Mr Adam |

I am liking this thread, I've been following It for some time, but now the stars are right to make a request
Blunderbore (Large Giant Cr3-4) Easily the most bizarre of all giants, the blunderbore is an average-sized humanoid body, mounted on top of a thick, muscular neck is a huge head, with mass twice that of the rest of it's body, largely consisting of a thick, knobby skull, misshapen eyes, and large diseased teeth, it's huge head is it's primary weapon, which it uses to make devastating head-butts, but largely empty of brains. In addition to it's devastating head-butt, blunderbores have amazingly powerful lungs, allowing it to create gale force gusts of wind, and repel projectiles, and even kill persons of delicate constitution, by the awful smell, simply by exhaling, which Blunderbore are far to stupid to make good use of