Gluttony |
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Well, this is my second run through Jade Regent now (same group. We restarted after they all died), and I'm having significantly less trouble thinking of personalized treasure for them this time. I'm still stuck one one though (oddly enough, the one I'm stuck on this time is the character belonging to the only player I had no trouble thinking of a reward for last time).
For the Gnome Master Summoner, I'm giving her a +1 Corrosive Heavy Crossbow. She tends to save her summons for big fights, and so she often sits at the back doing very little the rest of the time, trying to fire her crossbow at enemies, but either missing or (when she hits) doing very little damage compared to everyone else due to a combination of having a small weapon, and that weapon not getting a Str bonus.
For the Aasimar Cleric (Now a Cleric/Sorcerer) I'm giving a Headband of Alluring Charisma (+2). He surprised me when he multiclassed suddenly and declared his intent to eventually take the Mystic Theurge PrC. When I pointed out to him that he has a negative Int modifier, and only 12 Cha though, and isn't really made for an arcane class he replied "That's okay, I'll buy or make a magic item to help with that later." So I decided to give him one as his reward.
For the Dwarven Barbarian/Ranger, I'm giving a +1 Mighty Cleaving greatsword. He spent a feat on Persuasive so that he could keep up with the NPC-relationship building of the others and not fall behind from lack of bonus XP (due to his dumped Cha), and the player lamented at one point that he didn't have Cleave, and wouldn't be able to get it for a while with his feats as they were. So I thought "Why not?"
The one I'm stuck on, is the Suli Summoner. He's built as a frontline combat type of character, meant to wade into battle alongside his Eidolon. The character himself sacrificed a fair bit of power on his own build to increase the capabilities of the Eidolon, but the result was a partner that is consistently on par with a raging barbarian as far as Strength goes, and tends to exceed said barbarian in effectiveness by way of more attacks per round, and 10-foot reach on her claws and bite.
The issue is essentially that he's so focused on his Eidolon that I can't really think of much that would be useful for the summoner himself. He's the tertiary melee fighter of the party, the tertiary caster of the party, the only skill he's not horrible with is his diplomacy, and I don't think there's any magic items that specifically deal with Eidolons that would be helpful for him, which is probably what he would benefit most from.
Any ideas?

PhineasGage |

I made up an item that allows the Summoner in our game to cast his Summon Monster spell like ability up to three times while his Eidolon is still out; afterwhich it requires repair and there's a price tag associated with that repair.
I know its overpowered, but it's sort of a quasi-limited use item, and based on the way the player who runs the Summoner plays, I know it won't get abused.

It's Alive! |

- [for the magus]: masterwork mithral O-yoroi armor (at 7th level he can don this armor as "medium" armor. I realize I'm breaking a rule by allowing him to do this....BUT IT'S JUST SO DAMN COOL!)
- [for the rogue]: Cloak of the Last Breath (dimension door 5 feet per character level as a standard action [or as a move action if a DC 20 +1 per 5 feet you teleport Acrobatics check is made], if DD is successful... +1d6 added on to sneak attack, and if attack is a crit, treat as a coup de grace)
- [for the monk]: The Beating Heart of Amatatsu (amulet of mighty fists +1 PLUS amulet of natural armor +2 [one or the other/switch as a move action] plus the Redirection ability of the Flowing Monk archetype on pg 58 of Ultimate Combat)
- [for the two-weapon fighting ranger]: Cudgel of the Howling Winds (+2 club that can separate into a +1 wakisashi and a +1 club. If the club crits, foe must make a Will save DC = 10 plus CHA mod plus character level or be confused for 1 round. The PC can continue the confusion by continually hitting the same foe with the club. If the PC has the wakisashi in her hand, she may take an AO against an opponent that's only moved 5ft AND operates as if she had the Nimble Moves feat). Also, can act as a Immovable Rod 1/day if it's put together as a +2 club.
- [for the druid w/animal companion]: "Susanu"...bottled wind kami (Once released, provides the Air Domain to it's user AND can use Air Walk and Summon Nature's Ally IV 1/day, and Gust of Wind at will, and the effect of the Cartwheel Dodge Feat in Ultimate Combat (does not work for the animal companion).
- [for the Evoker]: The Third Arm of the Fire Shugenja: lesser staff of Fire (no Wall of Fire and 5 charges instead of 10) plus +1 spell level to all fire spells that the PC casts AND can use Selective Spell (APG) once per day to affect anyone of the Amatatsu line.

Old Drake |
Well, it may be a bit late, but maybe of use for others.
If the Summoner has sacrificed a lot for the Eidolon, then how about continuing the trend? How about an elixir that if consumed grants a permanent +1 to the Evolution pool?
A non-slot item granting a feat is priced at ~8,000gp. Since the favored class option could be used to effectively get Toughness, I'll use it as comparison. Looking at the Half-elf favored class options, 1 evolution point equals four levels. So at this point the bonus evolution point would be equal to a feat, but it wouldn't increase as a normal feat would... that makes pricing very tricky. I'd price it at less than 3,000 gp, so a bit above the desired 2,250 gp per player, but not too much.
As for the post from 'It's Alive':
These are the magic items that I designed for our party, to give you examples...
I've just seen this post, and wow! That's some items you gave out!
- [for the magus]: masterwork mithral O-yoroi armor (at 7th level he can don this armor as "medium" armor. I realize I'm breaking a rule by allowing him to do this....BUT IT'S JUST SO DAMN COOL!)
That's 11,000 gp for one item, when all items combined should be about 9k, but you're right, the idea is cool, and would be fitting for Barbarians and other medium/heavy armor characters as well. But you should be aware of the boost in power such a treasure will give the party.
If any DM wants give it to multiple PCs, I'd recommend finding a few pictures of this type of armor, and then (at least in your head) personalize it for every character to make it appear unique, even if mechanically they are identical. It just makes a great treasure, even if multiple could be boring - that's where fluff description makes the difference.- [for the rogue]: Cloak of the Last Breath (dimension door 5 feet per character level as a standard action [or as a move action if a DC 20 +1 per 5 feet you teleport Acrobatics check is made], if DD is successful... +1d6 added on to sneak attack, and if attack is a crit, treat as a coup de grace)
When I read this the first time, I thought nice. Then I read it again, and tried to price it.... and arrived at major artifact as price.
- Sneak attack +1d6: roughly equal to other weapon enchantments that do an extra dice of damage, but stacking with any weapon. I'd price this at 20,000 gp.- Dimension Door at will: Even without accounting for the possibility of dimension dooring as a move action, this ability would cost 56,000.
- crits turn into coup de grace: This makes a high crit keen weapon almost mandatory... 30% chance for crit threats... I'd guess 15% chance per round to land a coup de grace and given the minimum damage probably a 95% chance to kill. That's more powerful than Vorpal; at least 100,000 gp.
That'd place this cloak well above the 200,000 gp range. Wow.
Now if you intended this to be limited to one dimension door a day, it gets more reasonable, but would still be over 40,000 gp.
- [for the monk]: The Beating Heart of Amatatsu (amulet of mighty fists +1 PLUS amulet of natural armor +2 [one or the other/switch as a move action] plus the Redirection ability of the Flowing Monk archetype on pg 58 of Ultimate Combat)
Interesting item. I'd estimate it at ~13,000 gp.
- [for the two-weapon fighting ranger]: Cudgel of the Howling Winds (+2 club that can separate into a +1 wakisashi and a +1 club. If the club crits, foe must make a Will save DC = 10 plus CHA mod plus character level or be confused for 1 round. The PC can continue the confusion by continually hitting the same foe with the club. If the PC has the wakisashi in her hand, she may take an AO against an opponent that's only moved 5ft AND operates as if she had the Nimble Moves feat). Also, can act as a Immovable Rod 1/day if it's put together as a +2 club.
I think you mistyped and meant DC = 10 plus CHA mod plus half character level. Still, I'd judge the special ability of both club and wakisashi as +1 equivalent, so it's two +2 weapons or ~17,000 gp without considering the Immovable Rod ability.
- [for the druid w/animal companion]: "Susanu"...bottled wind kami (Once released, provides the Air Domain to it's user AND can use Air Walk and Summon Nature's Ally IV 1/day, and Gust of Wind at will, and the effect of the Cartwheel Dodge Feat in Ultimate Combat (does not work for the animal companion).
-Air domain: 8,000 gp
-Air Walk 1/day: 20,160 gp-Summon Nature's Ally IV 1/day: 20,160 gp
-Gust of Wind at will: 21,600 gp (assuming Cl 3! 50,400 if Cl 7 as other spells)
-Cartwheel dodge: 8,000 gp
=> 106,080 gp (most expensive ability at normal price, all others at 150% as per guideline)
It sounds like a fantastic item, but that should be expected at that price.
- [for the Evoker]: The Third Arm of the Fire Shugenja: lesser staff of Fire (no Wall of Fire and 5 charges instead of 10) plus +1 spell level to all fire spells that the PC casts AND can use Selective Spell (APG) once per day to affect anyone of the Amatatsu line.
-lesser staff of fire: Cl 8, 10 charges would be 14,400 gp, so ~10,000 gp for the 5 charges version.
-+1 Cl for fire spells: 7,500 gp-Selective Spell 1/day: 1,600 gp
=> ~24,000 gp
That's less than I thought when I read the description first, but it certainly will be a treasure possession for a long time to come.
You've certainly come up with interesting items that will stay with the characters for a long time, except maybe the monk amulet. I'd certainly like to know how the items were received and what impact they had on the campaign.

Mistwalker |

Treasure totaling 9k? Whoops. I thought it was 9k per character!
Don't worry about it. James Jacobs, the author, said that he handed out more than the 9K amount when he GMed the adventure.

Old Drake |
Treasure totaling 9k? Whoops. I thought it was 9k per character!
It won't matter too much. And since they are supposed to find an item they were destined to find, it's probably a better idea to give something more valuable, as long as you are aware that you boost the players wealth beyond where the AP assumes it is. If you give them 9k a piece you probably won't notice it too long, but for level 4 they'd be at about twice the expected wealth with the corresponding increase in power. So you might want to boost a few encounters in book 2, maybe. If you went for cool above combat boost, you'll probably not notice the difference.
As long as the encounters are still fun, everything is okay.

Old Drake |
Some treasure ideas:
Brooch of the White Knights
Fluff: The Order of the White Knights was a Knightly order in ancient Thassilon. Since the brooch has no runes, it takes a DC 30 history check to make the connection. DC 35 to learn that the order was formed to combat threats from the arctic regions. DC 40 for details of the order (only if your group cares about the world, otherwise you can ignore the fluff).
Crunch: The brooch doesn't take any slot, but must be visibly fastened on your clothes. While visible it grants +1 caster level to all fire spells. However all creatures with the Cold subtype are irritated by the brooch and will prefer to target the owner over other targets, all other things being equal.
Worth: ~6,000gp [7,500 for the bonus, -1,500 for the 'curse']
Ruby Staff
Named for the large ruby that is set in the staff
The staff has only one spell - Cl 10 fireball costing five charges.
Cost: 6,000 gp (4,800 staff magic, 1,200 for the purely ornamental ruby) - I'd only count the 4,800 against WBL, but YMMV
Generic: An adamantine weapon. Especially if the party is planning to enchant their own weapon or you added an NPC item creator to the caravan, this may be the best way to give a PC an iconic item to a melee focused character that will stay useful for a mere 3,000 gp.
Focusing Rod
The rod must be added as focus when casting a spell to take effect; if the spell already has material components of requires a focus, it can only be used if both hands are free.
Bonus: +1 save DC for one school
Worth: ~4,000 gp
Aiming Rod
The rod must be added as focus when casting a spell that requires an attack roll to take effect; if the spell already has material components of requires a focus, it can only be used if both hands are free.
Bonus: +1 attack and damage with the spell.
Special: The rod can be further enchanted as if it were a ranged weapon.
Worth: ? [As +1 weapon it would be 2,310 or so gp, but since it grants new capabilities some might want to price it a lot higher.]

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I've been waiting to post this until my party made it through the vault. They finally did it, so here is the custom treasure that I gave them. Two notes: 1) I borrowed the basic idea and some of the text from Clark Peterson's (far too brief) thread, downboard. 2) The value of these is way, way over 9000gp. I don't care. Every book reflects the life of the character for whom it is intended, in some way, giving the sense that the life of the person about whom they are reading is a mirror of their own.
There were three books in each chest, which of which bore the Amatatsu dragon on the front, with the title etched in beautiful calligraphy. The benefits of each book can only be gained by one person per generation. Once they have been gained, even the same practice or prayers cannot achieve the same result until that person has died.
My goal here is to have him ready to wield Suishen by the time the party is in Kalsgard. He's an extremely taciturn character, and tends not to share information with the party, so having a more talkative sword that he's telepathically linked with will let his player be more communicative.
I realize that this is the equivalent of three feats, but two of them are feats that no PC is likely to take, and with Koya in the party even Cauldron seems pointless. However, the PC in question is wavering between "Good Witch" and "Bad Witch," and I want to help her feel more like a "fairytale witch," without forcing her to sacrifice playability.
This is specifically meant to add a little combat power to the ninja, who insists on being a two-weapon fighter with a katana and no Strength bonus. This is a player who actively de-optimizes in favor of cool concepts, so the idea is to help her balance out a little.
Her player has been feeling a little overshadowed since the magus and the witch joined the party, so I wanted to help her stand out a little, get deeper into her kitsune heritage and feel different from either of those classes.
The Barbarian has been talking about multi-classing Inquisitor, and I wanted to give the "favored of Desna" feeling.
The magus's player really wanted to take the War Warder Magus archetype, but I generally don't allow non-core material. Instead, I figured I'd let him take the part of it that he really wanted, since it's not overpowered for that character.
So, there you go. Character-specific bonuses that add up to... I don't know, about a billion gp. (A single feat is usually valued at 5k, so these are actually anywhere between 10k and 25k, each.) What matters to me is that each one is only useful to one character, and each makes perfect sense for their history. No other character in the party would want the others' books (except, maybe, for the Barbarian's - but the rest of the party dumped Wis anyway), and the benefits will be usable for the rest of the AP, and beyond.
I hope these are useful to others in thinking about the treasure!

Blue_Hill |
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Here are some treasures that I designed for my party. I got idea for these from Ice Titan how made some awesome books/journals. Check them here. Here are my versions for my party:
Lessons of Many Ways by Amatatsu Hideoyri
At 4th level warrior wielding katana gets ability to break DR/cold iron with his sword. At 7th level warrior can perform non-lethal attacks with his sword without normal -4 penalty. At 10th level warrior gets ability to break DR/adamantine with his sword.
This goes to samurai of my group. Player said that he wants samurai's ancestral weapon to be important to the end of campaign as his katana has name (sakuragami).
Style of Free Fist by Amatatsu Ha'Ouken
At 4th level, reader gets ability to break DR/magic with his bare fists. At 7th level, reader get Knockout Artist feat for free. At 10th level, reader can add his Dex-modifier (if any) to damage of his unarmed strikes.
This journal is for "ninja" of my group. He really isn't ninja, more combat oriented rogue who uses his fists as main weapon. Dirty tricks are mentioned because player doesn't want to choose ki-tricks because his character has no grasp on such things.
Songs of Nightgale by Amatatsu Reiko
At 4th level, reader learns song about hummingbird who hurries to defend her nest from attackers. (Reader learns Triple Time masterpiece for free. Activating this masterpiece is only a move action but you can use it only 1/3 lvl times per day (min. 1/day).
At 7th level song named Thousand Notes teaches new spells to reader. (Reader can choose 5 spell levels of spells to his spells known list).
At 10th level reader knows song of Kamaitachi and gaining some of its speed to himself. (Reader gets Requiem of Fallen Priest-King mastepiece for free).
As you may have guess, this songbook is for the bard. Giving her some masterpieces free is main thing I want to do as player said that any of them doesn't fit to his character. I changed the story behind masterpiece so it would be more appealing to her. Bard is ulffen savage skald to should I change Tian-theme of songs?
I need comments about these items. I know they are powerful but I only have three players so that isn't really a problem. Are these items in balance between each other or is one of them weaker/stronger that other? All comments are welcome.

deuxhero |
For the Summoner, perhaps an infinite use version of the Varisian Idol? Item creation rules say to multiply the cost of a single use item by 100 for unlimited use, giving it a price of 5000 GP
Like this
Aura moderate Conjuration [Summoning]; CL 5rd
Slot shoulders; Price 5000 gp; Weight -.
This spherical red gem has two thin slightly curved "wings" at the top, each pointing the opposite direction, and gives off a faint red light behind it as it moves. Around its center, parallel to the wings, is a gold ring with straps to fashion it to the shoulders. The entire item is unnaturally light, and if no additional weight is applied, the stone falls very slowly, causing it to float behind the wearer if they run.
If the wearer casts any summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the summoned creature has an additional +2 hit points per Hit Die.
Craft Wondrous Item, Summmon Monster 3 or Summon Nature's Ally 3; Cost 2,500 GP
(Change the slot to neck if you don't want to give a reslotted Cloak of Resistance.)

Blue_Hill |

Here are some treasures that I designed for my party. I got idea for these from Ice Titan how made some awesome books/journals. Check them here. Here are my versions for my party:
Lessons of Many Ways by Amatatsu Hideoyri
** spoiler omitted **Style of Free Fist by Amatatsu Ha'Ouken
** spoiler omitted **Songs of Nightgale by Amatatsu Reiko
** spoiler omitted **...
Any comments on these? My player's will find these on our next session which is on monday.

Cranky Dog |
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Here's what I currently have planned for my players:
Fighter: An original tien text and translated version of "Bushido", aka "The Way of the Warrior". In it will also be many depictions of training exercises for katanas and wakizashis. Overall effect: character has the basic knowledge to become a samurai on his next level (Ameiko being the samurai's lord). If the character does not want to become a samurai, the training exercices will give free proficiency with the katana and wakizashi. Only classes already trained in martial weapons can benefit from this. And currently, we only have one character trained in this manner.
Druid: a variant of Deuxhero's infinite Varisian Idol. It looks like a Varisian idol, but has the shapes of many foreign or exotic creatures and animals (but common in Tian-Xia) with many embedded jade stones in it. Only three uses per day but gives the Augmented Summoning feat boost (+4 Con, +4 Str).
Cleric-Monk: Beautiful silk garment, +1 AC, glamered ability.
Bard: Original copy and translated version of The Tayagama. Will grant bonuses to relations with Tian people and insight against onis (DM fiat)
Rogue: ... still trying to figure out what. Not sure if I want something ninja themed for the characters yet.
The types of items I'm creating are the kind that wouldn't have been used during Brinewall Castle's invasion, or were redundant. So these are more of the cultural treasure type.

Mistwalker |

For my group, I plan on the treasure being:
Ranger/archer: Bracers of Archery and a Tien Efficient Quiver (replenishes every night)
Fighter: Mithril Folding Plate +1
Wizard: Blessed Book
Bard: Adamantine thread durable whip +2
Cleric: Headband of charisma +2 and phylactery of positive energy channeling
And a Kami Box for the group: homebrew item, where if you place valuables in the box, the next morning they are gone and an equivalent value of enchanting supplies are in the box. I wanted a way that they could manage to do some enchanting without having to jump thru hoops to arrange for them to be able to buy the needed supplies.
It is a fair bit more than they should be getting, but it should make up for not getting a whole lot in the artic (I will adjust the value treasure over several levels to keep them close to WBL).

Mistwalker |

Blue_Hill wrote:Any comments on these? My player's will find these on our next session which is on monday.Here are some treasures that I designed for my party. I got idea for these from Ice Titan how made some awesome books/journals. Check them here. Here are my versions for my party:
Lessons of Many Ways by Amatatsu Hideoyri
** spoiler omitted **Style of Free Fist by Amatatsu Ha'Ouken
** spoiler omitted **Songs of Nightgale by Amatatsu Reiko
** spoiler omitted **...
They look fine to me Blue Hill. I like the fact that they scale with the level of the PCs, that is a nice touch.

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Rogue/Samurai - "Stubborn Mountain" (+1 katana, false life 1/day)
Ranger - +1 composite bow, adjusts for any STR bonus
Alchemist - "inhabited mortar and pestle" (-25% time/money to create alchemical items, allows change of energy type of one bomb/day)
Cleric - "sacred abacus" (+1 to channelling save DCs, allows exclusion of +1 target in channel)
Druid - "kami bracelet" (speak with animals at will with wearer's companion or animals summoned by wearer)
Barbarian - +2 greatsword
Nobody has remarked on the fact that all of the items are Eastern-themed and -styled ... except for the greatsword.

Herbo |

Here's what I handed out to my group:
Crimson Sun; Adamantine Wakizashi
The heavy, lusterless gray metal does nothing to diminish the balance or elegance of this wakizashi. The edge is impossibly sharp, gouging and nicking any surface, save its adamantine lined saya. The tsuka is expertly wrapped in black leather, and the makugi are tipped with smooth rubies. The sigil of Amatatsu is embossed into one side of the habaki, and the tian characters for "pure blood" are pressed into the other.
The Black Bow of Lao the Stone King; Darkwood Composite Shortbow +4 Pull
Though it is clearly a short bow, the heft and weightiness of this branch of darkwood belongs in the hands of a large and/or very strong individual. Simply stringing the bow is a feat of strength for an average man. But in the hands of a powerful and deft archer, it is clear that this weapon was designed to sweep a Hongal Khan from his saddle and bring giants to their knees.
Pride of Amatatsu; +1 Dragonhide (Forest, Imperial) Do-Maru Armor with matching Kabuto Helmet
This armor bears the sigil of Amatatsu prominently upon the sode and do segments. The armor itself is made from the jade and emerald green scales of a true dragon of Minkai. Upon dozens of scales, in age tarnished gold inlay, are etched the names of those who have worn the armor before. The Kabuto helmet is expertly made from the smaller scales of the dragon, but bears no elaborate ornamentation. In contrast, the menpo mask features a very detailed rendition of a roaring dragon. Though this armor is worthy of any grand ceremonial display, it is obvious that it was designed to be used in combat rather than worn for simple ceremony. This particular set of armor was worn for generations by the chosen Kodenbushi of the Amatatsus. This person was the samurai that led their armies in battle, and that position was the highest honor an Amatatsu could bestow. This armor is easily identifiable to those with a robust knowledge of the samurai and/or nobility of Minkai.
Dowry Bands; Bracers of Armor +1
These delicate platinum chased bracers feature a theme of birds in flight around a lotus blossom.
Hachimaki Headband of the Open Palm; functions as Hand of the Mage, uses Headband slot
A Hachimaki is a status symbol of effort and exertion amongst the people of distant Minkai. Upon the forehead various poems, prayers, messages or relics can be attached. Women in labor, scholars readying for debate, holy men, and warriors preparing for battle might don a Hachimaki. This particular headband is made of the finest scarlet silk, and upon the forehead, picked out in lustrous silver thread is the phrase "Strength of Purpose"

Lacdannan |

I decided the 9,000 gp total wasn’t enough so pretty much threw that out the window, but apparently not as far out the window as I thought given some of the other items posted here. Wow. My idea was to give my party items they want to keep and further enchant themselves down the line.
Human Samurai - +2 Banner of Resistance (functions as a cloak)
This banner mounts to the back of a samurai's armor and displays the symbol of the samurai PC's family surrounding and protecting the Amatatsu family symbol. This was by far the least exciting of the loot, and I gave it to the samurai because his "real" destiny item was role-played into the game earlier in the session.
So when they get to the Andril fight, I made it to where the former captain of the guard and wight was in fact the PC’s dead grandfather. The samurai PC made rolls each round on his turn to recognize the family resemblance. On the second or third round he made the check and I switched the fight to a story one. I made the sword on Andril’s hip a +1 keen katana, made it the PC’s family sword, and made the reason Andril never drew it during the fight was due to the disgrace of what he had become preventing him from being able to touch the family relic. He believed the sword would be his burden to bear, his constant reminder of his failings, for all time.
I kept the dialogue vague to confuse the other PC’s and not diminish the vision at the end of the adventure. “My line continues?”, “What of our charge, are they secret? Are they safe?!”, etc. Ultimately, the wight asked his grandson for one final measure of honor. The party went through the whole seppuku, and I learned how little I really knew about it. All in all, it was a great game session and I’m pretty sure the samurai will continue to use this sword even after suishen is found. Which is fine, I plan on have the samurai’s grandfather’s soul inhabit the sword, granting it empathy soon, intelligence later, and gradually more powerful abilities. The samurai got a weaker item out of the final chest than the rest of the party, for balance reasons, but don’t think he minded
Half-Orc Bard - +1 Adamantine Tetsubo
Etched all over the weapon are images of Orcs and Humans fighting together against shadowy humanoid foes. Interestingly, the shadowy humanoids look as though they should be etched but some force has caused their etchings to become blurry. The shadows are also cold to the touch. The Bard is a beast in melee with a tetsubo, pumping his strength well over his charisma. He routinely did ~15 damage per hit at level one, and a crit made anything he touched paste.
Human Sorcerer [draconic (brass) bloodline] - +2 Bracers of Armor
Cast in brass, these bracers show a relief of a half-dragon burning down scores of giant sized humanoids with his tremendous fiery breath weapon. The player has had a rough go in combat, rushing forward to cast burning hands, so I wanted to up his AC a bit. I fully expected him to focus on upping the AC bonus with his craft wondrous item, but he was so inspired with the imagery that he immediately started asking if he could enchant the bracers with a admixtured (fire) lightning bolt (3/day) onto them at some point in the future to mimic the brass dragon's breath weapon. Awesome.
Human Inquisitor of Calistria- +1 Proficient Yumi (Giant Bow)
This giant bow is inlaid with fine lines of jade in the shape of the holy symbol for the goddess Calistria flanked on either side by the Tian word for Luck. The inquisitor started out as a crossbowman, but quickly became disillusioned with them. He wanted to become an archer using an eastern style bow as i think he was envious of the bard's tetsubo and samurai's katana themes. I gave him a bow that granted proficiency so that he wouldn't have to waste a feat.
A magically sealed case
This wooden case is impervious to your attempts to damage or open and is sealed with a family crest clearly of Ulfen design. I have a fifth player that will soon be joining the party so I wanted a destiny item in the case for him as well. Problem was, I had no idea what class he would play. I checked with him about being of Ulfen ancestry and he loved the idea. This way, the party knows their group is destined to have another, and when they see the new Ulfen character and recognize his crest, they will feel fate has placed this warrior along their path, granting the character the almost immediate acceptance and trust of the group.

Yemeth |

I'll throw some things on here, could be fun. My games tend to run a bit on the powerful side, as I like epic craziness and have far to much fun advancing monsters and bad guys.
You can probably guess the party makeup from these, ;p Two items per character. I'm running with some destiny background stuff that the party strangely mirrors some of the protectors who accompanied the Amatatsus across the Crown of the World the first time, but did not live to make it to Avistan.
Sashimono of the Ancient Emperors
This silken battle standard is a soothing blue-green color, recognizable as the main color of the Amatatsu family. A primitive, line only form of the Amatatsu’s kamon, shaped like a ten spoked wheel, is emblazoned on the fabric, which is designed to mount to a framing rod and be attached to the back of a suit of armor or held in the hand.
This samurai battle standard functions as a banner of the ancient kings, but it does not need to held in order to function, however it does not grant the bearer the normal ability to reroll saves against mind-affecting spells or abilities. Instead, while carried by a samurai, that samurai gains one additional use of his resolve ability per day, and can expend a use of resolve to attempt to end an ongoing mind-affecting effect.
Suishen’s Saya of Heavenly Accord
This artfully wrought saya is made of darkwood covered in dragonhide colored a blue so dark to be almost black. It’s metal fastenings appear to be made of mithral, and are engraved with the Amatatsu’s kamon, the ten spoked wheel.
Functions as a +1 combat scabbard of stanching, and additionally grants a +1 deflection to AC, +1 resistance to saves. Once per day if the bearer is knocked below 0 HP the saya automatically casts sanctuary (DC 15) on him.
Jade Dragon Bowl
This beautifully sculpted bowl is about six inches tall and eight across. It appears to be carved from a single piece of dark green jade. The bowl is perfectly smooth on the inside, and two imperial dragons wrap around it’s base in tandem to create a stand that leaves room for a small source of flame to be placed beneath it.
The Jade Dragon Bowl functions as cauldron of brewing and an admixture vial. Addition, if used to brew tea using a formal tea ceremony, the beverage created thusly functions as polypurpose panacea.
The Illustrious Sage’s Magnificent Cookbook
This tome is bound in rich brown leather with practical steel settings. A key shaped like a monkey’s paw sits atop it, matching the lock shaped like a monkey’s face.
The book functions as a book of marvelous recipes and a blessed book, and contains numerous alchemical notes mixed in among the more mundane cooking instructions.
Formulae List
1st: Feather Fall, Fire Breath (Burning Hands), Flare Burst, Jump, Negate Aroma, Polypurpose Panacea, Sleep, True Strike
2nd: Create Pit, Defoliate, Fog Cloud, Frost Fall, Pox Pustules, Silk to Steel
3rd: Amplify Elixir, Fireball, Invisibility Purge, Gaseous Form
4th: Death Ward, Restoration
The Wandering Master’s Prayer Beads
This 10 inch string of sangtposhi prayer beads is carved of rosewood and threaded on a red silk cord. It always feels slightly warm to the touch.
There are eight beads slightly larger than the rest, stained a darker color and marked with a symbol. Four of the eight are marked with the Tien symbol for energy. Each of these is capable of storing one point of ki. Storing a point of ki in a bead requires one minute of mediation, after which it lasts indefinitely until used. Expending a stored point of ki requires the beads be worn or in hand, and is a free action as part of using a ki power. The other four beads are each marked with a different symbol, and grant new abilities usable by spending ki. All four powers require a standard action, use the wearer’s monk level as their caster level, and the wearer’s wisdom modifier for their saving throw (if any).
The first bead is marked with the symbol for peace. By spending 1 point of ki the wearer can cast sanctuary on himself or another creature with a touch.
The second bead is marked with the symbol for sight. By spending 2 points of ki the wearer can cast status.
The third bead is marked with the symbol for life. By spending 3 points of ki the wearer can cast cure serious wounds.
The fourth bead is marked with the symbol for strength. By spending 4 points of ki the wearer can cast divine power on himself only.
Sandals of Perfect Balance (CL 7)
These polished wooden getas are in excellent condition, though they appear to be well worn. The straps are made of soft dark leather, and the wooden soles appear to be cherry blossom wood. The wooden platforms are approximately 4 inches high.
The sandals give their wearer a +4 enhancement bonus on acrobatics checks, and the wearer is always treated as if he had a running start when jumping. Additionally, in any round where the wearer has already moved at least 10 feet along the ground or another surface (not counting travel on a mount or vehicle), these getas can be activated as a swift action to give the wearer either the ability to air walk (as the spell) or water walk (as the spell) until the end of the round. If the wearer hasn’t reached a solid surface by the end of the round, he immediately falls, taking any applicable falling damage. This ability can be used up to 5 times per day, but no more often than once per minute.
Silver Floating Leaf (Leaf of silver that floats joyously in the wind)
The mirror like surface of this gleaming mithral blade is decorated in exquisite detail with engravings of stylized tree branches and leaves that seem to stretch out from the blade’s tsuba. The blade’s full name is worked into the engraving, written in elven. The tsuba is magically hardened darkwood, and the tsuka is wrapped in what appears to be green dragonhide.
Silver floating leaf functions as a +1 dancing mithral katana (technically it’s a tachi, worn edge down) of arcana storing. The blade can store up to three levels of spells with a single target, or up to three points of arcane pool energy, these two abilities are interchangeable. This energy can be used freely as though it was in the magus’ pool, so long as the magus is in physical contact with the weapon.
Haramaki of the Unseen Guardian
This suit of armor is made of strips of green dragonscale and darkwood carefully sewn to a thick silken backing. The entire armor is cunningly decorated with minute etchings of leaves and vines.
This +1 shadowed heavy dragonhide haramaki is made of darkwood and green dragonscale. It covers the torso, and also comes with vambraces and greaves. In addition to its innate enhancements, a magus wearing the armor gains several abilities usable by expending points from his arcane pool. These abilities function off of the magus’ own caster level and intelligence score.
For 1 arcane point the wearer can cast expeditious retreat on himself.
For 2 arcane points the wearer can cast spider climb on himself.
For 3 arcane points the wearer can cas gaseous form on himself.