Kelvos the Wormtouched

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Murdock Mudeater wrote:
Read it again. Dragonhide specifically lists the types of armor/shields that can be made. They aren't examples, those are the only options. It is not based on light/medium/heavy/shield. It's just those specified armor selections.

To be precise it specifically lists how much you get from a single dragon, but nowhere is it written that your Dragonhide armor comes from a single dragon. If you just buy it, it does not matter at all what the rules about salvaging a dragon say. Even PFS makes no distinction whether your red dragon hide armor comes from a single red dragon or pieces from 10 different red dragons.

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Ilina Aniri wrote:
i had a Witch dominate naval fleet battles by using a 2nd level summon swarm spell a bunch of times to summoner 25 foot diameter cubes of butterflies, just to arm those trillions of butterflies with grenades and send them suicide bombing enemy ships. most enemy crews don't expect to be suicide bombed by trillions of butterflies, because of the sheer number you can fit inside a 25 foot diameter cube. let alone disperse the swarms into smaller suicide bombing groups to deal massive damage, literally had no fleet battles because the enemy fleet died long before they could get in firing range because of butterflies. must be the most extreme ignorance and disregard for the rules I have read on the forums in a long time.

It does not affect the spell itself, but it does affect your ability to defeat spell resistance. It would only be useful if you are going to use Major Curse against opponent with spell resistance.

I think this FAQ entry disagrees: FAQ

It says that positive energy can heal the living, but not always, and that negative energy can heal undead, but not always. So unless the effect lists that it heals it does not.

John Murdock wrote:

undead trait say that on negative energy

''Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature's Intelligence score.''

or we can go see cure spell and inflict spell

cure spell (any kind)

''When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.''

inflict spell (any kind)

''When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5).

Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell cures such a creature of a like amount of damage, rather than harming it.''

i think it respond to your question, so yes vampiric shield would heal undead

No, as far as I can see it just says that negative energy has the potential to heal undead (negative energy "can" heal undead creatures). All the spells you list, explicitly list in their spell description how they interact with undead, it is not automatic. Vampiric shield says none of that.

Otherwise I would assume that Disrupt Undead heals living creatures since it is positive energy damage. And I think everyone agrees, that it does not do that.

Snowlilly wrote:
Yes, this heals undead.

Can you point me to a reference that says that negative energy DAMAGE heals undead in general? (or positive energy damage for living creatures)

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No problem. I would say that figuring out skill ranks from stat blocks (for monster/NPC advancement or customization) is by far the most annoying thing that exists in all of pahtfinder!

From his Alertness feat

LittleMissNaga wrote:

Are Rakshasas super long-lived? That'd definitely be cool, but I didn't know they had long lifespans.

I think the bestiary states that they live for "500 years or more" before dying. So it depends on your definition of "long" lifespan.

John Murdock wrote:
the curse of lycanthropy is not a class ability dude ...

I think it is blatantly obvious that Pizza Lord was referring to the lycantrophy curse of the orcale in his list, which is a class feature ....

Ravingdork wrote:

I've always assumed the person rolling the die (any die) wants a higher roll; so if you have 20% concealment, for example, you would want an 81 or better.

If your opponent has 20% concealment, i.e. 20% of all attacks would miss, you definitely do not need to roll for 81+ on a d100, this would be 80% concealment.

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This is not really a question about the action type. The description clearly states that it is a move action.
But since teleport does not end you turn either, I do not see why Time Hop should do it. Your GM is thinking of dimension door, which does end your turn and where dimensional agility is useful (that is also the spell referenced in dimensional agility, not teleport).

Why not just hammer away with your fire spells? The resist fire spells do not stack and only reduce the damage by 30 at most per spell. You could even use them as a "counterspell" to make her fail the concentration check afterwards, probably saver than the dispel magic counterspell.

One short note. There are no potions of disguise self as it is a personal range spell.

scary harpy wrote:

The warlock has been done and done and done.

There may not be much interest in another warlock.


Which is true, but irrelevant since the class has as much in common with a warlock as any other short list spellcasting class.

I like the class a lot, but of course it's power is extremely dependent on the number of metamagic feats allowed in the campaign. You already explicitly exclude Dazing Spell, but this might not be the only problematic metamagic feat.

Isn't a creature immune to laughing touch for 24 hours after being affected once? So it would work once on each opponent.

Just following the written rules, I would say you are right that you could not utilize the feat, since you have no uses of the channel energy class ability.

I would say that it is a bit of an oversight that the undead lord archetype does not make sure that your cleric still has the channel energy ability.

Ravingdork wrote:

Are you familiar with the Conductive weapon property from the Advanced Player's Guide? It's perfect for just such a concept!

Why does conductive work with bombs? A bomb is not just a special ability using a ranged touch attack but uses the Throw Splash Weapon special attack.

Melkhor, When Walls Fell wrote:
... Spellbreaker, which requires 10 levels in Fighter?

Probably going for Arcane Duelist who gains Spellbreaker as a bonus feat at 10th level.

Fantastic work Meepo, already copying and adopting these for our own online campaign.

I have a few question concerning the Hexenmeister. As far as I understand he gradually trades 1st to 6th levels spells to gain 6 witch hexes in the end. I assume that they are still on his spelllist and he can use spell trigger and spell-completion items of these spells?
Have you playtested the class in higher level? I have two players in different campaigns that are very interested in the concept, but hesitate because they think that the cost for the hexes is too high. Both would probably take the class if the spell slots gained from high abilities would stay for the lower levels to give them at least a very small number of low level spell slots.

No, due to the following sentence included in the description of the bracers:

PSRD wrote:
If a creature receives a larger armor bonus from another source, the bracers of armor cease functioning and do not grant their armor bonus or their armor special abilities.

Ironballs wrote:

4 X 1 X 750 = 3,000gp for the wand.

The rules disagree with you there since the caster level of a 4th level paladin is just 1st, the cost is 750gp. Its listed explicitly in the rules that a level 1 wand crafted by paladin or ranger costs 750gp.

Mcarvin wrote:

Class: Cleric of Pharisma (Separatist) (Undead Lord) 2

First thing, I don't think that you can take both the Separist and the Undead Lord archetypes since both of them modify the same class ability "domains" from the cleric.

Concering your questions, the skeleton template mentions that the skeleton keeps all weapon proficiencies, so you have no problems as long as you animate something that was proficient with bows/other ranged weapons before.
It also lists that you loose all special attacks and while the spikes of a manticore are not listed as special attacks they are listed under special abilities and are themselves attacks so you probably loose them (a generous DM might rule that you can launch spikes but they do not regrow).

Could you tell us which CR or CR range Cyntheria is designed for?

MasterArtificer wrote:

Just be happy he isn't an Artificer from Eberrron...

All creation feats as class feats along with bonus feats? With Exceptional Artisan and Extraordinary Artisan taken four times each (beacause thier effects stack), you could, with only 8 actual feats, create any item with no gold cost and no time devotion...

Nowhere in the description of these feats does it say that you can take them more than once.

Snorter wrote:

I originally wrote;

Poison (Ex): Styxian Cramp bite-injury: save Fort DC 15, onset 1d4 rounds; frequency once per 2 hours; Initial Effect 2 Dex damage; Secondary Effect Unconsciousness for 2 hours. Cure 1 save.

Using the rules in the SRD, I read that as an initial save on injury; if successful, nothing happens, if failed, a second save is made at the onset time, d4 rounds later.
At the onset time, if the second save is made, there's no effect; if failed, both the initial and secondary effect takes place.
Further saves take place after each increment in the frequency entry, either indefinitely, until the duration runs out, or until the cure conditions are met.

The Onset value is optional and normally not used for poisons but for other afflictions like disease. If you look at other poisons in the SRD, you will see that a usual poison would have something like:

Quasit Poison : injury: save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Effect 1d2 Dex damage. Cure 2 consecutive save.

This is more potent than 3.5 poison, since multiple hits with this poison will increase the DC and duration quite a bit and you take 1d2 Dex damage every round for 6 rounds or until he saves twice (in two consecutive rounds).

Taking the quasit from above as an example, if your second level wizard is ambushed by a quasit and he gets two lucky hits with his claws, the wizard would (on the start of his turn) have to make a DC 15 Fort save to resist the poison and would have to do it for another 9 rounds or until he succeeds twice in a row, which is not that easy for a second level wizard.

It should be noted that the Pathfinder Familiar entry lists the same thing (the one I quoted before, was from 3.5 for comparison):

PSRD wrote:

Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

It states that a wizard may target his familiar with spells that normally are reserved for personal use (1st sentence) AND that a wizard may target his familiar with spells normally not allowed due to type restrictions (2nd sentence). In contrast to earlier editions the second sentence does not reference the first one in any way, thus applies to all spells not only those with target "You".

The Summoner is a bit more restrictive in the sense that he is only allowed to do this with summoner spells, while a wizard could do it with all spells he can cast from any class he might have.

Lachlan Rocksoul wrote:

Enlarge person is not a touch spell and does not have "you" as a target. "you" being in the description of the spell (as per "Detect Evil").

But it also says:

"A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list."

Thus it is allowed.

The Share Spell entry for the summoner states:

PSRD wrote:

The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list.

Thus a summoner may cast spells on his eidolon that normally do not affect him. This is different to the wording of the share spell ability in 3.5 (in the familiar entry, which now has the same share spell entry as the eidolon):

SRD wrote:

At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit.

If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master before the duration expires. Additionally, the master may cast a spell with a target of "You" on his familiar (as a touch range spell) instead of on himself.

A master and his familiar can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the familiar’s type (magical beast).

Here a wizard would only have been able to use spells on his familiar that are reserved for humanoids if he either uses the spell on himself and the familiar stays within 5ft. or the spell had target "You". Thus he could have enlarged himself and his familiar, but they would have to stay within 5ft. of each other.

Sniggevert wrote:

This came up with the mobile fighter archtype as well. I think the intent is that these abilities basically count as a weapons group for weapon training and it must be taken at that level (i.e. 5th in this case). As such, they would not stack, as the weapons training ability for fighters states:

PRD wrote:
Bonuses granted from overlapping groups do not stack. Take the highest bonus granted for a weapon if it resides in two or more groups.
At least this is how I read the abilities, as otherwise it would far surpass the normal fighter's abilities.

I think that is a good suggestion, just letting the archetype add a weapon group consisting of falcata and buckler at 5th level. Then one should probably just ignore the part about having to wield a falcata and buckler at the same time to get the bonus.

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I have a question/problem concerning the Rondelero Duelist archetype from the Inner Sea Primer.

The ability Strong Swing essentially gives you a bonus on attack and damage with falcata and buckler that is equivalent to a normal fighter's highest weapon training bonus. But it only replaces Weapon Training I and, in contrast to other archetypes that do the same or a similar thing (like the two-weapon warrior), it does not replace the weapon training II-IV with any other abilities.

Could such a character also choose a weapon training category that is applicable to the falcata and get a bonus of up to +7 (+4 from strong arm and +3 from weapon training II-IV)?

Hey everyone,

just before christmas I usually do a special christmas adventure with my group. Usually this includes my group playing as evil fey/undead or similar creatures. Sadly I didn't have enough time this year to prepare anything and thus I would like to ask if someone knows a module/adventure that could be converted to something like that. Of course an adventure for an evil group would be best, but basically any adventure including a lot of "cute" opponents/allies to butcher will do.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Hi everyone, I have a druid in my group who is able to wildshape into a stegosaurus. Since they are usually on a ship we ruled that a standard stegosaurus would weigh too much for the normal deck to support.

Would you allow the druid to cast airwalk and just make himself light enough for the deck to support, but not actually fly, since he would not be fast enough to catch up with the ship in that case.

The Mighty Grognard wrote:

What book is "Wand Wielder" in?

If it is in a third-party supplement or 3.5, is this even worth Paizo fussing over?

Its one of the arcanas the Magus may choose from, thus official.

You could also just take Improved Unarmed Strike and Two-Weapon Fighting (or one level of monk) and make attacks with both hands. Especially if you cast a touch spell that allows for multiple touches, then you can add the spell effect to each of your unarmed strikes (although you have to hit the normal AC of course).

Electric Monk wrote:
Well Quasit and Leopard are both CR2 so i'd go with 7th level. However, for myself, i wouldn't allow a Medium creature as a familier even with the feat. I'd try to stear the player towards an alternative like an arctic fox or similar.

I think level 7 looks good. I wouldn't worry about a medium creature as a familiar. A small character can gain a small sized familiar with improved familiar, thus it should be no problem for a medium character to gain a medium sized familiar.

Calypsopoxta wrote:
I was hoping to find a feat to allow it to benefit from the Augment Elemental feat. Do creatures with elemental subtypes count as elementals in general (for example, to take extra from a ranger with favored enemy), or is it by only a creatures base type that it can be considered an elemental?

Since the elemental type does not exist in Pathfinder (it's just a subtype of outsider now), there is no favored enemy elemental. If you look at the ranger in Pathfinder, there isn't even a favored enemy outsider (elemental).

I would say that gain a "+4 natural armor bonus" like in the dragon shape spells is not a bonus in the usual sense, but it replaces your usual natural armor bonus.
Thus if you normally have a +2 natural armor bonus (let's say from being a draconic sorcerer) and shape into a dragon, you gain the new natural armor bonus of +4.
The same would also apply if you are a dwarf taking the Iron Hide feat and multiple times Improved Natural Armor for a natural armor bonus of +6. If you shape into a dragon you get a natural armor bonus of +4.

Why the mutagen gives you a natual armor bonus instead of an increase to your natural armor is not clear to me and doesn't really make sense.

The Nimble Advanced Mutagen is a bit oddly worded since it states that you get a natural armor bonus, which would not even stack with the one from the mutagen itself, but replace it. It should probably be an increase to natural armor as in the case of the mutagen itself.

ZomB wrote:

My guess it is _at least_:

a +2 masterwork sword = 8300
plus Greater Sand Whirlwind use activated once per day = 5x9X2000/5 = 18000
plus similar power normal sand whirlwind use activated = 3x5x2000*75%= 22500 (actually 2 powers but special use activation required)
plus something for the weapon finesse

So 50K+?

That seams resounable, I will put it at 46.000gp to make sure that my players will want to keep it. Thanks

Anyone a good guess?

No one any idea?

Since I don't want to make completely new stats, I thought I ask the community for suggestions. What would be good stat substitutes for Lashunta (both the female and male variety) from the planet Castrovel?

In other words what creatures (from any 3.5 book, WotC or 3rd party) would be good substitutes for these with some minor adjustments to pathfinder.

I would like some help with the pricing of this item. Since it is an item that the PCs will find in my game, the question is more, what would be a fair price for them to sell it, if they don't want it.

Blade of Sands
Type: Weapons
Aura: Moderate; (DC 18) conjuration and evocation
CL: 10
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flame blade, sand whirlwind
Price: ???? gp
Cost: ???? gp
Weight: 4
Description: The blade of sands is a scimitar made in the deserts of Osirion. It is well balanced and can be used in conjunction with the Weapon Finesse feat.
This weapon functions as a +1 flaming scimitar, in addition the wielder can use the following abilities:

  • Blinding Sands: When the wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target is blinded for 1d4 rounds, unless he succeeds on a Fortitude save (DC 13 + your Dexterity modifier). This ability needs no activation.
  • Sands of Decay: Whenever you reduce an enemy to negative hit points with a hit from this weapon you gain concealment until the start of your next turn. This ability needs no activation.
  • Whirlwind of the Ages: Once per day, when you hit an opponent with this weapon, you may activate this power. You create a stationary whirlwind of sand in a 10 ft. radius centered on your target. This whirlwing persists for 10 rounds and is considered diffcult terrain for your enemies and obscures their vision, as a fog cloud. Your allies can move and see through the whirlwind as normal. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

mdt wrote:
... large cat (tiger)... dire bat ...

Are these two even allowed as ranger animal companions? I thought the ranger was restricted to a small group of animals and those two are not on the list.

That depends on the feel of the campaign.

In our current main campaign, which should reach lvl 25 in the end (with some self made epic levels for pathfinder) we use 25 point buys (together with 3 traits per character, maximized 1st HD and Con-Score instead of Con-Bonus as Bonus hitpoints for the 1st level). In the same campaign we have some additional character doing side quests and stuff that ties into the whole campaign which use 20 point buys (and the standard 2 traits) which will probably only be played until around level 16.

If we play a campaign which is not meant to change the face of the game world we also use the standard 15 point buy and the usual rules for bonus hitpoints.

But the same rules also apply to NPCs, so you can have NPCs with point buys from 5 up to 35 (which is reserved for the case if the DM ever needs a Demi-God or something similar) and they use the same rules for traits and bonus hit points (as well as other stuff) as the player characters.

skyde wrote:


I am currently trying to convert an older adventure to Pathfinder rules and I've hit a snag. I have the bestiary here in front of me and for the life of me I cannot understand how you calculate the saving throws for a juvenile black dragon.

A young black dragon has Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +7
But I do not know how these are calculated. The only place the book mentions dragon saving throws is in the Hit Dice discussion that
"Increases to HD well as increase the dragon's base attack bonus and base save bonuses."

But where exactly do you get this base save bonus.. for the aforementioned young black HD is Base + 4. Base HD is 4d12 but I don't know what that has to do with anything. Dex for the dragon is 14, Con 17 and Wis 13 so those do account for the differences.

When I look at the adult black dragon I can't follow how the young black dragons saving throws turn into the adult ones saving throws. It has Base + 10 but its saving throws do not increase by 6 (+stat modifiers)

Best regards,

You advance the dragon to the number of hit dice you need, in your case 8d12 and then just calculate all saves by using the rules for good saves. Thus your base saves are +6 for all three, plus ability modifiers and other bonuses.

Aeshuura wrote:

I always assumed that you could not use both Combat Expertise and Fighting Defensively at the same time, but then I saw a post that mentioned otherwise...

Can someone clarify for me?


You can, you just need to apply both penalties. What is not possible is to use Combat Expertise and Total Defense, since you need to attack to use Combat Expertise, but fighting defensively is possible.

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Lathiira wrote:

Slams are bludgeoning. Tail slaps go into this category as well. Tentacles too, I think.

Bite is piercing, as would being stung.

Claws are slashing, can be argued to also be piercing.

According to the bestiary:

Bite = B/P/S
Claw = B/S
Gore = P
Hoof/Tentacle/Wing = B
Pincers/Tail Slap = B
Slam = B
Sting = P
Talon = S

In addition it states:

Bestiary wrote:

The Damage Type column refers to the sort of damage that the natural attack typically deals: bludgeoning (B), slashing (S), or piercing (P). Some attacks deal damage of more than one type, depending on the creature. In such cases all the damage is considered to be of all listed types for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

So its probably up to the DM to decide whether a specific creature's bite really does all three types of damage or just one.

golden pony wrote:

A NPC race. The stats are as follow:

*+4 str, +2 dex, +2 con, -4 cha, -2 int, -2 wis.
*+2 Intimidate.
*Darkvision 60ft.
*Light sensitivity (-1 to all rolls in bright-light)
*Hatred: +1 to attack rolls and damage against elves and dwarves.
*Ferocity: when disabled, will be able to act one extra round before suffering the effects of being disabled.

It's a NPC race to mix with NPC or PC class levels.

Would you grant it a CR +1 (i.e Orc fighter 7 is a CR 8)?
Is it on par with other pathfinder races?
Perhaps needing a little nudge (i.e +1 natural AC and toughness as bonus feat) to reach CR+1?

I think in Pathfinder a fighter 7 is not CR 7 anymore, but CR 6, but otherwise I would add the +1 natural AC and thoughness to warrant a full CR increase of +1. I would also give it the full orc ferocity, not just the one from half-orcs.

But You should probably decide this on a one by one basis, since this will not warrant a CR increase for all base classes, basically only for melee/ranged combat oriented ones. If you ever allow it as a PC race, it can be ok for some classes, severely underpowered for others and severely overpowered for some others.

lastknightleft wrote:
what weapon is it? unless there's a one handed reach weapon I'm not aware of or specific monster rules that allow it, he shouldn't be able to wield it (all of the reach weapons I'm familiar with are two handed weapons)

Since Pathfinder is so proud on its backward compatibility, an enlarged half-giant (SRD Psionic) would be able to do it.

Going back to the question, the rules only mention that a reach weapon usually doubles your natural reach. So officially the huge weapon would still just double the reach. This is consistent with a large creature having a 5 ft. reach using a large reach weapon and also only gaining a 10ft. reach in all.

lastknightleft wrote:

Reach: You use a reach weapon to strike opponents 10 feet away, but you can't use it against an adjacent foe.

This is not the official rule, the PRD mentions below that this phrase is not taken from the rules, the rules say:

PRD wrote:

Most reach weapons double the wielder's natural reach, meaning that a typical Small or Medium wielder of such a weapon can attack a creature 10 feet away, but not a creature in an adjacent square.

I have a similar high strength monk in my group. He is 5th level as well with a strength of 20 and Improved Grapple. This gives him a CMB of +12 and a CMD of 29 (10 + 12 (CMB) + 1 (Dex) + 3 (Wis) + 1 (Dodge) + 1 (deflection) + 1 (monk AC)).

It never really poses any problems, his AC is lower than that of other monks, even with mage armor (from the group's summoner, who has an ample supply for himself, his eidolon, the monk, the group's sorcerer, and the group's wizard). In addition he had to sacrifice hit points via a lower Con score to gain the high Strength and respectable Wis scores. So just hit him hard and he will be in trouble.

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