Bane Wraith |

Quote:You can make this spell permanent with the permanency spell, at a cost of 22,500 gp. If you have cast create greater demiplane multiple times to enlarge the demiplane, each casting’s area requires its own permanency spell.You are right -- the individual side effects don't require their own permanency which makes sense since they modify the original spell. I was considering the other effects as an enlarging of the plane (simply not in 3-dimensional matters) but that requires more interpretation that is actually provided, and clearly states area so I would agree that's out.
...I think I'm about ready to cap it off.
The other results are in.
The only two important questions that remain are:
1) Is a Soul contained in a Dead Magic demiplane, if no Gate exists... or are they able to somehow slip out into the Astral, even though No other Soul is capable of getting In, unless they're a God(dess).
2) Does Dispelling the Gate effect of the Portal Planar Trait, also count as dispelling the Demiplane... Or just the Gate effect.
*Nobody* has really attempted to clarify the first. The max I got was a gesture that it Should be possible.
The second... Well, I'll look a little deeper into Disjunction, and Dispelling... XD but I guess that's how far it goes.
Thing is... If I put the Gate in an antimagic field... Would that not simply disable the Gate, not the plane? Does that help at all?
If those questions get answered, I'm Publishing this baby; I'll make it a Ritual, needing at least a week's worth of 6-hour-castings each day, a 9th level spell slot constantly used, and a Whole lot of diamond dust, and a metal fork focus...
Every country capitol is going to want their own Oubliette.

Abraham spalding |

Souls aren't stymied by barriers such as nul-magic, planar boundaries and the like -- they can't be considering they cross multiple planes simply to get where they are going when you die, and those that die in Alkenstar end up in the after life with those that die in other places.
IF you want to trap souls you won't be able to do it in pathfinder without magic.

Bane Wraith |

Souls aren't stymied by barriers such as nul-magic, planar boundaries and the like -- they can't be considering they cross multiple planes simply to get where they are going when you die, and those that die in Alkenstar end up in the after life with those that die in other places.
IF you want to trap souls you won't be able to do it in pathfinder without magic.
So, even though Nothing remotely living, or undead, or outsider, or Anything in between/else... Even the things the souls Become, once they find the Outer plane that is their ultimate destiny... cant escape... The souls themselves can escape...?
...I really did think Creating a Demiplane that Nothing can escape, Was considered magic on par with trapping a soul away; Especially if the Gate is completely dispelled, not just suppressed.
What would happen if you died in a stabbed bag of holding, as previously mentioned? Same thing? Soul would escape somehow?
Now I have a New project to develop; One that probably can't be done, according to RAW...
Creating an item that will Inform you whether or not the soul of a creature is available for True Resurrection, or ever Has been after a certain point...
I'm hoping to put it in the form of a small coin, that breaks, if the above conditions are met...
Just a little Security measure.

knightstar4 |

This is kind of an odd thread. Just wanted to refute a logical step made at the beginning.
You should be able to coup de grace yourself. You said you couldn't because you're not helpless. It would be logical to assume you could make yourself helpless on purpose. So, stab yourself in the heart.
If you really want to, just make a noose, pull it taught and do not relieve yourself of the suffocation hazard.
But really, this is a very odd thread.

Bane Wraith |

This is kind of an odd thread. Just wanted to refute a logical step made at the beginning.
You should be able to coup de grace yourself. You said you couldn't because you're not helpless. It would be logical to assume you could make yourself helpless on purpose. So, stab yourself in the heart.
If you really want to, just make a noose, pull it taught and do not relieve yourself of the suffocation hazard.But really, this is a very odd thread.
Why thank you. ^_^
Yeah, Coup de grace was proven to be about the #1 method of Killing yourself, when completely unarmed, and in the given conditions.
There's another interesting one that suggests you might even be able to snap your neck, using a rope made of hair, and your leg muscles...
Otherwise, Dying of Depression was popular. Sheer loss of will to live.
Suffocation wouldn't work in this Timeless demiplane, but you'd best refer to post #139 for that. Really, the closest thing to refute That was Abraham's logic of grouping all Bodily conditions/afflictions into one... thus disallowing the selection of particular conditions to be made 'timelessly suppressed', only Allowing or Disallowing the Entire body's functions instead.