Caineach Star Voter Season 6 |

I think you need to take annother look when you start doing things like work-arrounds of mechanics for flavor reasons, like you did with the DR. You are bringing fluff in (cold-iron being anti-magic) that does not necessarily exist in the system. It has a historical basis, but the D&D mechanics have never really supported it, since cold iron is no harder to enchant. So you end up giving it this wierd run-arround because you don't like something of the system. That is a sign that you are overthinking it and not giving it what the designers are looking for. In the end, it created a cumbersome mechanic and ate up word count. Simple is better in this regard.
Likewise with the dodge bonus. Your addind a wierd mechanic to reflex saves because you feel those bonuses should do more. But 1. the characters with those bonuses are likely already the ones with high reflex saves, and 2. it adds bookkeeping complexity for little benefit. Overall, I would modify this ability and base it off of web, with a reflex save every round for damage and a check to not become grappled.

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No problem and no worries. I didn't dislike the name either, I just think the negative connotations that often pop up when people see words like that sometimes have a strange reaction in a reader's brain (it works in other mediums as well, an audience is predictably unpredictable if nothing else).
I don't know if there is already a monster with this name, but I was thinking that maybe "Voidscar" might have been a better name for this monster...? If only to avoid "The C-Word" and a possibly negative first impression, since it is a mass of tumorous flesh from space, and flesh that has been damaged is scar tissue, you can't really call it "Scar Tissue from the Void" unless you want the Red Hot Chili Pepper's lawyers calling you sometime down the road...
I would swear by "Voidscar" if I didn't have a really bad feeling that I'd already seen it somewhere before.
Hope that helps in any way. :-)

R D Ramsey Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water |

Thanks for that detailed write up. It's clear you put a great deal of though into your monster and that there are reasons for each and every decision. Appreciate you sharing it all with us!
I'd really loved to have the playtesting round with the monsters. Some would hold up much better than others, and I have a sneaking suspicion it might not be the ones garnering the most votes. Playtesting would certainly have brought out some of your hard work and careful decisions.
I think there were a few issues here. One was that the basic idea didn't really set many people's imaginations afire. Many of those who make it through this round did that more than the others. As someone mentioned, if you're doing a horror from beyond the stars, it's got to have that spark to move it to the next level, otherwise we've seen it.
After your explanations, I think it's possible you had that spark, but it somehow didn't come through. Honestly, that's probably just writing polish. Tiny word choices here and there make the difference in communicating the coolness that you see. With the long explanation, I see the coolness, the trick though is to pack all that into the limitations of the text and communicate with the entry itself. Time is likely a factor there.
In any case, you've certainly set the standard for monster explanations! I hope to see this level of detail from the other contestants down the line!

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Well, it's also a case of word restrictions and inability to answer questions! :)
Caineach, cold iron IS harder to enchant (+3k for that first enhancement). I'm reminded of Houses of the Moon, where they have an anti-magic metal that, if you put it in dust form and rub on your skin, actually becomes part of you...no spellcasting, but no spellcasting on you, see right through invisibility too...Metals that ignore magic are a staple of fiction, just like magic that can fry men is.
Of course, 'cold iron' historically just means steel, and 3E made it something unique...but steel has always historically been the rebuttal to magic, and the touch of iron is anathema to a lot of creatures, NOT just bypassing DR (fey, especially). I'm on solid ground historically, but 'unwanted mechanic' probably sums it up. IMO, silver and cold iron should be allergies, magic/adamant should be DR, and alignment should be allergy damage, too...
In all honesty, I'm not sure what else I could have named it. It's a thing so abhorrent it gets spit out of the sky, so the things in the void don't have to deal with it.
And I don't have the new solar system, but isn't there a living planet now? Wouldn't ejecting corruptions to its system just fit these things perfectly? :)
==Bob Drouin

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Answers to some other things:
I didn't make a mistake on Unnatural Aura by not printing its range. Per contest rules, if an ability pre-exists and you aren't making any changes, just list the ability. The text for Unnatural Aura specified 60, so I left it off.
As a convenience, yes, nice to have it. But was I wrong?
I have no idea how I lost the 'ft' from the other aura ability. Or how I missed the typo on Aberrations.
I strongly advise future contestants to print out their submissions and compare it to a template where they can make alterations. I, no lie, updated my form 14 times once I copied it into the submission thing before I actually submitted it. Sean "Master of Technical Editing" K Reynolds still got to wield his red pen.
I also found it annoying the word count was 'up off' the submission screen after you clicked 'preview'. I had to go looking for it!
The Five Feats 'miscount' wasn't, either. I had to ask if Following Step could be taken as a feat without pre-reqs. I still wanted it to count towards the feat total. I was told to just make it a bonus feat, so I did, completely ignoring the fact that if treated as 'extra' instead of 'no pre-reqs' it would muck up the feat count. Honestly, I only wanted, like, 3 feats for the thing.
That's why there's no 'step-up'. 1) No pre-reqs meaning it didn't need it and 2) I had five feats, and its all I wanted.
And that's why I mucked up on the initiative, too. I revised the Dex to make it qualify for Following Step, then made it a bonus feat, and forgot to adjust Initiative in the wake...arggggh.
Getting called out for no Perception skill was amusing, when something with blindsight doesn't need to make Perception checks. Unfortunately, having a judge make an error doesn't earn you bonus points, since you can't correct it! Heh.
On Figurine of Familiar Power:
Ryan Dancey making the error of thinking a familiar was a 'long term choice' instead of something you can change with a simple ceremony or feat was a wincer. On the other hand, he had a lot of submissions to read!
I also still can't believe I mucked up on Summon Monster I. Aaargh. Showing me age, I guess. When I knew that, I knew SKR was going to be zinging me on every submission, because I don't have anyone available to proof for me.
On Fear, Fist and Flame:
Neil had it exactly right as far as the Resources, where it tells you to add a Paragraph. To put it bluntly, the template instructions do NOT match the example. There is NO paragraph directly following the Resources opening sentence in the small box for ANY of the default five organizations...I looked at ALL of them.
In other words, the template didn't match the example given, so I went with the template. And so one sentence became a paragraph of explanation.
So, thanks, Neil!
as far as organizations and a 'safe choice', again, organizations are all tropes now, just like all monsters are.
Basically organizations are going to be:
1) Military Brotherhoods, usually knights. The Cause and history is the flavor. Enter the Hellknights.
2) Cults, be it divine or philosophic or racial. A unifying belief in something profound. The Cult of Aroden is this. Both organizations in Carrion Crown are this.
3) Treasure hunters, be it trophies, monster hunters, lore or gold. Pathfinders are treasure hunters, just about info and glory more then money.
4) Guilds, out to make money by selling services. Mercs, merchants, assassins, wizards/lorekeepers. The Red Mantis is a cult and Guild combo. The Aspis Consortium is a guild.
5) Thieves, be it raiders, bandits, pirates or burglars. Any bandit company combines this and mercs.
6) Arms of the government - legal or otherwise. Intelligence agencies are ripe in this area. The Eagle Knights are like this, differentiated from the Hellknights by being an arm of the government.
Pretty much EVERY submission is going to fall into one of these tropes. That's not a bug, it's a feature...tropes let people immediately identify with something. So, I firmly believe the judges should keep away from the stale/safe/seen it before language, because everyone has seen ALL the tropes before...it's what you do with the tropes.
Mine was a racial cult that hires out as a mercenary force to give it a center of interaction with PC's. The 'cult' aspect should have little effect on the campaign, but it provides a very strong unifying fluff element. The mercenary part of it is basically run as a resource for the clans. The two combined make the whole thing very flexible and easy to use and drop into any campaign, which was one of my goals. It's 'regional' if you're in the Hold, but FFF can be found just anywhere they're hired to go...broadly useful to a DM.
===Bob Drouin

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Other little things on the Cancer:
Covered the slow movement: it always takes double moves or runs, so there IS no movement problem.
It's got a point higher SR to reflect the fact that it likes to eat magic. It's got a point higher AC then standard to reflect that it is a bit of a toughie to hack apart. Both were by design. Also, Spell Penetration is a good feat to have. SR's on CR 7's ranged from 16 to 21, so I didn't feel too off.
HP for CR 7's ranged from 75ish to 110. 95 makes it able to soak some punishment up.
Saves were LOW. Its tough, but stupid and slow. It won't make most saves, especially the Reflex saves most likely to hit it.
Ability scores, to put it bluntly, were quite low. Take away its size bonus, and its str 8. The only high stat was Con, because of the unnatural vitality of its cancerous body.
Fast healing was there to reflect the accelerated cell growth of cancer.
DR 5/- was there to reflect that you are hacking into a thing of mutated flesh without a real anatomy, and you have to do a fair amount of harm to actually hit anything vital. Between it and fast healing, its also some defense against missile fire...it can seek cover and recover some hit points, so you do have to go hunting it.
Fire and cold resistance was thematic to describe how it survives deep space and starfalling.
Spellcraft is there as a skill to reflect the fact that it, NOT knowledge (Arcane), is the skill of knowing magic! IF you want to reflect the fact some monsters knows a lot about magic, as opposed to magic-using people, history, and beasts, you use Spellcraft. Know (Arc) does not help you scribe spells or make magic items. I did NOT have it in there for identifying spells in combat...that's just a useful side effect.
I REALLY enjoyed giving it Spell focus (Spellcraft). At 10HD, the +6 bonus was like giving it an 18 Int as far as knowing about how magic goes! Otherwise, its got an Int of 6! :) Pure fluff!
The fact several of its abilities didn't work on aberrations was to contribute to its fluff of being vulnerable to other aberrations, and easily enslaved by them.

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Questions on the Cancer for Clark and any other judges willing to comment:
1) Was the Cilia attack still too strong, given what I was comparing it to? (a 7-8 hd fireball), and the fact you can't get multiple hits, crit, or basically even be surprised by this thing?
2) Downtone the damage, or Con damage (maybe 1 pt of Con dmg instead of 2?)?
3) Still think it's too slow?
4)Is the SR and AC still a point high?
5) Does the cold iron allergy make more sense now, instead of DR/cold iron? Or is something you feel is just dead weight as a new mechanic?
6) Does the 'ooze vs magic' thing still break it? I see 'undead traits' in other places...or is it more that I invoked it while you trying to stay away from oozes completely?
7) Dodge bonus to Reflex saves. :) I liked throwing that one in. I was going to include Shield bonus instead...
8) Understand the high Flight score now? With no ground speed, it has to be able to hover, or its auto-prone when it hits the ground.
9) Does the vulnerability to Positive energy make sense, as a way to eat more party resources, yet a viable tactic? Keep in mind I'm not concerned with Positive energy attack spells...it's not undead, and those kind of spells are extremely specialized. If they can prepare that well for the creature, they deserve it! It'd be like poo-pooing the party for prepping fire spells against Frost Giants or something...
10) How's the fluff looking now? Can you see the allusions to it? Why didn't it grab you the first time?
11) Int 6, high Spellcraft! :)
12) Knowing the explanations for everything now and with more time to review and see how things interact, would you change your review?
Good luck to those advancing to Round 4!
===Bob Drouin

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

The Five Feats 'miscount' wasn't, either. I had to ask if Following Step could be taken as a feat without pre-reqs. I still wanted it to count towards the feat total. I was told to just make it a bonus feat, so I did, completely ignoring the fact that if treated as 'extra' instead of 'no pre-reqs' it would muck up the feat count. Honestly, I only wanted, like, 3 feats for the thing.
If the rules say it should have five feats, and you didn't give it five feats, even if your reason was "I only want to give it 3 feats," you've given it the wrong number of feats.
Getting called out for no Perception skill was amusing, when something with blindsight doesn't need to make Perception checks. Unfortunately, having a judge make an error doesn't earn you bonus points, since you can't correct it! Heh.
PRD blindsight rules: The creature usually does not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within this range.
Emphasis mine.
Neil had it exactly right as far as the Resources, where it tells you to add a Paragraph. To put it bluntly, the template instructions do NOT match the example. There is NO paragraph directly following the Resources opening sentence in the small box for ANY of the default five organizations...I looked at ALL of them.
From the R2 rules:
Resources: {This entry provides a brief list of significant resources the faction controls, such as property, valuable assets, castles, informants, and so on.}
LINE BREAK INDICATING NEW PARAGRAPH {This section is an approximately 100-word introductory paragraph summarizing the organization.}
LINE BREAK Structure and Leadership
LINE BREAK INDICATING NEW PARAGRAPH {This section is an approximately 100-word paragraph on this topic.}
From the Aspis Consortium writeup:
Resources: Real property, other material, and liquid assets worth tens of millions of gold piece across Avistan and Garund
(NEW PARAGRAPH HERE) Nearly 200 years ago, a Chelish ship ...
Structure and Leadership
(NEW PARAGRAPH HERE) The organization of the Aspis Consortium is structured ...
It's got a point higher SR to reflect the fact that it likes to eat magic.
That still doesn't change that PF standardized the SR values to CR + 11, and only a very few creatures deviate from that, and it doesn't have to do with what the monster "likes."

Russell Vaneekhoven RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 aka Ottovar |

Heya Bob.. It's obvious that you put serious forethought into your monster and I wanted to vote for it, but I couldn't... why?
Well, I am a huge fan of all things HPL, and an icky ball of protoplasmic, unimaginable, vile, indefinable, undescribable, unnamable (yet named, always... terribly... named) horror was a shoe-in for me.
So you had me until the name. I know, I know, I must be one of those irrational people who needs to chill out or whatever, I'm just telling you that due to very personal losses to the disease, I could not get past the name.
IMO, the only thing that sells with cancer in the title is vaccines and diet books.
Just my two cents (or no sense). I am sure if you enter next year (barring a Mayan apocalypse or two) you will again be a contestant and I will, no doubt, vote for you.

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I like the thought behind it. You packaged up a monster that behaves the way you want it to despite what you see as shortcomings in the PF system, and you gave a pretty interesting visual of a Lovecraftian horror.
I guess I'd look at it kinda like this: You introduced a lot of mechanics that required detailed explanation (like 5000 words of it) and while you were swinging for the fences, it seems you wound up focusing on fixing perceived flaws in PF.
I imagine a publisher/editor reviewing the entries is going to have questions about that since (in this case) they're going to potentially hand over 1/6th of the product line to somebody next year.
Coming in at 10x word count because their system is flawed and needed fixing isn't probably something they're anxious to see. Even if the idea is cool and creates a really interesting encounter. Even dragons don't get that kind of write-up.

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Why do you think I consider it flawed? I was just trying to introduce a new mechanic. DR/Cold iron is mechanically fine...I just wanted to see if something a bit different would take that would be a bit truer to how history portrays iron and silver against bad guys. I also didn't need 5000 words to explain how it works...I explained my reasoning, went into examples and the math behind it to show how I came to where I came to, and it wasn't excessively unbalanced as a first run through for most people seemed to fear.
In other words, I showed the math and how it would play out, which is a bit different then looking at it and confusing possible crits, multiple hits, standard and full attack actions with something that isn't happening. It's just an AoE if you enter its reach, 1/rd.
And see, SKR coming in and correcting my errors! ;)
Sean, the 'resources' paragraph that starts with "Nearly 200 years ago" is a history paragraph and lead-in to the rest of the posting, it does NOT read like a further defining of the Resources of the Consortium. Ergo, I didn't take it as one. Like Neil said, differences between big write-ups and little ones, template confusion. How I was supposed to read it, and how I did were two different things. The 'stat block' was also a clear division between the header and the rest of the post. Given that resources were covered deep in the COnsortium write-up, I made the assumption that without that much room, I was just supposed to put a paragraph there, since we didn't have a 'stat block' for the short write-up.
Meh. My error, I should have asked. But Neil got it exactly right why I got it wrong. Keep in mind, I haven't been doing this for ten years!
You don't get into resources as a 'paragraph' until the last paragraph on page 262, where it goes into 'numerous regional headquarters', complete with naming the major centers of power. Meh, it's water under the bridge, I'm not worried about it. I wouldn't make the same mistake again, of course, but that's a steep learning curve you got there! (and eesh, sooo much harder on the monster).
The whole thing about 'bonus' feat was that I had five feats and I was happy. I was thinking 'bonus' just satisfied the pre-reqs, and forgot it could also mean 'free'. (shrugs) Ah, well. I'm sure I could find another feat, given time.
And 'usually doesn't have to make checks' was enough for me! Unless you're a level 20 ninja and immune to all forms of perception...what circumstance would someone with blindsight need perception? Ethereal foes?
Thanks for commenting, Sean!
==+Bob Drouin

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

But Neil got it exactly right why I got it wrong. Keep in mind, I haven't been doing this for ten years!
To clarify, I understand why you got it wrong. But that's no excuse. I still saw it as an incorrectly applied template. And, it doesn't take ten years to get that right. For instance, of the Top 16, you're the only one that got that wrong. So, it's a legitimate concern...regardless of whether you became confused or not. In other words, it's really not an excuse. That may seem harsh, but it is a reality of both the contest and what's expected of a freelancer. Superstar or otherwise.
And 'usually doesn't have to make checks' was enough for me! Unless you're a level 20 ninja and immune to all forms of perception...what circumstance would someone with blindsight need perception? Ethereal foes?
To smell something? To taste something that's "off" in your food? To sense a mosquito that's landed on your skin? Or to feel the slight movement of air as someone invisible and silenced attempts to sneak past you? There's plenty of reasons why someone with blindsight might still need Perception.
Also, keep in mind the PRD defines blindsight as:
Blindsight (Ex) This ability is similar to blindsense, but is far more discerning. Using nonvisual senses, such as sensitivity to vibrations, keen smell, acute hearing, or echolocation, a creature with blindsight maneuvers and fights as well as a sighted creature. Invisibility, darkness, and most kinds of concealment are irrelevant, though the creature must have line of effect to a creature or object to discern that creature or object. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text. The creature usually does not need to make Perception checks to notice creatures within this range....
As such, there's no guarantee which other sense a creature relies on to explain its blindsight. If it's acute hearing, the Perception skill could still be required for the examples I listed above. Or, if it's based on sensitivity to vibrations (and therefore something that goes beyond tremorsense), you'd still need Perception to make hearing checks. Or, if it's based on keen smell (and therefore something that goes beyond scent), you'd still need Perception for hearing, as well.
Essentially, you've made what I like to call an "absolute assumption" that doesn't actually apply. Blindsight has a lot more variation to it than you've imagined. And, in the case of this monster, there are (and should be) other conditions where the Perception skill might be needed.
Regardless, you're obviously motivated to defend your design. The sheer number of posts you've generated here listing out your reasons and explanations demonstrate the passion you had for your creation. Unfortunately, I'm not getting the sense that you understood the various critiques that were offered. Maybe give it some time and further analysis and it'll prove more useful to you.

Caedwyr |
I'm not sure how valid it is to critique someone over the vision/lighting/stealth rules. They're fairly inconsistent and contradictory as it is, and from where I'm standing a monster with Blindsight and a +0 modifier on Perception is still a fair way ahead. That said, the limited vision range of the creature is a weakness, though given the judges' other complaints about possible overpoweredness I'd think having some exploitable weaknesses would be something you'd look on with favor.
That said, there are plenty of other areas that the design could be tightened. It just strikes me as odd for the focus on the Perception score.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

It just strikes me as odd for the focus on the Perception score.
I find it odd, too. It was one of the last thing's Sean mentioned in his judge's critique. And it certainly wasn't the focus of his assessment. The only other comment was from me...on the format for blindsight's range.
That said, there are plenty of other areas that the design could be tightened.
I think everyone agrees on that.

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

To be honest, if I upped the Int to 8, Perception would have been the default skill. I kinda doubt the thing from outer space worries about a great sense of smell! Plus, the Deathwatch aspect of its ability lets it zero in on living things, detect magic lets it see the magical...the two key abilities it needs to 'eat'. It probably 'sees' by psychic radar or something...since Blindsight doesn't have to be defined, I didn't, and it let me get away with my stupid minion Herald concept.
With spellcraft +18! Heh.
I focused on the Perception comment because I DID look at the need for Perception...and the creature didn't need it, because of Blindsight. Just showing that I DID look at it, and didn't consider it a problem.
Well, my Q are up, my comments from going through the process of the contest. And yes, they are based on the judge's comments, so I DID look at the commentary! Since we can't do a formal Q&A session, I was hoping that a more detailed explanation of the creature might alleviate some of the concerns regarding its 'brutality'.
Clark gave me the okay to go ahead and start the discussion, so I did! :) Hope he reads it all, and then looks at my questions and gives me a few pointers. I thought I covered all the primary concerns of the judges and posters, but I could be wrong.
In other words, if the judges have specific questions about why I did what that I didn't cover, I'd be more then happy to address them!
I in no way think the Cancer is perfect, btw. I'm just showing that I did THINK of a lot of those problems ahead of time, and if I got the balance wrong, I'd like to know the way I'd have to change it to get it INTO balance.
==Bob Drouin

Ask A RPGSupersuccubus |

This floating mass of cancerous alien flesh is surrounded by a cloud of long, writhing cilia.
Cancer from the Void CR 7
You should know the drill by now, but in case you (somehow) missed it so far, Ask A RPGSupersuccubus is posting from the point of view of a (very advanced) CE aligned succubus:Maths is Important. How many points is the name worth, and does it successfully ‘Scrabble’ around for extra points?
Ordinarily 33 points, but I'm strongly tempted to reduce it to scoring for just the initial letters, which would rate only 12 points.
Would a specimen of this creature look good on the cream and scarlet paisley pattern sofa I have in my Druman villa?
Ick, no.
What place does this have at a dinner party?
It's indicated to flare pretty colours as it drops through a planetary atmosphere. Thus one of these has potential, subjected to sufficiently hot fire to burn it, to be some sort of garden display, to be viewed through a window by diners.
Other comments?
Given that this species can apparently found in any non-aquatic environment, that invites questions about just why it can't cope in water?
If this creature were a crime, what sort of crime would it be (expressed in the time honoured culprit/implement/location format)?
The hierophant of Lamashtu, with the garden-spray, in the conservatory.
Ask A RPGSupersuccubus – turning hope to ruin, victory to despair, and asking the important questions which really matter since whenever.
Congratulations on making the top sixteen. Obviously at this point your run in the contest is now over bar the tearful speeches and the 'but I will be back, ha-ha, if I feel like it, another year!' comments, but you did make it through to Round 3.

Evil Midnight Lurker |

I know I can't vote for this fiendish thingie or for your advancement, but nonetheless I hope Paizo could be convinced to include it, suitably polished and illustrated, in some future bestiary or other Pathfinder product. It's too nifty to languish.
EDIT: On names... voidcancer? The Tumo(u)r Out of Space? :)

Bob Drouin RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Aelryinth |

Well, we can all hope. They'd probably change the damage mechanic to just multiple touch attacks for damage, take down the AC and SR 1 point each, ramp up the Int score to 8 and give it 10 ranks in Perception.
DR would get changed to 5/cold iron or simply done away with. If they change attacks to normal, then they'll have to move the flight speed up to 40' to compensate for lack of double moves.
i.e. I doubt any of the mechanics I introduced would make the cut! :P
I WOULD like to see if how they 'cut it to fit' deviates much from what I described above, and how they'd stat out the 'crowd of tentacles' effect. Maybe with a week off, the judges will comment more specifically now that I addressed so many of the points from their commentary above, but who knows?
===Bob Drouin