
Mr Adam's page

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I am liking this thread, I've been following It for some time, but now the stars are right to make a request

Blunderbore (Large Giant Cr3-4) Easily the most bizarre of all giants, the blunderbore is an average-sized humanoid body, mounted on top of a thick, muscular neck is a huge head, with mass twice that of the rest of it's body, largely consisting of a thick, knobby skull, misshapen eyes, and large diseased teeth, it's huge head is it's primary weapon, which it uses to make devastating head-butts, but largely empty of brains. In addition to it's devastating head-butt, blunderbores have amazingly powerful lungs, allowing it to create gale force gusts of wind, and repel projectiles, and even kill persons of delicate constitution, by the awful smell, simply by exhaling, which Blunderbore are far to stupid to make good use of

William Ronald wrote:

I plan to run a version of Keep on the Borderlands at the

I am planning to set the adventure in Golarion, specifically in Lastwall in or near the Fangwood. The Keep and a small surrounding village with farmland, is a stop on a road that goes through the wood and ultimately towards the border with the Hold of Belkzen. The humanoids in the Caves are being directed by the followers of Lamashtu to destabilize the region and weaken Lastwall. Does this scenario sound reasonable? Lastwall would obviously take any humanoid incursions seriously. However, I would imagine that they would not send armed forces everywhere for all problems -- hence the need for adventures. Does this scenario sound reasonable?

This is actually brilliant, in the original adventure, all the monsters and cultists of "Generic Evil God" are kind of just haphazardly placed with minotaur living next door to orcs, goblins and kobolds, And the aforementioned "Chaotic" Cult" now you added an actual cohesive reason for them to be there. That's great! You took a "Classic Adventure" and made it better

A long barreled black handgun with numerous distorted skulls and twisted faces in the gun's finish, for such a large gun it is incredibly easy to conceal making it a weapon for assassins seemingly appearing from nowhere in the wielders hand, actually the gun hides itself on the wearers person

Aura moderate conjuration

CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Gun-smithing, Craft magical arms + armor
Teleport, secret chest


Plushy slippers of the fish king