Htennek's page

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Hey everybody, I am playing in a mythic game and just reached 3rd tier. I am wanting to grab Legendary item and my mythic ability and make a ring for my wizard, or maybe a staff.

The issue I am having is, the rules for making an item just are not meshing together in my mind. As a consequence, I am not understanding exactly how they work.

What I would like ( I am planning on taking legendary item and 3rd, 6th, and finall at 10th) is a example of a build for a legendary item for a wizard or two so I can better understand what is going on.

Thanks for the comments.

I, of course, never liked how 3.5 shafted the fighter and even less so how paizo crapped all over the fighter.

I added in some skills that I feel a fighter needs and more skills points. I feel a fighter needs perception and sense motive to actually be a town guard like they have been described. I gave them 4 skill points per level because I feel a non skill focused character should be good at 2 or 3 things and decent at 1 or 2.

I most certainly feel that every class in the game does fighting better than the fighter, so giving them a full attack as a standard action is something that sets them apart from, say a barbarian, cavalier, or slayer. Getting it at 8th I feel is a perfect level.

All in all, I am happy with how my Fighter has turned out in regards to combat efficiency, power, and versatility. I am still lacking enough out of combat class features. That is something that the Fighter needs outside of RPing and fiat.

Hey guys. I have been working on a fighter fix for pathfinder's fighter for the last week or so.

I feel what Paizo did with the fighter is their biggest sin in the 3rd ed to pathfinder switch. SO I corrected that in what I belive is a better version.

I wanted to fighter to be able to do more than just roll some dice and dal damage. I gave them more skill points and more skills as well as abilities that affect reflex, fortitude, and will saves.

Anyways I posted the new Fighter over on GiTP , so please take a look

I have a PF version of the Warmage here, please take a look and lemme know what you think.

I made a pathfinder version of the marshal almost 3 years ago &p=17420874

if you want to take a look at it and such.

Rerednaw wrote:
stuffs about mythic.

Ok, can you explain that a bit more to me, mythic is somewhat confusing.

I might be getting this wrong, but is it basically akin to getting levels in a class, only they are 'fake' levels?

Im not too concered with 2K DPR, as I envision my character more as a holy defender than attacker.

But, I do think that the saves in +30 and DCs in the 40s will be needed.

As most of my spells are going to be buffs the DCs not so much, but there are going to be a couple 'offensive' spells I guess I will need Holy word being one I can think of.

I looked on the reference document and I cannot find much on dual path, is that a feat or trait or something?

I know that one feat I definitely want I Diving Protection, as that will net me Cha to saves, and my cha will be at min 18. not including any items bought to increase. or mythic bonuses included.

A nice feat and mythic layout would be nice.

Ive gotten what spells id like as an oracle, though im still undecided on my 8th level spell.

I pretty much gotten what Mighty Godling abilities id like, though if you guys think you have a good idea then WOO lets hear it.

And of course, Items. I am pretty much clueless on trying to buy high level characters items, but with the mythic ability that gives me a free item with X abilities included seems pretty nice

Ok, for Oracle I want to go Battle Oracle and pick spells that are mainly focused on self buffs of a sort or another ( shield of faith, resist energy death ward ect ect)

I definitely wanna be Mighty Golding on the other side
( -godling )

is an old character of mine (mighty godling)that I never got to play and with a little fan-dangling I can switch the backstory up to meet the one for the campaign

Want I am envisioning is basically a Paladin on steroids.. only without the need to holy-ness and justice and all that. Im going to fluff the oracle spells as just his own deific powers coming to fruition.

Also I have never played Mythic before and have only really glanced at the rules, not really having read them in depth. SO what could one suggest on the path I take for mythic?

Hey guys, I have had my interested piqued for a high level game,a nd I am assuming high powered game.

My issue is thusly. I am not too good at making high level characters, I generally go completely BLANK on items, and am vastly lacking in what one would call being able to create powerful characters.

I can do competent but powerful, not so much powerful.

Character Generation Rules:
Starting Level: 16 (Gestalt)
Mythic Tiers: 4
Ability Score Generation: Stat block: 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 14
Alignment: Any
Starting Gold: 530,000 gp
Traits: 3 (2 must come from, different categories, the third may be from any category).

All characters are "Gestalt". A player may choose two (2) classes upon character creation, these are the only two classes a character may take. The "Advanced Classes are what is called "hybrid" classes, this means each class counts as two (2) base classes. This means a player taking an advanced class may not take any of the classes that advanced class is associated with.
For example, the arcanist counts as both a sorcerer and a wizard. A player may not select either sorcerer or wizard as his other gestalt class.

Any published Race and Class will be allowed. However, you must be able to provide proof of publication (either through a website, or pdf copy of a book).

Characters will gain feats at every level, instead of at odd levels. Any feats are allowed, following the same rules as classes and races.

the above spoilered is what I have to work with.

I want ONE side of my gestalt to be Oracle..

Im not really sure what I want the other to be, im thinking the Mighty Godling.

Because I want my character to be the offspring of a deity and I have a backstory already in mind. its actually making a 16th level gestalt character with full items is difficult for me most times, so help will be greatly appreciated.

OK, so I guess I have no idea how mounts/animal companions work in Pathfinder.

I am playing a goblin cavalier in a Legacy of Fire adventure path, and have gotten permission from the DM that I can have a goblin dog as my Mount. When submitting my character sheet, I just copied and pasted the PRD stats for the goblin dog. I guess I did that wrong because the immunity to disease and skill points are wrong

So I would like to get some advice and maybe an example of what a 1st level cavalier's goblin mount should have for stats.

this is what I have

N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +1

AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 16 (2d8+7)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Immune disease

Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d6+3 plus allergic reaction)

Str 15 (+2_, Dex 14 (+2), Con 15(+2+, Int 2, Wis 12(+1), Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Stealth +6

Allergic Reaction (Ex)
A goblin dog's dander is highly irritating to all creatures save those with the goblinoid subtype. A non-goblinoid creature damaged by a goblin dog's bite, who deals damage to a goblin dog with a natural weapon or unarmed attack, or who otherwise comes into contact with a goblin dog (including attempts to grapple or ride the creature) must make a Fortitude save or break out in an itching rash. A creature affected by this rash takes a –2 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma for 1 day (multiple allergic reactions do not stack). Remove disease or any magical healing removes the rash instantly. This is a disease effect. The save DC is Constitution-based. DC 12

Please let me know what I have done wrong and what I can do to fix this,

Why make this a barbarian alternate class instead of Fighter

The Fighter fits this so much better both fluff and crunch wise that a barbarian.

That being said at my table I would ban this strictly for the fact that it makes no sense to me having barbarian as the base and not the fighter ( or cavalier honestly)

I might be on my own here but the heat and soul of a clas to me means something and a tactician goes against everything that a barbarian represents.

I did a
port over to PF a time ago, and while I got some solid advice and pointers, id like some more input of my class
give it a lookover and lemme know :)

Im sorry, but I do not know how to do a table on the Paizo forums and it seems everybody but myself wants to just google doc their classes, but that whay I have to post the link to GiTP forums where I already have the class all tabled up there.

Hey all, I am currently in a(PF) PbP game and yes my character is alive and well.

However I got struck with an odd idea.

I want to play as a goblin paladin, I use that term loosely btw.

I just thought the image of a goblin riding a golbin dog inot battle clad in armor and spouting holy righteuousness would be an interesting quirk.

How would one go about doing that in terms of class levels.

Right now i am thining of going paladin 2/Oracle 18 and taking wild cohort as my first level feat ( some 3.5 stuff is allowed)

As for mounted combat i really never had any interest in it in most D&D, BUT with being a goblin and riding a medium sized animal i CAN go inside that ruin and such now.

Im not really looking to be the most optimized holy warrior ever.

I just want the concept of a paladin. Im not really concerned on what classes that entails. I need to use PF base classes, but PrCs from 3.5 are allowed.

I just put down 2 levels in paladin to get Cha to saves.

These are the stats allowed 16,15,14,11,10,9 OR 14,14,14,14, 12, 10

Heck im down for going straight cleric.

I just want to be able from 1st level onwards (even though IF my current character does kick the bucket it will be mid levels) to have a mount and fulfill the holy shining knight on horse back archetype.

I know of the mounted combat and indomnitable mount feats. Are there any other feast that i should be looking at?

Watch the movie Labyrinth and that dude riding the cowardly dog.. yeah thats what I have envisioned.

Again i am not wanting the most optimized mounted holy warrior. I just want my goblin 'paladin' to be effective at what i have envisioned.