Taking kids through the beginner box - what next?


I ordered the beginner box recently, and am taking my 3 children + two of their friends through it (ages 7 - 11), and they're having a blast! I haven't played a Tabletop RPG in 18 years or so, so it's a lot of fun for me as well. The kids have been begging to play more, as soon as we finished up the black fang dungeon.

My question is, once we finish with the Beginners box, then what?

We'll play once a week on the weekends.
The kids would like a longer campaign using a single character to play through it.
It has to be kid friendly (I can edit as needed, too)
I want a pre-built campaign & story to take them through.

I've ordered the Core Rule Book, The GM Guide, and the Bestiary, and got the GM Screen. To start reading while we do more of the beginner box stuff.

So, what's the best next step for them for PFRPG?

Is it:
An adventure path? (If so, which one? I prefer not to convert a 3.5 one to PFRPG)
Modules and just chain them together?
Pathfinder Society scenarios, such as the First steps?

Also, what resources will I need with any of those to make it more interactive for the kids? Map packs? Campaign setting resources? Anything else?

I don't have a ton of time to invest in this each week, outside the time we're already putting aside to play, so I want something where I can jump in and run the game for them as quickly as possible!

Thanks for any advice!


Do you want low level Adventure paths (campaigns) or higher level campaigns (adventure paths)?

Or just a module?

Something where I can start them out at Level 1 and grow their characters from there. With how slow the games seem to go for them, and the play time we'll have, it could take quite a while to get through a (campaign/adventure path). Which would be great :)

The rise of the runelords AP was Paizo's first and it starts off at first level, theirs a lot of fighting in it which should be fun for them.

It goes from lvl 1 to lvl 15

If you go to paizo's store you can read reviews for the 10 AP (Jade Regent is not completly out)

Get more figures probably you will sometimes need very large battles. Also the pathfinder srd has almost everything you need.

hope you get what you need.

Liberty's Edge

If you want it to be Pathfinder I'd recommend not doing an AP earlier than Kingmaker, as the earlier ones were still in the 3.5e rules.

For a starting DM the Serpent's Skull AP is probably better than Kingmaker as there isn't any kingdom management to deal with (at least, not in the first few books). Haven't read up on other APs so I'm not sure how they play out.

StabbittyDoom wrote:
If you want it to be Pathfinder I'd recommend not doing an AP earlier than Kingmaker, as the earlier ones were still in the 3.5e rules.

Woops did not know that.

StabbittyDoom wrote:

If you want it to be Pathfinder I'd recommend not doing an AP earlier than Kingmaker, as the earlier ones were still in the 3.5e rules.

For a starting DM the Serpent's Skull AP is probably better than Kingmaker as there isn't any kingdom management to deal with (at least, not in the first few books). Haven't read up on other APs so I'm not sure how they play out.

Thanks for the heads up on the 3.5e AP's.

Anyone know if Serpent's skull is ok for kids (mostly wanting to avoid sex and torture, no idea if the PFRPG stuff has that kind of thing in it).

AP's are the way to go, then?

I would do Kingmaker. There are a lot of events and themes that you could "kiddify" without too much trouble. You can run the kingdom in the background if you want, but I don't think it's too complex for them - around that age I played in a campaign where we managed a tavern.

I recommend these modules:

- Crypt of the Everflame (1 st-level)
- Masks of the living God (3rd-level)
- City of golden death (5th-level)

You will have adventure for a while.

Or Kingmaker AP.

Talking to the kids some, it sounds like modules might be more their style after all.

They're looking for things similar to the black fang adventure in the beginners box, where it's a short adventure they can get through in 1 - 2 play sessions. New stories every couple weeks, and the opportunity to play different characters every once in a while (this was a big point for them!)

For example, my one son said "Some weeks I want to be my rogue, but other weeks I could be a really awesome wizard!".

So, I'm thinking modules are the way to go then? (At least until they want to go with a bigger story arc)

If you do repeated low level adventures, he'll never be an awesome wizard.

Kingmaker doesn't have anything inappropriate that I can remember, and you can skip all the kingdom building and just let the kids be rulers, it's fun.

Or string modules, but if someone wants to be a wizard, make sure they get to a high enough level, but tehny ou have to make sure they dont overshadow the melee types.

If you want to run a one-shot that's a total blast and perfect for kids to occupy a session or two while you are planning something bigger, I can't recommend We Be Goblins enough. Everybody plays Goblin pregens, then you roll real characters when you find a longer adventure you want to run.

It is a free PDF download: We Be Goblins

I recently ran We Be Goblins on the beginner box rules. It's a lot of fun! Your kids would have a lot of fun with it, I'd gather, though it will require a bit of conversion work on your part.

They sound like good kids, but I'd be wary of giving any problem players too much free reign. One of my (unfortunately adult) players took his "Chaotic Evil" moniker a little far and managed to derail things pretty thoroughly. Again, just a word of warning. It's probably the best module on the market for Pathfinder, so definately check it out!

Lantern Lodge

kraegar wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:

If you want it to be Pathfinder I'd recommend not doing an AP earlier than Kingmaker, as the earlier ones were still in the 3.5e rules.

For a starting DM the Serpent's Skull AP is probably better than Kingmaker as there isn't any kingdom management to deal with (at least, not in the first few books). Haven't read up on other APs so I'm not sure how they play out.

Thanks for the heads up on the 3.5e AP's.

Anyone know if Serpent's skull is ok for kids (mostly wanting to avoid sex and torture, no idea if the PFRPG stuff has that kind of thing in it).

AP's are the way to go, then?

Having played the first book for both adventures, I would suggest Kingmaker over Serpent's Skull.

!*Possible spoilers ahead*!


- Open ended
- Foes includes wild animals, fae, bandits and other nature based creatures.
- Supports a "good" alignment party.
- Have many friendly NPCs that can interact with your players.
- Kid friendly. (I did not encounter any sex or torture.)
- A number of moral questions/encounters. Example, do you get rid of a hunter's animal traps? or leave them? Do you help a Fae or the a bunch of people trying to make a living in the forest?
- Finally, players setup a town later in the story. You could take the role of the baron/mayor of the town and have the kids become the town heroes.

Serpent Skull::

- a little open ended in the first book.
- Foes includes cultists(?), wild animals/monsters,
- Much more faster paced
- NPCs need to be made friendly.
- More survival based story (first book.)
- Less appropriate for kids. (There are cannibals in the first book.)

If you want a freer hand in the story I would suggest Kingmaker. If you want something more pre-planned you could try out Serpent Skull. In any case, Kingmaker is more kid friendly then Serpent Skull. The players in Kingmaker can easily be made into to "heroes", while Serpent Skull involves more a need for survival.

Thanks for all the advice, doing a lot of reading to figure out what to do.

I think, for now, to a 9 year old experiencing an RPG for the first time, a level 5 wizard IS powerful :)

Can anyone explain what something like this: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8jor?Pathfinder-Society-Scenario-Intro-1-Firs t-Steps-Part-I-In-Service-to-Lore

Is compared to say a module or the first chapter of an Adventure Path?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There is some additional downloadable stuff for the beginner box including a supplemental adventure

GM Kit

Four mini adventures

Box Bash Demos

Also check out this page for Beginner Box related materials just about all of them free downloads.

LazarX wrote:

There is some additional downloadable stuff for the beginner box including a supplemental adventure

GM Kit

Four mini adventures

Box Bash Demos

Also check out this page for Beginner Box related materials just about all of them free downloads.

I've downloaded and printed all of those!

I also recommend Kingmaker, after playing it i can say that it's very PG-13, if you think that the kids can't manage the kingdom building thing just skip it. From what i have heard legacy of fire is also very PG-13 but it's an AP for 3.5, while we are on the subject rise of the runelords, second darkness, legacy of fire and curse of the crimson throne are the paizo APs for 3.5 all of their other APs are for pathfinder.
Do NOT run rise of the runelords, it would require too much editing.
The price of immortality chain of modules (Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the living God, City of golden death) is also quite good, doesn't require any editing iirc and isn't a huge commitment.

leo1925 wrote:

I also recommend Kingmaker, after playing it i can say that it's very PG-13, if you think that the kids can't manage the kingdom building thing just skip it. From what i have heard legacy of fire is also very PG-13 but it's an AP for 3.5, while we are on the subject rise of the runelords, second darkness, legacy of fire and curse of the crimson throne are the paizo APs for 3.5 all of their other APs are for pathfinder.

Do NOT run rise of the runelords, it would require too much editing.
The price of immortality chain of modules (Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the living God, City of golden death) is also quite good, doesn't require any editing iirc and isn't a huge commitment.

I picked up the first volume of Kingmaker this weekend, it looks pretty interesting. I figure we can get as far as the kids want to in it, and switch adventures when they're ready, whether that's book 1 or book 6.

I'll probably also pick up Crypt of the Everflame soon.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
leo1925 wrote:

From what i have heard legacy of fire is also very PG-13 but it's an AP for 3.5

On the message boards there is a conversion posted for taking Legacy to 3.p, however

Legacy of Fire plot spoiler:
the different evil cultists in it may be a little intense for kids, so you may need to do some rewrites on the second book.
Grand Lodge

Stay away from Rise of the Runelords. Way too dark for children.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Stay away from Rise of the Runelords. Way too dark for children.

Good to know, thanks!

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