Man in the Mwangi Expanse

A Brave Australian Soldier's page

48 posts. Alias of Kelsey MacAilbert.


Swagman Wombat reporting in with Tiger support!

Oi! That sounds like a Jerry name! Are you a Jerry? We're at war with them, we are!

Zylphryx is banned for being creepier than that brain bug in Starship Troopers.

TriOmegaZombie is banned for eating my mate's brain.

TriOmegaZero is banned for looking like a white Zorro knockoff.

TOz is banned for hiding his face.

TOZ is banned for being too fast.

TOZ is banned for hypocritical humour.

Scholz is banned for creepyness.

Spanky is banned for bombing my favorite pub.

Spanky is banned for hogging the Lucky Charms. Again.

The Mick is banned for calling me a Jerry.

Spanky is banned for thinking the Pathfinder Rogue is at all useful.

yellowdingo wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Shifty wrote:

Australia had a native population 30,000 years before the Native Americans set up shop, so worth raiding the Dreamtime legends for the source of many of the nasties.

Rainbow serpents
Bunyips (already stolen!)

In fact theres a whole payload of nasties and monsters to draw upon, and thats not including REAL dinosaurs and (mega)fauna like the impressive Diprotodon or our ridiculously enormous salt-water (Estuarine) crocs (Dire croc I suppose) which are STILL swimming about today.

Except I now beleive the indigenous currently in Australia who have indoeuropean language content (something appearing between 10,000-3,000BC) are not the ones who came thirty to fifty thousand years ago. They went extinct and the continent spanning desert/superdrought may have been a factor...
That reminds me. I might use my magical World Creator powers to make that drought less severe and increase coastal mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes. There will still be a large, dry Outback, but the coastal forests will extend further inland. This is so that it can boast a larger population, which is useful when splitting the area between four powers (Aborigines, British, Chinese, Indonesia).
Not necessarily a good idea. Indigenous sites as a consequence seem focused on springs where water bubbled out of ground during the superdrought and coastal food sites where swamps at river deltas.

Could that not apply to the inland deserts, which, though smaller, still exist?

yellowdingo wrote:
Shifty wrote:

Australia had a native population 30,000 years before the Native Americans set up shop, so worth raiding the Dreamtime legends for the source of many of the nasties.

Rainbow serpents
Bunyips (already stolen!)

In fact theres a whole payload of nasties and monsters to draw upon, and thats not including REAL dinosaurs and (mega)fauna like the impressive Diprotodon or our ridiculously enormous salt-water (Estuarine) crocs (Dire croc I suppose) which are STILL swimming about today.

Except I now beleive the indigenous currently in Australia who have indoeuropean language content (something appearing between 10,000-3,000BC) are not the ones who came thirty to fifty thousand years ago. They went extinct and the continent spanning desert/superdrought may have been a factor...

That reminds me. I might use my magical World Creator powers to make that drought less severe and increase coastal mountain ranges, rivers, and lakes. There will still be a large, dry Outback, but the coastal forests will extend further inland. This is so that it can boast a larger population, which is useful when splitting the area between four powers (Aborigines, British, Chinese, Indonesia).

Shifty wrote:

The 'Dreamtime' will become your players 'nightmare'...


Hmm. What if Australia has British, Indonesian, Chinese, and non-colonized areas, and they do not get along at all?

Shifty wrote:

Australia had a native population 30,000 years before the Native Americans set up shop, so worth raiding the Dreamtime legends for the source of many of the nasties.

Rainbow serpents
Bunyips (already stolen!)

In fact theres a whole payload of nasties and monsters to draw upon, and thats not including REAL dinosaurs and (mega)fauna like the impressive Diprotodon or our ridiculously enormous salt-water (Estuarine) crocs (Dire croc I suppose) which are STILL swimming about today

Yes. I agree that this is a good idea. Aborigine myth and culture are rarely touched upon. It could be something very interesting to bring into Pathfinder, and more monsters are always good. Regardless of who ends up colonizing Australia, there shall be Aborigine materiel.

Shifty wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
Is it true that Australia allows openly gay military personnel?

It's just a non-conversation, not quite don't ask/don't tell, but rather 'we aren't interested so its not a discussion issue'. Openly GLBT have been accepted since 1992, but that said there have always been gays in.

What is worth bearing in mind though is that while we might have gay guys kicking around, and even lesbian chicks, there are no 'screaming queen' or Diva types. The gay guys are pretty much guys who do guy stuff and who happen to do guys in their offtime - they don't really make it anyone elses business, and they certainly aren't political.

Sounds familiar. I have a lesbian neighbor in the Army, and she doesn't make a big deal of it. She just shuts up and does her job.

Shifty wrote:

My stepdad was an infantryman.

Is it true that Australia allows openly gay military personnel? We Yanks just got around to doing so.

Is it also true that Australia has more military women than most countries?


Shifty wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
How long did you serve with the Australian Army?
I'll tell you when I have finished serving :p

What do you do?

Yes. The issue that shall not be spoken of is the only real issue I have with you guys. Well, that and

Adult Content Warning:
That move to ban small breasted porn stars. Did that ever pass?

I quite like Australians, and would probably enjoy living in Australia.

How long did you serve with the Australian Army? What was your occupation? I did a stint in the US Navy myself, but it was cut short by medical issues, so I never actually performed the job (Advanced Electronics Field) that I enlisted to do.

You just posted in it. It's gun control in general, not Australian gun control. BigNorseWolf made it after seeing the issue brought up in this thread.

I flagged the topic because I was stupid to bring it up, and there is a another thread for that debate. I feel justified is asking a mod to ask people to take that subject elsewhere. As I said, I shouldn't have brought it up, and I admit my mistake. There is nothing wrong with asking the mods to have people take this debate to the appropriate thread.

DJ Bogie is banned for equating a fine example of Australian military might with ninjas.

Also, would you guys like to help me decide what to do with Australia in this campaign setting? There most definitely shall be an Australia, and in addition to modern Australian wildlife it shall boast these examples of nature's badassery, but who colonized it or whether more than one country did so has yet to be decided.

Should the Native Americans have their own nation, or more than one nation? How secure should this be from colonial domination?

Keep in mind that it is perfectly permissible for the GM to make up extra categories. I've done it before when none fit.

Gruumash is banned for being irritated at my badass battle cry. How can I fight the Commonwealth's enemies in silence? COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


I just searched Celtic Witchcraft, and it's all about Wicca. Now, I have some experience with neo-pagan religion, so I know that 98% of what is billed as Wicca isn't Wicca. Actual Wicca is a highly closed and secretive fertility cult (In neo-paganism, cult is not a negative term.). Yay. To get the information on Celtic folk magic I need I get to wade through mis-branded "Wiccan" fluff-bunnies (a neo-pagan term for posers).

Such fun.

Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
Email the British war museum etc Most academics and most research librarians will respond in some way shape or form

Thanks. I'm going to try this with the Imperial War Museum.

DM Wellard wrote:
Oh and any city that votes to close it's Library deserves to be burnt to the ground,the ruins bulldozed and it's name removed from the record for all eternity

We've got three more, but they are really far away (as in, at least 10 miles from my house), and I walk everywhere. It's the one near my house that's been voted shut down. It shut down two years ago for loss of funding, opened a year ago after getting refunded, and just got turned down for another year of funding by the voters.

Zylphryx is banned for using too much logic.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

Britannica Online WW I

They offer free trial membership; I have no idea how much an actual membership costs. At the bottom of the page, however, I see numerous links to elsewhere on the net that might have some of what you're looking for.


Ringtail wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
Can you link me to it?

Hound Master

Easily the best thing to come out of the last RPGSS.


Shadowborn wrote:
Do you have a university in your area? University libraries are usually open to the public, you just can't check out materials.

No. I live in the mountains, and everything is really spread out. Nothing is near anything. There are two libraries in walking distance (I walk everywhere), and one is closing and the other one doesn't let people where I live do much because of a b*%&@ fight with the first libraries district.

Thanks for the advice.

What I want is a WW1 inspired campaign setting for war gaming as a foot soldier, pilot, tank crew, sailor, or what have you (This campaign setting also has support for law enforcement and monster hunting campaigns if you'd rather not go to war). However, in this setting my analogue of Britain was never Romanized and so stayed Celtic (but still has a great empire). Also, in this world a lot of the stuff witches do actually works and a lot of fantasy creatures, cryptozoological creatures (Bigfoot FTW), and mythological creatures actually exist. For this, I needs lots of information about WW1, Celtic culture and day to day lifestyle, and witchcraft. I've got the cryptozoology and fictional creatures covered.

TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.
I don't set up much mounted combat in my campaigns, and without the mount a Cavalier is somewhat at a disadvantage.
Ah, so it's just a mechanical thing. Have you tried looking at the Houndmaster Archetype? It's not an official archetype it was an entry in RPG Superstar that had quite a bit of popularty.

Can you link me to it?

That's pretty much the crux of it. I'm just not a big mounted GM. If others are, and they like the Cavalier, good for them. Play what you want. It gets really irritating when banning for campaign suitability reasons turns into "THIS THINGS SUCKS AND SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED AND SCREW PAIZO FOR COMING UP WITH STUFF OTHERS MAY LIKE BUT NOT ME!!!1!1!1!!!!1!" The first is a justified GM prerogative, the second is just nerdraging douchebaggery.

TarkXT wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

...You'll have to explain yourself on this one.

I don't set up much mounted combat in my campaigns, and without the mount a Cavalier is somewhat at a disadvantage.

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

"I don't like X thus it is objectively bad."

X = Gunslinger/Rogue/Monk:Cavalier/Ninja/Samurai.

"I don't think X should be in my game, so it should never have been published and I should denigrate it every time it's mentioned." (x = guns/Asian fantasy)

Philosophies of exclusion only hurt the community, please don't mistake taste for facts.

One to grow on.

This. Monks and Cavaliers often end up being big no-nos with me as a GM, and Gunslingers rarely fit into my campaign worlds, so will also likely get banhammered a great deal, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have been published or that they suck. It just means they don't fit what I have in mind.

The Rogue, however, got totally nerfed by Pathfinder. It really needs some new abilities.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That Pathfinder must be medieval, or to a lesser extend Eurocentric, to be "real" Pathfinder.

Having grown up in a human city and not an elven community, what is your opinion of those elves who did grow up in elven communities? Of elven culture as a whole?

This is a difficult case. If he was indeed the victim of spousal abuse (which does indeed happen to men), it explains his behavior, though based on what I've heard of the circumstances his life was not in danger, so killing her was way too extreme.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Trinam wrote:

Elf... Barbarians..?




Elf barbarian's don't rage. They have hissy fits. ;-)

As much as I would like to avoid stoking the flames of the impending race war or implying that I dislike elves (I actually rather like them, though I am not a raving fangirl), that was actually rather amusing.

Cheapy wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
W E Ray wrote:

OMG, dude, Elves are great for LOTS of characters!

Want an effiminate PC?
. . . . Elf!

Want to play an arrogant, self-righteous, effete snob?
. . . . Elf is the answer.

How 'bout a PC who thinks that living to be a million years old and yet having a naturally weak CON score makes sense?
. . . . You know the Race to play.

All in all, Elves are a great choice for anyone who wants to play a member of a race full of whiney, good-for-nothing, think-they-created-magic, pretend they're better than everyone else cuz they remember Sauron when he was here last but were too pathetic to really stop him and now crying for humans and dwarves (Real races) to save their lame-ass selves and now, 1000 years later are begging for help again all the while being dicks cuz they remember from last time even though no one else gives a damn.

That's the Elf.

And this is how the race war starts. Some jumped-up Richard Cranium says something bad about them, and all the elf lovers get on the back foot. Chaos ensues.
W E Ray is half-troll, what do you expect? ;)

Precisely this.

W E Ray wrote:

OMG, dude, Elves are great for LOTS of characters!

Want an effiminate PC?
. . . . Elf!

Want to play an arrogant, self-righteous, effete snob?
. . . . Elf is the answer.

How 'bout a PC who thinks that living to be a million years old and yet having a naturally weak CON score makes sense?
. . . . You know the Race to play.

All in all, Elves are a great choice for anyone who wants to play a member of a race full of whiney, good-for-nothing, think-they-created-magic, pretend they're better than everyone else cuz they remember Sauron when he was here last but were too pathetic to really stop him and now crying for humans and dwarves (Real races) to save their lame-ass selves and now, 1000 years later are begging for help again all the while being dicks cuz they remember from last time even though no one else gives a damn.

That's the Elf.

And this is how the race war starts. Some jumped-up Richard Cranium says something bad about them, and all the elf lovers get on the back foot. Chaos ensues.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
A Brave Australian Soldier wrote:
Does anybody else predict an impending race war in this thread?
Is that because Elves PWN!?!?

More because people who like them and people who hate them will be attracted to this thread like ants to sugar, and shall not be polite.

To prepare for this eventuality, I shalt roll initiative.

1d20 ⇒ 9

...B~#!@~#s. *Prepares for A brutal fraka*

Does anybody else predict an impending race war in this thread?

Specifically, I need information pertaining to World War 1 and any other armed conflict from 1890 to 1929. I require:

Statistics (Percent of population eligible to perform military service, percentage actually performing military service [in several time periods], conscript versus volunteer numbers, percentage deployed to the frontlines and percentage kept at home [in several time periods], percentage in each major military occupation (such as surgeon, nurse, infantry, artillery, truck driver, and so), percentage killed or wounded in specific engagements and general skirmishing [organized by military occupation], a breakdown of wounds by type and commonality, a breakdown of survival rates of these wounds, and any other WW1 statistics available)

Navy sizes

LOTS of details on the ships

A full listing of equipment issued to soldiers and sailors

Information on propaganda

Any information involving chemical or biological weapons

Information about fortifications and field defenses

Any information about military medical care and food and water supplies

Any information involving air or naval warfare

Any information on uniforms

Terrain's effect on military tactics

I also need any information pertaining to witchcraft, wizardry, and sorcery throughout real life history and the Celtic daily lifestyle.

Why do I need help with all this? Well, I'm doing a massive RPG project, and need lots of information to work with. Normally, I'd get this all from the library, but therein lies the problem. On Tuesday a city election was held, and a vote was made not to fund the local library next year. So, the library closes down in December. I'm getting as much WW1 materiel as I can before that happens, but soon I'll be cut off from all book sources except a few that I own, so I'll have to use internet sources. Wikipedia is a good starting point, but there has got to be more focused stuff out there, and I would be grateful of any help finding it.