Cryov |
So I am working on a goblin alchemist for a friends campaign and noticed something.
While checking item creation rules it says crafters can apply their metamagic feats to potions they make provided you pay for the extra caster lvl cost.
Then I looked over Alchemist discoveries and saw the Extend Potion discovery which doubles the duration.
Would a Extended Mage Armor potion stack with my alchemist Extend Potion discovery?
I see no clarifications but I think it does >>

Talonhawke |

Thats not a preq its a bonus from having a feat.
And even if it was i just noticed this.
Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by 5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create potions, spell-trigger, or spell-completion items without meeting its prerequisites.
So you have to have all the prerequisites for making a potion to begin with.

Archaeik |
They stack for x3 the normal duration.
Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier, the alchemist can cause any potion he drinks that does not have an instantaneous duration to function at twice its normal duration. This does not apply to extracts.

Adam Moorhouse 759 |

They stack for x3 the normal duration.
Quote:Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.Quote:Benefit: A number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier, the alchemist can cause any potion he drinks that does not have an instantaneous duration to function at twice its normal duration. This does not apply to extracts.
They run for x4 the normal duration. You don't use funky-beans math on multipliers when they apply to real world dimensions like time or distance. In this case, 2x2 = 4.

Propane |

Quote:Benefit: An extended spell lasts twice as long as normal. A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat.Quote:Benefit: A number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier, the alchemist can cause any potion he drinks that does not have an instantaneous duration to function at twice its normal duration. This does not apply to extracts.
From this I conclude they do not stack. Each effect states that it specifically doubles the normal duration, not the current duration.

Propane |

You're trying to poach scrambled eggs here. If one egg recipe tells you to scramble an egg and some other egg recipe tells you to poach them, are you going to write to the authors saying that the egg recipe didn't work because when you tried to poach it it was already scrambled? No, you can't do that.
The normal duration of a CL5 mage armour is 5 hours, and each effect seeks to altar THAT variable.
Maybe they should be using the same verbage as creating items, but it just doesn't sound good:
E.G. An extended spell lasts twice as long as the base duration.
E.G. Extend Potion ... function at twice its base duration.

![]() |

Put this in perspective here, the extended version of a spell is generally not much more appealing than the equivalent potion with increased caster level version of the spell (often worse).
Mage armor extended (6 hours duration):
50gp x 3 x 2 = 300 GP
Mage Armor, caster level 6 (6 hours duration)
50gp x 6 x 1 = 300 gp
Mage Armor, caster level 5, extended (10 hours duration)
50gp x 5 x 2 = 500 gp
Mage Armor, caster level 10 (10 hours duration)
50gp x 10 x 1 = 500 gp
Barkskin extended (100 minutes, +2 NA bonus)
50gp x 3 x 5 = 750 gp
Barkskin at CL 7 (70 minutes duration, +3 NA bonus)
50gp x 2 x 7 = 700 gp
If there is a 'sweet' spot is here, I'm not seeing it.
Edit: I'm sure there are some combos that have a marginal edge advantage, but it's definitely not a huge advantage.

FuelDrop |

so what if you pop an enhancement elixir (or whatever it's called. it's an alchemical extract that empowers or extends anything you drink) then drink an extended potion and extend it with the discovery? i don't think any of them reference the others and say they don't stack.
if that means X8 duration then... wow. just wow.

Joesi |
Edit: err Fueldrop brought this up. Probably should have read first. That said, I'm explaining it better than he did.
Also, the alchemist spell/formula Amplify Elixir can double a potion or elixir's duration.
If you guys think a meta-magic—extended potion would be extended by the extend potion discovery, would you also say that a meta-magic—extended potion would work with Amplify Elixir?
Probably not, right? because Amplify Elixir seems to be implying that it applies metamagic extended effects, which wouldn't stack with itself. However it doesn't specifically say that it's metamagic which is extending it...
Amplify elixir + enhance potion discovery + potion 1 hour/level at CL 20th = 80 hours!
extend potion. Enhance potion is another discovery.
Put this in perspective here, the extended version of a spell is generally not much more appealing than the equivalent potion with increased caster level version of the spell (often worse).
You should probably know this: I'm pretty sure it's mostly for the goal of alchemical allocation, not regular consumption. So while it will still cost more, the fact that the cost is paid only once really dilutes the cost a fair bit. If you can double the duration of something like barkskin, it's nearly similar to a whole additional 2nd level spell slot (cost of 4000g), since barkskin of 2/4 hours might not last long enough for the day, while 4/8 hours very well might/will. The comparison of a whole 2nd level slot is perhaps a bit stretched, but my point still remains.