Bitter Thorn |
Hey, can't ask age, that's not fair!
Well okay, I'm a 41 yr old male goth who lives in his mother's basement.
Only joking about the goth and basement stuff, but I am 41 and have been playing since 81' -Keep on the Borderlands! Boo-yah!
Keep on the Borderlands was my first as well. I remember it fondly!
JiCi |
male, 26 years old, played a bit of 2nd edition in high school, but delved completely into 3.0/3.5 when it came out; went from player to DM, currently playing an Eberron campaign with the Pathfinder rules.
I tried to learn the 4th edition, but can't get around the fact that everything is based on a MMO without the benefits. The "once per encounter" rule is plain stupid that I would houserule that it takes an number of rounds equal to the power's level to recharge instead, the monsters are buffed like nothing I've seen and the players' ability to deal damage is nerfed too much... so much that I would houserule that multiplers would go like "your level/half your level/one third your level times the weapon's/power's damage" instead of going no higher then 3 times the damage.
Yucale |
Female, 14 :). I was really interested in playing since I found an advertisement for 3.5 in the back of a Dragonlance book when I was, oh, ten or eleven. Trouble was no one close to me was interested in playing. Actually getting to play, even after finding Pathfinder through word-of-mouth and buying the Core Rulebook, took some time. Being a middle school girl and trying to play D&D was hard as hell. High school is a *huge* improvement.
I've considered joining the military around college, but I'm hardly athletic.
GentleFist |
Male. Never was in the military. I started at 18 with the blue dragon box, pre-BECMI, in 1980. There were no RPGs in my childhood in the 1970's up here in Canada. Age? Well do the math :-D
I have mostly GM-ed, starting late 1980's, with games ranging from, the BECMI sets, to MegaTraveller, GURPS, AD&D 2nd Ed, and 3rd Ed. Now GMing PF for a group of co-workers in their early 40's.
Another old canuck here! I have played Dungeons and Dragons since 1980. Mostly as a DM. I have played every edition including 4th and it will always be my first love...although I am having a torrid affair with Pathfinder!
I have GMd everything from Robotech to Traveller (Mulitple Versions) to Star Trek to Paranoia to Chill to a tonne of Superhero RPGs...I even played the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles RPG. Too many games to list really.
GentleFist |
Male, aged 36, have been playing RPGs for 26 years. Started on BX/BECMI D&D/AD&D 1st Ed. I have played dozens of RPGs. Some of my favorites (beside Pathfinder) include: TSR's Indiana Jones, TMNT, Top Secret S/I, FASA's Star Trek, Toon, WEG's Paranoia, Savage Worlds, and Star Wars (both WEG & SAGA).
I have never served in a military, though my father and uncle did. Many of my friends who play RPGs have served and did play while in the service.
I would be interested in running a Star Trek campaign via Skype if you are up for it? I used to run a party onboard the USS Excalibur back in the day.
Dark_Mistress |
Female, 14 :). I was really interested in playing since I found an advertisement for 3.5 in the back of a Dragonlance book when I was, oh, ten or eleven. Trouble was no one close to me was interested in playing. Actually getting to play, even after finding Pathfinder through word-of-mouth and buying the Core Rulebook, took some time. Being a middle school girl and trying to play D&D was hard as hell. High school is a *huge* improvement.
I've considered joining the military around college, but I'm hardly athletic.
Not to derail things. Glad you found more people to play with. I think you are the one that was asking for advice on how to get others to play a year or so ago, unless I am mistaken.
As for the military. The Army physical for women is pretty easy to pass. Plus you don't take the test until after boot camp and I assure you, when the DI's (Drill Instructors) are done with you, you will be more than athletic enough to pass the test. :)
Spiral_Ninja |
Yucale wrote:Female, 14 :). I was really interested in playing since I found an advertisement for 3.5 in the back of a Dragonlance book when I was, oh, ten or eleven. Trouble was no one close to me was interested in playing. Actually getting to play, even after finding Pathfinder through word-of-mouth and buying the Core Rulebook, took some time. Being a middle school girl and trying to play D&D was hard as hell. High school is a *huge* improvement.
I've considered joining the military around college, but I'm hardly athletic.Not to derail things. Glad you found more people to play with. I think you are the one that was asking for advice on how to get others to play a year or so ago, unless I am mistaken.
As for the military. The Army physical for women is pretty easy to pass. Plus you don't take the test until after boot camp and I assure you, when the DI's (Drill Instructors) are done with you, you will be more than athletic enough to pass the test. :)
Sit-ups and push-ups. The military is obsessed with those things.
Still, I've aways been bad at them and I lasted 26 years.
The military is not a bad career choice, but you don't even need to make it a career. One term gets you the benefits, including access to health care, money for college and a home loan.
Asphere |
I've heard that the majority of Pathfinder players are older players who've been playing a long time. I'm curious as to have much truth this has, so I ask all you guys how old you are and how old you've been playing. I myself am 20 years and 8 months old, and I've been playing 5 years, having started with D&D 3.5 when a friend at school loaned me his PHB.
As a secondary question, are you a guy or girl? I've generally seen D&D as a more male than female hobby, but I've seen more than a few girls here, and Paizo has a lot of female staff. I myself am female (male body transgendered).
As a third question, where you ever in the military? I've seen a lot of people post here who were, and I'm curious about how common that is in the RPG community. I served in the US Navy, but I received a medical discharge before getting the chance to deploy anywhere.
I am 32. I have been playing since I was about 12. I started with AD&D 2E.
I am male. However, there are 3 women in the group I DM for (including my wife). Everyone in my group is over 26.
I've never served, however, I have known people who have and who were introduced to it while serving.
Fraust |
male 31, signed up for the army but things didn't work out. Started playing 1stish edition in early 90s (mixmash of 1st and second, based on what we could decipher from the books and my brother-in-law). Played lots of Shadowrun, d6 Starwars, various White Wolf games, some Earthdawn, Deadlands, and alternity, and a smattering of other stuff.
VikingIrishman |
Male, 25, no military background.
I started playing D&D back in 2000 when 3rd ed first released (so around 12 years now). My buddies and I got into D&D largely because of Diablo 2 which, at the time came packaged with a 3rd ed conversion. Amusingly enough, we purchased the Player's Handbook, Monster manual, AND the Psionics Handbook before any of us ever cracked open the Dungeon master's guide.
Had several gaming groups over the years, but the group I'm with now has been around in mostly the same configuration for...2 or so years? Trinam might remember better than I.
Bob_Loblaw |
Female, 14 :). I was really interested in playing since I found an advertisement for 3.5 in the back of a Dragonlance book when I was, oh, ten or eleven. Trouble was no one close to me was interested in playing. Actually getting to play, even after finding Pathfinder through word-of-mouth and buying the Core Rulebook, took some time. Being a middle school girl and trying to play D&D was hard as hell. High school is a *huge* improvement.
I've considered joining the military around college, but I'm hardly athletic.
There are plenty of jobs where you don't need to be athletic. The military has a wide variety of jobs. Don't forget to look at all branches, to include the Coast Guard. Don't just let the recruiters talk to you. Seek out current servicemen and women as well as veterans to make sure you are getting the right answers. Remember that recruiters are salesmen/women.
I wanted to be a pilot for the air force until my dream was shattered in 4th grade (glasses will do that). My dad was in the Coast Guard and we talked a lot about what else I could do. I wanted to be in the military more than anything else. When I turned 17, I joined the Army with my dad's blessing. I went in to be an Airborne Ranger but injured my knees in jump school. I ended up being just infantry. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. I truly loved being in the Army. The only reason I left was that I wanted to change to a non-combat arms MOS but Clinton was downsizing the military and the fields I wanted were supersaturated with my rank. You can only change MOS once and it can only be done during your first reenlistment (it was like that in 93, I doubt much has changed).
If you want to serve, I highly recommend it. Just do your research and make sure you get the right branch and MOS.
Bitter Thorn |
Yucale wrote:Female, 14 :). I was really interested in playing since I found an advertisement for 3.5 in the back of a Dragonlance book when I was, oh, ten or eleven. Trouble was no one close to me was interested in playing. Actually getting to play, even after finding Pathfinder through word-of-mouth and buying the Core Rulebook, took some time. Being a middle school girl and trying to play D&D was hard as hell. High school is a *huge* improvement.
I've considered joining the military around college, but I'm hardly athletic.There are plenty of jobs where you don't need to be athletic. The military has a wide variety of jobs. Don't forget to look at all branches, to include the Coast Guard. Don't just let the recruiters talk to you. Seek out current servicemen and women as well as veterans to make sure you are getting the right answers. Remember that recruiters are salesmen/women.
I wanted to be a pilot for the air force until my dream was shattered in 4th grade (glasses will do that). My dad was in the Coast Guard and we talked a lot about what else I could do. I wanted to be in the military more than anything else. When I turned 17, I joined the Army with my dad's blessing. I went in to be an Airborne Ranger but injured my knees in jump school. I ended up being just infantry. I wouldn't trade my experience for anything. I truly loved being in the Army. The only reason I left was that I wanted to change to a non-combat arms MOS but Clinton was downsizing the military and the fields I wanted were supersaturated with my rank. You can only change MOS once and it can only be done during your first reenlistment (it was like that in 93, I doubt much has changed).
If you want to serve, I highly recommend it. Just do your research and make sure you get the right branch and MOS.
What do you mean "just" infantry? ;)
Galnörag |
Survey Monkey Gamer Demographics Survey
As of today their have been 65 total respondents:
89.2% male
10.8% female
Current Ages Break Down as Follows (omitted brackets were 0%):
0%: < 10
3.1%: 11-17
4.6%: 18 - 21
16.8%: 21-29
30.0%: 30-39
32.3%: 40-49
1.5%: 50-59
1.5%: >60
Age when they started gaming (omitted brackets were 0%):
32.3%: <10
58.5%: 11-17
3.1%: 18-20
4.6%: 21-29
1.5%: 50-59
Military Service:
20.0% Yes
80.0% no
Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |
Good idea putting up statistics, it's bringing us lurkers out.
Female, 48 next month, started playing 1st edition at Uni aged 19, played for about 10 years till I eventually moved too far away from every one I played with at Uni. Second edition was just coming out but we never played it. Played the PC games Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter I & 2 etc. Got a 3.5 ed boxed set about 6? years ago for me and my kids after they'd shown interest and competance at NWN II. Started looking for alternatives when 3.5 was discontinued and am now in a sort of limbo between that and pathfinder.
SaintMac |
Male, 43, Started playing 1E when it first appeared in a box. Played all editions but more 3.5 than anything. Played 4E for a year and reallllly didn't dig it. Found Pathfinder over a year ago and now happy. Never in Military but big Thank You to those of you were or are!
PS> It was Pathfinder that my non-rpg wife agreed to play for the first time. Started with Kingmaker and loved it. I would post her age, but hate to ruin 17 years of marriage :)
Finn K |
Male, 43. United States Army- Reserve Retired-- originally enlisted, 1987; Retired, 2010. (served in Regular Army, Army Reserve, California Army National Guard -- 23 years total, 11 Active duty; OIF & KFOR Veteran).
Started playing RPGs in 1976 (Father and older brothers were playing, got me into it) with original (3 little booklets) D&D. Have been playing ever since. Have played or tried playing more different role playing games than probably anyone cares to count or try to name (including most variants of D&D and am now playing in a couple of Pathfinder games).
meatrace |
Male, 37, never served, been playing since about 86. 1,2,3,3.5 and finally Pathfinder. I have played star wars, gurps, robotech, old WOD, new WoD, Hero system, warhammer & 40K, The Storm Bringer RPG, Shadow Run, L5R, Alternity, Trinity(I think it ended up being renamed), Earthdawn. I have play tested a few home brewed systems/settings and am creating a new system and setting. I am sure there are a few more I just can't remember them all.
Hey Ricky!Sir Jolt |
40 from the US. No military service. Began by watching my brother (5 years older) play OD&D and blue book. Blue book is gone but I still have OD&D and all the supplements. Started playing with a pastiche of 1E and BECMI. Experimented a lot. My brother bought me Arms Law in 1980 (well before MERP and RoleMaster were full systems). Used it incorrectly but, at the time, imagination seemed much more important than concise rules.
Fergie |
37 Male, No military service (bit of a military history buff however).
I started playing AD&D sometime around 1985. My very first memories were DMing my older brother. His character purchased a hammer of lightening bolts, girdle of storm giant strength, and gauntlets of ogre power, and proceed to go out killing giants. (If you had all three items, you could one-shot any giant.) I also remember making a first level cavalier who went out and LANCECHARGED and killed a black dragon.
Over the years I improved my DM skills, and really played a lot with my friends in middle and high school. I think we tried 2nd edition for a while, but ended up going back to 1st with Unearthed Arcana banned. I also played a couple of times DMing my brother and his friends, which was a good feeling (they were all a few years older, which seemed so important back then).
I stopped playing after high school, but started up again about 7-8 years ago with 3.5, and have been playing almost weekly since then.
I was really skeptical of Pathfinder, having sworn I wasn't going to buy yet another set of books. My friend, Zerocharisma on these boards, convinced us to try the Alpha and Beta rules, and we never looked back.
Gordon the Whale |
32 years old, male, no military.
I started with the red box, though I couldn't tell you the year. My parents had a copy, but they didn't play. I just drooled over it, read the book over and over, couldn't wait until I was 10 (or whatever age it said on the box you had to be) and my mom would play with me. She never did. I might have gotten a friend to play an actual session with around 1990. I remember he killed a white dragon by convincing it to drink a flask of oil. I hope I have progressed as a GM since then.
My first real gaming experience was with a goofy homebrew system in 1992 or so. Then Shadowrun, Rifts, 2e, 3e, more Rifts, World of Darkness, 3.5, and now just Pathfinder.
edit: How could I forget TMNT and Teenagers from Outer Space? To be fair, I don't think we ever actually played TMNT, but we filled an entire notebook with characters. Most fun character creation ever!
LazarX |
I've heard that the majority of Pathfinder players are older players who've been playing a long time. I'm curious as to have much truth this has, so I ask all you guys how old you are and how old you've been playing. I myself am 20 years and 8 months old, and I've been playing 5 years, having started with D&D 3.5 when a friend at school loaned me his PHB.
As a secondary question, are you a guy or girl? I've generally seen D&D as a more male than female hobby, but I've seen more than a few girls here, and Paizo has a lot of female staff. I myself am female (male body transgendered).
As a third question, where you ever in the military? I've seen a lot of people post here who were, and I'm curious about how common that is in the RPG community. I served in the US Navy, but I received a medical discharge before getting the chance to deploy anywhere.
Male, non-military, and in the 50's. Yes, pretty much D&D is dominated by males who can't seem to get beyond TSR's famous game like myself. Although I did once take a ten year period where I played anything BUT D&D or a D20 derivative. I skipped the 2.0 period and most of 3.0.
Maccabee |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Male, 35. I enjoy windy walks and holding
I've been playing since age 10, and have gone through Basic, 1st Ed. 2nd Ed., 3.0, 3.5, 4th, and Pathfinder. Although between 94' and 2001 I playmed more White Wolf than D&D.
Last Sunday I hit 18yrs as a USAF Ground Forward Air Controller. My gaming group is 50% active or retired military and 50% male (6 of us).