Magus: Why scimitar and not rapier?


hi, i may be missing something here but i see many magus builds that use a scimitar n dervish dance, but i dont see much difference between this 2 weapons i mention, so, why not a rapier magus?

Ismodai wrote:
hi, i may be missing something here but i see many magus builds that use a scimitar n dervish dance, but i dont see much difference between this 2 weapons i mention, so, why not a rapier magus?

Because Dervish Dance lets you use your Dex for damage. So you can ignore Str as a stat in point buy situations.

Dervish dance allows dex to damage. Also rapier does piercing damage is the worst type of damage. Slashing is a lot better to beat undead DR rduction a lot. You also cannot two hand a rapier to add 1 1/2 strength damage.

uh... you kind of have it all in your post.
right, there`s not much difference between those two weapons.
there IS alot of difference between those two weapons when the dervish dance feat is in play. min-maxing on DEX (and INT) is just more powerful 99% of the time than having to maintain a good STR + DEX + INT, or equally min-maxing on DEX and INT but just doing less damage.

if you want to go high STR / non-finesse, you can, and will have more damage out-put when you 2-hand your weapon, but that doesn`t happen during the magus` prime schtick, spell combat - for which you need to 1-hand it. in any case, that is totally aside from the rapier-scimitar comparison.

thx a lot, i forgot about str :P and didnt know that piercing dmg isnt that good

btw, using a scimitar build, is it worthy to have str 13 and get power attack? or is just enough with the spell damage through the blade?


if i was going all out dervish dance build i'd pass over power attack and take pirahna strike from the Sargava book.

Brambleman wrote:
if i was going all out dervish dance build i'd pass over power attack and take pirahna strike from the Sargava book.

Piranha Strike is light weapons only.

Dark Archive

Brambleman wrote:
if i was going all out dervish dance build i'd pass over power attack and take pirahna strike from the Sargava book.

Wont work.

Piranha Strike (Combat)

You make a combination of quick strikes, sacrificing accuracy for multiple, minor wounds that prove exceptionally deadly.
Prerequisites: Weapon Finesse, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: When wielding a light weapon, you can choose to take a -1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (-50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and for every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by -1 and the bonus on damage rolls increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before the attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. This feat cannot be used in conjunction with the Power Attack feat.

My bad. Haven't looked at it for a while.

Use a small scimitar.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Build for an agile weapon(from the Guide to the Pathfinder Society) and Piranha strike, no STR required, same as dervish dance with just a +1 enhancement, I would suggest a +1 Spell Storing, Agile light weapon when you can. You're waiting a little longer for the combo(depending on wealth) but at least its less feat intensive, and works with Piranha strike.

Pihranha strike with an agile kukri will work.

Ismodai wrote:

thx a lot, i forgot about str :P and didnt know that piercing dmg isnt that good

btw, using a scimitar build, is it worthy to have str 13 and get power attack? or is just enough with the spell damage through the blade?

It depends, if you can go for it, if not it's still ok.

One thing that I didn't see mentioned also is a little detail often overlooked, the fact that at higher level a magus is able to spend arcane points to enhance his weapon with vorpal. Unfortunately, to use vorpal I think it must be a slashing weapon and not a piercing weapon. This would leave out rapier.

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