengence. The DM could just say, "You never wake up. You have a dream that never ends and enter Nirvana with a feeling that you have accomplished your life's work." If the player asks what happened the DM could just say, "You have no way of knowing what happened in the waking world as you were asleep at the time."

This is a sort of passive way of hopefully getting the point across. If he asks the party's opinion of how this could have happened you still have the ability to play innocent. But I would be tempted to perhaps point out that it is likely that he pissed someone off by jeopardizing the mission and you wouldn't doubt it was one of his allies. I think it would be the most honest response to come from your character anyway.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
He is an "actor"(that is what he does for a living) and he is merely acting out the part.

He needs to understand that an RPG is not a play. It's a game, where people participate to have fun. Ruining other peoples' fun on purpose is not acceptable behavior. Playing in an RPG is not the same as acting, because with acting (in most cases anyway) someone has determined what your character will do ahead of time. You just have to make it believable to the audience. In an RPG, you have to decide all of your character's actions, and you as a player have a certain responsibility not to purposely siderail the adventure for the sake of "playing your character".

We all expect an audio recording of the session at the very minimum.

If I hear this douche crying, I will pay for a pathfinder pdf for you.

You must not fail in this task. Record and upload!

Grand Lodge

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Iced2k wrote:

We all expect a audio recording of the session at the very minimum.

If I hear this douche crying, I will pay for a pathfinder pdf for you.

You must not fail in this task. Record and upload!

He is much too prideful to cry over character death. I do not mind punching him in the groin for money(pdf) if that's what you are asking.

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