The Popcorn Thread; Or, What memes of the Pathfinder community do you disagree with? Be civil.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Cpt. Caboodle wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

Your mileage may vary.

Or YKMV to euros. And just about everyone else who hasn't been to the Moon.

This makes me wonder: what does the "K" stand for? Kilometerage?

Yep. I may or may not have made up that acronym on the spot.

That a Witch is a better version of a Mystic Theurge.

The black raven wrote:
Mournblade94 wrote:
I originally said if a character has low abilities, and they expect a magic item to make up for them, they have to rely on random roles. No where is that the concept of King Arthur.

To be more precise, it was the "hope for random" part of your following sentence "If a player builds a character with a magic item in mind, I tell them they will never find it in a magic shop, so hope for random" that my comment was aimed at.

I am quite happy that further discussion allowed you to clarify what your stance was.

However, I must say that I have never seen a character buy a magic item to make up for a low ability score. What I have seen in spades is a character buying a magic item that boosts his HIGH ability scores.

No worries, fair enough.

Dark Archive

I actually wish items were used more to raise stats. I think +2 items / stat bumps should be "9 points", meaning buy points. So someone with a 7 in the raised stat goes to a 14, someone with an 18 becomes a 20, and someone with a 20 effectively doesn't benefit (becomes a 21). But much of pathfinder is locked into some of the issues with 3.5.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I removed a post. Be nice.

Huh, it took surprisingly long for a post to be removed. I guess "Be civil" works pretty well.

Mournblade94 wrote:
Charender wrote:
darth_borehd wrote:
The black raven wrote:
Mournblade94 wrote:
If a player builds a character with a magic item in mind, I tell them they will never find it in a magic shop, so hope for random. They then usually change their idea.
You realize that you just obliterated the concept of King Arthur, right ?
King Arthur did not buy Excalibur in a magic shop.

Oh, that reminds me. Another meme I hate. People who take the wrong half of your argument and beat on that relentlessly as proof you are wrong.

No, King Authur did not buy Excalibur in a magic shop, but he is a great example of a character who is built around a specific magic item.

Which is also incorrect. He was not built around a magic item. The concept of King Arthur is much more that.

The original poster did not prove I obliterated the concept of king arthur. They simply were wrong.

I originally said if a character has low abilities, and they expect a magic item to make up for them, they have to rely on random roles. No where is that the concept of King Arthur.

Also in my response I addressed Excalibur as being a PLOT element which is something completely different from a character expecting a stat boost item.

Really the meme of starting a post as You realize or you Do realize, is very often turned around because it often appears as a post that was made after one jumps to a conclusion rather than thinking something through.

You actually responded to the relevant half of the argument and show how it was wrong. I don't think anyone in this thread thinks King Arthur got Excalibur from a Magic Mart, yet the first responses to the OP were focused on that.

The meme of dogpiling on the irrelevant parts of an idea and then considering it to be refuted is one I could live without.

Cheapy wrote:
Darkholme wrote:
> That myself, Trinam, and TOZ aren't mixed up as being the same people as much as we used to be.
Oh gods yes. You can't ALL be Cayden.

But he's so delightfully swarthy!

The Exchange

Trinam wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Darkholme wrote:
> That myself, Trinam, and TOZ aren't mixed up as being the same people as much as we used to be.
Oh gods yes. You can't ALL be Cayden.
But he's so delightfully swarthy!


Grand Lodge

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Trinam wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Darkholme wrote:
> That myself, Trinam, and TOZ aren't mixed up as being the same people as much as we used to be.
Oh gods yes. You can't ALL be Cayden.
But he's so delightfully swarthy!


3 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Trinam wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Darkholme wrote:
> That myself, Trinam, and TOZ aren't mixed up as being the same people as much as we used to be.
Oh gods yes. You can't ALL be Cayden.
But he's so delightfully swarthy!


Charender wrote:

You actually responded to the relevant half of the argument and show how it was wrong. I don't think anyone in this thread thinks King Arthur got Excalibur from a Magic Mart, yet the first responses to the OP were focused on that.

The meme of dogpiling on the irrelevant parts of an idea and then considering it to be refuted is one I could live without.


Cheapy wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Yep. I may or may not have made up that acronym on the spot.

Luckily it's not a TLA.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Trinam wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Darkholme wrote:
> That myself, Trinam, and TOZ aren't mixed up as being the same people as much as we used to be.
Oh gods yes. You can't ALL be Cayden.
But he's so delightfully swarthy!

Oh shit I thought this thread died!


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"You don't like the gunslinger, therefore you must have a problem with its place in the world thematically, irrespective of the reasons you actually give."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Pathfinder/Golarion is meant to be medieval Europe."

EDIT: I want to go on record as saying: people who want a game that accurately represents "medieval Europe" seem to have only a skewed understanding of what that really means. Mostly, it boils down to a less-literary but equally-idealized version of England from Ivanhoe, with nary a Turk, Moor, Livonian, Pagan, Cathar, Jew, Mamluk, Assassin or Tartar to be seen. It's all terribly white and Anglo. How very dull.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

"The only way to play a gunslinger is with a 'wild west' flavor, and therefore the class has no place in any setting which lacks trains and factories."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
"The only way to play a gunslinger is with a 'wild west' flavor, and therefore the class has no place in any setting which lacks trains and factories."

Additionally Swords an Sorcery is the only REAL fantasy.

I disagree with everything everyone before me has said.

The Exchange

Karelzarath wrote:
I disagree with everything everyone before me has said.

You think Cayden Cailean isn't delightfully swarthy?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Magic eliminates the need for technology, castles, or any other such trappings. It also single handily ruins economies, destroys all fear of death, and removes the need for mundane people all together."

Dark Archive

That making a mechanically terrible overpriced weapon (guns) and then making a class that tries to make up for how bad the weapon is with class features was a good idea, and that Guns shouldnt be viable options to say, a ranger with a rifle combat style or a a rogue or fighter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That gunslingers.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charender wrote:
The meme of dogpiling on the irrelevant parts of an idea and then considering it to be refuted is one I could live without.

Hells yes.

Examples are my bane. I try to illustrate a point, and the illustration gets ten times more attention than the point.

It's like trying to have a conversation with Dora, from Finding Nemo. "Something shiny!"

The Exchange

Set wrote:
Charender wrote:
The meme of dogpiling on the irrelevant parts of an idea and then considering it to be refuted is one I could live without.

Hells yes.

Examples are my bane. I try to illustrate a point, and the illustration gets ten times more attention than the point.

It's like trying to have a conversation with Dora, from Finding Nemo. "Something shiny!"

That would be Dory.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Set wrote:
Charender wrote:
The meme of dogpiling on the irrelevant parts of an idea and then considering it to be refuted is one I could live without.

Hells yes.

Examples are my bane. I try to illustrate a point, and the illustration gets ten times more attention than the point.

It's like trying to have a conversation with Dora, from Finding Nemo. "Something shiny!"

That would be Dory.

Finding Nemo was a children's movie, because it wasn't directly aimed at me it is Objectively Bad.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That Pathfinder must be medieval, or to a lesser extend Eurocentric, to be "real" Pathfinder.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

The Rogue, however, got totally nerfed by Pathfinder. It really needs some new abilities.

A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.

TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.

I don't set up much mounted combat in my campaigns, and without the mount a Cavalier is somewhat at a disadvantage.

A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.
I don't set up much mounted combat in my campaigns, and without the mount a Cavalier is somewhat at a disadvantage.

Ah, so it's just a mechanical thing. Have you tried looking at the Houndmaster Archetype? It's not an official archetype it was an entry in RPG Superstar that had quite a bit of popularty.

TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.
I don't set up much mounted combat in my campaigns, and without the mount a Cavalier is somewhat at a disadvantage.
Ah, so it's just a mechanical thing. Have you tried looking at the Houndmaster Archetype? It's not an official archetype it was an entry in RPG Superstar that had quite a bit of popularty.

Can you link me to it?

That's pretty much the crux of it. I'm just not a big mounted GM. If others are, and they like the Cavalier, good for them. Play what you want. It gets really irritating when banning for campaign suitability reasons turns into "THIS THINGS SUCKS AND SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED AND SCREW PAIZO FOR COMING UP WITH STUFF OTHERS MAY LIKE BUT NOT ME!!!1!1!1!!!!1!" The first is a justified GM prerogative, the second is just nerdraging douchebaggery.

A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
Can you link me to it?

Hound Master

Easily the best thing to come out of the last RPGSS.

Ringtail wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
Can you link me to it?

Hound Master

Easily the best thing to come out of the last RPGSS.


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