
Gwyndar's page

Goblin Squad Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

Thank you for finding the problem and fixing it for us, Ryan. It's good to be back in the game! Is there any way to protect our pc's from this in the future? I really don't want that to happen again.

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:

Then I'd recommend they contact

I have been able to be in contact with Bonny at

Goblin Squad Member

My pc works perfectly except for GW and Pathfinder. I can play wow until the cows come home and surf anywhere else I want to go. Those are the only 2 places I can't access or that have been affected at all.

Goblin Squad Member

I have 2 invites if anyone wants one.

Agreed! Thank you!

Thanks for your help!

Thanks for the info. I found the code and have gone through. Once I click finalize, if we change our minds and want any of the add-ons, will it be possible to make any changes BEFORE sending to GW? Thanks, Diane

By the way, I see that I can change my Paizo email address; the original one is an old one I rarely use. If I change my Paizo email address to the one I used for the Kickstarter, would that help to link them up? Just wondering...

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I have apparently used different emails for the Kickstarter and Paizo, so I need a request code from you to claim the rewards. Can you tell me about how long it will take to get the code? Apparently today is the last day to claim the rewards. Thanks

Goblin Squad Member

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
We paticipated in the kickstarter. How do we get the goblin squad icon? We haven't gotten an email on this.


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I am female, never in military, 55yrs 11mos 7days old - so you could say 56, started gaming at age of 43 ~ 12 years ago.

Goblin Squad Member

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This is great news! I'm a relatively new gamer having started playing D&D a little over 10 years ago, but not doing much until the last 5 years or so. I loved v3.5 and was one of the ones who got very angry about v4.0 - mostly because of WotC's deceit about the whole thing, but mainly because they destroyed the world of Faerun. However, Paizo was the saving grace because the Pathfinder RPG made it possible for us to continue playing the way we wanted. I think that's why we lovingly refer to it as v3.75.

I've been playing with some new friends in the Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull AP's and find that I enjoy it very much. The "rumors" lead to some pretty fun quests that D&D lacked. I really like the variety with Pathfinder.

I think the idea of an online game is great! I've been playing WoW for about 1 1/2 years and find that I've become bored with it. I feel uncomfortable with other players because I like to quest on my own. I'm one of those that doesn't like to do dungeons, because I have slow reflexes. I feel that I'm not really an asset to the party and I'm also really bad at PVP for the same reason. So I enjoy questing the story lines the most; however, lately it seems that there is no real variety to the game. Sure, I get a quest and go kill stuff, but I've gotten bored so I don't play much anymore.

If Paizo can create an online game that has more to it than just "go kill 20 of these things", I'll be very interested and happy to move to that game. I'm not sure how the game can mold to my desires without taking away from other players, but I'm open to trying it out.

Thanks for the news - I think it will be great!