drbuzzard |

OK, I'm contemplating making a blaster type sorcerer. As I see it, from what research I've done so far, I'd go with
Cross blooded
Black dragon
Elemental focus: Acid
Greater elemental focus: acid
So what other tricks would help out this cause?
I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.

james maissen |
OK, I'm contemplating making a blaster type sorcerer. As I see it, from what research I've done so far, I'd go with
Cross blooded
Black dragon
Elemental focus: Acid
Greater elemental focus: acidSo what other tricks would help out this cause?
I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.
What sources can you take from?
What's the point buy, level range and rate, and rest of the party?
What options do you have in choosing/researching spells?
One cross blooded sorcerer I was considering was Orc/Dragon to double up on the +1/die bonus... the damage that can be done with scorching ray at 11th is somewhat frightening.

drbuzzard |

What sources can you take from?
What's the point buy, level range and rate, and rest of the party?
What options do you have in choosing/researching spells?
One cross blooded sorcerer I was considering was Orc/Dragon to double up on the +1/die bonus... the damage that can be done with scorching ray at 11th is somewhat frightening.
This is for PFS, so 20 point buy, and pretty much all Paizo Pathfinder sources (or close to it).
The reason I want to get in the Shaitan is that you get free elemental substitution so everything can be acid, and then you can focus on that.
I can see the advantage to that extra point of damage, but does that overcome the advantage of being able to focus the damage type? Tricky question.

pipedreamsam |

OK, I'm contemplating making a blaster type sorcerer. As I see it, from what research I've done so far, I'd go with
Cross blooded
Black dragon
Elemental focus: Acid
Greater elemental focus: acidSo what other tricks would help out this cause?
TBH I would avoid crossblooded having one less spell known per level than you already have is just a dealbreaker for me, it knocks the versatility down way too much.
I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.
Not true the first would be force with little to no monsters immune and second would be sonic with only a few creatures immune. Though it is implied that you were thinking of only Acid, Cold, Fire and Electricity.

Omelite |

drbuzzard wrote:I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.Not true the first would be force with little to no monsters immune and second would be sonic with only a few creatures immune. Though it is implied that you were thinking of only Acid, Cold, Fire and Electricity.
Well, he did say "element" and not just "energy type." Acid, cold, fire, and electricity are elemental, while sonic and force are not.

drbuzzard |

me, it knocks the versatility down way too much.
You can easily make up for this using a human with the favored class bonus. You might start a bit slot, but once you get up to speed, you'll be fine.
drbuzzard wrote:I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.Not true the first would be force with little to no monsters immune and second would be sonic with only a few creatures immune. Though it is implied that you were thinking of only Acid, Cold, Fire and Electricity.
While I suppose technically you are correct, practically, you are not. You cannot energy substitute in force or sonic for things, while you can with acid. You cannot get elemental focus (force) or (sonic) either.
The fact that elemental focus doesn't include those two, and they aren't really comparable in frequency to the other elements, would be why I specified 'major energy types'.

drbuzzard |

There was a book published in the 2002-2003 ish time period that was called Ultimate Feats.
It had a MetaMagic feat in it that allowed you to switch damage types of spells: Fire, cold, acid, sonic, ect.
Spell elevation: +0 per spell.
But if you can't use that there might be a few other tricks.
That's 3.0. This is for PFS, which is exclusive to Paizo products.
Though I do actually own the book you mention, and the level of cheese attainable with it was most amazing.

pipedreamsam |

pipedreamsam wrote:You can easily make up for this using a human with the favored class bonus. You might start a bit slot, but once you get up to speed, you'll be fine.me, it knocks the versatility down way too much.
This is still expending a resource that could be used for something else (i.e. favored class bonus an extra hit point or skill point). Also, in order to use this you have to be a human. This may conflict with what the OP had in mind for his character (though likely not much). An extra spell is still more powerful than an extra hit point imo, but this is going to make the character even more squishy and throwing out as many blasts as he plans on, he will likely draw some aggro. In addition crossblooded is going to hurt your will save (your only good save as a sorcerer). The OP wants to play a character more for fluff than any other reasons. However, so if he wants to play crossblooded, he should do it shamelessly.

drbuzzard |

This is still expending a resource that could be used for something else (i.e. favored class bonus an extra hit point or skill point). Also, in order to use this you have to be a human. This may conflict with what the OP had in mind for his character (though likely not much). An extra spell is still more powerful than an extra hit point imo, but this is going to make the character even more squishy and throwing out as many blasts as he plans on, he will likely draw some aggro. In addition crossblooded is going to hurt your will save (your only good save as a sorcerer). The OP wants to play a character more for fluff than any other reasons. However, so if he wants to play crossblooded, he should do it shamelessly.
In case you didn't happen to notice (and evidently you didn't), I am the OP.

james maissen |
This is for PFS, so 20 point buy, and pretty much all Paizo Pathfinder sources (or close to it).
Well if you want have a lot of spells with saves then there is a benefit to this focus.
But let's go without the spell focus in the element and see what we can do.
I present Scorching Ray the sorcerer.
Human Sorcerer Orc/Dragon(Brass)
STR 07
INT 11
WIS 07
DEX 14
CON 14
CHA 20
Traits: Magical Lineage (Scorching ray), trait making stealth class skill & +1
Feats (in order): PBS, Precise Shot(Hu), Eschew Materials(S) Skill Focus: Stealth, Empower Spell, Hellcat stealth, Quicken Spell(S), Eldritch Heritage (shadow), Improved Eldritch Heritage (shadow).
Favored Class: Sorcerer (1st bumps into skills, 4th+ bumps to spells)
Skills (by 12th): Stealth (12), Knowledge Planes(5), Know Religion(3), Spellcraft(5), Bluff(1), Diplomacy(1), UMD(4), fly (1), Handle Animal(1), Perform(1), Sleight of Hand(1), 4 other points.
Bloodline Spells: Mage Armor, Resist Energy, Fly, Wall of Fire, and either Spell Resistance or Cloudkill
Spells known (9|6/5/5/4/2/0) as Sorcerer11/Diabolist1 (add another 2nd level spell if not selling your soul for a PrC).
Have fun,

drbuzzard |

Have fun,James
Thanks for the build. I don't think I want to be so ray focused though. Also that ray remains fire damage (which accounts for you switching to a brass dragon). Fire damage is far too commonly resisted for me to see that as a good option. I mean any encounter with devils, and you might as well just twiddle your thumbs based on your focus.
While I do see use in the orc bloodline, I don't think it is as good as being able to switch things to acid.
I also don't tend to ever start with a 20 since you have to dump stat too hard.
I think I'd go more like:
Str 8
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Chr 16(+2)=18
Crossbreed (Copper Dragon, Shaitan)
Feats: Elemental Focus, Greater Elemental Focus, combat casting, spell penetration (etc)
Bloodline powers: Acid ray, Dragon Resistances (Natural Armor + Acid resistance)
Racial class bonus will do HP for levels 1-3, then spells.

james maissen |
Thanks for the build. I don't think I want to be so ray focused though. Also that ray remains fire damage (which accounts for you switching to a brass dragon). Fire damage is far too commonly resisted for me to see that as a good option. I mean any encounter with devils, and you might as well just twiddle your thumbs based on your focus.While I do see use in the orc bloodline, I don't think it is as good as being able to switch things to acid.
The way I see it is that you're willing to spend 2 feats to be better by raising the DC by 2. Trade those in for being able to hit well with ranged touch attacks (and if in 30ft get more damage). That's a call.
As to fire resistances & acid resistances.. my build is actually not as tied to fire as yours is to acid. As you notice the orc damage bonus is for all dice, not just of a given element... you can do it on magic missile, etc.
Devils also all sport 10 acid resistance, so really throwing acid at them isn't all that grand as well especially since we're already dealing with SR of around 12+CR here. It's better not to try to go directly here, but rather hit them in other ways.
Honestly when dealing with needing to roll SR AND go through 10 resistance or more I would choose to cast something other than direct damage.
But it's your call, just figured I'd give you something to consider. Against a target without energy resistance Ray there can make them really hurt. At 11th level he can deal around 180pts in a round to a single target burning a 3rd & 5th level spell slot.
As to starting stats, I would suggest that since you were willing to spend feats to increase your save DC that you start with a 19 CHA rather than an 18. Personally I'd go with the 20 and hide from the will saves.
Which is another choice.. I decided to spend 4 feats towards hiding in plain sight, which is not required by any means. It will make hitting ranged touch attacks through cover still easy, but the main reason was defensive there. But those could be spent towards spell penetration feats.
Another question you want to ask yourself- are you going to be normally adventuring with the same group of people or will game days/cons make that a more random factor?

drbuzzard |

As to fire resistances & acid resistances.. my build is actually not as tied to fire as yours is to acid. As you notice the orc damage bonus is for all dice, not just of a given element... you can do it on magic missile, etc.
Hmm, that's a good point in favor of the Orc over any dragon type now that you mention it. There's no advantage in being damage specific in that boost. This Shaitan/Orc would optimize in how I like to do things.
I really can't see doing with a 7 wisdom on a character. I don't like playing mildly retarded types.
Also, I'll probably wait before playing this character by storing up a fair amount of GM credit. I don't care for spell casters before a reasonable level, so this build will likely burst fully formed at around 6th level before he sees an adventure. Hence, I don't intend to be very focused on rays. I have other characters to work on in PFS in the meantime. Heck, I might not even really build this one. I was mostly curious to see what I could do.

james maissen |
Hmm, that's a good point in favor of the Orc over any dragon type now that you mention it. There's no advantage in being damage specific in that boost. This Shaitan/Orc would optimize in how I like to do things.I really can't see doing with a 7 wisdom on a character. I don't like playing mildly retarded types.
..this build will likely burst fully formed at around 6th level before he sees an adventure. Hence, I don't intend to be very focused on rays.
Just look at the bloodline spells that you'll figure to get as Dragon does have nice ones.
I don't think of a low WIS as 'retarded' but rather 'rash and/or foolish' which honestly can be quite fun, especially with a blaster.
I don't see the tie between starting at 6th and not focusing on rays. When you start at 6th you're going to have what, burning hands?

james maissen |
james maissen wrote:You get burning hands at first level. At sixth you get lightning bolt or fireball.I don't see the tie between starting at 6th and not focusing on rays. When you start at 6th you're going to have what, burning hands?
You mean at 7th you get lightning bolt or fireball.

shroin |

drbuzzard wrote:james maissen wrote:You get burning hands at first level. At sixth you get lightning bolt or fireball.I don't see the tie between starting at 6th and not focusing on rays. When you start at 6th you're going to have what, burning hands?
You mean at 7th you get lightning bolt or fireball.
Are you sure you don't want to double check that?

james maissen |
Are you sure you don't want to double check that?
Did they change Cross-blooded so that they no longer have 1 less spell known at each level? Like to delaying it to remove say the 2nd known spell of a given level?
As I understand it the way it currently lies is that a Crossblooded Sorcerer will have 0 spells known instead of 1 spell known when getting to 4th, 6th, ..., 18th levels.
It's a VERY harsh drawback, and why only insanely good synergy bloodlines are even worth contemplating.

Lej |

OK, I'm contemplating making a blaster type sorcerer.
I'd say acid is a decent blaster element to choose as it tends to be the least resisted of the major energy types.
Are wordcasters allowed at PFS games? If so consider playing one.
I'm playing a sorcerer with the black dragon bloodline as an acid blaster at the moment at it is plenty powerful when it comes to dealing damage.In any case remember that casters require concentration checks if they are taking ongoing damage.