Undeclared rulings

Rules Questions

I'm the GM and one of my players dumpstatted his intelligence for his CE orc barbarian (true primitive), after reading the rules only briefly he declared he had a bone greataxe, I substituted slashing for bludgeoning damage without telling him, was I being fair?

on a secondary note, the middle aged Summoner (synthesist) has been poisoned by a monitor lizard, he knows he failed his fortitude save in combat, but ignored my declaring his ability damage at 1 minute by talking with another player, should I track this for him? I gotta keep a straight face while he takes the dex damage that won't heal naturally.

(the orc barbarian heard me but wont remind the synthesist because, he regards the the summoner as broken, he's CE, and dumped his Int)

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Tell the summoner. He didn't hear. To be honest, I'm a little appalled that you even considered not re-telling him. If you whisper really quietly something very important, and someone doesn't hear you, who was intended to hear it, you wouldn't tell him again?

Also, bone can be very sharp. That's why ancient people used it in their weapons. You could grind it to be deadly. It's not just a bone. It's a sharpened bone. In the shape of an axe.

Making up rules and not telling your players them are a sign that you are playing against your players, not acting as a GM.

Nicolas Hooks wrote:

I'm the GM and one of my players dumpstatted his intelligence for his CE orc barbarian (true primitive), after reading the reads only briefly he declared he had a bone greataxe, I substituted slashing for bludgeoning damage without telling him, was I being fair?

on a secondary note, the middle aged Summoner (synthesist) has been poisoned by a monitor lizard, he knows he failed his fortitude save in combat, but ignored my declaring his ability damage at 1 minute by talking with another player, should I track this for him? I gotta keep a straight face while he takes the dex damage that won't heal naturally.

(the orc barbarian heard me but wont remind the synthesist because, he regards the the summoner as broken, he's CE, and dumped his Int)

The Barbarian player was enough of a roleplayer to see the funny side how his 6 Int monster was missold a weapon and vowed a curse upon the house of the gnomish craftsmen who cheated him. RAW declare bone only suitable for bludgeoning weapons.

the ettercaps poison from the previous encounter was much faster acting and was resolved by the party working as a team. a monitor lizards poison is much slower and insidious, synthesist player loves zombie movies and there is always someone slowly poisoned in those.

You're trying to justify being a dick to your players in strange ways, I gotta say. Man up and tell them whats going on. I know if I was playing, and you say 3 sessions later 'oh, you had 8 str damage, but you didnt hear me when I told you at the time' I'd get up and leave.

so damage substitution ok, (actualy beneficial for the skeletons)

players who hope GM forgot to roll for damage after failing fortitude check, and have party members extracting poison from deceased opponent, and talk over other players at the table, who get hints dropped on them ("looking a little slow today, Kable") don't attract insidious stat damage like a cursed item?

The assumption seems that I'm on a power trip, but I'm trying to find stuff to keep the players entertained. the gnome gets animals to talk to, the alchemist gets poisons to make, the orc gets opportunity for larceny, the monk gets ledges to jump from (death from above feat), the ninja gets shadowy areas, I really am making an effort

Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd bring in the poison in the recap on the next session, make sure your Barbarian backs up your call that it was because the Summoner was too busy having a chat to hear last time.

You want to change his behaviour after all.

(it's a pet peeve of mine - I dislike having to give a description of a room because someone at the table is being distracting. I usually find something for them to focus on).

quite frankly, I dont see how you got 'damage substitution ok' out of anyones posts.

quite frankly, putting things in the game for your characters to do has nothing whatsoever to do with not telling them vital information about their character.

Your points are largely irrelevant to the facts that have been pointed out to you.

I mean, obviously you were looking for some feedback, or why make those post in the first place. Try accepting it instead of trying to blur the mistakes you've made into other topics.

Silver Crusade

Making the bone axe into a bludgeoning weapon was a good call- it lets him do what he wants while being (flexibly) adherent to the rules. He should know as a player, though. Don't role-play their characters by playing the people behind them unless you want to get rid of them. As for the poison, again, he should know as others stated. Some of the best role-players I know are guilty of being easily distracted. As a GM, you are an entertainer and storyteller, moderator and instructor, and not a parole officer. Kudos on giving situations for the characters to use, but that's only part of it. Letting him remain unaware of the poison isn't likely to let him have fun when he suddenly realizes it in a harsh way.

I'd recommend a read (or re-read) of the GameMastery Guide. Lots of very good tips on how to run a game in there. Having been recommended the same to me, at first it seemed an insult, but most GMs would probably do good to take those suggestions to mind.

TECHNICALLY, the bone ax shouldn't be allowed, and the poison can't be unnoticed by the character suffering from it (even if unaware of where the poison came from or if inept enough to confuse it with disease or magic).

Weapons Light and one-handed melee weapons, as well as two-handed weapons that deal bludgeoning damage only, can be crafted from bone. Hafted two-handed weapons such as spears can be crafted with bone tips, as can arrowheads. Other two-handed weapons cannot be constructed of bone.

thanks nightskies, as a first time GM, I'm posting to get a feel if others have been placed in same situation, I like the player but the synthesist is a nightmare, 20 str and 20 cha, middle aged to boost his mental stats and resummoned every 10 minutes to boost his eidolon suit, with evolutions reoptimised every level, he doesn't the source book to hand and with so many clarifications and errata online the game stalls very often. I've had make several house rules on the fly.

the barbarian can only rage for so long, and the alchemist mutagens are limited, but the synthesist has 2 pools of hitpoints. and a one in 11 minute chance of being caught with his stats down.
I'll check out GameMastery Guide

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I don't care if you have the wisdom score of a lemming at a skydiving competition. A big giant lizard bites your foot and pumps you full of venom you're going to notice the searing agony on your big toe.

Tell both players. Oh and ask the summoner player to pay more attention.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I don't care if you have the wisdom score of a lemming at a skydiving competition.

Best. Line. Ever.

+10 Awesome Points to you, BNW.

Liberty's Edge

Jiggy wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
I don't care if you have the wisdom score of a lemming at a skydiving competition.

Best. Line. Ever.

+10 Awesome Points to you, BNW.


But on topic, definitely tell the players. Players characters are the only control they have in the game, there's very few times its okay to short circuit that control without telling the players.

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