[Frog God Games] Last Chance To Order Slumbering Tsar Subscription

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Frog God Games

Hi all,

ST14 has gone through its edits and is back to Chuck to complete the final layout. It won't be posted for sale until Bill returns from vacation in a couple of weeks, but it is the final chapter of the Slumbering Tsar Saga so I wanted to take this opportunity to give you a heads up.

As you may or may not be aware, the entire subscription to the Slumbering Tsar Sage (pdfs of all 14 chapters plus a limited copy of the hardback) is available through the FGG website at talesofthefroggod.com.

As Bill has indicated, anyone who purchases this full subscription gets their hardback signed by himself and me plus some special bonus material. He has also indicated that once ST14 goes up for sale, the subscription option will no longer be available. You will still be able to purchase the hardback through Paizo or our website, but the limited signed copy with bonus material will not be available any longer. Since ST14 is about to be posted for sale soon, I wanted to give everyone a reminder and last chance to get in on the special limited bonus edition. We will not be doing reprints of it.

I also wanted to fill you in on what sort of bonus material will be in the limited edition book. Bill has dropped hints here and there, but since I'm working on it right now, I'll just come out and say it. The bonus material is an additional adventure chapter that takes place in Tsar after the completion of the epic saga's 14 other adventures. I think it's turning out pretty cool as I write it, and if you're a long-time Necromancer Games or Frog God Games fan, you're definitely going to want it. It ties in some world lore that people have been itching for for years. I'm not going to spoil it but trust me, if you've followed Frog God Games and/or Necromancer Games in the past, you are going to want this chapter. And if you haven't been following the FGG/Necro world, it's still pretty cool bonus content with a signed edition. We're anticipating that the Slumbering Tsar Saga book may be the largest RPG book ever printed (I believe it will far exceed our own Tome of Horrors Complete once it goes through final layout) plus it's benefiting from over a year of messageboards errata that we are compiling and incorporating to catch the typos and work out any kinks that were discovered in the individual adventure releases. Trust me, you are not going want to miss this.

So look for it on our website and don't miss out. And if the subscription is not for you, remember you can always purchase the regular edition of the hardback here at the Paizo store once it is released.

Greg A. Vaughan
Frog God Games

Grand Lodge

Awesome. Can't wait to get my copy!

Can't wait to get my copy, and doubly awesome for signing them!

Could not wait any longer, just bought into the subscription and downloaded all 13 chapters.

Took out my sub when it first went live, but as a long time Necro fan this news has me even MORE excited, if that's possible. Great news!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Couldn't resist the urge any longer.

Picked up a sub and hardcover. Damn you first edition feel. Double-damn you ToH:C

Good thing I can take all this anger out on my players.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Greg thanks for the heads up. I will have to order this when I get home.

Edit: Also, how will this order work with Bill on vaction. Will the CC payment not process until he gets back in 2 weeks?

Will the hardback edition purchased through the Paizo store include a pdf download?

Grand Lodge

I almost avoided picking this up. Ah well, I'll just have to suffer through it I guess. :)

Frog God Games

Bill will process the orders once he gets back form vacation. I don't want to speak in absolutes but I believe that's when the payment would go through as I'm not sure how automated or not our payment system is.

Frog God Games

What Chuck said. :-)

Frog God Games

cannon fodder wrote:
Will the hardback edition purchased through the Paizo store include a pdf download?

I believe so.

My bank account has already been charged through PayPal.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
silverhair2008 wrote:
My bank account has already been charged through PayPal.

Same here.

PayPal payment went through, got the invoice and link to the downloads.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Wow, what a long awesome trip it has been. I'm excited that we are finally nearing the end. Keep up the great work Greg and Co.!

silverhair2008 wrote:
My bank account has already been charged through PayPal.

Ditto. Nabbed the whole thing. Confound and bless you, Master Vaughan, for your continued game design deliciousness.

Frog God Games

You are all more than welcome. But especially thank YOU to everyone who has made it possible for us to finally publish this project. :-)

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So what's the next super-huge project after Rappan Athuk? Tome of Horrors Complete 2: Electric Boogaloo?

Or maybe something I suggested in another thread: a colaberation with Flying Buffalo Games to put out Grimtooth's Traps: Complete?

Maybe a 2000 page tome that just says "Rocks fall, you all die." over and over and over....

Silver Crusade

Not sure all of what FGG has planned for the year, but something that I am really looking forward to late in the year or next is a project that Greg mentioned in a post on the Necro boards last year:

"Great review, laricq! Thanks!

The Pett thing is still a ways off. We're in early development still. It'll be very much an urban decay type of setting a la The Styes or China Mieville. He's got one adventure basically written with plans for several more plus a number of source books to highlight his blighted city. I think it's already all in his head, it's just a matter of him finding the time to write it down, and rather than release one every blue moon I'd like to have them all pretty much done so we can release on a regular schedule. So I'd guess we're still a year away, maybe longer, but I can't wait to get to them. Plus I submitted an adventure idea to him, and he liked it, so I get to write one of them too! Woohoo! There's nothing quite like writing in Rich's world.

Thanks again for the comments and queries.


Although the Styes is Wizards IP, a Styeslike/Bas-Lag setting from Pett with adventures from Pett and Vaughan? Sign me up!


This sounds very awesome, and I very much want! But, alas, I'm broke.

I'd happily write review it for you. :)

So, what else comes with the subscription than the hardcover and bonus content?

PDFs of the individual releases? Anything else?

Dark Archive

Uninvited Ghost wrote:

So, what else comes with the subscription than the hardcover and bonus content?

PDFs of the individual releases? Anything else?

Yes you also get PDF's of the individual releases.And that is it, the individual releases, the full hardcover with bonus content and signed.

I'm just debating on whether or not to order a second copy.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Interesting. Why are you thinking about a second copy? Because it will be a collectors item?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Personally, for a next project, I'd love to see FGG do a low level (1st-6th) 96-128 pg mega adventure along the lines of Lost City of Barakus.

Heck, even a 'Crucible of Freya Revisited' or 'Return to the Vault of Larin Karr' would work for me.

I'm not saying that FGG just needs to keep returning to the same locales and adventures from NG's past; mostly I'm just looking for cool low level adventures to serve as the appetizer in a campaign that rolls on to Slumbering Tsar....


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

I'm not saying that FGG just needs to keep returning to the same locales and adventures from NG's past; mostly I'm just looking for cool low level adventures to serve as the appetizer in a campaign that rolls on to Slumbering Tsar....

Does Splinters of Faith help in the interim?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Squeatus wrote:
QUOTE]Does Splinters of Faith help in the interim?

Yes and no. I think I'd like to run SoF in its entirety, which seems like it would end up being a separate campaign from ST.


Already have the subscription and am running the first few chapters of the saga now. I will be glad to have the hardcopy though, and I look forward to giving the whole thing a read through.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to wait until payday, when is the last day to order the sub?

Frog God Games


Frog God Games

DragonBelow - I'm not sure of the exact date, but March 10th comes to mind for when Bill will be returning from his vacation. Please don't take that as a firm date, however.

Edited for speeling eroors.

Frog God Games

It will definitely be sometime after the beginning of March, though.

I jumped on the Slumbering Tsar Bandwagon at the beginning of February 2012 (just before the vacation started). I haven't had time to read everything that I downloaded yet. I find that It is a lot easier for me to read actual printed material than a computer screen.

I am definitely looking forward to getting my Dead Tree copy of the Slumbering Tsar! Will there be fold out maps included? Or maybe a map booklet?

I'll be honest, I was less concerned about getting a signed copy, than I was about the price. I am making some big assumptions here, so feel free to correct me, but it looks like subscribing means that you pay LESS for the whole banana cream pie AND get a signed copy with the extra adventure included. If you wait, you'll pay more for the whole thing which won't be signed and you won't get the extra adventure.

Isn't Rappan Athuk the next big project for the Frog God?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Yes Rappan Athuk is the next project. I have been waiting two months to be able to order it...

I believe the announcement said we can order it in early March and it should be published this summer. I forget the proposed month but I think June or July.

I can't wait to hear what the next project will be after that.

My question is why is Splinters of Faith not coming out in as a hardcover compilation. I have all the PDFs and have printed them and put them in a notebook but I would love a compilation of this.

Is the only option to pay is through via PayPal (deducting from your bank account)?

I know I preordered back in September for the Premium subscription, but I'm not noticing anything deducted from my bank account.


Please, PLEASE hold this until Friday! Payday is Thursday and I really want to give you my money!

Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

I haven't had time to read everything that I downloaded yet. I find that It is a lot easier for me to read actual printed material than a computer screen.

I have read through it all on the screen, but I will be using my dead tree copy to make my GM notes for sure.

Folks, don't miss this one. Not only will you have a chance to own a special piece of gaming history (as possibly the largest single campaign adventure book ever), but the adventure itself is amongst the all time greats, IMO.

Frog God Games

donato wrote:
Please, PLEASE hold this until Friday! Payday is Thursday and I really want to give you my money!

You'll be fine, Donato.

And thanks for all of the gushing, everyone. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber


Frog God Games

Aaron aka Itchy wrote:

I jumped on the Slumbering Tsar Bandwagon at the beginning of February 2012 (just before the vacation started). I haven't had time to read everything that I downloaded yet. I find that It is a lot easier for me to read actual printed material than a computer screen.

I am definitely looking forward to getting my Dead Tree copy of the Slumbering Tsar! Will there be fold out maps included? Or maybe a map booklet?

I'll be honest, I was less concerned about getting a signed copy, than I was about the price. I am making some big assumptions here, so feel free to correct me, but it looks like subscribing means that you pay LESS for the whole banana cream pie AND get a signed copy with the extra adventure included. If you wait, you'll pay more for the whole thing which won't be signed and you won't get the extra adventure.

Isn't Rappan Athuk the next big project for the Frog God?

Thanks, Itchy.

No fold out with Tsar (though I agree one would be awesome), and I don't know about a booklet. I suspect that the maps will be an appendix at the end of the book. Ultimately those decisions will be up to Chuck and Bill and the printer as they figure out the layout. We're not going to to something that will add cost to the printing at this point (and I don't know if a separate booklet will or won't, I'm just sayin').

While the pricing on the final book by non-subscription order is likely to change from what Bill posted over a year ago (Paizo becoming involved in the process changes the economies of scale somewhat--so we'll have to see what the final numbers shake out as ), I can assure you that it will NOT be less than our subscription price...that was the whole point of the subscription, to obtain operating capital so FGG could exist initially (this was the product that launched us), and to also get the subscribers a better deal as a result in order to reward them for their "investment" in the future of FGG with the best price and the bonus content. Indications from talks with the Paizo folks may be that we underpriced the subscription for what it consists of, but we're sticking to it even if so, so you're good to go on the subscription. And your general assumptions are correct.

Frog God Games

Hobbun wrote:

Is the only option to pay is through via PayPal (deducting from your bank account)?

I know I preordered back in September for the Premium subscription, but I'm not noticing anything deducted from my bank account.

Not sure about the details on this, Hobbun, but if you'll ping Bill at Bill[at]talesofthefroggod.[dot]com, he can look into it for you when he returns in a couple weeks.

Hey Greg - what are your favorite adventures of all time - and what inspired you to write Tsar?

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Thanks, Itchy.

You are welcome!!

@Hobbun: When I purchased my subscription, I paid through Paypal with a credit card, no deduction from my bank account.

Chuck started a new thread to vote how to present the maps. I cast my vote this morning. I admit that I wish I had discovered your company earlier. I found FGG via the recent hype about The Tome of Horrors. I picked it up and was so impressed I bought The Black Monastery to see what your adventures were like. I have enjoyed reading THAT so much that I decided it was worth it to spend the big money on this project. The little that I have read so far makes me glad that I made the decision. Getting a signed copy is just icing on the cake.

You! You there, lurking and reading this thread. No, not him. You! You should go to Frog God Games and subscribe. You won't regret it!

Aaron aka Itchy wrote:
Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Thanks, Itchy.

@Hobbun: When I purchased my subscription, I paid through Paypal with a credit card, no deduction from my bank account.

I think what happened is I paid with my debit card and it deducted the money right off the bat. I just couldn’t remember as it was last September when I bought the subscription and my online bank statement doesn’t go that far back.

Going to have to go dig up my mailed, paper statements. :)

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

Not sure about the details on this, Hobbun, but if you'll ping Bill at Bill[at]talesofthefroggod.[dot]com, he can look into it for you when he returns in a couple weeks.

I only was asking as I wanted to make sure I was getting my subscription hardcover. However, I did find the email indicating I bought the subscription, so if there is any issue, I can forward it to Bill.

Thanks Greg. :)


Are you (FGG) still charging (existing) subscribers for Slumbering Tsar? Or is it done now?

I checked with my bank directly, and my account was not even charged when I purchased the subscription back in September of last year. And I still have not been charged now.

If you are still charging the $125, but are waiting to continue until Bill gets back from vacation, I will wait. But if you tell me all subscribers should be charged now, then I will shoot Bill an email, so he can take a look at it when he gets back.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I just bought it today and was charged immediately.

Frog God Games

I was charged immediately when I first subscribed over a year and a half ago. But I think I was the first or second person to do so, one of the many closely following the resurgence of Greg Vaughan's Slumbering Tsar.

@ Hobbun
Definately send Bill Webb an email about this (if you haven't already). Only the Frog God can check to see if you were charged or not. You will of course have to wait until he and his family can get back from vacation to see what the situation is.
But if you've received an email from Bytes Interactive of your subscription telling you what your password is and where to go to download the electronic versions of the series then you are getting the hardcover as well. (caveat: Unless you purchased the PDF download only subscription.)
We appreciate your honesty in letting us know that there may be a glitch and that you think you haven't yet been charged.

Well, to be fair, I was also bringing it up as I am concerned I wouldn’t be sent my subscription Tsar book.

And to be clear, no, I didn’t just order the subscription PDF’s, but the hardcover book, as well. The confirmation email I received from you in September does say I ordered the $125 book w/PDF’s. And yes, I am able to access the PDF’s through Byte’s Inteactive, also.

The whole thing started when I saw others say, on this thread, that they are being charged. I checked my bank statement and didn’t notice the same. And then confirmed from my bank that there was not $125 taken out of my account from you (FGG) back last September when I originally purchased the subscription.

At lunch I will shoot Bill an email so he can take a look at it when he gets back from vacation.

Thanks Dawn.

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

Hi all,


As Bill has indicated, anyone who purchases this full subscription gets their hardback signed by himself and me plus some special bonus material. He has also indicated that once ST14 goes up for sale, the subscription option will no longer be available. ....

I purchased this yesterday, but for some reason the shipping was not included in the price. Should I just send it to Bill seperately or wait to be contacted when it is time to ship?

Fine! Take all my money! Next thing I know you'll be putting up the RA Pre-Order and wanting MORE!

My poor bank account *whimpers*

On a more serious note however, I too noticed it didn't take any shipping. I'm guessing this is because the book doesn't actually exist yet and hence the figures aren't completely accurate?

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