Belle Mythix |

Belle Mythix wrote:Sonic Adventure, to be precise. I've actually just started a game with this as the basic premise, using 'Orbs of Nethys', an EK as the bbeg and a water elemental-based monster.Braingamer wrote:376. A demiplane, empty save for a temple housing 7 orbs and a large gem that controls them, guarded by a sole warrior, is breached by an evil wizard of vast intellect. He defeats the guardian and shatters the gem to release a powerful creature, causing the collapse of the demiplane and the dispersal of of the seven orbs into the material plane. The PC's must race him to find the orbs, as feeding their energy to the creature causes it to grow stronger. Should it gain the power of all seven orbs, it will be nigh-unstoppable, and the wizard will use it's power to cleanse the nation before he creates his own utopia.Sonic the Hedgehog?
The Anime SonicX has a similar plot, then again, one is based on the other.

Safarix |

Safarix wrote:348. Dwarves are shaved by a serial barber under cover of night, and suddenly have to live with their newly clean-shaven faces."Serial barber" is the best villain, ever.
I never thought a tailor could be a good villain until I read "The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb" from Der Struwwelpeter.

Mark Hoover |

379. The Epic Campaign
The party is drawn into the First World by an Eldest queen in the forest. With her last dying breath the Eldest bequeaths her power to a burgeoning young bud and entrusts the seedling to the party, bidding them take it to a sage in the heart of the most ancient tree in the forest. The pod must bloom by the moonlight of the solstice moon, surrounded by jubilation - in this way the queen's power will continue on replenishing the wood. However the BBEG, a scion of Entropy and Decay among the more wicked fey, plans to ensconce the bloom in darkness. Should this come to pass the power of the Eldest will be converted into rot and spell the end of all the wild.

Laurefindel |

Krisam wrote:I never thought a tailor could be a good villain until I read "The Story of Little Suck-a-Thumb" from Der Struwwelpeter.Safarix wrote:348. Dwarves are shaved by a serial barber under cover of night, and suddenly have to live with their newly clean-shaven faces."Serial barber" is the best villain, ever.
what a horrible story!

Dwarfakin |

381. The party is somehow knocked unconcious. When the wake they relalize that they aren't in the bodies they were born in. Either, Monstrous Humanoid bodies or the bodies of animals. They retain all abilities, and feats, but their physical stats have changed. Not the mental, just the physical. Who did this, Why did the do it, and how can they turn back?

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382. A village, surrounding farm land, et al. has vanished. In its place is a wasteland. The small creeks running through the area are befouled, and magic is less stable within the area. What (or who) caused this? Could it happen to other villages? Is the area spreading? (Not my idea originally, something I noticed on www.dndonlinegames.com and thought was kind of neat.)

Mark Hoover |

383. Drywell District
Beneath the 3 city blocks of this district stands a huge, empty cistern. Though it's been cut off from the city's sewers for some time it and its surrounding tunnels are still accessible both from above...and below. Something foul stirs in the darkest depths of this undercity. Who has the time to deal with it though? With the latest in a long string of thieves guilds poised to terrorize the neighborhood anew and the usual dismissive politics of Inderwick's apathetic beauracracy, the folk of Drywell certainly need heroes. Especially now that little Addy Ylosc, the tavernkeeper's daughter, seems to grow weaker by the day; plagued by a madness that has her talking to some unseen figure and pleading with the grownups to make the barking go away. Why, there hasn't been much barking at all in this part of the city; not after that last bunch of reprobates got that kennel condemned. In true Inderwicken fashion though, no one's STILL gotten round to razing the place, despite a decade of vacancy...

Goth Guru |

385. A wall of force has appeared at the edge of town. You thought it was a dome, till the grey dwarf prospector came to the surface and told you a wall of force is keeping him from getting home. You have to stop everyone from wasting air by yelling at each other. Also, the town needs more plants growing. Those who can cast have to focus on create water and it's like.

Mark Hoover |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

386. "Gav"-ine Inspiration
The gods missed a spot. This is what is often said of The Isle of Nothing. It is a bleak and desolate badland off the Icwynd Coast of Karnoss. It has long been claimed by superstitious mariners and the ignorant among the Dunevain that this place was ignored even during the crafting of the First World, as if the gods simply had "no idea what to add" there.
Then came the Wilding. The wilds revolted, reclaiming ages of expansion and civilization in a matter of a few dozen years. Chaos and tumult have roiled across the face of Karnoss and only over the last 2 decades have the first tenuous explorers begun to brave the now-stabilized land.
The Isle of Nothing has grown.
The island itself has expanded into previously mapped coastal passages. It is large enough now to be seen by glass from the port at Izmok in the Old East Province. What's more, the interior of the place is obscured as the great gray slate cliffsides which were once barren and empty now teem with lush growth.
Fear of the Isle of Nothing has spread up and down the coast. In Izmok the Archivist's Guild is funding expeditions to its new neighbor for exploration and perhaps even diplomacy while the macabre lords of Agonozk plot and scheme, preparing to size upon the island for whatever resources it may yield in their dark pursuits. To the north at Arabellyn the Hexbane Inquisition claims it is the work of witchcraft brought on by the Wilding; not surprising, since this is their determination of any strange phenmoena. Further up the coast in Dunspar opportunistic Abadaran merchants are eager to reach the isle for wealth and even Overking Thane in distant Vardok has taken notice, promising to land a fleet of Gieldvar here for the construction of a new citadel to expand his flagging holdings.
The PCs may choose to align with any of these factions or merely create their own reasons as they set sail for the Isle of Nothing. The campaign follows the efforts of the party on the isle and off, as they attempt to determine why this unique landmass was affected by the Wilding while nothing else off shore seems to have been.

AdamWarnock |

387. The owner of your favorite tavern/brothel/place of ill-repute needs you to post bail.
388. A fierce battle rages across the sky, ending with one of the combatants falling like a shooting star.
389. The gnomes are growing taller.
390. A pirate rushes up to the party and hands them a small chest before running away.
391. A witch has cursed the PCs with bad luck.

Gavmania |

386. "Gav"-ine Inspiration
The gods missed a spot. This is what is often said of The Isle of Nothing. It is a bleak and desolate badland off the Icwynd Coast of Karnoss. It has long been claimed by superstitious mariners and the ignorant among the Dunevain that this place was ignored even during the crafting of the First World, as if the gods simply had "no idea what to add" there.
Then came the Wilding. The wilds revolted, reclaiming ages of expansion and civilization in a matter of a few dozen years. Chaos and tumult have roiled across the face of Karnoss and only over the last 2 decades have the first tenuous explorers begun to brave the now-stabilized land.
The Isle of Nothing has grown.
The island itself has expanded into previously mapped coastal passages. It is large enough now to be seen by glass from the port at Izmok in the Old East Province. What's more, the interior of the place is obscured as the great gray slate cliffsides which were once barren and empty now teem with lush growth.
Fear of the Isle of Nothing has spread up and down the coast. In Izmok the Archivist's Guild is funding expeditions to its new neighbor for exploration and perhaps even diplomacy while the macabre lords of Agonozk plot and scheme, preparing to size upon the island for whatever resources it may yield in their dark pursuits. To the north at Arabellyn the Hexbane Inquisition claims it is the work of witchcraft brought on by the Wilding; not surprising, since this is their determination of any strange phenmoena. Further up the coast in Dunspar opportunistic Abadaran merchants are eager to reach the isle for wealth and even Overking Thane in distant Vardok has taken notice, promising to land a fleet of Gieldvar here for the construction of a new citadel to expand his flagging holdings.
The PCs may choose to align with any of these factions or merely create their own reasons as they set sail for the Isle of Nothing. The campaign follows the efforts of the party on the isle and off, as they attempt...
Whoah!! LOVE this. What more can I say!

Goth Guru |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If anyone wants to transplant their Castleville game there, I would love to hear what happens. :)
388. You got that from a history channel special, didn't you.
392. A saucer shaped object has landed on top of the stone circle in the wilderness. The druids have appealed to anyone who can cast the repair spell. The old gods have returned and they have engine trouble.

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338. The players are part of a village (or come across one), where everyone is happy and nice. Food is plentiful, crime is sparse, and the place is a beautiful paradise. Little does everyone know that it is an illusion, and the people who mysteriously die or disappear, are food or sacrifices for an evil overlord. Strange things may happen, like women having partial memories of pregnancies and not having a baby, criminals seemingly disappearing, travelers never returning, etc.
"Bonum commune communitatis" - Hot Fuzz (2007)
What some people will do to win the "Village of the Year" award.

Dwarfakin |
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393. A dark shadowy figure cloaked in black rags and robes stand before you. It towers over you and has a very intimidating presence about it. In it's left hand is a crooked and vile looking scythe. His right hand stretches forth, robes and rags falling back revealing a skeletal hand. His hand points to you and red orbs take shape under his cowl, right where his eyes should be. As he points a faint whisper enters your ears, "You work for me now. You shall bring me the souls I desire." After hearing this declaration of employment, he utters the name of the first soul he needs collected. Apparently the army's general has avoided death for far too long.

MagiMaster |

394. When you go to visit your wizard friend/mentor/contact at his tower you find signs of a struggle and a lone pointy shoe. After digging around you find his journal which suggests he had just finished researching a spell that would summon a whole army of demons. Further reading makes it seem like the army wouldn't be entirely under the caster's control. More worryingly, there's no sign of the spell itself anywhere in the tower.

Gavmania |
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396. The princess
The princess doesn't know why her brother has had her carted off as ambassador to this kingdom, especially after he swore that he would never send her away. It seems that he has been sending away nearly all of those who knew him best, except for His Aunt who has always seemed suspect.
To make matters worse, the kingdom she has been sent to looks like it may erupt into civil war. She needs some people to help prevent civil war and investigate what is happening with her brother. The Captain of her guard is too conscientious to leave her side, and her maid is too timid to help. What she needs is a bunch of adventurers...

TimD |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

398. Redemption of the faith: PCs are townsfolk in an agrarian culture in an oft-forgotten corner of a larger kingdom. On their naming-day / rite to adulthood, they travel to an old monastery of the patron empyreal of the region for the traditional night of fasting & meditation before their name-day celebration the following day. While there, they are visited by either a dream or actual manifestation of the empyreal who enjoins them to help it save the soul of their country – a greater evil has been corrupting the kingdom and has been rewriting the chronicles of history to its own twisted view. The very nature of their agrarian community has warded them from the worst of the atrocities that are being committed as the expansionist devil-led kingdom always needs supplies. The PCs are charged to infiltrate and redeem both their kingdom and their faith from the shackles of evil which hold it.
399. Thicker than water and stronger than steel: PCs are all members of the same extended family (brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, whatever) who are part of a long line of famous adventurers. One of the great family matriarchs or patriarchs organized a huge family reunion with the entire extended family attending a week-long celebration. The PCs and some of the other younger cousins decided to go visit one of the famous family sites of a great battle, where one of the grand-parents tricked a powerful enemy into a trap creating a dead magic area. They have a picnic there and marvel over the statuary and the signs of battle which still persist after almost a century. When they return, however, it appears that everyone else in their family has been killed in a huge and violent attack. Worse, somehow their family has been implicated in treason and any titles, lands, or monies have been seized by the crown or church and all members of the family, down the youngest child are under an order or execution. The PCs must hide their family name and determine what enemy could have accomplished all that has occurred. Rumors of a secret family demi plane may be the only hope to find records of ancient enemies and allies both in order to redeem their family name and avenge their dead.
400. The price of second chances: On the night of the Gambler’s Lament, the night where no fortune is set and both weal and woe strike unexpectedly, each of the PCs awakens from a horrible dream where some chance event in their past that had no particular repercussion instead had dire consequences. Perhaps they fell asleep on watch, but awoke before they were caught – in the dream, enemy infiltrators snuck past them and killed their fellows, leaving them alive and asleep in the brush. Perhaps, they stepped outside for a moment to enjoy a quick smoke and a bit of quiet as their teething infant slept, with nothing going amiss – in the dream, a fire was started and the infant died, destroying family & home. In all of their dreams, they swore to do anything to undo what had occurred, before they awaken from their dream, the a voice tells them that their debt has come due. In the morning, when they awaken, they have a clear memory of the dream and some physical manifestation of what occurred (scars from a scourge for dereliction of duty, burn scars on their hands from trying to save their child, etc.).
401. Strange bedfellows: PCs are a group of lawful-aligned characters, who may fall under good, evil, or neutral. They are a special cadre of their various churches used to deal with the threats posed by Chaos and against which the normal aegis of their churches have little influence. In a standard “hero” campaign, the enemy might primarily be demons. In a grey or other darker campaign, the PCs may have to challenge good-aligned outsiders in order to defend their lawful evil patrons or party members as well. PCs must discern both where their faith in their church lies in comparison to that of those who have become their family by baptism in fire, especially when orthodox clergy attempt to use the PCs to set up their own party members, against both their personal loyalty and sense of honor as well as the compact agreed upon by all of the faiths which formed their cadre. Recommended for mature players who may be interested in role-playing antagonistic characters with minimal actual PvP violence.
402. Crimson Sails: PCs are fisherfolk, pirates, or other nautical sorts who live on the coast of a continent with a rich history of mostly fallen civilizations. There have long been rumors of furtive trade with another continent, but those who make the long journey have long guarded the secret route well. The PCs have discounted this rumor. Until today, when a dozen ships larger than anything the PCs could envision were sighted on the horizon, bearing for their home. With crimson sails and wyvern-riders they quickly overtake and capture the PCs’ and their vessel, demanding information on behalf of their empire. They arrive in the PCs village and promptly decimate it (literally killing one in ten people) as a sacrifice to the gods for a successful journey and as a tithe to the Emperor. Though their ships are huge and well-defended, they make it known that they are merely the scouts for a potentially much larger invasion from the other continent. The PCs must escape their village and spread word of these invaders throughout the shattered kingdoms before the Empire can add their lands to the vast Empire of the Heart Eaters. Perhaps rumors of the reclusive arch wizards and the enigmatic draconic council of five metals can help.

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400. The price of second chances: On the night of the Gambler’s Lament, the night where no fortune is set and both weal and woe strike unexpectedly, each of the PCs awakens from a horrible dream where some chance event in their past that had no particular repercussion instead had dire consequences. Perhaps they fell asleep on watch, but awoke before they were caught – in the dream, enemy infiltrators snuck past them and killed their fellows, leaving them alive and asleep in the brush. Perhaps, they stepped outside for a moment to enjoy a quick smoke and a bit of quiet as their teething infant slept, with nothing going amiss – in the dream, a fire was started and the infant died, destroying family & home. In all of their dreams, they swore to do anything to undo what had occurred, before they awaken from their dream, the a voice tells them that their debt has come due. In the morning, when they awaken, they have a clear memory of the dream and some physical manifestation of what occurred (scars from a scourge for dereliction of duty, burn scars on their hands from trying to save their child, etc.).
I really like this one. :)

Mark Hoover |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

403. The Empire has Fallen: I've played and run many games where the all-encompassing empire of the region fell decades or centuries before and there's ruins and such...but what about the day of?
For nearly 500 years the empire of Karnoss has ruled these lands. The Council of the Bloodmoon, a royal line tainted with lycanthropy, has risen to power and drawn powerful enemies with their wickedness and cruelty. Now those enemies draw down on the capital and so, in the last moments before the city of Karnoss is completely savaged by the Second Crusade, Emporer Lupinov has enacted the final defense, invoking The Great and Terrible Shudder.
The party begins in the city, defending themselves from the invaders, and then must escape the walls before the Shudder consumes them all. Once free, the PCs may decide where their allegiances lie and whether to wander the war-scorched lands as mercenaries, looters, liberators or scoundrels.

Gavmania |

I've always wanted to do a fall of the Empire campaign. Was seriously contemplating with my current campaign (set some 150 years after) given the events of the fall I cooked up.
Basically, the Emporoer (who was largely a figurehead) dabbled in forbidden magics...and turned himself into a lich. But he did it in such a way that he was able to raise an undead army and attack without warning.
The Empire uses Demiplanar gates to travel quickly from city to city, so he was able to use these to attack most major cities in the Empire simultaneously. The Empire had known peace for centuries so had virtually no forces other than garrison forces to defend themselves.
If I set a campaign here. it would be about one of the outer cities where the Imperial Artificiers corps is based (an outfit that has largely devolved into maintenance for the demiplanar gates - but which once built lots of constructs for use in the event of war, now mothballed). The initial scenario would be about trying to hold the line against wave after wave of skeletons/Zombies, and when the point of collapse is reached to be suddenly relieved by an army of revived warforged (this event marks the debut of warforged in this world. They become famous after the charge of the warforged saves the city). The demiplanar gates are shut down, stemming the tide of undead, but the knowledge that there are other places where they attacked would mean that the region would have to be mobilised for war, allies would need to be sought, supplies secured, etc.
The pcs would be deputised after the battle and then sent on various missions, culminating in a battle against enemy forces in which they would be required to assassinate the enemy general (Vampire or Devil).

Gavmania |

404. Civil War
(inspired by 403).
For some time, the elderly king has held the kingdom together by force of personality. His son and heir does not show the same spark, being a bookish recluse. One of the Council that supports the king is an ambitious Nobleman who has been exploitng this situation; he has helped spread rumours that the heir would make a weak king when someone strong is needed and encouraged The second prince (a charismatic but vacuous individual), his eldest daughter (his eldest child; who says the kingdom should follow the outdated idea of Male primogeniture) and a bastard son who is eldest of all to each stake a claim when the king dies. He plans to use the ensuing chaos to engineer a takeover of the reigns of government by the council, of which he will become Prime Minister.
When the king dies, the pcs must decide which faction to support. To make matters worse, some of the more powerful Nobles are all but declaring independance, while others are using the opportunity to settle old scores. Also neighbouring kingdoms are dusting off ancient claims to lands and titles with a view to enforcing their claims by arms...
Will a king or leader be established? Will the kingdom regain its former glory or be torn apart by internal dissent and external invasion? Do the pcs care?

AdamWarnock |

If anyone wants to transplant their Castleville game there, I would love to hear what happens. :)
388. You got that from a history channel special, didn't you.
I haven't watched anything on the History channel in a long time. I loved Modern Marvels, but now I don't even think they show anything I'm interested in.
405. A goblin, a bugbear, and an ogre run throw a local village scared stiff. They are being chased by a rabbit.

AdamWarnock |

The pro-alien astronauts crowd keep trotting out some hieroglyphs that describe a battle in the sky. One ship crashes, and the dead pilot has a domed bald head. He's kind of a grey. The natives copied the style of the tech, but had no idea of the function.
Ah, okay.
No this isn't what I had in mind with that one. It's supposed to be a campaign seed, so what I had in mind isn't nearly as important as what it inspires.
406. For reasons unknown, everyone has had their genders swapped.

Mark Hoover |
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408. There is an old wives' tale that cats steal baby's souls. The reality of this is that in fact there is a terribly wicked type of fey that does it; the only defense against them is a cat's claws. Unfortunately long ago this doomed kingdom hunted every last cat in its borders to extinction or drove them away. No babies have survived past infancy for the past generation; the PCs were part of the last generation of lucky ones. Still, after all this time, none have discovered the lair of the mythical Breathdrinker fey but if they are not dealt with soon there will be no more kingdom for them to plague.

Mark Hoover |

409. The Swarmlord Cometh: The vermin are rising. The wilds and dark bowers of man's domain teem with the swarming things. They crawl and fly and infest everything. At first they were a mere annoyance; pests used for testing the metal of young sellswords and adventurers. Then came the wicked mites in their own hordes, riding the night and haunting the dreams of all who beheld them. Now new and deadly strains of the Unkillable as they are collectively known rise daily and still none can find their source. The blights spread, the death toll rises, and somewhere in the darkness the whispered Swarmlord, master of all vermin, readies itself for a new genesis of devastation.

AdamWarnock |

410. The party is summoned to Leng by the Leng Spiders. They beg the PCs to stop the pleasant dreams they see when they sleep.
411. A new god/goddess has risen. As the deity's first act, he/she asks the PCs to become their heralds.
412. The party is constantly haunted by a famous adventurer. He constantly stills the glory/loot, tries to seduce the female party members, and leaves them with the tab at the tavern.
413. A celestial has had their wings stolen by a wizard who summoned them here, stripping them of their power. Now they are stuck with the abilities of a 1st level commoner and seek the PCs' help.
414. Someone is stealing everyone's pants. (I dare someone to make a serious adventure around that one.)
415. The PCs are charged with killing a half-fiend that will bring the end of the world, while at the same time protecting a half-celestial that can save it. Unfortunately, they happen to be the same person, and she is on the run from two other parties that want her dead.

Dwarfakin |
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414. Someone is stealing everyone's pants. (I dare someone to make a serious adventure around that one.)
Challenge accepted sir!
416. A large mysterious cube falls from the sky, crashing into a nearby village. Inscribed upon this cube are hand prints, and odd runes above the hand prints. When the wizards and scholars translate these runes, they appear to be the names of the PCs. The PCs are rounded up to come see the cube. Upon closer examination, the hand prints on the cube appear to be the same size as PCs hands. When all the PCs place their hands upon their respective hand prints, the Cube rumbles to life and opens. Inside there is an oddly dressed man that looks at you and says, "Ahh good! I was wondering when you'd find me. We've got work to do!" So what do you do?

Mark Hoover |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

417. Ravage of the Rat King: Rats. The City of Inderwick has ever been plagued by them, what with the city astride the union of twin rivers and these flowing onther mile before flooding the Beldam Bogs amid the western hils. Unbenkownst to all however a malignant old presence, drawn straight from the old fairy tales handed down from the first Master Ratcatchers to their apprentices, has returned. It is an ancient wickedness held over from the First World known only as the Rat King.
This thing is no mere monster. It covets all and hungers eternal. Its court is rife with all manner of infestation. It is the spreader of plagues, the burrowing maw, the chittering madness. It has languished at the fringe of man's domain for centuries but the Wilding has broght it back to the very hinterlands of the city. And now the Rat King has a herald.
Poor Shara Mooncrazed, faerie-friend and outcast of Inderwick. She was teased for her oddness and envied for her beauty by her peers. Shara found solace in her nightly dreams beneath the moon, among the wilds. The fey came to her there; they reveled and whispered and sang. She learned many secrets like how to entreat the air for a bucketful of water or the song to sing to mend the clothes. But at the height of her darkest despair when she'd been pushed by her bullies past the point of decency, that's when the Rat King found her.
Now she has power. Though she sold her beauty and now appears as an old crone her limbs are still youthful and spry. She can take the form of a rat, an old woman, or something monstrous in between. And with her new form comes control and dominion over many of the scurrying things that infest this city. But there is a cost.
And so now Shara Mooncrazed is the reaper of beauty. And while she reaps and pays her master his due she also sits in witness to his skittering childer as the hordes of his court siege the city from below. Thefts, vandalism, murder; all unleashed by Shara's unwitting bargain.
She lives in perpetual regret now. She has no hope of redemption and no will of resistance. She has only the bidding of her master, the Rat King. And while this reluctant bride readies the city for her unholy patron, still she prays for deliverance from the nightmare her existence has become.

AdamWarnock |

AdamWarnock wrote:414. Someone is stealing everyone's pants. (I dare someone to make a serious adventure around that one.)Challenge accepted sir!
Looking forward to seeing it.
418. The PCs are thrown into a inescapable dungeon. They have no armor or weapons, or gear of any kind.
419. All of Golarion's goblins have become wise, intelligent, literate, and despise fire with a passion.
420. All of the orcs, hobgoblins, and bugbears have discovered pot, and most of their conversations consist of, "Duuuuuuuude, you gotta, like chill maaaaaaan. Here, try some. I can see unicorns, an' stuff."

Freehold DM |

408. There is an old wives' tale that cats steal baby's souls. The reality of this is that in fact there is a terribly wicked type of fey that does it; the only defense against them is a cat's claws. Unfortunately long ago this doomed kingdom hunted every last cat in its borders to extinction or drove them away. No babies have survived past infancy for the past generation; the PCs were part of the last generation of lucky ones. Still, after all this time, none have discovered the lair of the mythical Breathdrinker fey but if they are not dealt with soon there will be no more kingdom for them to plague.

AdamWarnock |

423. The lands that the PCs call home are suddenly covered in rainstorms that never end.
424. A Lich contracts the party for an assisted suicide.
425. The PCs are cursed by a powerful witch. Their alignment is now tied to their appearance. (Law-Chaos = Classic-Exotic, Good-Evil = Beauty-Hideousness)

Gavmania |
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(This one was inspired by the Vampire earth series by E.E. Knight.)
(I don't have access to Fey sourcebooks, so PF Fey may not work for this; feel free to substitute Fiends or any other as required).
426. The Fey Earth
About 60 years ago, a fey army invaded the world and have taken most of it over. All the civilized regions have been turned into Fey fiefdoms with Sidhe overlords, while refugees flocked to the wilderness to pursue a precarious existence.
But not all is lost. Some celestials were forewarned, and have fled to the refugees to inspire them to resist. Also, those humans that live in the Fey Fiefdoms sometimes seek to rebel.
The pcs were born of the refugees, and must maintain a balance between growth of their new kingdom and not drawing too much interest from the Fey Fiefdoms. At some point, they must go on the offensive to liberate certain regions from the Fey.
Eventually they discover that the grand plan of the Fey is to draw this world out of the material plane and into the First World, and the necessary parts are almost in place...

Mark Hoover |
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428. The Island of Misfit Toys All the broken, discarded and lost toys have been gathered for decades by the fey. The malicious pranksters began animating the things to play pranks on their former owners but things have taken a terrifying turn for the worse. Now no child is safe. The constructs have taken on a life of their own, fusing their odd remnants into forms of horror with only one goal in mind; to bring pain and suffering to all the world.

evening |
It's the dead of winter. The PCs, who have not yet met, are down on their luck. They've spent their last coin months ago. They've called in their last favor weeks ago and have been living just outside the law when they receive an unusual invitation.
The PCs are hired on as mourners at a funeral for a long forgotten sage who lived in a decrepit estate in a merchant district of the city. A sumptuous meal is provided at the wake and the PCs can't resist a free meal such as this. A roaring fire, coupled with copious amounts of rich food and drink provide the perfect recipe for...sleep.
The PCs awaken to the sounds of birds chirping playfully overhead and now notice that they are in the middle of a deep forest with rudimentary equipment that they must share to survive. There is also a journal resting on an overstuffed pillow next to the PCs when they wake up.