Sincubus |
Sincubus...I will see what I can do about making a list. I have actually been following this thread because there is plenty of references of critters I Have never heard of, and have been scavenging things for my own (non-game) fantasy setting I am developing. I first heard about Pathfinder because they utilize so many folklore and mythology monsters and are pretty much the only people to illustrate many of them.
Could you send me your full list of all the critters you have collected so far?
MMCJawa |
here's a sample of the list I have created. Some of these I would like to see more than others:
Acephali: Medieval bestiaries: humanoid race that has the appearance of having its head between its shoulders, and creates paranoia and hysteria. I think a recent young adult series uses these as the main bad guy and ups the creepiness of this critter
Alan: Philippines; Arboreal bird-like humanoids, which rest upside down in trees. Might make a good humanoid parrot creature
Amadán: Irish Fairy ceremonial jesters, which attend the courts of powerful Fey and can cause strokes. May make a good high CR Fey
Aniwye: Chippewa; a giant skunk like predator, which uses chemical blast from its tail to burn its prey.
Arenotelicon: Large mustelid like predators from medieval bestiaries, reknowned for their bloodlust and connected with the Beast of Gevaudan.
Astomes: Medieval bestiaries; mouth-less humanoids...could make a good psionic monster
Brobinyak: A British nursery spirit, described as a combination of ogre and dragon
Callicantzaroi: Greek goblins that resemble small humanoids with various miscelleneous animal features, which dwell underground and attempt to topple the world tree
Calopi: Medieval bestiary; a horned, wolf-like predator, armed with long spines on its back. May be escaped by entangling spines in brush.
Dobhar-chu: Giant predatory otters of Irish myth
Echeneis: A remora like bestiary monster, with power over the cold and the ability to latch onto a ship and prevent it from moving.
Foawr: Manx; Giant not very bright pig humanoids
Ganiagwaihegowa (Gumberoo): Seneca folklore; A massive hairless bear-like monster whose only weakpoint was the soles of its feet
Gulon: Giant, wolverine like predator with an insatiable appetite.
Idrus: Hagfish like serpents capable of devouring a crocodile from the inside out..
Lubber: British folklore; Slug like demons whose purpose is to tempt holy priests into a life a sin.
Migas: West Africa; Giant tropical catfish like predator which snatches prey with tentacles
Nalusa Falaya: Native American; tree dwelling lemur-like creatures which glow in the dark and shoot venom tipped spines which cause amnesia
Pamarindo: an evil and cruel Italian Fay; less Tinkerbell and more Jabba the Hutt
Samebito: Japan: Shark-like humanoids which are famed healers
Tisikh Puk: Inuit; primordial, human-headed caterpillars which turn into humans
Tompondrano: Malagasy; Immense crocodile like sea monster, which uses bioluminescence.
Vough: Scotland; a freshwater Fuathan, in the form of a human with no nose, and a long yellow mane and hair. feared sunlight and would come onto land to marry humans
Vulpangue: from the Andes; fox headed serpents, dreaded for their predatory habits.
Whowhie: Aboriginal folklore, Giant monster resembling a cross between a gecko and a ant, predatory and cunning in nature
Yara-ma-yha-who: Aboriginal folklore; giant Tarsier-like monster that swallows people whole, then spits them out and reswallows them, eventually turning them into more Yaras
Yeitso: Hopi giant, covered in scales, which preyed on humanity
Sincubus |
Acephali: Medieval bestiaries: humanoid race that has the appearance of having its head between its shoulders, and creates paranoia and hysteria. I think a recent young adult series uses these as the main bad guy and ups the creepiness of this critter
Amadán: Irish Fairy ceremonial jesters, which attend the courts of powerful Fey and can cause strokes. May make a good high CR Fey
Aniwye: Chippewa; a giant skunk like predator, which uses chemical blast from its tail to burn its prey.
Dobhar-chu: Giant predatory otters of Irish myth
Echeneis: A remora like bestiary monster, with power over the cold and the ability to latch onto a ship and prevent it from moving.
Gulon: Giant, wolverine like predator with an insatiable appetite.
Idrus: Hagfish like serpents capable of devouring a crocodile from the inside out..
Migas: West Africa; Giant tropical catfish like predator which snatches prey with tentacles
Nalusa Falaya: Native American; tree dwelling lemur-like creatures which glow in the dark and shoot venom tipped spines which cause amnesia
Yara-ma-yha-who: Aboriginal folklore; giant Tarsier-like monster that swallows people whole, then spits them out and reswallows them, eventually turning them into more Yaras
Thanks for these! I really like the otter and skunk monsters!
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Petsuchos - Lightbeam crocodile from egypt
The heat beam thing of a video game thing. Although the actual petsuchos could be funky, for an Osirioni thing.
The Scarred Lands used something like them, gold and jewel studded 'holy' crocodiles empowered and awakened by that settings version of Sarenrae (good healing sun goddess), called Paragon Crocodiles.
Adding the Advanced simple template to a normal crocodile, awakening it, and giving it a natural armor bonus from the gold and gems worked into it's hide, would probably be adequate. Since they were historically empowered by Sobek, who was associated with rivers, floods, 'river monsters' and fertility, appropriate 'magical beast' powers would include something like hydraulic push (in water only) or some sort of ranged push or pull / drag / reposition maneuver in water or summon nature's ally (regular crocodiles) or fast healing when in water.
A more Osirioni specific version could be sacred to Apep or Wadjet, from the Osirioni Companion, and either be evil and destructive or good and wise, depending on the patron.
The mummified remains as temple guardians could make for a scary encounter.
Serithvc |
Oliphant/Mumakil (however you want to pronounce it)
Cave Troll (see LOTR)
Goblins (Moria Orcs)
Less tech creatures, and less space creatures. (I believe in the saying 'Keep your sci-fi out of my fantasy)
Demons/Devils/Angels/etc for every level
Fafnir (and other adventure path creatures)
More Dinosaurs
More Dragon type creatures
More CR 25 to 40 creatures just because it's fun to have some near immortal beings to send against the players.
Sincubus |
Uruk-Hai - Isn't this just an orc or hobgoblin?
Balrog - Balor, and isn't going to happen due to copyright.
Oliphant/Mumakil - Copyright, but there are undead elephants that pretty much do the same thing.
Cave Troll - Already There
Goblins (Moria Orcs)- Isn't going to happen.
Draconians - Isn't going to happen.
Less tech creatures - Couldn't Agree MORE.
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Maybe something like a giant pistol shrimp?
They use cavitation to fire tiny beams of plasma at their prey, and also a shockwave from the popped bubble.
That's right, there's an animal on earth that uses plasma to kill.
Has to be underwater though.
Although something capable of moving fast enough to cause air to flash into fiery plasma at the point of impact could also be funky.
Quickling with scorpion whip "Ha, you can crack the sound barrier with your whip? Amateur!" <Shh-crack-BOOM!>
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Less tech creatures, and less space creatures. (I believe in the saying 'Keep your sci-fi out of my fantasy)
Er, you do realize that there's a decent presense of tech in Golarion, especially in the Mana Wastes and Numeria.
If anything, the RPG line needs to put out MORE tech and alien stuff, to help support adventues in these areas.
Besides, the segmenting of fantasy and scifi into two seperate genres that should never ever touch is a fairly recent phenomenon.
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If you think scifi and fantasy mixing together started with Final Fantasy, then you don't really know a lot about the history of those genres, Like I said before, dividing them into two distinct genres is "relatively" recent...go back to before the 1980s or so and they mixed pretty freely.
I know that both the Blackmoor and Greyhawk settings had crashed alien spacecraft (as does Golarion, coincidentally). And those two pretty much predate the actual game of D&D itself.
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I know that both the Blackmoor and Greyhawk settings had crashed alien spacecraft (as does Golarion, coincidentally). And those two pretty much predate the actual game of D&D itself.
Quite a bit of classic sci-fi/fantasy has cross-pollinated the two elements. Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East, Andre Norton's Witch World, Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern, C.S. Friedman's Black Sun Rising, etc.
Even Poul Anderson's Three Hearts & Three Lions left it's mark, inspiring Gary Gygax to put a gun-wielding paladin in his pantheon of 'hero-gods.'
Quite a few 'alien' critters, like the xenomorph from the Aliens movies, would work just fine in this setting, and some 'tech' encounters, such as the Numerian spider-mech thing from the artwork, wouldn't be much different than already existing fantasy encounters (such as a retriever, a giant spider-construct that shoots 'laser beams' from it's eyes).
I care nothing for the Tane we've seen. They seem silly and pointless, to me. But I do not begrudge the Tane fans a half-dozen pages or so of new Tane.
Fleshgrinder |
I've always wanted someone to take a more biologically possible view of dragons.
Get rid of those 6 limbs and cut them down to 4. Stick to breath weapons that are at least somewhat biologically feasible (basically fire, acid, electricity, as animals exist in RL that use these) and make them cunning animals instead of hyper-intelligent.
Maybe make them a class of "Feral" dragons or something.
Sincubus |
If you think scifi and fantasy mixing together started with Final Fantasy, then you don't really know a lot about the history of those genres, Like I said before, dividing them into two distinct genres is "relatively" recent...go back to before the 1980s or so and they mixed pretty freely.
I know that both the Blackmoor and Greyhawk settings had crashed alien spacecraft (as does Golarion, coincidentally). And those two pretty much predate the actual game of D&D itself.
In my eyes there is a difference between:
Putting Hound of Tindalos/Aboleth/Yithian and even OMA/Space Whale into the D&D/pathfinder world or putting Terminator/Strange machines/Modern technology monsters into the game.
I really don't like the second, I love the first.
My problem was never with space or aliens, but more with technology enemies, which I at first thought were aliens. (which they are indeed in pathfinder world, but they are the wrong kind of aliens for me, give me aboleth and such creatures. Giff belongs in the group of modern technology enemies, guz I don't like modern guns in the books/game/fantasyworld.
Also I really adore robots/terminator and that stuff, but in their own universem, not in monster books.
Sincubus |
Then I don't like that part of Golarion.
Anyway this is the list with the most famous left-to-do monsters from cryptids to mythology and folklore to fantasy novels.
Talos - Golden Hind - Echeneis - Dingonek - Tsuchigumo - Myrmecoleon - Karkinos - Nandi Bear - Drop Bear - Cetus - Rain Bird - Zu - Calydonian Boar - Erymanthian Boar - Kerkope - Fenrir - Kumiho (fox version) - Orthrus - Bakeneko - Cactus Cat - Skunk-Ape - Nemean Lion - Phantom Cat - Abaia - Isonade - Namazu - Migas - Sewer Alligator - Gunni - Antaeus - Shen (clam version) - Acheri - Kamaitachi/Sickle Weasel - Hyakume - Ramidreju - Afanc (not the D&D version) - Acephali - Fossergrim - Al-mi'raj - Ratatoskr - Petchusos - Echidna - Grendel - Fafnir - Amadan - Jormungandr - Bloody Mary - Heikegani - Ouroboros - Python - Gulon - Ladon - Bloody Bones - Argus Panoptes - Swan Maiden - Pucca - Domovoi - Garm - Aniwye - Jackalope - Black Dog - Wood Wose - Bluecap - Cherufe - Buggane - Lorelei - Dobhar-chu - Fomorian - Omukade - Firbolg - Cacus - Winged Monkey - Cheshire Cat - Gogmagog - Tigerbear - Scarab - Jubokko - Wadjet - Alp Luachra
MMCJawa |
Oliphant/Mumakil (however you want to pronounce it)
Cave Troll (see LOTR)
Goblins (Moria Orcs)
Less tech creatures, and less space creatures. (I believe in the saying 'Keep your sci-fi out of my fantasy)
Demons/Devils/Angels/etc for every level
Fafnir (and other adventure path creatures)
More Dinosaurs
More Dragon type creatures
More CR 25 to 40 creatures just because it's fun to have some near immortal beings to send against the players.
The designers have said they are loathe to add any more draconic humanoid to Golarion, since they believe it cheapens the thrill of fighting dragons if you have a dragon creature in your party. Their are the Wyvaran (sp?...hey I am lazy), in the ARG, which is probably the best bet
Balrog = Balor
Cave Troll = Rock Troll (not in appearance, but it is the Darklands troll)
I would like to see a more advanced Darklands form of Orc...maybe the original Orc before they were pushed to the surface. Something smarter and more organized. I think there are some variants in Tome of Horrors which might fulfill that role
I'd like to see some epic level creatures, but not until we get epic rules
MMCJawa |
I have no problems with technological/space creatures...as long as they can fit in without breaking suspension of belief. So far, the way they have handled Numeria and other planets in the solar system makes me not worry too much about this happening. Especially since they are pulling as much stuff from the old pulp sci-fi (which is closer to fantasy than most modern science fiction)
On Pern dragons...I thought the Dragonkin were basically a play on that trope. Triaxus seems to draw quite a bit on Pern amongst other inspirations.
MMCJawa |
Then I don't like that part of Golarion.
Anyway this is the list with the most famous left-to-do monsters from cryptids to mythology and folklore to fantasy novels.
Talos - Golden Hind - Echeneis - Dingonek - Tsuchigumo - Myrmecoleon - Karkinos - Nandi Bear - Drop Bear - Cetus - Rain Bird - Zu - Calydonian Boar - Erymanthian Boar - Kerkope - Fenrir - Kumiho (fox version) - Orthrus - Bakeneko - Cactus Cat - Skunk-Ape - Nemean Lion - Phantom Cat - Abaia - Isonade - Namazu - Migas - Sewer Alligator - Gunni - Antaeus - Shen (clam version) - Acheri - Kamaitachi/Sickle Weasel - Hyakume - Ramidreju - Afanc (not the D&D version) - Acephali - Fossergrim - Al-mi'raj - Ratatoskr - Petchusos - Echidna - Grendel - Fafnir - Amadan - Jormungandr - Bloody Mary - Heikegani - Ouroboros - Python - Gulon - Ladon - Bloody Bones - Argus Panoptes - Swan Maiden - Pucca - Domovoi - Garm - Aniwye - Jackalope - Black Dog - Wood Wose - Bluecap - Cherufe - Buggane - Lorelei - Dobhar-chu - Fomorian - Omukade - Firbolg - Cacus - Winged Monkey - Cheshire Cat - Gogmagog - Tigerbear - Scarab - Jubokko - Wadjet - Alp Luachra
A couple of those they have done...
Orthrus is a Chimera variant;
Nandi Bear (under it's Kenyan name) is done up in the Mwangi AP
Fafnir = Fafneir from Linnorm Kingdoms
Jormungandr has a Paizo version, but it would need epic rules (it's the father of all Linnorms)
What is a Tigerbear?
Sincubus |
A tigerbear comes in with the winged monkeys, they are enemies of the lion of the wiz of oz.
Nandi Bear = Chemosit? Never knew that?!? Thanks for the tip.
Orthrus = Chimera, that is a bit odd, could be a death dog variant or something like that, but a chimera? :p
Also some of the creatures need to drop their true-folklore background, such as the Kumiho, drop the entire shapeshift act, that is for Kitsune, this should be a cool multi-tail trickster evil fox creature that hates kitsunes.
Really, why not? Rusalka's can't animate hair as wel, so why the multi-tailed fox creature can't happen without shapeshift?
Bloody mary could be done with different name but with same idea, a creature that hunts vain creatures and which can be summoned by calling its name 6 times in the mirror, if the person you want to kill isn't pretty she kills you instead.
Odraude |
I would like a dragon blooded race, however, I would like it more in line with the human looking Aasimar or Tieflings instead of the Dragonborn. I think it would be a bit of a breath of fresh air to have them humanoids with features that betray their draconic heritage. Tails, scales, metallic skin, or something as simple as different colored eyes and hair. And there can be multiple ways for a dragon-blooded human to come into existence. Perhaps the classic shape-changing dragon is the common one, but then you can have others that have been influenced heavily by the magic of a dragon. Or, in the same vein as Dragonheart and Dragon's Dogma, perhaps the creature shares a heart with the dragon. I think it would be pretty fun. Things like:
Colorborn - Those born of the Chromatic Dragons. Breath weapons and fear ability perhaps. Bonuses to Appraise and Intimidate
Gleamingspawn - Those born of the Metallic Dragons. Breath weapons and a more lean to martial abilities Bonuses to Diplomacy and Sense Motive
Lordborn - Those born of the Imperial Dragons. Alter self and breath weapons. Bonuses to Intimidate and Knowledge (nature)
Primalspawn - Those born of the Primal Dragons. Breath weapon and maybe some elemental resistances or abilities. Bonuses to Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft perhaps?
Cursespawn - Those born of the Linnorms. Perhaps either a curse effect or a bonus to curses or movement of some kind. Bonus to Acrobatics and Perception.
Thricespawn - Those born of the Gorynych. A Charm Person special ability and perhaps something that deals with his heritage of a three headed dragon. Bonuses to Bluff and Perception.
And for the really weird...
Babbleborn - Those born? of the Jabberwock. A confuse spell or burning gaze for the spell like ability. Bonuses to Bluff and Knowledge (planar).
Those are the only dragons I could really imagine having children, with the Jabberwock more of a joke and, well, interesting idea. If I wasn't pressed for time, I'd go into more detail.
Dragon78 |
Well the Orthrus is the male version of the original type of Chimera(since they were always female) wich were called Legendary Chimera. The Legendary Chimera were CR13 CE Huge magical beast that look like the original version of the chimera from mythology(Lion head, goat head in the middle, snake head for a tail).They are immune to bleed, death effects, disease, fire, and poison, have DR10/cold iron and magic, SR24, frightful presence, breath weapon(13d8 fire),burn(2d8), and swallow whole. While the Othrus is a CR7 magical beast with two wolf heads and a draconic head on it's tail. basical you use the chimera as the base with following changes, loose wings, no claw attacks, gains rend(2 bites 2d6+6), one head gains trip special ability, bites do 2d6+1-1/2 times str mod in dmg, and all round vission.
Astral Wanderer |
Add to wishlist:
Some NG wandering knight which is sort of a near unique creature (like a Phoenix) or anyway sort of a Graveknight nemesis with powers related to Sun, holy light and radiance, who travels the world and planes in his personal crusade against evil (with maybe a Moon-related counterpart).
Pretty cliché, but you know, there's nothing similar yet anyway.
It happens, sometimes, that you just need the knight in shining armor.
Cole Deschain |
![The Cinderlander](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/The-Cinderlander.jpg)
Some NG wandering knight which is sort of a near unique creature (like a Phoenix) or anyway sort of a Graveknight nemesis with powers related to Sun, holy light and radiance, who travels the world and planes in his personal crusade against evil.
We have that.
It's called a high level Paladin/Cleric with Sun and Glory Domains.
Astral Wanderer |
Astral Wanderer wrote:Some NG wandering knight which is sort of a near unique creature (like a Phoenix) or anyway sort of a Graveknight nemesis with powers related to Sun, holy light and radiance, who travels the world and planes in his personal crusade against evil.We have that.
It's called a high level Paladin/Cleric with Sun and Glory Domains.
Except it is a common mortal and not some near-unique creature.
Cole Deschain |
![The Cinderlander](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/The-Cinderlander.jpg)
It's called a high level Paladin/Cleric with Sun and Glory Domains.Except it is a common mortal and not some near-unique creature.
I would hardly call a mortal holy warrior capable of striding the planes smiting evil "common." Perhaps my point would be better served with a question:
Why have a "monster" to do the PC's jobs for them?
We already have various angelic entities, deities, and other such sorts wandering about cluttering up the place. A being that by your own description is simply an archetypical "knight in Shining Armor" really steps on the toes of characters seeking to adopt that mantle.
MMCJawa |
We already have various angelic entities, deities, and other such sorts wandering about cluttering up the place. A being that by your own description is simply an archetypical "knight in Shining Armor" really steps on the toes of characters seeking to adopt that mantle.
I like the balance that good outsiders give to the game. They provide a final reward for players, and honestly I have trouble believing Golarion would exist if the cosmos was filled with Daemons, Demons, Qlippoth, Devils, etc with nothing to oppose them. Besides, good outsiders should have bigger fish to fry on the cosmic scale, leaving most threats for the PC's to deal with.Actually, I would like the good outsiders fleshed out more in the next bestiary. More Agathions, maybe different types of Garuda and Peri, etc.
Astral Wanderer |
Other than that, you know, there are evil campaigns, once in a while.
And for the standard good campaigns they may do well as mentors and guidance.
About the nature of a "common" mortal, I imagined such argument would be replied, but I wasn't speaking under power-level terms, or even "mere" virtue. Whatever power or virtue he may achieve, he just remains a common mortal anyway, unless he changes in fundamental nature. And at that point he is no more the character that you mentioned, but (maybe) what I was asking for. (Or maybe not, because I wasn't asking for a mortal who ascended, but something that has always been "High".)
KingmanHighborn |
Never liked Anne McCaffery's version of dragons.
That said, maybe a playable race that is part bear or bear like.
I'm sad there is no displacer beast but that's already been discussed
Moon Dogs
A dragonborn like race
Drow&Elven crossbreeds with demons a la Draegloth & Fey'ri
Something off the wall like monkey bees
Desert dwelling monsters besides worms and scorpions.
Some nods to the monsters from old 3.5 books like Frostburn, Ghostwalk, Sandstorm and Stormwrack.
Ratinyourwalls |
-More bears and variants of bears.
-More Dragons and variants of dragons.
-Robotic/tech monsters/npcs so I can run adventures in Numeria!
-Less Elf/fey/undead creatures. The 2nd and 3rd bestiaries are oversaturated with these.
-more indepth guidelines for designing monsters. Especially single monsters that the whole party can battle.
-more Dinosaurs and variants of dinosaurs.
-More gunslinger foes for my gunslinger pc's.
-More nondragons that can threaten entire cities.