Day job question

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

2 questions on day job checks.

1. If I run a scenario as a gm, if I apply a chronicle sheet to my pc, can I take a day job check?

2. Somewhat related....does every pc get a dayjob check?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Talwynor wrote:

2 questions on day job checks.

1. If I run a scenario as a gm, if I apply a chronicle sheet to my pc, can I take a day job check?

2. Somewhat related....does every pc get a dayjob check?

1. No

PFS Guide Pg 29 wrote:
The GM does not get any special boons bestowed by a Chronicle sheet, such as free magical treasure, regional boons, or future bonus dice rolls. The GM also does not get a Day Job check.

2. Every PC gets a Day Job check as long as they have one of the skills that you need to make a Day Job roll, or a Vanity from the Field Guide that adds other skills you can make Day Job rolls.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
2. Every PC gets a Day Job check as long as they have one of the skills that you need to make a Day Job roll, or a Vanity from the Field Guide that adds other skills you can make Day Job rolls.

Since Craft and Perform skills are tagged as Untrained can't everyone roll a Day Job?

Grand Lodge 3/5

Githzilla wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
2. Every PC gets a Day Job check as long as they have one of the skills that you need to make a Day Job roll, or a Vanity from the Field Guide that adds other skills you can make Day Job rolls.
Since Craft and Perform skills are tagged as Untrained can't everyone roll a Day Job?
Hmmmm... in the change to Guide 4.0, they seem to have removed the language that spelled out that you need ranks in the appropriate skill. However, it still says
Guide4.0 wrote:
Some are trained artisans, professionals, or performers and earn extra gold on the side, between missions.

(bold mine). To me, that implies no untrained Craft/Perform checks for Day Job.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16


I understand that the Day Job roll was originally a means through which Josh could reward players for putting a few ranks into skills that normally don't get used during a Pathfinder Society session. And I can appreciate Neil's reading.

But I always allow unskilled Craft and Perform skills. (I also roll Day Jobs early, before the adventure, while I'm filling out the player-information on the Chronicles. I want to make sure the rolls get made without rushing, it's a good way to encourage the PCs to introduce themselves to one another, and I often find a way to use the Day Job rolls to slip PCs their faction missions "in character".

Grand Lodge 3/5

To be clearer about where my interpretation came from:

Guide to Org Play v3.03 wrote:

If your character has any

ranks in a Craft, Perform, or Profession skill, she may
choose one of those skills and make one roll at the end
of every scenario. This roll represents days or weeks of
work done between scenarios. You may only include the
following modifiers: Skill Ranks + Ability Score modifier
+ any applicable feat or trait bonuses. After rolling, consult
the table above and add this amount of gold to your total
earned for the scenario. You may not roll for a skill in
which you have purchased no ranks.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
K Neil Shackleton wrote:

To be clearer about where my interpretation came from:

Guide to Org Play v3.03 wrote:

If your character has any

ranks in a Craft, Perform, or Profession skill, she may
choose one of those skills and make one roll at the end
of every scenario. This roll represents days or weeks of
work done between scenarios. You may only include the
following modifiers: Skill Ranks + Ability Score modifier
+ any applicable feat or trait bonuses. After rolling, consult
the table above and add this amount of gold to your total
earned for the scenario. You may not roll for a skill in
which you have purchased no ranks.

If that is not in the most current guide I guess that is why I was surprised when I ran a table of new players recently and the question came up.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the errata. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

If the intent of the Day Job Roll is still that it can be Trained Only it has to be clearly stated in the Guide. Currently I don't believe this is worded strongly enough for players to figure out.

As it is written in the 4.0 Guide you are setting up every Game Master to have a conflict with every new player that does not realize you have to put a skill point in your Craft or Perform skill to use (even though those skills are listed as being usable untrained in CRB).

Grand Lodge

I'd just as soon see day job rolls be eliminated. I've never actually seen anyone use or even reference their day job during the course of a module. Instead, the module is over, everyone (but me) rolls a d20 and announces how much money they made.

Grand Lodge 3/5


It is the intention for people to only be able to use Day Job with trained skills. You however bring up a very good point and we will be revisiting this in the FAQ very soon. Thank you for your feedback!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

sieylianna wrote:
I'd just as soon see day job rolls be eliminated. I've never actually seen anyone use or even reference their day job during the course of a module. Instead, the module is over, everyone (but me) rolls a d20 and announces how much money they made.

Oddly enough, the opposite holds true in my neck of the woods. Not all the time, but on occasions, where it is appropriate, day jobs come into play.

One of the characters runs a Rogue whose day job is as a messenger. It frequently comes up during modules, and has been a joke regarding the Shadow Lodge storyline, since she is supposed to be being watched by them. Their poor feet. Heh.

One of my characters used his day job to confound the enemy. He is a barrister. Heh.

Those are uses of day job I remember right off the top of my head...

Sovereign Court 5/5

I have a two weapon fighter (two Kukris) whose day job is a butcher. One of my rogues has profession caligrapher that he uses to help him forge documents as needed during adventures. I quite often see players use their day jobs in an adventure.
Oh yeah, lastly my new tengu fighter is a fletcher as a day job. Mostly for flavor, but that's important too.

Sczarni 4/5

sieylianna wrote:
I'd just as soon see day job rolls be eliminated. I've never actually seen anyone use or even reference their day job during the course of a module. Instead, the module is over, everyone (but me) rolls a d20 and announces how much money they made.

my ranger is a walking stock carver... This is how I get my chronicles to the PFS by carving them in code into a walking stick. As I go throughout the module, I look for wood and objects to carve into the stick (horns/teeth from animals and magical creatures are the #1 thing I collect) Makes for some interesting RP

Grand Lodge 1/5

Common 'Soldier' here. I'll never be able to benefit from masterwork tools etc but its good for "drinking money" with a +5

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My fighter has used his (max-ranked) Profession: Baking in multiple adventures.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

My Chelaxian lawyer has used his Profession skill once or twice in adventures. He's even used it to assist an Andoran with their faction mission by threatening a slaver with legal action! (I think I hardly need to point out that the slaver in question was operating illegally, so it was right and proper for me to intefere. Can't have them running legitimate slavers out of business, after all...)

The Exchange

Soldiers can have masterwork tools, ribbons, rakings, honors, medals. They are normally given but I guess we have to buy them for society. Even a sharp uniform could be seen as a masterwork tool. Or master work whatever tool for task your are doing that week.

If you were a mercenary you could have flags, banners, pamphlets, romance novels as a masterwork tool. Anything to get better business.

Grand Lodge 1/5

GeneticDrift wrote:

Soldiers can have masterwork tools, ribbons, rakings, honors, medals. They are normally given but I guess we have to buy them for society. Even a sharp uniform could be seen as a masterwork tool. Or master work whatever tool for task your are doing that week.

If you were a mercenary you could have flags, banners, pamphlets, romance novels as a masterwork tool. Anything to get better business.

Is it executable under RAW though? - is there a generic 'Masterwork tool" and does it say it can provide bonuses to any other professions for which MW tools is not covered?

In a home game, I'd agree, for PFS I need some clarity for the above though it will be some time I have the gold to invest in 'soldiers MW bootblacking"

Edit - a search of the equipment on didn't show any definitions that would allow this.

Amoured Uniform gives a +2 to diplomacy checks however.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Helaman wrote:
GeneticDrift wrote:

Soldiers can have masterwork tools, ribbons, rakings, honors, medals. They are normally given but I guess we have to buy them for society. Even a sharp uniform could be seen as a masterwork tool. Or master work whatever tool for task your are doing that week.

If you were a mercenary you could have flags, banners, pamphlets, romance novels as a masterwork tool. Anything to get better business.

Is it executable under RAW though? - is there a generic 'Masterwork tool" and does it say it can provide bonuses to any other professions for which MW tools is not covered?

In a home game, I'd agree, for PFS I need some clarity for the above though it will be some time I have the gold to invest in 'soldiers MW bootblacking"

Edit - a search of the equipment on didn't show any definitions that would allow this.

Amoured Uniform gives a +2 to diplomacy checks however.

PFCore, page 161 wrote:

Tool, Masterwork: This well-made item is the perfect

tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a
related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple
masterwork items do not stack.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Not sure if it counts as a skill check per se.

Will give it a try when I get some money under the characters belt.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Helaman wrote:
Not sure if it counts as a skill check per se.

A "skill check" is a very specific thing in Pathfinder. "Profession" is a skill. Using it is a "skill check".

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Jiggy wrote:
Helaman wrote:
Not sure if it counts as a skill check per se.
A "skill check" is a very specific thing in Pathfinder. "Profession" is a skill. Using it is a "skill check".

And the Day Job roll has now been redefined back to being a skill check, with some limitations, but they won't affect using a masterwork tool.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Helaman wrote:
is there a generic 'Masterwork tool" and does it say it can provide bonuses to any other professions for which MW tools is not covered?

While they will not work with Day Job rolls, a Tool, Masterwork, exists for every skill. In THIS thread, Jason Bulmahn comments...


I think that you can come up with a masterwork tool for every skill, if you give it some thought. Here are some examples I came up with on the fly...

Spellcraft - A tome containing a myriad of sample spell effects and guides for identifying them.
Diplomacy - A pleasant perfume or situationally appropriate attire.
Bluff - Bribes or an appropriate distraction. This one is actually pretty tough and highly dependent on the situation.
Use Magic Device - A guide of common magic phrases and activation techniques.

So.. I am not really in favor of limiting this option, but I think that a GM is well within his right to limit abuses of this particular rule.

Of course, this is just a suggestion and you table GM may not agree. YMMV

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
While they will not work with Day Job rolls.


Any reason for saying this?

The only things I thought were disallowed were short-term bonuses, like spells, not permanent bonuses, from tools.

GtPSOP v4, page 17 wrote:

Permanent bonuses such as equipment, feats, racial

bonuses, and traits effect your Day Job check as they
would any check of the rolled skill, but temporary
bonuses such as those granted by magical effects do not
contribute, as the duration over which the Day Job check
is made is undefined and represents a longer amount of
time than a spell’s duration would permit the bonus to
remain. You cannot take 10 or take 20 on a Day Job check,
nor can you aid another.

A masterwork tool would be an equipment bonus, I would think, and therefore apply acording to the current version of the Day Job rules.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Callarek wrote:

Any reason for saying this?

My bad, you're correct as of v4.0

I forgot we change the language on that part.
My post was mostly concerned with the other half of the question.
Feel free to use your tools to improve your Day Job roll. yayyy

where is the Day job table?

serchn4 wrote:

where is the Day job table?

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play 5.0 page 25

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