Stéphane Le Roux |
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Let's take a level 2 magus with Arcane mark, Str 18, a longsword, and named Zorro.
He uses Spell combat to cast Arcane mark; since Arcane mark is a touch spell, he use Spellstrike to deliver it. Assuming he success the Concentration check, does his attack sequence becomes: +3 (1d8+4)/+3 (1d8+4) ? Effectively copying two-weapon fighting and double slice ?

Slaunyeh |

Let's take a level 2 magus with Arcane mark, Str 18, a longsword, and named Zorro.
He uses Spell combat to cast Arcane mark; since Arcane mark is a touch spell, he use Spellstrike to deliver it. Assuming he success the Concentration check, does his attack sequence becomes: +3 (1d8+4)/+3 (1d8+4) ? Effectively copying two-weapon fighting and double slice ?
Looks about right, yep.

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Stéphane Le Roux wrote:Looks about right, yep.Let's take a level 2 magus with Arcane mark, Str 18, a longsword, and named Zorro.
He uses Spell combat to cast Arcane mark; since Arcane mark is a touch spell, he use Spellstrike to deliver it. Assuming he success the Concentration check, does his attack sequence becomes: +3 (1d8+4)/+3 (1d8+4) ? Effectively copying two-weapon fighting and double slice ?
While Shocking grasp etc would be fine, some DMs may see arcane mark as a cheezy way to get that 2nd attack.
If not, you can REALLY piss people off by putting your mark on them

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Helaman wrote:If not, you can REALLY piss people off by putting your mark on themInitially, that's the only thing I wanted to do: put my mark on people. But it seems that it's not only cool: it's efficient, and it renders the two "two weapons archetypes" (staff magus, spellblade) useless.
Ya...I wouldn't allow that. It's pretty obvious abuse. Arcane Mark isn't a touch "attack" spell. Not that my assessment has any rules backing, just GM fiat.

Stéphane Le Roux |
Ya...I wouldn't allow that. It's pretty obvious abuse. Arcane Mark isn't a touch "attack" spell. Not that my assessment has any rules backing, just GM fiat.
I won't argue that (though the spell has a range of touch, and indicate the effect on a creature), but I will simply say that a magus can add touch of fatigue in his spellbook. Which is a level 0 touch attack spell.

Slaunyeh |

Helaman wrote:If not, you can REALLY piss people off by putting your mark on themInitially, that's the only thing I wanted to do: put my mark on people. But it seems that it's not only cool: it's efficient, and it renders the two "two weapons archetypes" (staff magus, spellblade) useless.
How do you figure? All right, I'll grant you that spellblade is pretty sad, even without infinite 0-level touch spells, but the Staff Magus doesn't give up spellstrike.
Also, even if Arcane Mark didn't work, you could just use Ray of Frost with the Close Range arcana instead.

Stéphane Le Roux |
How do you figure? All right, I'll grant you that spellblade is pretty sad, even without infinite 0-level touch spells, but the Staff Magus doesn't give up spellstrike.
Because this combo is more efficient than TWF until high level, and the two options don't stack (spell combat don't allow TWF; a staff magus must use his staff one-handed while using spell combat, the athane can't be use as a secondary weapon while using spell combat).

Slaunyeh |

Slaunyeh wrote:How do you figure? All right, I'll grant you that spellblade is pretty sad, even without infinite 0-level touch spells, but the Staff Magus doesn't give up spellstrike.Because this combo is more efficient than TWF until high level, and the two options don't stack (spell combat don't allow TWF; a staff magus must use his staff one-handed while using spell combat, the athane can't be use as a secondary weapon while using spell combat).
I just think there's pretty far from "this makes the staff magus slightly more unlikely to TWF than he was already" to "this makes the staff magus archetype useless."

leo1925 |

It seems odd that there is no language in Spellstrike to preclude it from being used with Spell Combat.
Yes because it was intentianal that they work together, during the last playtest a magus could not use spellstrike and spell combat but that was changed with the final version of the class.

Buba HoTep |
Andy Ferguson wrote:It seems odd that there is no language in Spellstrike to preclude it from being used with Spell Combat.Yes because it was intentional that they work together, during the last playtest a magus could not use spellstrike and spell combat but that was changed with the final version of the class.
Which was most likely done for spells that actually give a free touch attack such as chill touch or shocking grasp.
Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell.
Does Arcane Mark give you a free melee touch attack? It doesn't say anything about it yet both Chill Touch and Shocking Grasp both specifically mention "melee touch attack" in their descriptions.
Even Touch of Fatigue at least uses the phrase touch attack.
I'd say that trying to justify using Arcane Mark to get an extra attack with spellstrike + spell combat is a lame attempt and it's clear to me that the spell needs to provide a melee touch attack.
The best way is to either take that Two Worlds trait (cheap) and choose Touch of Fatigue, take spell blending and the same (what my character did, plus mage armor [Kensai]) , or take close range and use Disrupt Undead or Ray of Frost (expensive).
With these options you are still getting a FANTASTIC ability (extra attack at -2 with full damage bonus every full attack round) and paying the right price for it.

Maezer |
Does Arcane Mark give you a free melee touch attack? It doesn't say anything about it yet both Chill Touch and Shocking Grasp both specifically mention "melee touch attack" in their descriptions.
Even Touch of Fatigue at least uses the phrase touch attack.
So how do you handle cleric cast Inflict X Wounds. No phase touch attack there. Do they just auto-touch?

Buba HoTep |
Buba HoTep wrote:
Does Arcane Mark give you a free melee touch attack? It doesn't say anything about it yet both Chill Touch and Shocking Grasp both specifically mention "melee touch attack" in their descriptions.
Even Touch of Fatigue at least uses the phrase touch attack.
So how do you handle cleric cast Inflict X Wounds. No phase touch attack there. Do they just auto-touch?
I don't have to think about it, since it's not a Magus spell and will never be part of the issue.
@Cheapy - Yes, Two World magic trait is definitely viable, it's just that my character is not from there so it's not an option for me. As I said I took spell blending with Touch of Fatigue and Mage Armor which work well since I'm a Kensai Magus.

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1) Someone please highlight and explain the exact reasoning behind the assumption of a free attack with the SC+SS+AM combo. I've read the abilities many times and just don't get where this is coming from. I've tried to wrap my mind around it but it's just not coming to me. Is it something that is worded in Arcane Mark, Spell Combat, or Spellstrike?
2) Was it an oversight or intentional that Touch of Fatigue was not included in the Magus Spell List? Why?

Cheapy |

1) Someone please highlight and explain the exact reasoning behind the assumption of a free attack with the SC+SS+AM combo. I've read the abilities many times and just don't get where this is coming from. I've tried to wrap my mind around it but it's just not coming to me. Is it something that is worded in Arcane Mark, Spell Combat, or Spellstrike?
2) Was it an oversight or intentional that Touch of Fatigue was not included in the Magus Spell List? Why?
Spellcombat allows you to cast a spell while hitting people.
Spellstrike allows you to instead of touching someone with the spell, whack them with your weapon to deliver the spell.
You cast Arcane Mark / Touch of Fatigue with Spellcombat when whacking someone.
Instead of whacking them then poking them with your hand to deliver the spell, you decide to whack them again with your weapon using Spellstrike.
You now got an extra attack, and you will never run out of this extra attack since you did it with a cantrip. Which never run out.
Also, not having Touch of Fatigue was probably intentional.

Jarl |

Maezer wrote:Buba HoTep wrote:
Does Arcane Mark give you a free melee touch attack? It doesn't say anything about it yet both Chill Touch and Shocking Grasp both specifically mention "melee touch attack" in their descriptions.
Even Touch of Fatigue at least uses the phrase touch attack.
So how do you handle cleric cast Inflict X Wounds. No phase touch attack there. Do they just auto-touch?
I don't have to think about it, since it's not a Magus spell and will never be part of the issue.
@Cheapy - Yes, Two World magic trait is definitely viable, it's just that my character is not from there so it's not an option for me. As I said I took spell blending with Touch of Fatigue and Mage Armor which work well since I'm a Kensai Magus.
What about Corrosive Consumption?
Corrosive Consumption
School conjuration (creation) [acid]; Level magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 3 rounds
Saving Throw none; Spell resistance yes
With a touch, this spell causes a small, rapidly growing patch of corrosive acid to appear on the target. On the first round, the acid deals 1 point of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15). On the second round, the acid patch grows and deals 1d4 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d4). On the third and final round, the acid patch covers the entire creature and deals 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). The target can spend a full-round action to scrape off the acid, or can wash it off with at least 1 gallon of liquid to halve the damage for that round and negate the remaining rounds of the spell.

Dorje Sylas |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Touch: You must touch a creature or object to affect it. A touch spell that deals damage can score a critical hit just as a weapon can. A touch spell threatens a critical hit on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful critical hit. Some touch spells allow you to touch multiple targets. You can touch up to 6 willing targets as part of the casting, but all targets of the spell must be touched in the same round that you finish casting the spell. If the spell allows you to touch targets over multiple rounds, touching 6 creatures is a full-round action.
Touch Spells in Combat: Many spells have a range of touch. To use these spells, you cast the spell and then touch the subject. In the same round that you cast the spell, you may also touch (or attempt to touch) as a free action. You may take your move before casting the spell, after touching the target, or between casting the spell and touching the target. You can automatically touch one friend or use the spell on yourself, but to touch an opponent, you must succeed on an attack roll.
Touch Attacks: Touching an opponent with a touch spell is considered to be an armed attack and therefore does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The act of casting a spell, however, does provoke an attack of opportunity. Touch attacks come in two types: melee touch attacks and ranged touch attacks. You can score critical hits with either type of attack as long as the spell deals damage. Your opponent's AC against a touch attack does not include any armor bonus, shield bonus, or natural armor bonus. His size modifier, Dexterity modifier, and deflection bonus (if any) all apply normally.
Arcane Mark is a range of Touch spell. If applied in combat to an opponent it requires a melee touch attack, which is considered armed. Yes it can be applied through Spellstrike.
Is this cheesy? As an infernal contract. However let us consider what is required to pull this off. First the Magus must make a concentration check to cast defensively or risk getting his teeth knocked in. If it fails he's blown a Full-Round action and takes a -2 penalty for it. If it succeeds he makes both attacks at a -2 penalty which is more or less the net effect of two weapon fighting, but slightly better average damage. At later levels while the concentration check is basically assured a true TWF character could have expanded the number of strikes with feats (see Ranger), and have options for either increased damage (see rogue) or attack bonus on each strike (see Ranger/Fighter, even Paladin).
I am Zorro! The Magus.

Buba HoTep |
Arcane Mark is a range of Touch spell. If applied in combat to an opponent it requires a melee touch attack, which is considered armed. Yes it can be applied through Spellstrike.
Is this cheesy? As an infernal contract. However let us consider what is required to pull this off. First the Magus must...
Good points.
I have to say that with this evidence, it's clear that Arcane Mark is legal for use with SC+SS.
I still think it smells like Chou doufu, and in general a bad design decision. The designers had to know the useless amount of time people would spend debating about this, and yet left out any "clear" touch attack spell out of the Magus spell list.
I guess what they wanted was to give the magus the ability to make these two attacks without the added effects of an actually effective combat spell, without having to pay for the access of a 0-level combat spell using an arcana.
Meh, it's still cheesy to me and even though it's a hit I'll take spell blending to get Touch of Fatigue and Mage Armor on my spell list, but that's because my character is a Kensai.