The Cavalier's Code: An Optimization Guide


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Can I ask for the source on that? d20pfsrd, my copy of the APG, and the FAQ all don't have that text.

TarkXT wrote:
Can I ask for the source on that? d20pfsrd, my copy of the APG, and the FAQ all don't have that text.

Paizo's PRD

Huh, that's weird.

Doesn't make the ability that much better but still...

Regarding Order of the Star's Challenge, you said:


Solid in the sense that lots of creatures can force saves. Terrible in the sense that you have to be threatening them. Great against creatures like ghouls, ghasts, or other such threats that are extremely hazardous to engage in melee but useless against spellcasters without feats like Step Up. Even in such cases where the save bonus would be great you are often just as better off not being hit to begin with.

I'm not sure if you meant to, but to me you're implying that the saving throw bonus is only against saving throws forced by the target of the challenge. This is not the case; the Cavalier gets the bonus on all saving throws.

Sean Mahoney wrote:

The only problem I see with bodyguard is that the person you are aiding needs to be adjacent to you. So even if you have reach or are large, or whatever, they still have to be adjacent to you. That kind of limits it a bit since you couldn't help a flanking buddy for example.

Of course if Swift Aid were to work with stacking bonuses it would be way better (but I'm with TarkXT on this one) but I think you have to give Bodyguard some credit. I've been employing it with a halfling with CR the helpful trait and a high dex and really there's no reason why I should be flanking if I can give everyone adjacent a +4 bonus to AC. You just have to alter tactics accordingly.

Also being large actually helps as it increases the number of squares adjacent to you.

Liberty's Edge

Adjacency is a trap -- all it really means is: "Please stand in such as way as to permit the enemy to Cleave and Fireball you most efficiently."

Mike Schneider wrote:
Adjacency is a trap -- all it really means is: "Please stand in such as way as to permit the enemy to Cleave and Fireball you most efficiently."

I'll keep this in mind next time someone needs to cast a touch spell on me. Or if I'm in a cramped corridor, etc. etc.

alientude wrote:

Regarding Order of the Star's Challenge, you said:


Solid in the sense that lots of creatures can force saves. Terrible in the sense that you have to be threatening them. Great against creatures like ghouls, ghasts, or other such threats that are extremely hazardous to engage in melee but useless against spellcasters without feats like Step Up. Even in such cases where the save bonus would be great you are often just as better off not being hit to begin with.
I'm not sure if you meant to, but to me you're implying that the saving throw bonus is only against saving throws forced by the target of the challenge. This is not the case; the Cavalier gets the bonus on all saving throws.

But only while threatening the target of your challenge. If your target is a Mohrg, or a Ghoul that's great. If your target is a dude surrounded by casters thats okay. But most of the time it doesn't really help.

Liberty's Edge

TarkXT wrote:
Mike Schneider wrote:
Adjacency is a trap -- all it really means is: "Please stand in such as way as to permit the enemy to Cleave and Fireball you most efficiently."
I'll keep this in mind next time someone needs to cast a touch spell on me. Or if I'm in a cramped corridor, etc. etc.

Those are situational annoyances, not "features".

A feat or class feature which tempts you into habitual suboptimal placement such that enemies gain benefits which offset your a trap.



Is this still being worked on?

I haven't had time since I've been working on a couple of other projects I actually get paid for. Typically when given a choice one chooses the money. This will get finished though and I'll have to rethink one or two things since some ideas have been FAQ'd to death. :P

I'm wondering if there's a way for an order of the shield cavalier to become immune to non-lethal damage. It would make the 2nd level ability from Meh to Awesome

The only one I can think of it to get him to be undead and that is typically not desirable.

Hmm. Resolute does make healing the tank cheaper though. It also stacks with other DR.

So... I guess using less charges on a wand is kinda ok but it right know the ability doesn't keep you on your feet any longer. if you have 10 hp and take 10damage (9 leathal, 1 non- leathal )you still drop either way.

Sorcerer undead bloodline power (I think it's called undead) gives you DR 5 (I think it's 5 anyway...) against non-lethal damage.

Just checked. It' s calles death's gift.

It works but requires Eldritch Heritage and Improved Eldritch Heritage to get.
Starts at 5 and improves to 10.

Resolute caps at 5.

So the.question is DR/5 worth two feats?

Scarab Sages

I like this guide so far, but I suggest you add links to the bottom of all pages so one doesn't have to go back to the front page every time.

STR ranger. I'd check with your dm or on the rules forum to see if dr non-lethal applied as opposed to immunity. Since the damage is converted after you've been hit it could be ruled as bypassing your reduction.

Don't forget that in order to take eldritch heritage you've also got to take skill focus in the skill o choice.

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TarkXT wrote:

So, I sat down today and did some dirty math.

I started building an AM CAVALIER build for a fun little testing bed for the extremes I can push it.

Ultimately I came up with a build that can charge you on his mount for a +59 to his attack roll and an average damage of about 332 damage.

If you can charge while using Mounted Skirmish this increases to about 1328 damage.

So hwo does this nonsense happen? And is it possible to make it even more looney?

Well i went with a 20pt. buy eye for talent human who is a beastrider order of the sword cavalier. I'll reveal more but right now the benadryl I took is kicking in and its time to crash.

If you move and make a full-round attack, you ain't charging...

Goblin_Priest wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

So, I sat down today and did some dirty math.

I started building an AM CAVALIER build for a fun little testing bed for the extremes I can push it.

Ultimately I came up with a build that can charge you on his mount for a +59 to his attack roll and an average damage of about 332 damage.

If you can charge while using Mounted Skirmish this increases to about 1328 damage.

So hwo does this nonsense happen? And is it possible to make it even more looney?

Well i went with a 20pt. buy eye for talent human who is a beastrider order of the sword cavalier. I'll reveal more but right now the benadryl I took is kicking in and its time to crash.

If you move and make a full-round attack, you ain't charging...

If your mount is charging and you ahve mounted skirmisher. You are. Granted under the new faq only the first attack would be x4 damage. Also note how long ago I made that post and compare that to how old that particular FAQ is.

Jeranimus Rex wrote:
How will Samurai be adressed? Or are they going to be shunted off to the side?

In case you're interested I ran the numbers for a completely vanilla Order of the Warrior Samurai in the DPR olympics thread* as a way of illustrating how a default human Samurai build plays compared to an equivalent Fighter (Freddy Falchion). I crafted the build ignoring entirely the mount, a powerful but situational class feature.

The two-handed Samurai keeps up with the two-handed Fighter in raw damage when he's challenging but otherwise falls a bit behind in a way comparable to the Paladin. In exchange for the decrease in all-the-time offensive output the Samurai is a more survivable character and has a fair bit of flexibility owing to the quick draw feature of his chosen weapon. Interestingly enough, the Samurai favors a standard attack (in retrospect, common to any build that gets large damage bonus rather than AT bonus). Finally, the Fighter is more mobile in heavy armor. This is mitigated by the fact that outside of cramped dungeon environments the Samurai can ride his mount.

* I'm not a huge fan of the DPR Olympics but it serves a purpose in convincing players a tangible metric to understand certain trade-offs in building a striker-ing character. IMHO the Cavalier and Samurai suffer from the incorrect notion that they can only be effective as a mounted chargers.

@TarkXT - Would you be interested in adding an appendix to your guide with a few words on the Samurai along with a guidelines for a few specific builds (pole-arm switch hitter (Order of the Shield Defender type and Order of the Warrior Striker flavor), Sword Saint)? If you're interested I'll gladly share what notes I have.

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The Samurai could fair a little better than the cavalier in all the time dpr since he can take Wpn Spl, Gtr wpn fcs etc.

The ability to take fighter feats can make a nice difference.

My Samurai Build goes:
Trait- Reactive.
1-Wpn Fcs: Katana, H- Skill Fcs: Intimidate
3- Power Attack
5- Dazzling Display
6- Shatter Defenses
7- Conrugan Smash
9- Gtr Wpn Fcs: Katana
11- Deadly Stroke

From here when you beat an enemies initiative or Intimidate them either via Cornrugan Smash or Dazzling Display, you can Deadly Stroke.
This is awesome for all your standard action attacks. Doubling Everything, INCLUDING CHALLENGE Damage.

As for the later levels I currently have:
12- Critical Focus
13- Staggering Critical
15- Penetrating Strike
17- Gtr Penetrating Strike
18- Wpn Spl
19- Stunning Critical

But, honestly I think by 15 I should have at least a +3 Cold Iron Katana by then
So most DR should be passable.
I'm thinking
12- Critical Focus
13- Staggering Critical
15-Wpn Spl
17- Stunning Critical
18- Gtr Wpn Spl
19- Big Game Hunter

Opinions? Normally I like to switch hit a little and having quickdraw on the Katana is nice, but by level 11 my party should have flight options so I can melee airborne foes anyway.

Looks like a pretty cool build, I'm a big fan of deadly stroke. I'll be moving sooner than later and will have to leave our campaign around level 9 so I built to be optimal around level 8.

I do have a question - how much CHA do you buy with that build? Also, which Order? Finally, at higher levels how well does your mount do in combat?

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I played this in a one shot at level 14. I was freaking awesome.
If you can win initiative, the enemy is automatically flat footed.
So move to close plus Deadly Stroke (rather than a standard attack).
Deadly stroke doubles all fixed damage (including Power Attack) and your base weapon damage (but not variable dice like flaming property).
So it's automactically heaps better than Vital Strike. It also inflicts CON bleed. That means every other round the creture loses it's HD worth of HP (eg a 14 HD creature loses 14hp)
it will lower thier fort save every other round as well.

Because you have conrugan smash that hit carried an intimidate check, between skill focus and a skill item that will give you a flatfooted opponent for a couple more rounds (so you can keep deadly strokeing, also they get no dex to AC and cannot AOO you for moving through thier threatened squares.)

If they stand still full attack. If they move Deadly Stroke again.

Now if you don't win initiative or you just wanna help your party, make a dazzling display and make the whole room SHAKEN to your party and flatfooted to you.

This is awemose because besides order of the shield (which is a great order) cav's and samurai don't get any + to hit abilities like weapon training or divine bond or FE.

Challenge gives damage but doesn't help you hit.
So instead of +'s for us, we make the enemy take -'s.
Demanding challenge saps the foes AC.
So does Shaken.
so does flatfooted.
That's around -3 or -4 to a mooks AC
and -4 to -6 on a Challenge AC (when demanding challenge applies)

I'm not sure about past 14. Hence my request for advice on high level feats.
The build played was Order of the warrior for extra toughness.

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Forgot to mention.

Stats are
Str14 (16Human)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 13 (4th level bump to int)
Wis 12
Cha 10

All other level bumps to STR.

Intimidate doesn't need much CHA, the check is semi hard at low levels (hence skill focus or Intidating Prowess) and gets easier as you level, particularly with a skill item.


Apologies, at work and.forgot about order of the sword, however OOTShield'' preq is easier to fullfill. As you say, make your overzealous flank buddy (or even your charge through using mount) your ward and go to town. Works mounted or dismounted.

All full bab classes come with a + to hit ability AUTOMATICALLY.
Fighter gets wpn train (+4 flat to hit and damage)
Pally gets Smite (varies +3 to +8 with CHA item, plus spells like divine favor)
Ranger gets FE (varies +2 to +10, and instant enemy)
Barb gets Ragae (+8 Str and increases damage on Power Attack)
Gunslinger (attacking touch AC)

Cav's and Samurai don't get it auto. They Have to choose those specific orders since Challenge doesn't add to hit.
OOTShield/Sword are even capped because there is no feat or item that buffs the to hit
(Eg Furious wpn for rage, Duelist gloves for fighter, Cha item for Pally

The Banner buff is awesome and should be taken by any CAV for when they eventually take Coordinated charge.

Any suggestions for my samurai's high level feats Tark?

Humphey Boggard wrote:

@TarkXT - Would you be interested in adding an appendix to your guide with a few words on the Samurai along with a guidelines for a few specific builds (pole-arm switch hitter (Order of the Shield Defender type and Order of the Warrior Striker flavor), Sword Saint)? If you're interested I'll gladly share what notes I have.

I'd be happy to include it. Though tbh I was not going to include the samurai in this guide as to me it was basically apples and oranges.

STR Ranger wrote:
This is awemose because besides order of the shield (which is a great order) cav's and samurai don't get any + to hit abilities like weapon training or divine bond or FE.

Order of the Sword would like to have a word with you sir.

Funny enough while using Banner you do get quite a boost to charge attacks even more so if you're human. Sadly there's nothing out there that really takes advantage of a full on charge build (yet).


Edit. See post above yours for my response.


Also I'll be working on a Stratagist, Honor Guard Cavalier whichI'll get help here with.

Basic Concept. Damage through defence.

He'll be Sword and Board TWF. Order of the Shield.
He'll use Quickdraw and a quickdraw shield.

For full attacks has shield out. TWF's
When he needs to move, free action stow away shield, 2 handed Charge, then free action quickdraw shield at end of turn.

He'll get +5 to hit as Challenge.
Also if he and his Ward threatens the challenge the Cav takes a penalty to AC and his ward gains AC.

Gets Improved Standstill to pin a foe
Bodyguard for free (use Aoo to up Allies AC)

Gets a free charge against whomever attacks his ward.
Uses Stratagist to grant allies Co-ordimated Charge (at massive attack bonus from Human Banner favored class bonus)

You see where I'm going.

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I am Aden and I'm an awesome defender.
Check me out:

Human, 20pt buy
Str 17 (5 bumps here to 22)
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 12
Will 10
Cha 7
Traits: Blade of Mercy: No penalty to fighting to do non- lethal
Birthmark+2 vs Charm, Compulsion
Favored Class Bonus: Add to Banner Ability

Level 20 Cavalier (Stratagist, Honor Guard)


1- Tactician (Paired Oppourtunist), Order of the Shield, Mount, Challenge 1/day, TWF, H- Imp Shieldbash
2- Resolute
3-Intercept-Bodyguard, Quickdraw
4- Drill Instructor, Challenge 2/day
5- Banner, Tactician 2/day, Power Attack
6- Bonus Feat- Combat Reflexes
7- Challenge 3/dayShieldslam
8- Shieldslam
9- Gtr Tactician (Outflank) 3/day, ITWF
10- Challenge 4/day
11- Warding Charge,Shieldmaster
12-Bonus Feat-Doubleslice, Defensive Challenge
13- Challenge 5/day, Tactician 4/day, Dazing Assault
14- Tactical Advantage
15- Protect the Meek,, Two Weapon Rend
16- Challenge 6/day
17- Master Tactician 5/day (Coordinated Charge), Bashing Finish
18- Stratagetic Supremacy
19-Challenge 7/day, Gtr TWF or Mounted Combat
20- Supreme Charge

AC: 10+ 9(Mithral Fullplate)+5(Magic Armor)+1(Ioun Stone)+1(Quickdraw light shield)+5(Magic Shield)+5(Amulet Armor)+5(Ring)+3(Dex)+5(Magic Shield Spikes)= 53

At work so gotta go. I'll explain synergies/awesome stuff I do later. Mean time, look for weaknesses or Stuff I can improve.

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So the reasons Aden is Awesome.

1. Can't Hit Me
My AC is High enough to matter, even at high levels.
2. I kill you
Two Handers DON'T blow me away on Damage. Because of my quickdraw feat and shield I can TWF when I full attack and 2hand when I move. Also when I challenge I get +5 to hit and big bonus damage over 8 attacks (GTWF, boots of speed)
3. Whoa, Nelly
My horse is still relevant when I'm not riding it- Charge Through is an awesome feat. He runs over foes, knocking them prone, then flanks with me.
4. Versatile
I'm dip friendly, I still get Supreme charge but if I want I can take an early level of Cleric instead (swap my Int and Wis score). Crusader with the Healing (restoration) Domain is Nice, for example (free wpn fcs) plus can remove a few conditions with a touch.
5. I like to Move it, Move it
Mobility- I get lots of free charges (which get a huge banner attack bonus) between Warding Charge, Tactical Advatage, Protect the Meek and Co-ordinated Charge.
6.I got skillz
6 per level, Baby.
My 8th level, Standstill feat is improved. I don't use Manuveres, I just AOO the guy and stop him cold
8.Every body DOWN!
I protect my allies. When an adjacent ally is attacked I get an AOO I can use to add +3 to thier AC.
9.What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!
I can make my buddies more awesome. granting +4 to flanks (+6 with my menacing scimitar) and free AOO's when we crit. We get free immediate action charges (which get a huge banner attack bonus) too. Surround him!
10.Because I said so

*Incidently my will save kinda blows. So I think I am gonna take 1 cleric (crusader) level.
This will give me +2will
Access to all 1st level divine spells (gotta by pearls of power)
Weapon Fcs: Scimitar
Restorative Touch Power 4/day
The ability to use Wands
The Light Orison (since Humans don't have darkvision

A level of Inquisitor with the Spellbreaker archetype
I domain spell (no biggie)
I only know 1 or 2 spells (opposed to preparing any 1st level spell)
Gain 1 judgement a day and no feats
Buuuuut the spellkiller inquisition lets me roll 2x and take the better one vs mimd affecting spells
Still get restorative touch.

If anyone can think of how to improve this build, let me know...

A funny little thing, it should be possible to fight like a Norman or Frankish knight with the help of the Charging Hurler feat. That is; that feat should stack with mounted mastery, which unlike the other charge-related abilities is not restricted to melee attacks.

Not really efficient enough to base a build around, but a possibly efficient enough to take the feats if one has two to spare.

For the Genderme archtype bonus feats, if you don't qualify for the feat do you still have to take it/can you take it?

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CommandoDude wrote:
For the Genderme archtype bonus feats, if you don't qualify for the feat do you still have to take it/can you take it?

Strictly by the rules as written, I think the answer is ”no”. I take it you are thinking about spring attack? As far as I know it is the only case were there is a bonus feat from deep within a feat tree without its prerequisite feats (or allowing for prerequisites to be waived).

Sadly most of the Cavalier archetypes are very poorly written in regards to the rules (see all the confusion about the beastmaster) as in serious need of errata. Something Pazio sadly seem disinclined to do.

The sensible thing to do is simply to remove spring attack from the list as it does not fit the overall theme.

Korpen wrote:

The sensible thing to do is simply to remove spring attack from the list as it does not fit the overall theme.

Not necessarily. When the Cavalier can't charge, Spring Attack is a nice alternative.

Have you posted this to Guide to Guides. I think it really needs to be there.

Dark Archive

Can you include the Houndmaster Cavalier? I know Technically its not published, yet, but it did get him to top 16 (and he eventually got to top 4), and thats always been a good enough argument to allow it with any GM I've ever had. lol.

CommandoDude wrote:
Korpen wrote:

The sensible thing to do is simply to remove spring attack from the list as it does not fit the overall theme.
Not necessarily. When the Cavalier can't charge, Spring Attack is a nice alternative.

No, it is not. First of all it have nothing to do with mounted combat, and mounted combat is the focus of that archetype. Secondly the two feat needed to be able to select spring attack is not among the bonus feats for the gendarme, so one need to use two of the orinary feats simply to take the last bonus feat.

Lastly, if one remove it from the gendarme list you can still take it as bonus combat feat after you have taken all on the gendarme list.

Isn't it ride by attack, on foot?

Grand Lodge

Korpen wrote:

Sadly most of the Cavalier archetypes are very poorly written in regards to the rules (see all the confusion about the beastmaster) as in serious need of errata. Something Pazio sadly seem disinclined to do.

I have been whinning about the quality of their technical editing for a while and, due to Paizos 'Publish and don't waste time looking back or fixing a recent release' attitude I am guaranteed to have plenty to whine about in the foreseeable future. The more they release and the faster they push the pace the problem just seems to get worse... The 'apologists' on the forums are of the opinion that technical editing is "hard" and near enough is therefor good enough.

I used to work in dvd and blu ray editing, and frankly i'm surprised at the amount of errors in the books. Misspelled names, or even invisible bonus feats (tetori) and other errors, and those arn't even in the stat block.

Still, i'm looking forward to the race guide, at least the pdf haha.

@TarkXT - A quick suggestion:

The Order of the Dragon 'Aid Another' ability is much stronger if it doesn't require a standard action. The body guard feat allows you to use an AoO to boost an adjacent ally's AC and the Honor Guard archetype gets an improved version of this feat.

e.g., a 3rd level Honor Guard (Order of the Dragon) can spend an AoO to boost his friend's AC by +4 (+5 at 8th, etc) against a single attack and he still get his usual full attack. With combat reflexes (and/or the halfling racial trait that gives another +2 to aid another) this is a pretty killer combination that only costs one feat (combat reflexes).

I would probably keep the coloring of the ability in the guide to be yellow but it would be appropriate to add a caveat ("Blue if you are an Honor Guard or use the Body Guard or Swift Aid to improve the action economy of Aid Another").

I might add it as part of the honor guard archetype. As it is it's really not a bad ability. Thank you for pointing that out.

@Darkholme: I was already planning on it. :)

Cavalier rocks. That is all.

Alright, so I was planning to go for Gendarme archetype because I figured the extra feats were more worth it. But seeing as how it only nets 2 extra feats by level 13, I'm wondering if teamwork feats would be more useful (since I think the adventure is going past 9th level).

I plan on multiclassing into the Battle Herald prestige class and taking the leadership feat. (6 levels of cavalier, 1 of BH, 2 of cav, then 4 of BH until 13).

So the main trade off seems to be less feats overall (Gendarme gets 4 extra feats) and less power at low level (due to fewer feats) for the teamwork powerup after 9th.

Will teamwork feats be useful for followers? Will it be useful with a party of only 3 melee classes?

CommandoDude wrote:
Alright, so I was planning to go for Gendarme archetype because I figured the extra feats were more worth it. But seeing as how it only nets 2 extra feats by level 13, I'm wondering if teamwork feats would be more useful (since I think the adventure is going past 9th level).

Personally, I would say allot depends what level you start at. If one starts at first level the Gendarme is looking far more attractive then if one starts at a higher level, especially if one aims for mounted combat. With the exception of spring attack it is perfectly possible to have taken all gendarme bonus feats (opening up all combat feats) by level 5 if you are human.

But if one is going to spent allot of time playing at low level, one want to frontload once capabilities, even if that might create a weaker character in the long run.

I'm currently playing a Beastriding Emmisary Order of the Sword Cavalier (wow, that's a mouthful). Halfling with a cougar mount (DM Ruled that if Medium Cavaliers can have Tigers (Large Feline) it made no sense that a Small Cavaliers couldn't have Cougars (Medium Felines), especially if they could have wolves (And boars, which are large, and valid for both Small and Large Cavaliers).

Speaking of that, am I the only one that thinks the mount list for beastrider cavalier is seriously hosed up and needs to be redone? See the boar vs wolf vs feline above.

Anyway, I'm having a ball so far. GM keeps putting out really big monsters in open areas, and I keep ride-by-attacking them, which works really well. Or they're smaller creatures (medium or small) and I usually take out one on a charge combo with the cat.

Anyway, the cavalier works really well in open areas, so far, he's been less effective in dungeons. In those, I generally dismount, switch to a mace, and flank with the cat. The in or out of saddle comes in handy. I'm planning on level dipping one level of fighter to pick up all armor and weapons, so I can get mithral full plate (and still have full movement, due to in and out of saddle).

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

mdt wrote:

I'm currently playing a Beastriding Emmisary Order of the Sword Cavalier (wow, that's a mouthful). Halfling with a cougar mount (DM Ruled that if Medium Cavaliers can have Tigers (Large Feline) it made no sense that a Small Cavaliers couldn't have Cougars (Medium Felines), especially if they could have wolves (And boars, which are large, and valid for both Small and Large Cavaliers).

Speaking of that, am I the only one that thinks the mount list for beastrider cavalier is seriously hosed up and needs to be redone? See the boar vs wolf vs feline above.

Anyway, I'm having a ball so far. GM keeps putting out really big monsters in open areas, and I keep ride-by-attacking them, which works really well. Or they're smaller creatures (medium or small) and I usually take out one on a charge combo with the cat.

Anyway, the cavalier works really well in open areas, so far, he's been less effective in dungeons. In those, I generally dismount, switch to a mace, and flank with the cat. The in or out of saddle comes in handy. I'm planning on level dipping one level of fighter to pick up all armor and weapons, so I can get mithral full plate (and still have full movement, due to in and out of saddle).

Cool build, I'm working on something similar - but with a medium sized rider. I do have one question, though. Can't you not stack the Beast Rider and Emissary archetypes? Since they both replace Armor Proficiency?

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Also, just to confirm my brief research, cavaliers don't get Mounted Combat as a bonus feat anywhere do they? With the exception of being able to take it as one of their bonus combat feats, of course.

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