
Ian Eastmond's page

Organized Play Member. 252 posts (304 including aliases). 3 reviews. 4 lists. 2 wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

Full Name

Ian Douglas Eastmond


Human WAAM* , English / Norwegian / Irish / German / Cherokee


Bard 9 / Alchemist 5 / Rogue 3




<Med but >Small



Special Abilities

GM: swift nightmare fuel creation, moral Catch-22s, visceral emmersion; PC — martyrs knack; always die best time / way for remainder of party, insuring my return from death.


!!!Lartuen Citoahc?!?

...Chaotic Neutral!




Las Vegas, Nevada aka Da Devil's Blowdryer


English, Spaenglish, a oui but of French and some German profanity


Asst. Ops Director for a driveway sealing company but I work from home — (I telecommute).

Homepage URL

Ian Eastmond's Google+ Page

Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 7
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 9
Charisma 18

About Ian Eastmond

White Anglo-American Mormon: well... born Mormon.
These days I don't connect myself to religions at all (except anectdotally or as a joke or to visit or when someone dies, besides that stuff I steer clear).
The Southwest US has Utah at its heart — I grew up in Las Vegas, which began life as a Mormon fort, and didn't know what a Protestant was until my Mom divorced my Dad and married one and after a while we would sometimes accompany him to his church where they drank wine instead of water (even teenagers my age!), but even then I couldn't grasp what WASP really stood for but having seen it in Bloom County and MAD magazine I had to know... eventually I substituted my personal paradigm to reconcile reality & perception.
Go figure.

Resident genius and troublemaker generally located in and or near Las Vegas, NV, USA, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe 777 (that last one's a guess).

Been playing D&D 3.0, then 3.5, now Pathfinder with the same gaming group for about 8 years (previous to that AD&D 2nd Edition & red box, every FASA game made, RIFTS, etc.) and ran a Golarion campaign for a couple of years but my work schedule and personal issues have put the brakes on GMing for me, at least for now. I put unbelievable energy into designing sketches, adventures, NPCs, dungeons, monsters, magic items, arabesque divine contingency plans, apocalypses... recently for Skull & Shackles I mapped out 4 complete weather systems with associated seasonal and geographical shifts and randomized daily lists for each season for cryin' out loud, and I still pour unfathomable amounts of time & energy into writing mostly stuff about or directly involved in RPGs, even though I'm not running a game right now. I think it's good, though. Maybe I can focus on the writing which I love and it will bring me back to be the crazy GM at the table (which I NEED).

In my dreams, I'm a fledgling free-lance RPG designer. I entered the RPG Superstar contest here past couple years (2011, 2012). I've yet to crack Top 32 but not for lack of working my butt off. Haven't quit my day job, yet...

...sadly, I wasn't able to commit to RPG Superstar enough since 2013 and have really let myself down by not even entering after coming so close to passing the first round! I don't know if my heart is really in it anymore :-(...

That's about it for now.