Magic Items for the Savvy Adventurer - Or Core Items that Don't Exist Yet

Homebrew and House Rules

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This is a cool thread - in the spirit of the thread:

Journey Book (paired)
Aura strong evocation; CL 9th
slot none;Price30,000;Weight0.5lbs (each)
A journey book is a paired magical item that only works with it's specific twin.

When one writes in a journey book after a few minutes the words disappear - then they reappear in it's paired twin no matter the distance between them.

The message lasts as long as another message is not written in the book. Each book has a number of pages allowing messages of some length to be sent in this manner - however care must be used not to fill the book or the other side will not have room to respond as they must have at least one blank page on which to write. Because of this it is typical for users to only use specific pages to send messages and wait for a response.

While the sender will see a blank page (once the message is sent) until a response is given further messages will continue to take up pages in the book - if one of the pairs is filled in this way they become inert and no longer function. As long as a response is sent from it's pair - the journey book will start fresh and previous messages will disappear on the next sending.

The messages in a journey book will work across any normal distance or barrier - the following effects will stop a journey book from working (temporarily):

Being placed in an extra-dimensional space, being moved to another plane of existence, being placed within an anti-magic field, being within a prismatic sphere, being placed within an area warded by non-detection or any type of protection from scrying.

If one of the pair is in such a location the words written will not disappear and instead stay on the page - when the book is removed from such an effect the magic will re-activate after 10 minutes and the messages will be sent as normal. In this way someone who has one of the set can determine if there is a problem with the other side of the connection.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Sending; Cost 15,000gp

PS I like the aim of the thread though! Good idea!

Errant Mercenary wrote:
Ashiel wrote:


Cloak of Disappearance
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot shoulders; Price 4,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This cloak appears to be woven from spidersilk, and has an almost translucent appearance when viewed against the light. By pretending that your foes cannot see you (a free action) the cloak actually causes you to turn invisible for up to 30 rounds per day. These rounds needn't be consecutive. Anything that breaks invisibility also ends the invisibility granted by this cloak.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; Cost 2,400 gp

Ashiel this item is crazy powerful especially for such a low price. It gives rogues sneak attack as a free action 30 times per day. There are feats that are increibly taxing to get this done. Ninjas need to spend a SWIFT action and 1 out of their usually max4-7 ki pool points to get this.


What's the concentration check? Belief takes concentration.

If everybody at the table believes that Rogues in combat are broken in the other way, then allow it at your table. Doesn't the ring of invisibility do this?

Goth Guru wrote:
Errant Mercenary wrote:
Ashiel wrote:


Cloak of Disappearance
Aura faint illusion; CL 3rd
Slot shoulders; Price 4,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This cloak appears to be woven from spidersilk, and has an almost translucent appearance when viewed against the light. By pretending that your foes cannot see you (a free action) the cloak actually causes you to turn invisible for up to 30 rounds per day. These rounds needn't be consecutive. Anything that breaks invisibility also ends the invisibility granted by this cloak.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility; Cost 2,400 gp

Ashiel this item is crazy powerful especially for such a low price. It gives rogues sneak attack as a free action 30 times per day. There are feats that are increibly taxing to get this done. Ninjas need to spend a SWIFT action and 1 out of their usually max4-7 ki pool points to get this.


What's the concentration check? Belief takes concentration.

If everybody at the table believes that Rogues in combat are broken in the other way, then allow it at your table. Doesn't the ring of invisibility do this?

The Ring of Invisibility requires a Standard Action to activate and only allows sneak attack damage on the first attack you make according tot he Developers. So, at best, you get sneak attack damage every other round but only for 1 attack.

I don't personally play it that way. If you make a full attack against a target in a round and they are denied their dexterity vs you, then you get sneak attack on all attacks. That's how we play it anyway.

That's why every Rogue I have created in the last few years have multiclassed as Bards. If the enemy isn't an evil wizard, keep the Rogue out of combat. How about a cloak of the scoundrel. When the wearer takes damage, it teleports them to an area at least 10 feet away from the reach of all combatants in the room(or whatever). If no such space exists they port into the previous room. What would a cloak that teleports automatically up to 5 times a day be worth?

If anyone can help, I'm trying to determine the price of a cloak that would also grant a natural 'sting' attack (1d6, primary). I'm wanting it to be similar to the Ring of Rat Fangs (a constant effect) and I'd also like to combine the cloak with a 'cloak of resistance. Does anyone have any idea how much this would realistically cost?

Ok, I did initially post it in its own thread, but it did not seem to generate much interest... I have since reworked it a bit, and here is a good thread for it anyway...

Helm of the monitor lizard.
Aura weak Evocation; CL 4th.
slot head;Price 1,250; Weight 3bs.
This helm is made from the head of a giant monitor lizard. If worn by a raging barbarian, it allows him to spit acid three times a day in a cone-shaped burst with a range up to 15 ft.
The acid normally deals 1d4 points of damage but a succesful reflex saving throw allows the target to only take half damage and this attack allows for spell resistance.

-This helm was designed based on the burning hand spell.
for the pricing, I used the formula: Level 1 spell* level 1 caster *2000 /5 *3 =1200.
I rounded up a wee bit and decided that the item still took a move action to activate, because I did not want it to be too overpowered.
I also wanted to make the item spit acid rather than fire because I like the flavour better and also because my party's fighter is a fire-resistant thiefling and I wanted them to at least have to think a bit before throwing AOEs around...

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SimonML wrote:

Ok, I did initially post it in its own thread, but it did not seem to generate much interest... I have since reworked it a bit, and here is a good thread for it anyway...

Helm of the monitor lizard.
Aura weak Evocation; CL 4th.
slot head;Price 1,250; Weight 3bs.
This helm is made from the head of a giant monitor lizard. If worn by a raging barbarian, it allows him to spit acid three times a day in a cone-shaped burst with a range up to 15 ft.
The acid normally deals 1d4 points of damage but a succesful reflex saving throw allows the target to only take half damage and this attack allows for spell resistance.

-This helm was designed based on the burning hand spell.
for the pricing, I used the formula: Level 1 spell* level 1 caster *2000 /5 *3 =1200.
I rounded up a wee bit and decided that the item still took a move action to activate, because I did not want it to be too overpowered.
I also wanted to make the item spit acid rather than fire because I like the flavour better and also because my party's fighter is a fire-resistant thiefling and I wanted them to at least have to think a bit before throwing AOEs around...

You took a first level fire spell, gave it the effect of the Elemental Spell feat (a +1 increase) and then a partial Quicken Spell for free?

Magic items are almost always* a Standard action to operate. You should try and keep them to standard actions without very good reason.

Also, if you're trying to emulate a Monitor Lizard, spitting acid isn't very appropriate since the lizard itself doesn't have any such attack. A more appropriate creature would be a Forest Drake.

I would also say you're using the wrong formula for such an item. You have a Constant Effect/Use Activated item formula using the *3 modifier and the limited use per day modifier.

What you actually want, is the Command Word formula.

Helm of the Forest Drake
faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot head; Price 6,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

This helmet is formed from the head of a Forest Drake and seems to retain some of the creatures power. When a command word is spoken, the wearer may spit a cone of acid with a range of 15 ft. up to three times per day. The cone deals 3d4 points of acid damage with a DC 12 Reflex save for half damage; this attack is susceptible to a creatures spell resistance, if any, and such checks are made with a +3 bonus.

Craft Wondrous Item, Elemental Spell, burning hands; Cost 3,250 gp

Caster Level 3rd * Spell Level 2nd * 1,800 / 1.66 = 6,506

Unfortunately, it's more expensive than what you had, but this way, you're following the Magic Item Creation guidelines.

Duskblade wrote:
If anyone can help, I'm trying to determine the price of a cloak that would also grant a natural 'sting' attack (1d6, primary). I'm wanting it to be similar to the Ring of Rat Fangs (a constant effect) and I'd also like to combine the cloak with a 'cloak of resistance. Does anyone have any idea how much this would realistically cost?

Scorpion Cloak

Aura moderate transmutation (polymorph); CL 9th
Slot shoulders; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This rather tattered cloak looks rather unassuming until worn for a week. During the week while the cloak is worn, the scorpion cloak slowly transforms into the shape of a scorpion's stinger that fits the wearer perfectly. The stinger grants the wearer of the scorpion cloak a sting attack that deals 1d6 points of damage and is considered a primary natural weapon.

Craft Wondrous Item, magic fang, polymorph Cost 2,500 gp

If you wish to combine a Cloak of Resistance with the Scorpion Cloak, then simply multiply the price of whatever Resistance bonus you want by 1.5, then add the two numbers together to get the overall price.

For instance, a +3 Scorpion Cloak of Resistance would cost 5,000 + (16,000 * 1.5) = 29,000 gp.

multiply the lowest cost tels.

Magic Item Creation wrote:
Multiple Different Abilities: Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. For items that take up a space on a character's body, each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price.

It doesn't say which item gets the multiplier, simply that the additional power gets a 50% increase in the price. If you find a Scorpion Cloak and want to add a +2 Resistance Cloak (4,000), then you multiply the Resistance by 1.5 for the items price.

If you find a +2 Resistance Cloak, and want to add the Scorpion Cloak to it, you multiply the Scorpion Cloak by 1.5 for the total price.

If you were supposed to multiply the cheaper component, then you get an odd scaling cost for having a higher and higher resistance bonus.

A +1 Cloak would cost 5,000 + (1,000 * 1.5) = 6,500
A +2 Cloak would cost 5,000 + (4,000 * 1.5) = 11,000
A +3 Cloak would cost (5,000 * 1.5) + 9,000 = 16,500

Whereas if you always multiplied the Reistance bonus, it would be 5,000 + (9,000 * 1.5) = 18,500

A +2 Cloak of Resistance costs 4,000 gp, while a +3 Cloak of Resistance costs 9,000 gp. That's over double the amount of the previous cloak. A +2 Scorpion Cloak costs almost twice as much as a +1 Scorpion Cloak. But if always multiplied the cheaper item, then the difference between a +2 Scorpion Cloak and a +3 Scorpion Cloak is a rather small pittance. By keeping the multiplier on the same item, the scaling is smoother with much more similar gaps in the prices.

Shadow Lodge

RAW supports Tels.

If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character's body, the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection 2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5.

Ring of invisibility costs 20K, Ring of Protection +2 costs 8K, but it's the Ring of Invisibility that gets the +50% in this RAW example.

However, even with the odd cost progression I'd say it makes more sense to always multiply the cheaper item price. That way you don't end up with different prices for a +1 Cloak of Resistance that gets a Scorpion Cloak added to it and a Scorpion Cloak that gets a +1 Cloak of Resistance added to it - they're the same item, they should have the same cost. That's also how you calculate multiple abilities on an item without a slot.

Multiple Similar Abilities: For items with multiple similar abilities that don't take up space on a character's body, use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus 1/2 the value of any other abilities.

sorry, when I read it initially I equated single most costly ability with the lowest for some reason. It probably had something to do with stat enhancers being one ability that eventually outstrips the cost of most flat bonuses. Its a bit confusing at the crafting end though, do you have to pay out the multiplier each time you upgrade a stat enhancement?

Sorry for the mix up Tels.

Yes, actually, you always have to pay that multiplier.

If you craft a +2 Belt of Strength (2,000 gp to craft) and want to later make it into a +2 Belt of Physical Might (Strength and Dexterity), you have to pay 3,000 gp in materials to do it.

If you want to take your +2 Str and Dex belt and make it a +4 belt, you have to pay 6,000 gp to increase one to +4, and 9,000 to increase the other to +4.

Stat enhancer belts/headbands are calculated using the Multiple Abilities formula. A +2 item costs 4,000 gp, while a +2 to two stats costs 10,000 gp because it's 2 items. 4,000 + (4,000 * 1.5) = 10,000 gp.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Wow, thank you Mr. Wesley. I appreciate that a lot. ^_^

No prob and well deserved!

For one reason or another a lot of folks seem to shy away from building their own magic items. This might be a topic for another thread - I'm not trying to derail here, so do start up a new thread and link it here if you feel like getting into this - but why do you think that is (beyond that the system is mighty and daunting!) and do you feel like you've come up with any tricks that have helped you overcome your magic item creatophobia?

I'd make some myself, but I haven't checked the guidelines in full detail yet, though I trust they work as intended.

Also, I fear I'd come up with a lame name for the item (I hate naming stuff sometimes) or otherwise fail with the description.

Icyshadow wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Wow, thank you Mr. Wesley. I appreciate that a lot. ^_^

No prob and well deserved!

For one reason or another a lot of folks seem to shy away from building their own magic items. This might be a topic for another thread - I'm not trying to derail here, so do start up a new thread and link it here if you feel like getting into this - but why do you think that is (beyond that the system is mighty and daunting!) and do you feel like you've come up with any tricks that have helped you overcome your magic item creatophobia?

I'd make some myself, but I haven't checked the guidelines in full detail yet, though I trust they work as intended.

Also, I fear I'd come up with a lame name for the item (I hate naming stuff sometimes) or otherwise fail with the description.

Remember, if any item you come up with strikes you as a 'must have' for a number of characters, it's probably too powerful.

That's not very encouraging, you know.

Perhaps that sentence should read "Remember, if any item you come up with strikes you as a 'must have' for a number of characters, it's probably slightly under-priced."

Bearded Ben wrote:
Perhaps that sentence should read "Remember, if any item you come up with strikes you as a 'must have' for a number of characters, it's probably slightly under-priced."

Yes, this one works better.

Aura Moderate Divination; CL 11
Slot - ; Price 58,000 gp

This compass possesses a unique spinning dial with the cardinal directions painted on it that freely spins, rather than a traditional compass which has a freely spinning arrow. The dial is set within a carefully crafted brass frame that also possesses a miniature sun dial at its center, and all of which is housed within a black wooden octagonal case. The omni-compass, however, appears broken and does not point to magnetic north, the dial laying limp or spinning lazily in any direction when held.

The omni-compass must be within an owner’s possession for one week before its magic can be accessed and an owner does not need to attune himself to the compass again if it is returned to his possession again before one week has passed. Once per day, the owner or anyone the owner designates can spend one hour attuning the compass, focusing and recounting all of his knowledge and information on a specific person, place, or physical object within the material plane. After meditating, the dial spins to point the owner or the designated person in the most direct physical route towards the designated person, place, or physical object that was mediated on. The omni-compass will continue to point in the appropriate direction until a new person, place, or physical object is meditated on.

If a person is dead or an object is broken, the compass points in the direction of the most intact piece of the remains, but spins wildly if no such piece exists, such as if a body was cremated or an object broken to the point of being impossible to repair without magic. The omni-compass will always point in the direction of a location, even if the location no longer exists.

The case also contains a single slot that can be filled with an ioun stone like a wayfinder, but because the compass lacks the specialized mechanics found inside a wayfinder, the end result is different. Inserting an ioun stone into the compass renders the ioun stone dull grey and powerless, though a dull grey or imperfect ioun stone cannot be used to power the compass, nor does it grant the owner any resonant powers. However, the omni-compass performs more efficiently; it can be attuned two additional times per day and the necessary meditation time is reduced to a single standard action. The ioun stone can be removed from the compass at any time, after which it takes 24 hours for the ioun stone to return to normal.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, find the path, locate object; Cost 29,000 gp

So I'm still kinda working on it. I'm trying to model it after Jack Sparrow's compass from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. It might work better as a lesser artifact, though. Haven't fully decided yet.


Tels wrote:

I see...

Well, changing the damage to acid was mostly cosmetic and to impair my players...

So, I could use the helm as initially priced if it dealt fire damage, right?
Or maybe I could trick it further based on the spell "corosive touch"...

Ok, actually, it makes somewhat more sense as a arm item that way:

Bracers of the Forest Drake
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot arm; Price 1,250 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This helmet is formed from the head of a Forest Drake and seems to retain some of the creatures power. When a command word is spoken, the helm adds 3d4 points of acid damage to its wearer next melee attack.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Corrosive Touch; Cost 625 gp.

Well, now I imagine a whole suite of armour, your helm, these bracers, and, I guess, a suite of studded leather that grant resistance to acid. Maybe a pair of boots that mimickate the drake's speed surge ability...

What do you think?

Gloves of the Fencer
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot hands; Price 26,000 gp; Weight -.

This unassuming pair of black gloves, when worn, confers great ability
in fencing technique. If the wearer has levels in duelist, her
precise strike and canny defense class features are treated as a duelist of five levels higher. If the character is not a duelist, she gains the precise strike and canny defense class features of a 5th-level duelist. These class features act exactly as the duelist.

Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, Haste and Foxes Cunning; Cost 13,000 gp

I just doubled the cost of monks robes and changed the spells to something that seemed appropriate.

SimonML wrote:
Tels wrote:

I see...

Well, changing the damage to acid was mostly cosmetic and to impair my players...

So, I could use the helm as initially priced if it dealt fire damage, right?
Or maybe I could trick it further based on the spell "corosive touch"...

Ok, actually, it makes somewhat more sense as a arm item that way:

Bracers of the Forest Drake
Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd
Slot arm; Price 1,250 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This helmet is formed from the head of a Forest Drake and seems to retain some of the creatures power. When a command word is spoken, the helm adds 3d4 points of acid damage to its wearer next melee attack.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Corrosive Touch; Cost 625 gp.

Well, now I imagine a whole suite of armour, your helm, these bracers, and, I guess, a suite of studded leather that grant resistance to acid. Maybe a pair of boots that mimickate the drake's speed surge ability...

What do you think?

I'm not sure how you came up with that price at all. As written, you have a pair of bracers that have unlimited uses per day. The spell Corrosive Touch deals 1d4 per caster level. You indicate a 3rd level caster, dealing 3d4 points of damage.

So the Formula would be SL 1 * CL 3 * 1,800 = 5,400 gp. That would be the price for a pair of bracers that gives you unlimited uses in a day.

If you were going for the original 3/day item, it would be (3 * 1 * 1,800) / 1.66 = ~3250

The closest I can come to getting your price is if the item is only 1 use per day and that comes out to 1,080 gp.

Something to remember to is that anytime you create a new item, you should compare it to an existing similar item if possible. Fortunately, we've got a similar item already.


PRICE 8,000 GP

AURA moderate conjuration CL 7th WEIGHT 1 lb.

These heavy leather gloves ripple and flows at the wearer’s command, reshaping to fit any hand, claw, tentacle, or alien limb. The wearer’s melee touch attacks with that hand deal 1d6 points of acid damage. If the wearer uses that hand to wield a weapon or make an attack with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, that attack gains the corrosive weapon special ability. The wearer’s gloved hand is protected from the acid ability of oozes, allowing him to use that hand to attack oozes with unarmed strikes or natural attacks without risk of harm from contact with the ooze. These unarmed strikes and natural attacks
never cause an ooze to split.


This item is in Ultimate Equipment and has a listed price of 8,000 gp. Now, this item adds 1d6 points of acid damage and is always on, so it's a little more expensive, but in the long run, better than 3d4 every other round and only on 1 attack.

Harrison wrote:


Aura Moderate Divination; CL 11
Slot - ; Price 58,000 gp

This compass possesses a unique spinning dial with the cardinal directions painted on it that freely spins, rather than a traditional compass which has a freely spinning arrow. The dial is set within a carefully crafted brass frame that also possesses a miniature sun dial at its center, and all of which is housed within a black wooden octagonal case. The omni-compass, however, appears broken and does not point to magnetic north, the dial laying limp or spinning lazily in any direction when held.

The omni-compass must be within an owner’s possession for one week before its magic can be accessed and an owner does not need to attune himself to the compass again if it is returned to his possession again before one week has passed. Once per day, the owner or anyone the owner designates can spend one hour attuning the compass, focusing and recounting all of his knowledge and information on a specific person, place, or physical object within the material plane. After meditating, the dial spins to point the owner or the designated person in the most direct physical route towards the designated person, place, or physical object that was mediated on. The omni-compass will continue to point in the appropriate direction until a new person, place, or physical object is meditated on.

If a person is dead or an object is broken, the compass points in the direction of the most intact piece of the remains, but spins wildly if no such piece exists, such as if a body was cremated or an object broken to the point of being impossible to repair without magic. The omni-compass will always point in the direction of a location, even if the location no longer exists.

The case also contains a single slot that can be filled with an ioun stone like a wayfinder, but because the compass lacks the specialized mechanics found inside a wayfinder, the end result is different. Inserting an ioun stone into the...

A minor artifact will point you to the nearest entrance to the plane it is on.

I think a magic item can be made to function multi-planar if you make it with materials from more than one plane. You must double the cost or roleplay the journey.

Tels wrote:

I'm not sure how you came up with that price at all. As written, you have a pair of bracers that have unlimited uses per day. The spell Corrosive Touch deals 1d4 per caster level. You indicate a 3rd level caster, dealing 3d4 points of damage.

So the Formula would be SL 1 * CL 3 * 1,800 = 5,400 gp. That would be the price for a pair of bracers that gives you unlimited uses in a day.

If you were going for the original 3/day item, it would be (3 * 1 * 1,800) / 1.66 = ~3250

The closest I can come to getting your price is if the item is only 1 use per day and that comes out to 1,080 gp.

Something to remember to is that anytime you create a new item, you should compare it to an existing similar item if possible. Fortunately, we've got a similar item already.


PRICE 8,000 GP

AURA moderate conjuration CL 7th WEIGHT 1 lb.

These heavy leather gloves ripple and flows at the wearer’s command, reshaping to fit any hand, claw, tentacle, or alien limb. The wearer’s


You're right, I was confused.

The price I gave was for a CL1 item, but then, I remembered the CL3 requirement... So, I adjusted that in the item description and in the damage, but not in the price...

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