concerro |

The MT does not increase class abilities. All you get is the caster level of that class. There are not feats or magic items to bypass it.
The MT does not even allow the wizard to get his 2 new free spells when he levels up. If he wants new spells he has to buy scrolls or get them from another wizard's book.

Chibi Chibi |

We have a mystic theurge in our group and it kind of sucks just saying. He was considerably weaker then the rest of us that the GM had to jack his character up till the point that he is now broken but still can't cast the high level spells we now need. This is just my personal opinion and what I have experiences with the mystic theurge.

harmor |

We have a mystic theurge in our group and it kind of sucks just saying. He was considerably weaker then the rest of us that the GM had to jack his character up till the point that he is now broken but still can't cast the high level spells we now need. This is just my personal opinion and what I have experiences with the mystic theurge.
Yep...when a pure caster will be casting 4th level spells your Mystic Theurge will be casting a bunch of 2nd level spells.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

So i just lvld into mystic theurge and was wondering what feats are available to give me the abilities of a cleric like more channeling healing and is there a way to increase the wizards school spec abilities while in the theurge class?
In short, no. Taking the prestige class is the tradeoff of gaining/improving the class abilities.
The best you can do with channeling is taking the feats that add times per day (Extra Channel) or boost the save DC (Improved Channel), etc. But the damage dice will not increase.
If you want more healing, I'd use your Combined Spell ability to prepare some healing spells in your arcane slot.

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So i just lvld into mystic theurge and was wondering what feats are available to give me the abilities of a cleric like more channeling healing and is there a way to increase the wizards school spec abilities while in the theurge class?
Traits -
Sacred Touch (obviate the need for a stabilize spell, but without range)Magical Talent (Not much different than the above)
Sacred Conduit - Better Channel DC
Feats -
Demon Hunter - Cuts through SR on Demons
Extra Channel - More channel energy per day (but not more dice)
Spell Penetration (and Greater Spell Penetration)cut through SR
Improved Channel - Harder DC for Chanel to harm.
Theurgy - Harder DC for spell.
Piercing Spell - Cuts through SR better.
Intensified Spell - Higher Caster level (not higher than Character level)
I think there is also a feat to add to the number of channel dice, but I don't have that book.
Magic items
Phylactery of Positive Channeling - +2d6 to channel dice
Candle of Invocation - Spells as if a higher Cleric level

rat_ bastard |

Tapkill wrote:So i just lvld into mystic theurge and was wondering what feats are available to give me the abilities of a cleric like more channeling healing and is there a way to increase the wizards school spec abilities while in the theurge class?Traits -
Sacred Touch (obviate the need for a stabilize spell, but without range)
Magical Talent (Not much different than the above)
Sacred Conduit - Better Channel DCFeats -
Demon Hunter - Cuts through SR on Demons
Extra Channel - More channel energy per day (but not more dice)
Spell Penetration (and Greater Spell Penetration)cut through SR
Improved Channel - Harder DC for Chanel to harm.
Theurgy - Harder DC for spell.
Piercing Spell - Cuts through SR better.
Intensified Spell - Higher Caster level (not higher than Character level)I think there is also a feat to add to the number of channel dice, but I don't have that book.
Magic items
Phylactery of Positive Channeling - +2d6 to channel dice
Candle of Invocation - Spells as if a higher Cleric level
Are we being productive now instead of telling people to treat their character like a spreadsheet? OK.
Orange Prism Ioun Stone - +1 caster level, for both of your caster levels.
Robes of the Summit - Kind of an endgame item but still superior in nearly every aspect than a Robe of the Arch Magi.
Varsian Tattoo Feat - Conjuring works pretty well for a theurge who deals in healing spells regularly.

Rocky Williams 530 |
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/kobold-press/general-feats--- 3rd-party---kobold-press/improved-caster-level
Improved Caster Level feat: Improves caster level in all spell casting classes by +4, up to character level. It doesn't help you cast higher level spells, but makes sure that the spells you are casting are hitting at the proper level.

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I have a 14 level Mystic Theurge in PFS, and I have enjoyed playing this character. I have stuck to buffing, some summoning, the occasional evocation spell, but lots and lots of utility spells.
I find my character works best when there is a full level cleric and Wizard in the party. Then I can fill in all the gaps.
I have enjoyed mixing and matching spells from both divine and arcane spells.
Anyways I have had a god time with this character.

Blave |

I have yet to play one myself but I think with the new-ish "SLA meet spell casting requirements" ruling, the MT doesn't look all that bad. I mean, you can get 19 levels of wizard casting and 11 levels of cleric casting with just a one level dip (cleric with trickery domain). Add the +1 caster level Ioun Stone and magic knack (cleric) and you cast at 20/14 respectively. So your arcane spells are as good as they can be (maybe slighly lower save DC due tu MAD) and you can still cast heal for 140 HP.
But yeah, as the others have said, you basically exchange your class abilities for a ridiculous number of spells per day. Almost too many in fact, considering that it's hard to cast more than one per round.

Khrysaor |
Empyreal sorcerer/cleric makes wisdom your only caster stat and provides the spontaneous aspect. Grants a free 1d4+1 ranged cure for good allies or harms baddies. Grants resistance 5 cold/acid at level 3. All the other ideas listed are vital.
The new SLA revision allows entrance as early as level 5 I believe. Maybe earlier if you can meet the prerequisite spell abilities through SLAs.

Joex The Pale |

But yeah, as the others have said, you basically exchange your class abilities for a ridiculous number of spells per day. Almost too many in fact, considering that it's hard to cast more than one per round.
I'm playing one now and he is a buffing monster. If the GM allows us time before an encounter for me to do my buffing mojo, we dominate. And as soon as I get a chance, I will be adding Quicken Spell to my feats roster. Dropping two buffs a round or a buff and a Summon Monster will be helpful for those times we get jumped unprepared.
And yes, Magical Knack, along with Spell Specialization (which you can reassign every time you gain a spell level) has kept my spellcasting on my wizard side at par. If you plan it out and play to its strengths, the Mystic Theurge is awesome. I'm guessing Chibi and his friend just didn't play to it's niche, which is not high dice-count spells. But when you get ambushed, having him drop for your melee character a Quickened Enlarge and a Blessing of Fervor first round, then follow it up with a Quickened Protection from Evil and a Summon Monster IV for some flanking buddies the second, while still having plenty in reserve for following rounds and after the battle, that could make things quite a bit better for everyone on his side...