Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Add beggar mobs, possies, and peasant mobs(with torches and pitchforks) and I'll be interested.
In addition to the thirty-some-odd troops listed in my previous post, The Lazy Gamer's Guide to Wealth and Power will also include stats for militias and mobs, with and without torches. (Goblin warbands, on the other hand, always come with torches; they use them as part of their default troop attack.)

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Any morlock love?
I have big plans for morlocks, but they won't be appearing in Wealth and Power.
If Wealth and Power sells well enough to justify the time and effort I expended producing it, you can expect to see additional PDFs with troop stats, including troops of morlocks, fey, daemons, demons, devils, etc.

Nicos |
Hi Epic meepo. If you are still taking request I could use an archon (or angel) as the final BBEG (well in this case the BBGG) for an evil campaing.
The thing is that archon and angelst tend to be pretty boring and vanilla. They are human fighters wielding a big weapon with wings, spells and/or SLA added on.
Is there any way to make a high CR clestial that feels unique and still feels like a celestial?

Mr Adam |

I am liking this thread, I've been following It for some time, but now the stars are right to make a request
Blunderbore (Large Giant Cr3-4) Easily the most bizarre of all giants, the blunderbore is an average-sized humanoid body, mounted on top of a thick, muscular neck is a huge head, with mass twice that of the rest of it's body, largely consisting of a thick, knobby skull, misshapen eyes, and large diseased teeth, it's huge head is it's primary weapon, which it uses to make devastating head-butts, but largely empty of brains. In addition to it's devastating head-butt, blunderbores have amazingly powerful lungs, allowing it to create gale force gusts of wind, and repel projectiles, and even kill persons of delicate constitution, by the awful smell, simply by exhaling, which Blunderbore are far to stupid to make good use of

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Necromental is correct: I'm unable to field requests at this time, as I'm busy working on a few paying (and a few hopefully paying) projects.
While I plan on taking monster requests again at some point in the future, I'm about to get very busy releasing three dozen troop stat blocks as free online content while also setting up storefronts for a variety of PDF products.

Matthew Shelton |

I don't know if this thread is still being monitored, but I'd like to propose a monster template as a "cursed-item monster". You can apply it to any creature and a specific inanimate object, such as a talisman, heirloom, objet d'art, or something mundane that could have had sentimental value to a former owner. Regardless, the object carries a spiritual curse in the form of the creature, which takes on modifications to make it appear, behave, and damage living creatures like a Phantasmal Killer, Weird, Shades, and/or Shadow Conjuration of a Summon Monster spell. The monster bound to the cursed item is considered a construct, neither undead nor truly alive. When reduced to zero hp it evaporates, and returns at full health after a time, perhaps minutes or hours depending on its number of HD. (1d6 rounds per HD for strongly cursed items, 1d6 minutes for moderately, 1d6 hours for weakly; strength of curse is independent of monster HD). The monster forms and remains within range of the item (borrow from the range of the spell/s referenced) and behaves like a typical member of its kind would when its territory is encroached upon (as the monster regards the area centered on its object to be its home, no matter where the item is taken--even at sea or underwater or in the middle of a town square). The monster always returns until the cursed item is either defaced (reduced to 25% hp) or the curse itself is removed my magic.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Time to perform some thread necromancy.
I don't quite have time for requests yet, but I want to keep this thread closer to the top of the forums so it's easier to find when I am ready to take a few requests.
Though I have not released the troop stats that originally diverted my attention from this thread, they are essentially done, and no longer occupying my time. In addition, I'm close to finishing another project which you can read about here.
Once I'm ready to release that product line, I will be fielding a limited number of requests from this thread as a promotional effort. I won't be able to design every requested monster as I did in the past, but I will design and post a small number of them, chosen by me.
I will post here again when I'm ready to start reviewing new requests.