Interest check for a few PbP campaign ideas

Gamer Connection

A slight note of annoyance, for whatever reason the page refreshed as I was writing this. -_- not pleased.

Anyways, I'm thinking about starting up a new PbP game. And was hoping that I could get some opinions of these concepts, and an idea of how much interest there would be for them. All of these games would be set on Golarion.

#1: Jade Regent - speaks for itself, Paizo's newest AP.

#2: A Sandpoint Campaign - I love Sandpoint, I really do. So inspired by (In idea at least) James Jacobs' "Shadows Under Sandpoint" campaign, this game would focus around the town of Sandpoint (and the surrounding regions) and a new group of heroes that come to prominence after Rise of the Runelords. I would also have it before Jade Regent, just cause I like having Ameiko in the Rusty Dragon.

#3: Adventure on the High Seas!: Taking inspiration from Savage Tide, and movies like Pirates of the Carribean. this game would have the PCs crewing, and possibly captaining their own ship as they sail the seven seas! Campaign traits would be written so that any class would have a reason to board the ship, details need to be worked out but the idea is there.

So I'm pretty evenly torn between these three ideas and would like to hear what people have to think. thanks guys!


I'm all for all of these ideas, but my top pick is the high seas one, followed by Jade Regent. Either way, I'd love to play any of these.

High seas action! I'm up for it.

I'd really like to play a Jade Regent game, so I'll throw my vote on that.
While I'm sure the High Seas campaign can be great, it's not exactly my thing.

I think the high seas would be an interesting option, though I am open to playing any of them.

I'd have to say All three sound interesting and I'd apply to them all.

I've got a character idea for a Lizardfolk Cavalier or Paladin which I think could work for all three if allowed. :)

Sovereign Court

I love playing swashbuckler type characters, so the high seas adventure sounds great. That being said however, I am also trying to get into a Jade Regent PBP. So whichever you choose will be good by me :)

I would vote for a High Seas Adventure. I'd love to play a Ninja, if possible. Or if not, a Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger!

Sovereign Court

DarkestHeart wrote:
I would vote for a High Seas Adventure. I'd love to play a Ninja, if possible. Or if not, a Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger!

But Ninjas hate the water and what's a gunslinger gonna do with wet powder? :)

Very very good questions.

Ninja - He would spend the campaign hugging the rail and praying to the gods that he never fell over.

Gunslinger - I imagine that a well slung pistol whip will be JUST as effective as my shot would be!

I hope this answers your questions! :D

I'm still trying to get a jade regent game for this character.

I have a water elemental sorcerer that would work great in a high seas campaign, so that's my top pick. After that would be Jade Regent.

I'd certainly be interested. Probably the High Seas campaign would be my first pick, just because it sounds fun. Of the two adventure paths I think Jade Regent would get my vote.

Well it looks like poor Sandpoint is getting the boot, at least as a central location. Jade Regent does start there and I'd probably still work it into the High Seas game. Seems pretty much split down the middle for a High Seas game or Jade Regent.

Alright, I need to think about this a bit, consider some options. If anyone has anything to add for me to think about then please by all means speak up.

Adendum: I will say that I can't rule a Sandpoint based game out, if I sit down to brainstorm and come up with an idea that I love, I gotta go with it. But I'm wondering if I can combine the two... post got ate by my computer shutting down for no apparant reason...

What I was trying to say is, with the next AP after JR being all piraty and what not, I think we'll have plenty of high seas adventure soon enough.

Voting blind, I would have said Sandpoint...but I can see that's pretty futile, so my vote goes for JR.

I have net access for the next few days, and then wont be able to get online easily until the end of the month, so take my vote and interest with however much salt you think is appropriate.

Will throw character ideas out once I know more, though lately I've been obsessing over magus and summoners, though having glimpsed UC lately, the gears are turning...

Fraust wrote:

What I was trying to say is, with the next AP after JR being all piraty and what not, I think we'll have plenty of high seas adventure soon enough.

In all fairness though, JR 1 just came out so it will be about 6 months till the first part of that pirate AP gets released.

I'd enjoy Jade Regent too, I want to be a player in something as well. Sick of only DMing.

It isn't futile, my own gears keep shifting back to Sandpoint, to the point that I know it'll be a part of any game I run, I just don't know how important it will be.

I will admit though, to warn you ahead of time, that I don't particularly like the Magus class. It's my opinion that it's a broken class overall. I will read it over again and consider before I start taking applications, but it's likely the one class I will not allow.

I'm also curious to see how well this idea takes hold: I'm currently applying for a game on a diff site that has us starting as castaways, so there's no starting gear, at all. while I think my premise would be different (prisoners, maybe? or something) I think it's a neat concept. One that becomes challenging for wizards, Gunslingers and the like, early on at least. But interesting. What do people think?

Jade Regent would be one I am interested in playing in.

I'd like that, though since I was planning an unarmed fighter/master of many styles dip, I suppose my opinion is skewed.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

High seas sounds great. Arcane duelist bard, sea witch I'd love to have a shot at this.

I ran a game with this premise, starting in the hold of a slave ship. To this day my friends rave of it as one of the best games they've ever been a part of.

Oh, I like that idea. I'd be willing to play either Jade Regent or that, though I'm still more looking for a high seas adventure.

why not do all three? :D

The Exchange

My vote would go towards either Sandpoint or Jade Regent, if I had to choose.

If your up for discussing it, I'd be interested in your thoughts on the brokenness of the magus. Very much a discussion, not an argument. If not, that's fine too, I don't get to play often so I have plenty of character ideas.

The first setting I ever purchased was the original Darksun boxed set. Before that I learned to play by my character waking up in Znazer Tem's dungeon (probably didn't spell that right) I'm acustom to starting gearless. Having played Oblivion recently I've actually been brainstorming my own "You wake up in a jail cell" beginning to a campaign.

What are your thoughts on psionics? Specifically Dreamscared press (think that's the name, it's midnight and I don't feel up to searching through books).

Starting with no Gear sounds great. Really great.

I'm awaiting approval for another Sandpoint game set after the Jade Regent caravan leaves. If I don't get accepted into that one I would like to join yours. I also really like the Sandpoint setting but I think two games, set in the same place, at different times would be too hard to keep strait. As for starting off with no equipment, sounds fun but you are right that it disadvantages some classes/character concepts. But if all the players know that going in then that's their choice to make.

Okey dokey, a short reply:

I'm hesitant to run Jade Regent now because I enjoy having the entire Adventure Path, so I can work in sideplots, foreshadowing, and just have a good solid idea of where things are going.

I did come up with a High Seas idea, but I think which game I choose will depend if I am accepted to the game I mentioned earlier (the no starting one) which will have me playing in a similar game. I find if I GM and play in games that are too similar, I tend to start stealing more than I create.

Fraust - I'd love to discuss, I don't have time at this moment but I'll reply when I get back about Magi and Psionics.

Well I was not accepted to the opening round of that High Seas game, so it's definitely still an option here. Maybe Halplm has it right and I'll just run both. We'll see, still tossing and turning on both ideas.

One thing is that I would like to focus more on an open ended game. Where side quests are a plenty and characters can embark on their own ambitions. There would still be an overall plot, but not as focused as I'm used to running. I think I would have an easier time with this concept with Sandpoint. But again, maybe the best plan is to start both... need to think on that.

Now, to answer Fraust's questions.

My opinion of the Magus is a mechanical one. I like the concept, It's very Elric-y, and lends itself well to high adventure style games. However from a rules standpoint I find that it's an overpowered class. First there's the arcane pool, which can overpower a weapon at low levels - though I admit the time constrictions do help even this out - but also starts granting other bonuses as they level up. My biggest issue is the ability to cast without arcane failure in all three armour classes. This is the sort of thing that multiclass characters need to burn a lot of feats to get, and I worry that having a Magus would render figther and arcane characters somewhat obsolete. That said I've yet to DM or play a Magus, so I'll admit these are all more initial impressions.

Psionics, ahh Psionics. Something you either love or hate. Honestly I haven't looked at the Dreamscarred books, though I've heard good things, but I always found Psionics in 3.5 were either extremely broken - with the excessive ammount of power points one could receive and the ability to bypass most magical defenses. Or (if the DM is ruling that it's effected as magic is) kind of a pointless addition.

High seas would be fun and an appropriate one to start with virtually no equipment.

I would love to play in a game based out of Sandpoint; I fell in love with the region when reading through RotRL, though I ended up regretting one thing: since I read the campaign, I can't experience it as a player.

The entire region is simply hopping, and there are so many plot hooks that remain to be explored, despite the numerous published adventures that take place in and around Varisia.


Well, as I mentioned before, I'm okay with playing whatever you decide to run. The character I plan to play will work in any of these, he just happens to leanmore towards a pirate type of guy. I amd more than happy to play in Sandpoint, seeing as he could have just arrived in port in Magnimar and is in Sandpoint for his reasons.

As fo the Magus discussion.

DM Rennick wrote:
My biggest issue is the ability to cast without arcane failure in all three armour classes.

To the best of my knowledge, only one archetype of the Magus can do this. The Spiral Defender out of Inner Sea Magic can eventually wear Medium and Heavy Armors, but they have to spend the Feats to receive training for all three armors.

This is my staff Magus/Monk. He was built for another campaign, but that didn't work out. I.d love to play him in any of the mentioned campaigns, but I particularly like the high seas concept.

I would love to be based out of Sandpoint, especially in a more open ended game. The only other area I can name off hand that would be more appealing would be Falcon's Hollow, though to be honest it would have to be the Falcon's Hollow that exsists in my world, where FH and Diamond Lake (from the Age of Worms AP) are one and the same.

As for the magus, I can see your point, though I do think play experience would show you that it's not as bad as you think. Real quick, a fighter needs one less ability score than a magus needs (this is speaking in broad terms, and can flop back and for pending builds). So as a magus, you can jack the intelligence up to get lots (and I use that term loosely) of arcane pool points, but your physical stats suffer...or you can have reasonable physical stats, but your intelligence you have much less arcane pool points, and the saves on your spells become laughable.

On psionics, to be honest, I was supprised at the amount of power points a few NPCs were winding up with when I was working on some stuff recently, so you may very well have a good point there...though at the same time, I remember looking at the costs to augment things and raising a brow at how high some of them were.

Either way, I'd love to demonstrate a magus for you (if scheduling and all that worked out, and the character was interesting enough to pass muster), but will understand if you keep with the no magus in whichever game you decide to run.

Do you know when you will have decided on a setting? It looks like you want to do something strongly themed around Sandpoint, and seems many of the people here would be down with that. Would you like plot suggestions? Not trying to rush you, just curious.

I've seen, both as a player and a DM, psionics cause too much of a head ache. Either its a completely new power set that has nothing to balance it against and as such is overpowered, or it's a (still fairly overpowered) redundant system of magic that complicates things for no reason.

As for the Magus; I am going to let it be available in these games - because A: I have a lot of faith in Paizo's writers, and B: It's on Golarion so I feel it should be allowed. But I do have concerns, (One example is the ability for a 5th level character to turn any weapon into a vorpal weapon. that's great for cutting through goblins, zombies and whatever other fodder there is, but all of a sudden this lvl 5 character have a one in twenty chance to one shot a major boss. And yes I know there are always upsets, but it feels - to me - that the Magus has a lot of these built in, "Oh man, fire Giants!" "S'okay, my sword's icy now." etc. The ability to cast and attack in one turn, and in response to an earlier comment that there is only one build that needs feats to wear armor, this is quoted from pg. 12 of ultimate magic:

Heavy Armor (Ex): At 13th level, a magus gains proficiency
with heavy armor. A magus can cast magus spells while
wearing heavy armor without incurring the normal arcane
spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a
magus using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure
if the spell in question has a somatic component.

So yes I do believe the Magus is a busted class. That said, give me enough time and I can bust most of the classes, including the core ones, some easier than others. I'm a big believer in "Role" playing and not "roll" playing and honestly I have no problem with kicking someone from my games if they obviously just want to be the "best" at everything. It's an attitude I find is poisonous to good gaming groups, and while a bit of competitive spirit is great, we all need to be ready to play together.

Phew, that rant lasted longer than planned. Anyways Fraust, you're right that I do really want to run a game in Sandpoint. I also have a brainwave about the seafaring game today... so I think I'm going to end up running two games. :p Suggestions are always welcome, it's why I start threads like these.

The Exchange

Technically speaking, a 5th level can't make any weapon Vorpal. You have to spend enhancement points in order to actually give a weapon any extras. For example, at 5th level, I believe you can only place enchantments on a weapon equivalent to +2. You could go +1 and flaming, but not Vorpal. You have to spend your entire Extra enhancement on Vorpal at higher levels, if you want it.

Sandpoint is costal hows about a seafaring game with Sandpoint as the basis of opperation? We go out to see for a month or two or however long, and come back home for a while, then go back out...

I'll read up on the locations near by and throw up some ideas tomarrow.

To me, gaining the ability to cast in heavy armor, especially at 13th, isn't that big of a deal. Honestly, all the magi concepts I've come up with wouldnt be wearing anything close to I'm a much more dex based fan. And yeah, pretty sure Edgar is right, in that you still have to spend the one enchantment bonus to make a weapon +1 before you add on any abilities.

I see the magus as a class that is really easy to blow their load on one encounter, and look all amazing...and then find themselves severely lacking for the rest of the day. Much like the bomb focused alchemist.

I have a thread in the Homebrew section where I'm collecting just that sort of data on Psionics, Rennick. I want a NON-redundant NOT-overpowered version of psionics that will nest within the pathfinder rules, and isn't a 9-level vancian style of casting. The leading possibilities are currently either a skill-based style of advancement with a likely completely separate group of 'discipline skills', or a warlock-style invocation-like system of significant spell-like abilities.

All that aside...

I would LOVE to play a high seas trading game, with either adapted caravan rules, or just your own spin on sailing place to place, having adventures, and unloading valuable cargo. I have an Iron Magus concept I've been dying to play... A wealthy inventor and enchanter who builds new and unique weapons to specification... Looking at taking the Noble of Lore feat? (inner sea world guide if I recall...)

Edgar - I was going through my copy of Ultimate Magic, all ready to pull out some quotes to prove my point.... Sadly (For me) I see you are right. I misread the section's use of the word "bonus" and thought it reffered to the ammount of Arcane pool points needed to be spent. My bad on this one, +1 for the Magus.

Fraust - In a normal tabletop game I think that would work great, but given the nature of PbPs and how long it can take to go through just one adventure, I think it would be a better idea to have one "home base" for each campaign to develop. Obviously for the Sandpoint campaign, it would be Sandpoint. For the other it would be the Ship itself. Otherwise we would have RL months on end of not being able to touch on one of the two things that are drawing people to these concepts.

Purplefixer - I'll check the thread when I get a chance. I am trying to work out some sort of rule set (using caravan and kingdoms as a basis) either for a ship, or a fleet of ships (Eventually) The game would have a running plotline, but I'm hoping to have it set up for sidequests and downtime and that sort of thing

For those who didn't see and are interested in the High Seas Campaign:

Unhallowed Waters - Recruitment thread

I AM still working on a Sandpoint based game, for those interested. And welcome feedback on the subject.

Rennick wrote:
I AM still working on a Sandpoint based game, for those interested. And welcome feedback on the subject.

The first issue of the Jade Regent AP, The Brinewall Legacy, has an article that discusses several adventure sites throughout the Hinterlands surrounding Sandpoint. You might be able to use one of more of these as inspiration for your game.

Yessir, it's an article that I've been reading and refering to a lot as I work on this.

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