Please, Create Sexy Armor!

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

Items like a tonfa or kali sticks are used to deflect sword attacks and still be used to increase leverage for a throw.

(Sorry for reviving old topic but...)

As a female player, I love some sexy armors in a game, especially barbarian armors that show some skins. I hope Goblinworks give us some freedom of choice for the armors visuals.

Goblin Squad Member

i would def wear gladiator style armor

Goblin Squad Member

Melandrhild gains the Heinous flag for using necromancy.


But yeah, tastefully sexy armor is always appreciated, but not when it's completely illogical (see: Munchkin card, "Chainmail Bikini").

Scarab Sages

I guess well balanced Sexy Armors (Xena and Conan naked belly p.e.) with full cover will do the trick. The ones that want to be sexy can be it, while the ones want to be Full Plated could be too.

But for that works need a way to chose the craft style of each armor.

Goblin Squad Member

When did sexy become about appearance?

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
When did sexy become about appearance?

Good point, but typically when referring to armor or clothing, sexy almost always refers to visual appearance, versus functionality being sexy.

But I have called the Handy Haversack sexy at least once.

Goblin Squad Member

My dearest hope is that I can run around in a Loin Cloth in PFO, particularly on Wednesdays. Zodd could be wearing anything and be a sexy beast, so it isn't about that. I just think a barbarian should be able to sport a loin cloth.

Goblin Squad Member

Zodd Zerker wrote:
My dearest hope is that I can run around in a Loin Cloth in PFO, particularly on Wednesdays. Zodd could be wearing anything and be a sexy beast, so it isn't about that. I just think a barbarian should be able to sport a loin cloth.

At the expense of being unarmored, sure. =P

Scarab Sages

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
When did sexy become about appearance?

When did not? :)

Goblin Squad Member

A subject dear to my heart, armor styles in the game was my first post and my first threadnaught. It does seem pretty settled at this stage they went with the many-layers art style for everybody so sexy armors are going to have to be a crowdforging request to get on the art team's to-do list. Personally, I prefer we all get faces first.

* - and different heights and body types, a crazy variety of hair lengths styles and colors, jewelry and piercings (including in the face), and some good non-cheese tattoos (including on the face).

Goblin Squad Member

well if its an Armored Kilt with a leapord pattern, its like a loincloth with at least some armor

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Appearance taaaaaab...

*mesmerizing nipple moves at the developers*

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Kemedo wrote:

I guess well balanced Sexy Armors (Xena and Conan naked belly p.e.) with full cover will do the trick. The ones that want to be sexy can be it, while the ones want to be Full Plated could be too.

But for that works need a way to chose the craft style of each armor. e-and-characteristics-in-crafting/38471-30320


Goblin Squad Member

Audoucet wrote:


Goblin Squad Member

When monks finally join the world, they should be able to run around in that little wrap around diaper thing they usually wear while training under a waterfall.

Check out Ezra Scarlet from Fairy Tail. She has the magic of "armor equip". She can summon various armors that give her different power sets. I think she has over a hundred armors and not all of them show her belly button but all seem very sexy, even the "plain" functional ones.

Goblin Squad Member

I saw this old necro thread and didn't recognize anybody posting except Vic Wertz and I thought things:

1) Hey! Here's a bunch of names I haven't seen! Maybe they need a settlement! and,

2) Vic was posting in this same thread for the past three years! Daaaang! He needs to find a job!

Goblin Squad Member

Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:
...crowdforging request to get on the art team's to-do list. Personally, I prefer we all get faces first.).

This guy looks absolutely terrified (this guy here...the one on the left), and I would not be surprised if he never leaves his settlement!

Melandrhild wrote:
... especially barbarian armors that show some skins.

There is a picture of a female barbarian or ranger wearing animal skin armor, and it is completely appropriate and sexy looking for a female barbarian. This fits the PFO art style and no one should have any issues with this art being on a character in game. She's a sexy beast! (Now if only I can find her again.)

Goblin Squad Member

Hardin Steele wrote:
This guy looks absolutely terrified (this guy here...the one on the left), and I would not be surprised if he never leaves his settlement!

I think he looks more like the angry woman's recently-dead minion.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Hardin Steele wrote:
This guy looks absolutely terrified (this guy here...the one on the left), and I would not be surprised if he never leaves his settlement!
I think he looks more like the angry woman's recently-dead minion.

Or hypnotized! Or that wide-eyed look one gets when one realizes one is about to hurl and can't figure out which way to run!

Scarab Sages

Audoucet wrote:



How da hell those scaped to me??? Positively Voted!

TY :)

With regards to those of us who want to get the benefits of armor without having to look armored: That's what the glamor enchantment is for. If you really want to run around in a loincloth and still get benefits from it, pay up. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I know a crafter that will make a string bikini glamored full plate for the right woman (or man).

Seriously. I'm playing a vain kobold bard in a PbP right now who used her 1/day Loremaster ability to work out what style of glamored armor to buy when infiltrating a drow city.

Glamored armor is a great option that both serves as a big advantage in deceiving your opponents and opportunity to take a beating and look fabulous doing it. I really hope it's not made a "free" option.

Goblin Squad Member

A barbarian doesn't need special magic on their loincloth. Of course it doesn't act like armor, it's a loincloth. More importantly they are a barbarian and they don't need armor or clothes or baths! So stay away water wench! Take thy poisonous soaps elsewhere! I am clean, I bathe in my enemies blood daily! Naked as the moon! Mwa ha ha, mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Goblin Squad Member

There is always the nakid kiting archer :D

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
With regards to those of us who want to get the benefits of armor without having to look armored: That's what the glamor enchantment is for. If you really want to run around in a loincloth and still get benefits from it, pay up. :)

I am obviously not talking for everyone, but all I want, is to be able to choose the design of my full plate, among a variety of full plate designs. I don't like when you can appear in cloth, even though you are wearing a full plate.

Scarab Sages

Glamored would work great too. A slotless enhanceble atribute cast by Wizards by a price. :)

Goblin Squad Member

I think this is 'sexy' look for full plate armor. Though personally, I don't like form fitting metal armors.

Sexy Plate

Goblin Squad Member

what about we just not wear anything.

We can even stop world violence :D

Oh who am I kidding humans are anuses...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm totally in favor of allowing sexy armor and boob cups for those who want them. Maybe even include ceremonial or dress armor of the kind that was usually NEVER worn for anything other than looking good in parades.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of dress armor should be appropriately penalized compared to practical fighting armor. When boob armor works as well as practical armor, you might as well forget about immersion.

Goblin Squad Member

Ravenlute wrote:
A barbarian doesn't need special magic on their loincloth. Of course it doesn't act like armor, it's a loincloth. More importantly they are a barbarian and they don't need armor or clothes or baths! So stay away water wench! Take thy poisonous soaps elsewhere! I am clean, I bathe in my enemies blood daily! Naked as the moon! Mwa ha ha, mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Goblinworks Executive Founder

LazarX wrote:

I'm totally in favor of allowing sexy armor and boob cups for those who want them. Maybe even include ceremonial or dress armor of the kind that was usually NEVER worn for anything other than looking good in parades.

On the other hand, the effectiveness of dress armor should be appropriately penalized compared to practical fighting armor. When boob armor works as well as practical armor, you might as well forget about immersion.

Medieval realism is immersion breaking, in my opinion, in a fantasy setting.

Not talking for you, but geez, I hate all these armor realism nonsense.

Goblin Squad Member

Unfortunately, Audoucet, I've been putting up loincloths and boob-armour for so long that realistic is going to be a very nice breath of fresh air.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Unfortunately, Audoucet, I've been putting up loincloths and boob-armour for so long that realistic is going to be a very nice breath of fresh air.

But it is part of the Pathfinder graphic design.

Goblin Squad Member

As are swords so large they defy the laws of physics. I've never been able to stand that bit of art-design, either, but it's Lisa's favourite character ;-).

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Which is why I advocate for some kind of system to customise the appearance of an armor, using what is already in the game.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

I agree that it would be nice to have a choice of armor styles from realistic to sexy fantasy for both male and female characters. And maybe the ability to change your appearance from 11th century french style plate to body hugging realistically can't move plate depending on your mood for the day instead of having to buy all 6 types and lug them around or store them.

But I think if you want to have the protection of plate and look bare chested you should have to pay for glamour.

And having said that, I would also love to see the special armors (silken, eagle knight,etc) along with the fake armor come in at some time.

Goblin Squad Member

I know its a fantasy game, but 'female armor', especially the boobplates are impractical as hell. The point of a breastplate is to help deflect a point oriented attack, that's why its a simple verticle division in the middle of the plate, to guide the enemy's blade away. Boobplates let it catch and go into the middle more easily than if the armor was even totally flat.

Goblin Squad Member

Besides, it is the person who is sexy, not the cold steel. The smoldering glance. The melodious voice. The way she moves.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to side with the realism crowd. If you want to wear the more silly-looking armors, be a light or medium armor character. Rogues and casters are perfect for your playstyle.

Or cough up the dough for a glamor. :)

Audoucet wrote:

Medieval realism is immersion breaking, in my opinion, in a fantasy setting.

If you feel that realism doesn't have any place because the setting is magic, here's a word of advice: Just saying, "There's magic, so this unrealistic thing that isn't magic is fine" doesn't add up.

Make the unrealistic thing magical, and then the argument works. That is what makes glamor absolutely perfect.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Rokolith wrote:
I know its a fantasy game, but 'female armor', especially the boobplates are impractical as hell. The point of a breastplate is to help deflect a point oriented attack, that's why its a simple verticle division in the middle of the plate, to guide the enemy's blade away. Boobplates let it catch and go into the middle more easily than if the armor was even totally flat.

No, the point of a breastplate is to augment your AC, which is a stupid unrealistic system. Which will surely be replaced by an even more stupid system, because GW doesn't have any reason whatsoever to create a realistic simulation of medieval fight.

By the way, the realistic thing would be to give female characters a big strenght malus, but, well, that would suck.

Being, yes, IRL.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

If you feel that realism doesn't have any place because the setting is magic, here's a word of advice: Just saying, "There's magic, so this unrealistic thing that isn't magic is fine" doesn't add up.

Make the unrealistic thing magical, and then the argument works. That is what makes glamor absolutely perfect.


No, I don't think that realism doesn't have any place, I just say that people went from the bikini plate/no belly armor extreme, to the stupid medievalism. ;)

And that if you look at all the official designs, realism isn't that much of a theme.

And I don't see your point about medium armor, they are usually way more realist, in most fantasy arts.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Reminds me of a quest in the Tiny Tina DLC in Borderlands 2 where you have to collect one of two sets of armor, sexy or protective. YOU choose!

I dunno, aside from some boob plate, armor is usually pretty realistic in Pathfinder. And when it's not, it's because it's light armor, or possibly hide.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I dunno, aside from some boob plate, armor is usually pretty realistic in Pathfinder. And when it's not, it's because it's light armor, or possibly hide.

Just now, on the Paizo website, I didn't find any picture of a non boobysised female. :p

You can probably find some, but it is far from the rule.

Actually, just between the APG and Core, there are two very modestly dressed females: The druid and the cleric. The paladin is also pretty non-sexualized, but she loses points for wearing full plate with, er, a couple unrealistic features.

Considering the cleric and druid are wearing light/medium armor, this is actually better than I expected.

I am gonna have to concede the point, though—in my brief search, I couldn't find a single lady in heavy armor whose heavy armor didn't have boobs.

Goblin Squad Member

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I am gonna have to concede the point, though—in my brief search, I couldn't find a single lady in heavy armor whose heavy armor didn't have boobs.

Maybe you just couldn't tell that all those women in flat breastplates weren't guys.

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