Brekkil |
Yes. I am about to preach a little. I apologize in advance.
For years I've asked people to review the products that they buy, whether they came from Headless Hydra Games or someone else... reviews are important to a publisher, and should be important to customers.
Customers may not think so, but a review, no matter if it is positive or negative, can help make a product better!
A positive review means more customers and more customers mean a bit extra cash, which again means more and better products in the future. A negative review, on the other hand, means helpful critique (hopefully) which will (hopefully) mean a better (and updated) product in the future.
Reviews are important! Very important.
Which is why I am sad to say that while I've been preaching that people should go and write reviews, I haven't actually written anyone myself, that is... until recently.
So this is my plea to all you customers out there... go and write a review.
I have. And if you want to read some of them, you can find a couple of links here.
Thanks for listening.
- Axel
Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Here here! As a publisher, I love getting reviews, and as a reader I love writing them. I even got into a bit of trouble here with a few posters for writing (well-reasoned and constructive, at least I thought) a negative review for a product of a similar nature to ones I had published. I can understand how that might look bad, so I (reluctantly) haven't written many reviews lately.
I appreciate the good work, Brekkil! Keep it up!
Brekkil |
Thanks guys, for backing up on this! I just noticed that you did a review of one of SGG's bullit points products, Jeremy. Cool.
Yeah, when I wrote my first review and every review after that, I think that I need to be careful what I write, not only do I know a lot of the people who create these products, some of them also work for me (from time to time), or even worse, are competitors of my company. A bad review could easily be seen as me trashtalking the competition. However, then I think... I bought this product just like everyone else and therefore should be allowed to review it, just like everyone else.
Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
It's certainly a fine line to walk, especially as someone involved in the industry... I have a couple other SGG Bullet Points I plan to review, as well as some products from other companies.
I figure if I can ask folks to review MY products, I should be willing to do the same for the products that I buy. :)
Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
Demiurge - I can see that you love monsterbooks, and Pathfinder compatible in particular... it just so happens that HHG has one of those (the Mor Aldenn Creature Compendium), and if you wanted to write a review of it, I'd love to give you a review copy.
Let me know if you are interested.
- Axel
That sounds fantastic. I'll even return the favor, if you're interested in any of the Creature Codex line.
Thank you!
Wolfgang Baur Kobold Press |
A semi-pro review is always great to see, though I think a talented amateur reviewer is often insightful and just as relevant.
I look forward to any review of Kobold Quarterly #20, the Zobeck Gazetteer for Pathfinder RPG, or the Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design.
Wolfgang Baur Kobold Press |
Brekkil |
Demiurge - PM sent!
I'd appreciate any kind of review, amateur, pro or semi-pro, even just a line of what someone's favorite monster or spell was, or what they felt was over or underpowered. I may not have the time to instantly update the product based on the critique (though I wish I had), but I can promise that I take it seriously and will give it some serious thought. Especially Endzeitgeist's reviews (and DM's) have recently had some positive influence on Headless HYdra Games' products. For one, I now add bookmarks to all future products and make sure to keep the file size as small as possible.
I really hope to have a review up of KQ20 and the new Zobeck gazetteer soon, just need some time to finish looking over both.
- Axel
Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
Realmwalker |
My first two reviews were for Super Genus Games I did them because I was extremely impressed with the items, my third review was because TPK Games said here have this product and if you like it please give it a review. I did just that, and as soon as I get a steady paycheck again I will look at other items from TPK Games.
For me not only did the free product inspire a review from me it also allowed me to see I product I might have never noticed.
I'm new to the whole reviewing thing but I try to give kudos to those I like not only by reviewing but buying product and finding a use for product in my games which in turn get my players to purchase product.
Creighton Broadhurst Raging Swan Press |
KTFish7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I only recently starting writing reviews, and I did it for one very simple reason, I only saw two voices speaking up about what was worth buying, and what wasn't. I got nothing but respect for End and D_M, but it seemed to me that more opinions were needed. I don't get to review nearly as much as I would like, but that's more because of cost than anything.
I think that it is really cool for companies to extend the offer of review copies to people, but that's a double edged sword, as you will have folks who will take a copy and run. I figure folks must be paying attention to my reviews, as today alone I got two private messages offering me material to review.
I'd love to see more folks start reviewing material, even if all they choose to write is a few lines what they liked, and what sucked. I think folks are intimidated to a point, I know I was when I started. But you get over that, and it becomes fun.
Fire Mountain Games |
Greetings all,
I would just like to add my voice in support of more reviews. If you've bought a product and you are passionate about it (for good or ill) say so!
I too would welcome any review of "Way of the Wicked". We've already had three but more are always great!
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." -- Plutarch
Lohan |
I generally do write reviews for products I have bought. I have some SGG pdfs that I need to weigh in on. I like to read product reviews before buying pdfs here at paizo. Sometimes material is previewed, which is great to look at before making a buy. I have got some great 3rd party material (mostly SGG) but I have also regretted some buys. I have reviewed those buys.
TPK Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Excellent thread! Brekkil is absolutely right about the benefits of the reviews.
Realmwalker and KTFish7 both recently did reviews for our latest offering, and we definitely appreciated them. All of our reviewers have helped shape our products from their early stages into something that will hopefully 'wow' those that purchase them. For that, we thank you!
Our latest villain sourcebook, Infamous Adversaries: Raxath'Viz, the Creeping Rot has already been given the 5 star seal of approval by Endezeitgeist, but if any other reviewers would like the opportunity to look at our latest works, feel free to ask.
If you thought our last Infamous Adversary was impressive, wait until you see our next adventure...
KTFish7 |
Greetings all,
I would just like to add my voice in support of more reviews. If you've bought a product and you are passionate about it (for good or ill) say so!
I too would welcome any review of "Way of the Wicked". We've already had three but more are always great!
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled." -- Plutarch
Trust me Gary, your book is on my list of ones I'm wanting to get my hands on, lol. So have no doubt, as soon as possible, I will be reviewing Knot of Thorns.
Fire Mountain Games |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Trust me Gary, your book is on my list of ones I'm wanting to get my hands on, lol. So have no doubt, as soon as possible, I will be reviewing Knot of Thorns.
Excellent! I look forward to your review.
*whip crack*
Ahem, it seems I need to get back to finalizing the layout of Book Two.
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Wicht |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I only recently starting writing reviews, and I did it for one very simple reason, I only saw two voices speaking up about what was worth buying, and what wasn't. I got nothing but respect for End and D_M, but it seemed to me that more opinions were needed. I don't get to review nearly as much as I would like, but that's more because of cost than anything.
Let me just say thank you for the reviews you have written. They have not gone unnoticed.
Are there any Rite Publishing books you would like to review but have not because of your budget?
Dream Daemon |
I will do some reviews as well on the products I have ordered. I always felt a little intimidated because End and D_M do such a great, thorough job with their reviews. My reviews will be more like "I like this, I didn't like this" and probably a couple of sentences. But I always find reviews extremely helpful, so I might as well give back, so to speak.
terraleon |
Yes. I am about to preach a little. I apologize in advance.
I'm going to take a moment to say "yes, reviews are a good thing, but..."
I have strong feelings about how a review ought to be written, but I'm not going to get into it here. There's a link in my profile to a more complete post discussing what I believe makes a good review and I'll leave it there.
All I could say is, please, please go read that link if you're planning on embarking on a long and glorious endeavor of reviewing material. Those who read reviews and those who write material will thank you.
Good luck!
Brekkil |
Yeah, I've also tried to offer free review copies... but no bites. I know that a lot of reviewers download our products through RPGNow, but I have yet to read one of their reviews.
It would be pointless for me to tell people how to review products, and would probably not inspire people to write any. As long as a review is constructive, I am a happy camper :)
I agree with Dream Daemon, I also find reviews extremely helpful and while End and DM writes very useful reviews, I would like more views on our products.
- Axel
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Yeah, I've also tried to offer free review copies... but no bites.
Most of my reviewers, I've approached myself (again, offering free PDFs, but I personally extended them an invite). Now that Paizo has a PM system, its a lot easier to talk to potential reviewers directly.
And if anyone is interested in reviewing one of my books, feel free to PM me.
Senjen |
I only saw two voices speaking up about what was worth buying, and what wasn't. I got nothing but respect for End and D_M, but it seemed to me that more opinions were needed.
I have to admit that I have thought off and on about doing some reviews for exactly this reason. Thank you for starting this thread and giving me the reminder that I needed to stop procrastinating and just do the reviews.
Daniel Marshall Silver Crescent Publishing |
I would ask for the same thing from those who have purchased Silver Crescent products. Reviews are very useful not only for sales purposes but to help publishers determine the particular parts of their material that may need improvement. Things that may not have been caught during playtesting.
If anyone who has purchased any Silver Crescent products and doesn't want to write a full review to post, feel free to send me PMs with likes and dislikes or suggestions on what sort of follow up products you may like to see.
I look forward to any feedback we get.
I would also like to echo Dale's idea. If anyone is interested in reviewing Silver Crescent products feel free to PM me about it.
KTFish7 |
Let me just say thank you for the reviews you have written. They have not gone unnoticed.
Are there any Rite Publishing books you would like to review but have not because of your budget?
Thank You, will send you a PM later this evening.
Most of my reviewers, I've approached myself (again, offering free PDFs, but I personally extended them an invite). Now that Paizo has a PM system, its a lot easier to talk to potential reviewers directly.
And I do appreciate that.
Bob_Loblaw |
I'm one who is very tight with his money. Reviews really help me decide what I want to buy. I would rather have a review from someone who incorporated the product into their game instead of a professional. Professionals have their place and can often write excellent reviews, but I want to see if the product was worth the money from those who use it.
I wrote a review for one product so far. I haven't looked over the other two items I've purchased, but as soon as I do I plan on writing reviews. I think it's very helpful for the consumer as well as the writer.