VonZrucker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Exactly what it looks like!
So, here we go.
Has anyone done or seen a conversion of the Beguiler or Knight?
The Mini's handbook Healer(gotta get rid of that stupid unicorn pet and replace it with something) or the Marshal(I know, Genius Guide Volume 1's War Master,or the Battle Herald PRC from the Advanced Player's Guide -- but that's a b-b-b-bard!)?
How about the Spellthief?
What about the Binder from Tome of Magic?
Or, what about the Brigand from the Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting? This was by far one of my favorite core classes from the old books.
You may be asking yourself "Well, Von... why don't YOU convert one of these?"
Why? Because Von is terrible at balancing things. I've read dozens of your discussions on these boards here, and you guys have all pretty much blown my entire idea of what I thought was weak or over powered or balanced out of the water.
Treantmonk -- thank you too. Your work is amazing.
For instance, I've been lazily working on MY version of a Shaman for PFRPG, but I just can't seem to get it right. Maybe I'll post him elsewhere, but anyway! YEAH!
So there you go.
Thanks in advance,

Kolokotroni |

besides the sandman, there was a homebrew version here
There was a priest in a 3rd party product tome of secrets that was alot like the healer.

VonZrucker |
Thanks, Kolokotroni for these. I'll be dotting them immediately and reading them over.
Marc, thanks as well. I'd never heard of Kobold Quarterly until just now.
Since I came to the Pathfinder boards, my favorite places folder is starting to overflow. I'll need to organize it soon to keep my anal retention in check. O.o
Thanks guys!

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Marc, thanks as well. I'd never heard of Kobold Quarterly until just now.
Really?!?! Wow! You ARE new around here!
Just kidding!!! :)
Kobold Quarterly is probably the biggest, most popular RPG magazine. It pretty much fills the void left when Dragon magazine went away.
Check out the link below for more info on past issues. If you are a Pathfinder fan, I'd advise you to check out an issue or two and, if you like it, subscribe :)

VM mercenario |

Smilodan is like the Simpsons. No matter what it is, he already did it.
Old but pretty good.
Contains Binder, Shadowcaster, Truenamer, Marshal, Beguiler, Warmage, Spellthief, Samurai, Swashbuckler(3 different takes), Ninja(X2), Hexblade, and some two dozen of his own classes.

master arminas |

Has anybody seen a conversion for the Warlock yet?
But no seriously, What about an update to the real Dragon Shaman in PHBII?I love the flavor to the class but I'm not sure it's up to snuff with anything current.
If you don't something not official (and since it is not open game license, there probably won't ever be an official conversion) you could take a look at this one that I did:
Would love to know what you think. Oh, and VonZrucker? The Witchblade (aka Hexblade) conversion is finished. So is the Warlock and Monk (well, revision of the monk, not a conversion--semantics are not my strong suit).
Master Arminas

Kirth Gersen |

Has anybody seen a conversion for the Warlock yet?
If you're not totally committed to pure Pathfinder, you could check out "Kirthfinder" -- one of the primary design goals was to make it possible to more or less duplicate any 3.5/PF class, archetype, or PrC by using base classes (and multiclassing as needed, to produce things like the Alchemist). The 3.5e warlock class was merged with the PF sorcerer.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I like the Healer because it makes for a great DMPC that will rarely outperform the PCs. :)
I ran a swashbuckling Terre D'Ange-esque campaign, and the big 7 level-long quest gave the PCs a magical treasure chest. Inside the chest was a girl! (Just like Firefly!!!!) She was an aasimar healer DMPC/PC-run NPC/Long Quest Reward.
The only tweak I did to the healer in 3.5 was let her spontaneously cast from her entire spell list, like like a warmage, beguiler, or dread necromancer. Worked out really well as an un-de-buffer.

master arminas |

The Witchblade (also known as the Hexblade back in 3.5 days of yore) is completely finished and located here: witchblade.
Master Arminas

JarithBloodstone |
Hey Guys I'm looking for someone who has a knack for the old school Wujen class,from the original Oriental Adventures Book(2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons RPG), to convert to Pathfinder As A Sorcerer, Or Wizard, with full abilties as the class should be, I also have tried to get the Wujen from the complete arcane handbook but no luck on gaining any of the information from that book, So if someone can actually do the class for me I'd really like that.
P.S. I love that class,...It was the first class i played in the original book for my friends campaign back in the day.

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Hey Guys I'm looking for someone who has a knack for the old school Wujen class,from the original Oriental Adventures Book(2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons RPG), to convert to Pathfinder As A Sorcerer, Or Wizard, with full abilties as the class should be, I also have tried to get the Wujen from the complete arcane handbook but no luck on gaining any of the information from that book, So if someone can actually do the class for me I'd really like that.
P.S. I love that class,...It was the first class i played in the original book for my friends campaign back in the day.
There's a fair bit to swap out for the Wu Jen features, if you use the base wizard, as Wu Jen do not gain an Arcane Bond (or familiar), the Scribe Scroll feat, bonus feats at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, traditional Specialization options, or the special School abilities gained at 1st and 8th levels.
Here's a quick Archetype treatment.
Wu Jen (Wizard Archetype)
Languages - Wu Jen can learn Draconic or Giant as bonus languages. This modifies a wizard's bonus languages.
Bonus Feats - They gain a bonus metamagic feat at 1st level. This replaces the Scribe Scroll feat gained at 1st level.
Spell Secret - Each time you would gain a bonus feat at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level, you can choose to learn a spell secret. Once you have attained 5th level, you also can learn a spell secret in place of a feat gained by character level (such as the feat gained at 7th level). Each spell secret known allows you to apply Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Still Spell or Silent Spell to one spell you know without modifying it's level. You do not need to know these feats to learn a spell secret using it in this manner, and you can learn multiple spell secrets to affect a single spell, if you want to Extend *and* Still a spell, for instance. This modifies Bonus Feats.
Elemental Mastery - A Wu Jen must choose an Elemental Specialization, as per the Earth, Fire or Water schools in the APG (p 142-143) or the Metal or Wood schools in Ultimate Magic (p 87-89). (You cannot choose Air, or any of the traditional eight schools.) If you choose Earth, Fire, Metal, Water or Wood, your Opposition school is Wood, Water, Fire, Earth or Metal, respectively. This modifies Arcane School.
Watchful Spirit - You gain a bonus to Initiative checks equal to your Int modifier, and 1/day you can roll twice for Initiative and choose the best result. This replaces Arcane Bond.
Taboo - a Wu Jen must select one taboo, and if he breaks it, he loses his spellcasting ability for the remainder of the day.
Example taboos;
Cannot eat meat
Cannot own more than she can carry
Must make a daily offering (such as food, flowers or incense) to one or many spirits
Cannot bathe
Cannot cut her hair
Cannot touch a dead body
Cannot drink alcohol
Cannot wear a certain color
Cannot light a fire
Cannot sit facing in a certain direction
That pretty much covers it all. I buffed up Watchful Spirit a bit, because it was pretty weak as a replacement for Arcane Bond, but otherwise it's mostly straight from the book (with Spell Secrets appearing at different levels, and Elemental Specialization replacing the Wu Jen's funky, and not nearly as useful, 'Elemental Mastery').