![]() I'm curious. This trend of referring to the unaffiliated settlements as "The Slums"... is this something people were doing already, or something Andius is doing to attempt to add a veneer of moral righteousness to his personal vendetta against TEO? I haven't seen the term used prior to this thread, and the need to define the area he's talking about in the first post suggests its not a sufficiently common descriptor for the area to assume people are familiar with it. ![]()
![]() I'd be absolutely stunned if there was any kind of conversion. I expect the answer to be "start training the new role". I'm not sure we really have any good way to predict what the proper training path is to prepare for monks, but fighter/rogue with a dabble in wizard's cloth armor is probably the best you're gonna get. ![]()
![]() Being wrote: Well, almost everyone is sure to be playing in the alpha this weekend so it might be a bit before you get a definitive reply, but my understanding is that the early enrollment package being sold now in the goblinworks store is actually for month 2 of early enrollment (month 1, beginning on the 22nd, sold out already). If that's the case, they need to update the store page, because it's still saying "Join the game in the first month!" for the Early Enrollment $100 package, which this individual says they have purchased. They have the Explorer's package at $50 which is for month 2, and only comes with 1 month of game time. It also does not include the New Player pack that the Early Enrollment package does. ![]()
![]() Thannon Forsworn <RBL> wrote:
This is only true if you need gear from two roles that are not colocated in a settlement. If you are in a town that trains role skills, it will have all of the crafting facilities necessary to create gear for that role. So, if you're in a rogue/fighter settlement, and are only training rogue skills, you're fine. You only need to branch out to other settlements for gear if you're training rogue and cleric, or rogue and wizard. ![]()
![]() T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Unless something's changed that I've missed, they will. I recall Lee saying that they would have "some basic to intermediate crafting". The question is whether "basic to intermediate" is sufficiently limited for anyone to care enough about not having access to higher tiers during the WotT for a crafting settlement to be useful. Put differently, a crafting focused settlement is useless until the demand from Role-focused settlements outstrips their internal production ability. ![]()
![]() I'd recommend reading through the Blog as a basic primer, though some of the information there has been superseded. As far as aging to death, that's basically a nonstarter for an MMO. Not only would it put an ultimate XP cap on characters (something we currently do not have), but it means that hitting the level cap means death and the loss of *years* of effort. That said, if you want to roll up a new character, twink it with resources from the higher level, and delete your old one for your own reasons, by all means, go for it. =P ![]()
![]() My understanding was that there was already a system of voluntary PVP flags planned. Given that information, I'm not sure that voluntarily giving yourself the murderer flag is really a problem, given that it doesn't carry any of the benefits of those other voluntary flags. As far as suicide, I think it's fairly important to have some way to voluntarily release your character in the event of becoming stuck, or a host of other reasons. As long as it carries all the weight of an actual death, I don't see much problem with it. It's no different than jumping into a group of mobs and letting them do it for you, or flagging yourself and letting a friend kill you. ![]()
![]() Darcnes wrote:
My understanding is that stacks of Observed do not increase all damage against you, but certain assassin attacks will have a keyword which do additional damage based on the Observed status of the target. So you shouldn't need to worry about Fireballs interacting with the stacks, or the target's allies attacking them to pop stacks either way. I ![]()
![]() Bluddwolf wrote: 1. What were the exact size buildings needed to support Rogues? Tork had said three, but not their size. I recalled him mentioning the Medium/Large Class Structure (Thieve's Guild/Guildhouse) and the Skirmisher's School, which should be medium. From what he said, my interpretation was that the class specific buildings all come in a medium and large version, with the large being able to be upgraded to 3 classes total. And then you had the multi-role structures (Skirmisher's, Dreadnaught's, Seminary, War Wizard's School, and Occulist) which were all medium. ![]()
![]() This is sort of like calling the paladin low-hanging fruit because it's a blend of cleric and fighter, but it's really not. It has a lot of it's own feel and a lot of custom mechanics that differentiate it from its sources. Likewise, these, even as blends of base classes, do add a fair bit of the their own flavor and mechanics. I think it's more important to focus on the current base classes that people are familiar with, rather than divert effort to things that bear a superficial resemblance. ![]()
![]() Wexel Daventry, The Veiled, T7V wrote:
I should clarify, I don't object to the currently presented hybrid model. I think it's a good solution. I just don't want to see a scenario where any coin on your character is lost on death, and the rest is lost if your settlement is sacked. Or where you're expected to make a large amount of your coin vulnerable in order to make transactions. ![]()
![]() KarlBob wrote:
It's my understanding that's the reason the War of the Towers was introduced, as a quick and easy method to get some form of sanctioned PVP in until the more involved systems were ready to deploy. ![]()
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: The Demo Room was pretty good for testing PvP, I found. Also, can't you make throwaway characters? Yes, but then you can only do testing with starter or near-starter abilities. I suspect the desire is to try it with more XP-intensive abilities, or a more diverse suite of abilities. ![]()
![]() In alpha, right now, I do not believe there is a way to engage in a real fight between two players where one player does not lose rep. Key phrase there is "right now". Right now, there are none of the cases identified as desirable PVP implemented in game. Therefore, right now, anyone instigating PVP should be recognized by the system as undesirable. This is how the reputation system is supposed to work. Does that impact testing PVP balance/functions of skills on players? Yes. But I'm fairly comfortable with the expectation that as alpha goes on, we'll get something to use for that purpose. My personal expectation is a PVP hex set up to emulate one of the tower hexes during their open PVP window, which would allow testing of pvp mechanics, transition from protected to FFA hexes, and notification systems which will be needed for the War of the Towers. ![]()
![]() Andius the Afflicted wrote:
Did you just thank your own sock puppet account? ![]()
![]() Gol Tigari wrote: Second Dario: Not everyone, just the guards, then the guards start doing a /yell or whatever in chat. If copy/paste is possible in game, they should have a message like this prepared. And it's not insane to expect the guards to do this kind of thing. It's being proactive. If the guards always take the defensive stance and wait to be attacked first, they'll end up losing clientele sooner or later. Allowing people to get the jump, could cost you the fight. Most mercenary Guards will likely not be LG, or maybe even one or the other. It has little to do with alignment. Players doing that will be hemorrhaging reputation as well, and will end up booted from their settlement. I certainly think they'll start moving around and trying to pierce disguises, but that's what probing attacks are for. To determine the enemy TTPs, but to suggest they'll murder anyone who doesn't comply with some thing (that for some reason the scout assassin cannot comply with), then not only are they costing themselves, but people will stop going to their settlement. You cannot cut yourself off like that and expect to succeed. ![]()
![]() To add to Being's rebuttal, this also assumes that the only people in the area will be on voice comms, in the same channel with the senschal. That there will be no visitors to the settlement, or that the guards are willing to take the collateral damage rep/alignment hit of murderhoboing anyone not in voice or afk just to prevent the assassination. That's insane. ![]()
![]() Duffy wrote: Our biggest fear is that something along the lines of just logging out to hide will become the counter. Like most DI attached characters will end up being alts that probably spend 99% of their lifetime logged out of the game and thus the settlement is invulnerable to the assassination mechanics. These are both very valid concerns, but this proposal doesn't actually fix either of them. I don't think logging out should be an escape tactic from any combat encounter, whether a face to face fight, or an assassination. I also don't think any character should be effective if logged off 99% of the time, but we need to address those problems, not try to throw on a slapdash band aid that causes more problems than it fixes. ![]()
![]() No one is required to stay engaged in a standup fight either. They can always make an attempt to run. If they can successfully evade the enemy, why shouldn't that be a valid win condition? The devs have already stated the intent to prevent people from hiding out somewhere the assassin is mechanically prevented from getting (possibly worsening the Being Observed penalty if they try), and no one disagrees that logging out should not be a safe tactice to try against an assassin, so what exactly are you concerned about them doing to avoid the engagement? Rather than trying to break a core principle of the game (player agency) out of fear of some nebulous hypothetical, why don't you start pointing out things. Are you concerned about them calling guards? Guards have a transit time to arrive. The assassin will need to make sure they pick somewhere help isn't ten feet away when they try. Or they'll need to bring friends to deal with the target's friends. There seems to be some perception that a lone assassin should be able to defeat a concerted effort by a group of players to protect someone, and that I just don't understand. ![]()
![]() Bringslite of Fidelis wrote: Escalation Party Nothing about last night was nearly that coordinated =P ![]()
![]() Being wrote: Our tank was invaluable, but we learned that in order to beat down a remote escalation the tanks should be ferried there with something like Tensor's Disk (heavy armor is slowww). Fortunately we aren't yet having to deal with the full effects of fatigue/stamina drain so by sprinting all the time we were able to keep up (kinda sorta) with the looting prowess of Nihimon. Yes, his wife regaled us with anecdotes about it... be fast or be poor... The melees even got to hit things a few times when the giant mob of wizards was distracted by a shiny thing. ![]()
![]() If you want some video, I've got a little over 2 hours of the event on my twitch channel. I had to kill it toward the end because my internet was starting to choke. *shakes fist at Comcast and its inability to deliver purchased service* ![]()
![]() Being wrote: I concur. GW will know what they have on their plate and their project manager will set the future schedule. In the case of PFO part of that schedule will consider our input on ideascale. We don't get to dictate priorities, but we are being allowed to offer input on our preferences. But if we refrain from evaluating ideas they cannot know our preferences. The more of us who weigh in, the more accurate will be the information they have to work from. Many popular ideas are very evenly divided for or against. Ideas cannot be accurately gauged in a vacuum, one has to look at its interaction with other things. If the idea lacks sufficient context to even begin to gauge those interactions, then how is someone to accurately gauge whether or not they think it is a good idea? ![]()
![]() DeciusBrutus wrote:
And also reduce the influence/DI of his entire company/settlement. ![]()
![]() Master of Shadows wrote: I do not believe that to be the case, I'm fairly certain it is a combination of the assassination contract and a deathblow delivered by someone flying the assassin flag that actually causes the severing of threads. Unless I've missed an update, it's just the assassin flag that causes the thread severing. It's the contract that enables the DI hit. Nonetheless, I think it's extremely unlikely the devs will allow you to engineer a situation in which another player has no agency. Even in a completely outmatched fight, the weaker player still has the opportunity to try to run. Even in a SAD, the merchant has the opportunity to refuse to pay and fight back. These are not based on character XP or trained skills, but on player choice. You are advocating for an encounter in which the opposing player may have no choice to act whatsoever, and I just don't think that's going to fly. ![]()
![]() Your proposal does nothing to address logouts, and enables the possibility of totally unaware one-shots. If logouts are the problem, do something to penalize logging out while being observed, as other proposals have done. I strongly suspect the devs don't plan to allow logging out to be a free pass to avoid assassination, given their plans to prevent other methods of going into hiding: Join Forces Underground wrote: Observation is a utility feat that you can use from Stealth up to a certain range, and which takes a few seconds to activate. You must be flying the Assassin flag (even if it is hidden by your Disguise) to use this feat. Using it puts a stack of the "Being Observed" debuff on your target. This is the target's warning that he is being targeted by an assassin (possibly his first and only warning). Further successful uses of the feat add more stacks of the debuff and reset the decay of the existing stacks. This debuff slowly decays over a minute or so if not refreshed. If the target hides somewhere an assassin couldn't get to start a fight (like inside the settlement keep), the debuff does not decay and may actually get worse (to keep targets from easily waiting out an assassination attempt). Emphasis mine. ![]()
![]() royce fladung wrote:
And in pathfinder, that will take the form of better equipment that allows you to leverage more of your skills to their full effect. ![]()
![]() Gol Tigari wrote: My question then is, with more stacks of Observe, will you be able to get to the One-shot point faster? If so, you will just see Large groups of assassins going out on a mission, finding their target, observing in mass, then rushing in stealth/disguise for the death blow asap.. I mean, who is going to assume the WHOLE GROUP of people walking towards you are all assassins? Sure, why shouldn't assassins benefit from teaming up? ![]()
![]() Master of Shadows wrote:
I'd suggest you go back and read up a bit more. Stephen Cheney wrote:
So, yes, stacks of observation currently are planned to allow one-shotting. Which is why the target gets to know how many he has. |