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James Sutter wrote:Since I wrote the third adventure for Shattered Star, I can safely say that you'll find some stuff from Distant Worlds hiding in there. And City of Strangers, for that matter. :)I was already looking forward to Shattered Star, but you just dialed My excitment up to 11!
Agreed! After reading his great work on Kaer Maga and loving some Distant Worlds (my new vote for best book in the Campaign line, btw), I think Mr. Sutter is now one of my most favorite Paizo authors. Super excited that he's got a part to play in Shattered Star. :)

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Since I wrote the third adventure for Shattered Star, I can safely say that you'll find some stuff from Distant Worlds hiding in there. And City of Strangers, for that matter. :)
Multiple questions/comments
1. Actually, I've been working on a City Of Strangers campaign of my own, and Distant worlds has given me a bajillion ideas for some arcs at mid-level. The two books really complement eachother.
by the way, does that fungus patch under Kaer Maga have something to do with the new Fungus Great Old One? Or is it just a demon lord?
Also, are the Dreaming Stones some sort of dormant Gate, or a navigational/scrying tool? I'm trying to remember anything else in City of Strangers that explicitly links to Distant Worlds.
2. If we want to really push the "this book is awesome" thing, what's the best way to do it? I already picked it up from my FLGS today, and I intend on spreading around some positive reviews. Is it better for paizo to have people buy things off the site?

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I guess my mentality on this falls in line with "What's so boring about Golarion that people already want to get off from it?"
It's not that I find Golarion boring at all. I love it. There's all sorts of areas of Golarion I want to see more about. Vudra (despite my slight dislike of psionics) and anything related to the Ulfen peoples and the places they live are at the top of the list.
For me though, I love planets. Real world and in fiction. This dates back to at least second grade when we did a study of the solar system. Maybe before. In Star Wars, my single favorite book ever published is The Essential Atlas, which is a big book of planets. Every time there's a big news release about a new real world planet that's been discovered, I'm excited. Until I realize that no human being will ever visit any of these places within my lifetime.
So that's part of why I want a planets AP. It's wish fulfillment for something I'd love to be able to do in real life but never ever will.
There's also the issue of getting players. I used to play Star Wars Saga Edition. It wasn't easy to find players. With Pathfinder, there are at least 20 people locally who play PFS who I could potentially recruit as players.
It will be a whole lot easier to recruit those players into a planetary campaign if I've got a Paizo AP to work from. I could homebrew something. I've been working on ideas for an interplanetary campaign since I first came across info about Castrovel. However, Paizo's adventure-crafting skills are known and respected, especially among PFS players. That makes it easier to convince players to try a campaign idea that is not a typical Pathfinder campaign.
To top it off, the planets in the Golarion system are just freakin' cool. They fire my imagination, like Jamelray and Vudra do. Like the Land of the Linnorm Kings, Irrisen, and the Land of the Mammoth Lords do. Like the Eye of Abendego does. Like the Worldwound does. Like tales of lost Azlant do.
So it's not that I find Golarion boring and want to leave it behind permanently. I just want to expand my options a bit.

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+1 to much of what Edric said and to just expand on it further...
I love "exploration style" adventures. I still remember being a kid when the Expert set came out and introduced the idea of the "Wilderness" adventure to me. Blew my mind that there was more to D&D than dungeons! And I can still remember being little, climbing a mountain and looking out over miles of wilderness thinking "What's out there?"
Anyway, (many) years later, and I still love the idea of exploration adventures. Loved the implementation in Kingmaker where you had to tame uncharted wilderness. Liked it in Serpent Skull where you discover a lost city. And frankly, it doesn't get more exploration than visiting alien worlds.

Mortagon |

I would love to see a planet-hopping AP. Distant worlds may be my favorite take on space fantasy ever, and one of the best source books I have read for any RPG.
I can see an AP about the pc's traveling to another planet and discovering some galactic plot to invade Golarion and the struggle to stop the invasion since they are the only Golarionites? who knows about the threat. The first and last part could be based on Golarion while the other parts is based around discovering the conspiracy of the invasion and gathering allies to help in stopping it and also finding a way to get back home.

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I am not sure I want an AP with more than one distant world (two at most) but for me even an old John Carter - Got there by accident and just have to survive an alien world is enough for me... I actually plan to do this to my Serpent Skull group when it is all over now that this supplement is out. The ideas are already swirling around in my head...

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Personally I would rather see a Worldwound/Mendev adventure path. I've wanted that to happen ever since I first read about the region and conflict. That said, yes, please give us a planetary adventure path at some point! While I haven't actually read Distant Worlds yet, the feedback from my fellow fans so far seems overwhelmingly positive and if anyone can pull off a planetary adventure path, it's Paizo.

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I thought that I was +1 on this idea. I've skimmed Distant Worlds and love it, and I'm enchanted by the idea of pulp-style galaxy exploration.
Then the real utility of the rest of the solar system, in the context of adventure paths, occurred to me: instead of a whole path, the other planets are best used in other adventure paths, as destinations for macguffins. Instead of going to the Plane of Whatever, we now have the option of going to another planet to find the ritual/chase the villain/retrieve the artifact/verb the noun.
This way, instead of a single adventure path focused at a limited audience, we get planetary exploration all the time. Since I don't actually like the overuse of other planes for high-level play, I'd be more in favor of this use. People who are -1 on the idea don't lose interest in a whole adventure path, but we still get to explore the solar system a little bit at a time.

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While I'd be up for an AP set entirely on another world, or a planet-hopping one, I can guess that doing either would be a major business gamble. In the interest of making a saleable product, I'd suggest a Second Darkness sequel/campaign extender beginning with the PCs being dispatched through the aiudara from Kyonin to Sovyrian. Kind of like the forthcoming trip to the moon, actually.

Steve Geddes |

While I'd be up for an AP set entirely on another world, or a planet-hopping one, I can guess that doing either would be a major business gamble. In the interest of making a saleable product, I'd suggest a Second Darkness sequel/campaign extender beginning with the PCs being dispatched through the aiudara from Kyonin to Sovyrian. Kind of like the forthcoming trip to the moon, actually.
That's a good idea, providing an AP sequel into the bargain.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

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Well since Distant Worlds has people so exited I should check it out. Count me as "meh" for the moment, this is just something my players would not be willing to play - I guess. But after all planet hopping isn´t really different from plane hopping.
That said, keep out the starships.
EDIT: Some time after posting I had a scary FF7/Jenova premonition... that could be fun.

Drakli |

I would very much like an AP based on other planets in the solar system! I would also like to state that I, too, would prefer to be off Golarion by book two.
I'm going to throw this out there, that while I enjoyed the Jade Regent adventure path, I was disappointed by how little time we spent actually in Tian Xia, let alone Minkai. I don't want to complain about the cool stuff we found in the Land of the Linnorm Kings or the Crown of the World along the way... but... yeah.
I was all charged up by the idea of a Path set in Minkai and now it's time to leave after only two books, and it'll probably be a while before we come back.
I don't want this to happen in a Planets AP. I want time to savor the alien worlds, and strange sciences and stranger sorceries, extra-terrestrial beasts, and other-planetary cultures.

ikki3520 |

Why not with a somewhat cthuluesque beginning, your mighty archmage distant relative dies and you inherit a castle.
Off you go. and manage to kick out some goblins from the yard and clearing simple traps. The really mighty traps are all mysteriously blasted. But wheres the magic?
Turns out aunt lustrella didnt have just a single castle, but actually 5. One on each planet and all linked. And then finding them one by one.
6th adventure involving the hunting down of the necromancer that killed aunt lustrella and reclaiming the staff of magi and other stuff that was missing.

Romaal |

A planet-hopping AP or at least an AP concerned with Sci-Fic-Stuff would be awesome!
It could also be a strong argument for buying Pathfinder-Stuff because there is no d20-material which offers the excitement of planet adventures (besides Spelljammer, which was AD&D).
Also I like the more serious tone - the cthulhu-sytle of Distant Worlds, which could be incorporated into the AP.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

There's absolutely no way a single adventure path would do the solar system justice, nor should it. I think an adventure path that either starts on Golarion and translates to something like Castrovel or that starts John Carter style on Castrovel would be ideal.
I'm almost done with Distant Worlds, and I have to say it's my absolute favorite campaign book published, hands down.
This does not mean I'm hankering for Paizo to abandon conventional adventure paths and to focus on the solar system ... it just means that I'm really really excited for when they do publish an adventure path that ventures beyond Golarion.
Kind of like how I'm really dying to see a truly extraplanar adventure path, though in my mind that should really be a high-level thing.

Lithrac |

An AP about a planetar AP would indeed be great, but I would like so many other topics be done first!
I'm treating Distant Worlds as the Kaer Maga sourcebook (incidentally, both written by the same author if memory serves): its topic would probably make an awesome AP, but firstly there's so much more to write about, and secondly both books are perfect to write a homebrew campaign, thus "lessening" the need for a full-fledged AP.
By the way, a thousand thanks to James L. Sutter for his excellent writing. You, Sir, made Golarion more alive to me.

Ambrosia Slaad |

I'm not sure a single AP could do the entire solar system justice. But perhaps it could work if the first AP volume got the PCs off Golarion and onto Castrovel or Akiton. The remaining volumes could then keep Castrovel/Akiton as their central base of operation while dispatching the PCs through the gates on away missions to different planets/moons/asteroids throughout the solar system to thwart the baddies and/or retrieve macguffins.

James Sutter Contributor |

An AP about a planetar AP would indeed be great, but I would like so many other topics be done first!
I'm treating Distant Worlds as the Kaer Maga sourcebook (incidentally, both written by the same author if memory serves): its topic would probably make an awesome AP, but firstly there's so much more to write about, and secondly both books are perfect to write a homebrew campaign, thus "lessening" the need for a full-fledged AP.
By the way, a thousand thanks to James L. Sutter for his excellent writing. You, Sir, made Golarion more alive to me.
Wow! Thank you. Given all the awesome folks working on Golarion, that's pretty much the best compliment a writer could get. :)

Bellona |

Having just devoured most of Distand Worlds in one evening, I must reiterate my "+1!" to a planetary AP.
And like others, I agree that one AP could not do justice to the entire solar system around Golarion. So a Castrovel- or Akitron-centric AP would probably be just right (possibly both planets, as they trade frequently through the gates, etc.).
By the way, does the system's star have a real name? Our sun/star is generally called Sol, so Earth/Terra is Sol III. What would Golarion's designation be under that system? (I can't quite see calling Golarion "Burning Mother III".)

captain yesterday |

after reading distant worlds i'd like to change my vote to -1. there just isn't enough there for an adventure path. also how exactly will a 1st (or even 4th or 7th level) character going to get there?.
by the time you get there the ap is already half over and you're left with a stranger in a strange land situation and i'm pretty they just wrapped up a similarly themed ap (jade something...).
another reason is that there is soooo much of golarion to explore yet my fear is that if they leave will they come back to golarion?. i'd rather have an ap set somewhere on golarion (galt, irrisen, iobaria, garund and casmaron all come to mind in no time).
i'm fine with aliens and robots here or there however 600 pages spread over 6 months seems a bit much.
i'm not ripping on distant worlds, its a great book with awesome writing. please don't leave golarion. we need heroes here, not on akiton.

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i'm not ripping on distant worlds, its a great book with awesome writing. please don't leave golarion. we need heroes here, not on akiton.
I get what you're saying Captain. Even though Distant Worlds is by FAR my favorite of the Campaign Settings books (Mr. Sutter did an amazing job!) there are other places on Golarion I want to see first (Worldwound, Numeria and Irrisen specifically).
Maybe I should have corrected my earlier comment of "Heck Yeah!" to "Heck Yeah... in the very near future." :)
BUT! I still think it would be an awesome AP. And by starting at 1st level, catapulted to another planet by an accident (or summoned there?) it gives the whole "stranded on an alien world" vibe. Could be a heck of a lot of fun exploring the planets and trying to get back to Golarion (or caught up in an alien world plot, etc)

The 8th Dwarf |

after reading distant worlds i'd like to change my vote to -1. there just isn't enough there for an adventure path. also how exactly will a 1st (or even 4th or 7th level) character going to get there?.
by the time you get there the ap is already half over and you're left with a stranger in a strange land situation and i'm pretty they just wrapped up a similarly themed ap (jade something...).another reason is that there is soooo much of golarion to explore yet my fear is that if they leave will they come back to golarion?. i'd rather have an ap set somewhere on golarion (galt, irrisen, iobaria, garund and casmaron all come to mind in no time).
i'm fine with aliens and robots here or there however 600 pages spread over 6 months seems a bit much.i'm not ripping on distant worlds, its a great book with awesome writing. please don't leave golarion. we need heroes here, not on akiton.
I think most people are not demanding a Planetary AP now or next... (though they are thinking it would be nice).
James Jacobs has said that they plan the APs years ahead and while the planning is flexible - I don't think they would bump the schedule for a planetary AP unless 1000's of people demanded it.
What most of us would want is for Paizo to put it on the schedule.
At the same time we are all demanding that James Sutters awesome talents are applied to at least covering at least 1 planet a year.

Generic Villain |
It may be a tall order, but if a future AP could somehow incorporate elements from Numeria, Distant Worlds, and the Dark Tapestry, I would be very happy indeed. Unfortunately, such an AP may suffer from having "too much of a good thing." For me, part of what makes the Pathfinder campaign setting so enjoyable is having a familiar and relatable world in which to adventure (Golarion) with the occasional outside influence. But if you remove Golarion from the equation, all you're left with is the weirdness, and that can become tiresome in a hurry.
So honestly, I do want a Planets AP... that largely takes place on Golarion. Perhaps the PCs could work to thwart an alien menace that has somehow made its way to their world. Or maybe
And Numeria too! Oh how I'd love to see an AP that was even tangentially related to that badass country.