Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
NPC Class Archetypes (Expert)
The following archetype is for the expert class.
Expert artificers are master craftsmen. As an expert artificer, you have the following class features.
Elite Expert Your levels in expert artificer count as levels in a PC class instead of levels in an NPC class. You can have only one archetype that grants the elite expert class feature.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency In addition to any other weapon and armor proficiencies, you are proficient with all firearms, and with any weapon, armor, or shield that you crafted yourself.
Arcane Bond (Su) You gain the arcane bond wizard class feature, using your expert artificer level as your effective wizard level for the purpose of that ability. If you bond with a familiar, you gain a Tiny animated object as your familiar. If you later take the Improved Familiar feat, you may instead gain any construct that feat allows you to take as a familiar. You cannot gain any other familiar. If you bond with a weapon at character creation, you are considered to have crafted that weapon (and are proficient in its use, as per you weapon and armor proficiency, above).
Artifice (Su) You gain a competence bonus equal to 1/2 your class level (minimum +1) on all Craft checks involving items with moving parts, all Disable Device checks, and all Perception checks to find traps. You can find and disable magical traps as if you were a rogue.
Dismantle (Ex) Whenever you make a successful weapon attack against a construct or an inanimate object, you deal +1d6 damage. This additional damage counts as precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit. You do not deal this additional damage if the target of your attack has total concealment against you. At 3rd level, and again every two levels thereafter, the amount of the additional weapon damage granted by this class feature increases by another +1d6.
Trapsmith (Ex) As a full-round action, you can set a simple trap with a CR no greater than 1/2 your expert artificer level. To do this, you must purchase the components, spend the required time constructing the trap in advance, and have its components at hand. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your deep pockets class feature to produce trap components which always count as being constructed in advance. The type of trap that can be constructed in this way is subject to GM discretion.
Deep Pockets (Ex) You carry and tinker with all sorts of items. Starting at 2nd level, you may carry unspecified equipment worth up to 50 gp per class level. This can be any kind of gear that can reasonably fit into a backpack, including potions and scrolls (but not any other sort of magic item). As a full-round action, you may dig through your pockets to retrieve an item you specify at that time, deducting its value from the allocated amount of cost. This item cannot weigh more than 10 pounds. When the total remaining cost reaches 0, you can retrieve no more items until you refill your deep pockets by spending a few hours and an amount of gold to bring your total up to 50 gp per class level.
Superior Sunder (Ex) At 2nd level, you gain Improved Sunder as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet its normal prerequisites. You also add one-half your expert artificer level to combat maneuver checks made while performing the sunder maneuver, and to your Combat Maneuver Defense against sunder maneuvers. In addition, any time you use a manufactured weapon to reduce an item being held to 1 hit point or less, you may immediately force the creature holding that item to drop it with no chance to resist. Forcing a creature to drop an item in this manner is a swift action.
Master Craftsman At 3rd level, you gain Master Craftsman as a bonus feat, even if you don't meet its normal prerequisites. You may choose any Craft or Profession skill with this feat, regardless of your number of ranks in that skill, and may exchange the chosen Craft or Profession skill for a new one by practicing the newly chosen skill for one continuous hour. You add Craft Construct, Craft Rod, and Forge Ring to the list of item creation feats to which the benefits of Master Craftsman apply.
Item Creation At 6th level, and again every four levels thereafter, you gain one item creation feat of your choice as a bonus feat. You must meet the prerequisites of the chosen feat.
Swift Creation (Ex) Starting at 7th level, every day you spend using a Craft or Profession skill to create an item (including a magic item created using your Master Craftsman skill) counts as two full days of work; make any required skill checks and otherwise determine your amount of progress as if you had worked for two full days. At 11th level, and every four levels thereafter, each day you spend using a Craft or Profession skill to create an item counts as another additional day of work.
Unsunder (Ex) At 20th level, you can restore any item destroyed by a sunder combat maneuver as a standard action, provided the remains of that item are in your possession and haven't been further damaged since the item was sundered. The sundered item is restored to 1 hit point and has the broken condition until restored to one-half or more of its full normal hit points, but otherwise regains full functionality (including magical properties).
(The Google Doc for this thread will be updated once all five NPC class archetypes are posted.)
Cheapy |
Epic Meepo wrote:---
NPC Class Archetypes (Expert)
The following archetype is for the expert class.** spoiler omitted **...
I'm sorry, but at this point, I'm not calling the expert a NPC class anymore... because it would surely be awesome to use as a PC class.
Nicely done !
I think that's been apparent since the first "NPC" archetype ;)
Cheapy |
A few nitpicks though:
Everyone can find magical traps now, not just rogues.
I really like the interaction between Deep Pockets and Trapsmith (although I think that's the 5th time an archetype here has had deep pockets? :) ) and it was a smart move to make that connection explicit.
Superior Sunder: Absolute no-save abilities like this aren't a good idea in almost every circumstance. I'd at least give a save or something.
Master Craftsman is an interesting idea, but I think the time it takes to switch is far, far too short.
Meophist |
A small observation:
Uncommon Luck (Ex) You gain a +1 luck bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and all skill checks other than Intimidate checks. Each time you would take lethal hit point damage, an amount of that lethal damage no greater than the luck bonus from this ability is converted into nonlethal damage, instead. At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, the luck bonus from this ability increases by an additional +1.
This bonus would be equal to half the class level rounded up, wouldn't it?
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
A few nitpicks though...
I'll be sure to sand the rough edges when I add the expert to the Google Doc.
A small observation...
When writing that ability, I consciously avoided creating an exception to the "always round down" rule. The ability is numerically identical to "one half your level, rounded up," but sidesteps the whole "rounded up" phrase that would create an explicit rules exception.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
NPC Class Archetypes (Warrior)
The following archetype is for the warrior class.
Having reincarnated throughout the ages to participate in historic conflicts, karmic warriors take on aspects of their various past lives. As a karmic warrior, you have the following class features.
Elite Warrior Your levels in karmic warrior count as levels in a PC class instead of levels in an NPC class. You can have only one archetype that grants the elite warrior class feature.
Past Life Regression (Ex) On 1st level, 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, you gain 2 Race Points (RP), as per the rules for creating a new race. You can spend RP gained in this manner on standard racial abilities with non-negative RP costs (but not racial traits). You need not spend these RP immediately, and may instead choose to spend them any time you gain a new level in any class. Once RP are spent on racial abilities, those racial abilities cannot be changed. Starting at 6th level, you can spend RP gained in this manner on advanced racial abilities with non-negative RP costs in addition to standard racial abilities. Starting at 11th level, you can also spend RP gained in this manner on monstrous racial abilities with non-negative RP costs.
Resist Death's Touch (Ex) At 3rd level, you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, and necromancy effects, and on stabilization checks when dying. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1.
Many Lives (Ex) At 5th level, if you are killed, you may automatically reincarnate (as the spell) 1 day later. You appear in a safe location within 1 mile of your previous body. At will for the next 7 days, you can sense the presence of your remains as if using locate object as a spell-like ability. If you are killed during these 7 days, you remain dead and do not reincarnate. The many lives ability does not function if you are slain by a death effect. You cannot be raised from the dead or resurrected, though you can be reincarnated.
Cheat Death (Ex) At 9th level, once per day, you may reroll a save against a death effect, energy drain, or necromancy effect before the result of the roll is revealed, or reroll a failed stabilization check while dying. You must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse than the original roll.
Timeless Body (Ex) After attaining 13th level, you no longer take ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties you may have already incurred, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and you still die of old age when your time is up unless otherwise stated.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex) At 17th level, you can speak with any living creature.
Eternal Champion (Ex) At 20th level, you are immune to death effects and energy drain. In addition, you do not die of old age. (You effectively have no maximum age.)
Also, all five NPC class archetypes have now been added to the Google Document for this thread.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
And that does it: one-hundred archetypes!
Now all that remains is to go back and tweak things, as necessary. If nothing else, I suspect the karmic warrior will need to be adjusted once the Advanced Race Guide hits the shelves, given that archetype's interaction with the race creation rules that have yet to be published in final form...
Maxxx |
![Kelvos the Wormtouched](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/swordarchon.jpg)
Fantastic work Meepo, already copying and adopting these for our own online campaign.
I have a few question concerning the Hexenmeister. As far as I understand he gradually trades 1st to 6th levels spells to gain 6 witch hexes in the end. I assume that they are still on his spelllist and he can use spell trigger and spell-completion items of these spells?
Have you playtested the class in higher level? I have two players in different campaigns that are very interested in the concept, but hesitate because they think that the cost for the hexes is too high. Both would probably take the class if the spell slots gained from high abilities would stay for the lower levels to give them at least a very small number of low level spell slots.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
@Bardess: I thought the Monastic Scholar worked pretty well as a Franciscan friar as is. I suppose one could make a custom spell list that strips out some of the more combat-oriented spells to make him even more scholarly, but I suspect doing would produce diminishing returns in terms of the effort-to-payoff ratio.
@Maxxx: The Hexenmeister can still use spell trigger and spell completion items for all spells on his spell list, as normal. In fact, a high-level hexenmeister would be wise to invest in a few such items, as such items allow him to continue providing low-level spell effects as needed.
As for playtesting, in a way, the hexenmeister is my most-extensively tested archetype. Note how the hexenmeister has a fixed number of spells, trading out lower-level spells for higher-level spells as he gains levels. Note how the hexenmeister has access to at-will orisons and hexes, once-per-target (i.e. per-encounter) hexes, and once-per-day (i.e. daily) spells. Compare this scheme to the character advancement table in the 4e PHB...
The hexenmeister archetype is just a Pathfinder version of a 4e spellcaster. (Which, incidentally, is why I called the hexenmeister's hexes "powers" instead of hexes.) As in 4e, a high-level hexenmeister is not significantly more powerful than a warrior of equal level (and is thus less powerful than a typical 3e/PF full caster of that level). Compared to a normal PF cleric, druid, etc., a high-level hexenmeister would rely more heavily upon gear to be effective, in the same way high-level warriors rely upon gear to be effective against CR-appropriate challenges.
So, short answer: a hexenmeister will be less powerful/more gear dependent than a standard PF full caster, instead being expected to contribute about as much as a non-caster or partial caster.
Meophist |
I was looking through the stuff in the Google docs document and found this(for the Channeler archetype for the Cleric):
Divine Conduit (Su) At 20th level, any time you use channel energy, lay on hands, or touch of corruption to heal damage, you heal the maximum possible amount.
As written, this doesn't apply to dealing damage with the abilities. I'm just curious as to whether that's intended.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
I'm just curious as to whether that's intended.
That's intentional.
There is a wayward spoiler end tag.
Thanks. Fixed.
The Wizard archetype Arcane Librarian's Spell Knowledge class feature seems to supposed to replace Arcane Bond, but doesn't actually say it does.
Note that I'm not using Paizo's archetype format. I list every class feature that an archetype replaces at the beginning of the archetype, and don't always bother repeating that information in the text of new class features (because there is no mechanical reason to do so).
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ever thought about getting all these layed out nice in pdf form and selling it?
Huh. You're the second person in as many days to suggest I self-publish a PDF.
I'm not quite ready dive into self-publishing. I don't have the funds available to afford the level of artwork I would want to use, and I haven't yet researched the tax ramifications of Kickstarter.
In the mean time, all of the archetypes in this thread are available as Open Game Content, as detailed in the Google Doc linked in my previous posts. And I'd be willing to consider writing new or updated material for an established publisher, should a publisher express an interest in such a thing.
Lemmy |
![Rogeif Yharloc](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9231-Rogeif.jpg)
How come I haven't dotted this yet? Fixing that!
Also, +1 for a pdf with these archetypes. I'd surely buy that!
But I understand is not as simple as we wish. Hopefully, one day you'll be able to do it. 'Til that day comes! I'll be using the google doc.
Thank you very much for the effort put in these. Please, keep on the good work!
I've never thought there would be a day I'd feel compelled to play a NPC class outside of a thematic campaign.
Aioran |
![Serpentfolk Bone Prophet](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-Serpentfolk2_90.jpeg)
Elemental Bloodline Starting at 3rd level, you gain and can use the 3rd- and higher-level powers of the sorcerer bloodline associated with your arcane school (see Elemental Associations, below). For the purpose of gaining and using these granted powers, you count as a sorcerer of your elementalist wizard level with a Charisma modifier equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Elemental Blood At 3rd level, you gain and can use the 3rd-level power of the sorcerer bloodline associated with your arcane school (see Elemental Associations, below). At each higher level on which that bloodline grants another power, you also gain that other power. For the purpose of using these granted powers, you count as a sorcerer of your elementalist wizard level and use your Charisma modifier in place of your Intelligence modifier.
Is the last line supposed to be the other way around, intelligence instead of charisma?
(I really like some of these archetypes!)
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
I just moved the d20pfsrd page for my archtypes to the d20pfsrd Epic Meepo Presents page.
To find my archetypes (and other content) on d20pfsrd, you can use the link in this post.
Cheapy |
Not sure if people knew about this, but Epic Meepo did this feat again.
His 101 Simple Archetypes are a bit simpler than the ones here, but still pretty impressive.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Thanks for mentioning that, Cheapy.
Anyone interested in reading more archetypes I've designed can pick up a copy of 101 Simple Archetypes by yours truly, available in the Paizo Store and at RPG Now. The PDF is 23 pages of short but flavorful archetypes, made available by the folks at Rite Publishing.
As with anything I've written, royalties I earn on sales of 101 Simple Archetypes will help free up time for me to design more products and write more free web content like the thread in which you're reading this post.
Cheapy |
And why not again? Eric has three more archetypes up in this product. They all deal with wizards in a particularly interesting school. And they're all very well done. Not that I, as the developer of it, am biased at all. Perish the thought!
DraconcBlossom |
![Maurya-Rahm Advisor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9226-Maurya.jpg)
So a couple things. One I think these are awesome.
Two I made an Asterion (3rd Party Super Genius Games race) Beast Kin + Sanctified Athlete and she is going to be a bruiser and one of my all time favorite characters. I didn't really have character concept for a monk or a barbarian until now.
I was wondering if the Sanctified Athlete should have the Monk bonus feats altered? Having looked at my build which I think is what you were going for (Vital Strike focused) there are very few Bonus Feats that I want to take. There are a few that are good for a normal monk. However a single attack Monk who doesn't want to do combat maneuvers doesn't have a lot of options.
Ideally I think Vital strike would be good but maybe just things like weapon focus or power attack... Martial feats. If it is something you are willing to look at then yay I was helpful!
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
I was wondering if the Sanctified Athlete should have the Monk bonus feats altered? ...a single attack Monk who doesn't want to do combat maneuvers doesn't have a lot of options.
The sanctified athlete is based on competitors in the ancient Olympic Games, so sanctified athletes are encouraged to take feats which improve grappling, tripping, and other Greco-Roman wrestling maneuvers.
That being said, there's no reason you couldn't work with your GM to tweak the archetype's bonus feats to fit your character concept. Aside from piling on multiple archetypes, house ruling is one of the only ways you can customize a monk character; too many monk class features are set in stone to accommodate a wide range of character concepts.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Any plans for the ACG ones?
I'm already working on them.
In fact, new archetypes for the hybrid classes are just one part of a much larger project I'm working on. I won't be posting new archetypes right away, though. I first need to finish the entire project of which they're part.
Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Any update?
Any Archetypes for Unchained and Occult Adventure?
An update on my latest archetype-related work:
Instead of posting a limited number of specific archetypes, I am working on a system one can use to create one's own archetypes for any class. I plan on including this system in the final version of the Custom Class Builder.
My initial plan was to finish the full version of that product by the summer of 2016, but downloads have been relatively sluggish. As a result, several of my other projects have taken on a higher priority than the Custom Class Builder. I do plan on eventually finishing it, though, and I plan on including my rules for archetype creation therein.