Our Kingmakers - Share and compare


First off: All Hail Meista Hutte - our DM for Kingmaker,
i´m mostly presenting his work here and wanted to know about other campaigns, their fluff-flavour-style, memorable NPC´s and how they were presented/taken down, house-rules-homebrew and Names and places....

Whatever your willing to share- i´m interested, because browsing through the thread there were quite a lot of differences and i wonder how much our DM improvised/sucked out of his own fingers and whats out there.

While i think such comparisons might be usefull to DM´s, exspecially those that are just starting the AP, this thread is primarily for players to show off ;)

Before i start introducing the "Band" and our kingdom (i´m exspecially proud of the Names) two or three things about our DM:

The winter: December, January and February are downtime for our group, no building, no exploring, just downtime and winterschool for recruits.
We have a strong russian-style Borderland-Flair and with snow over 3-4 feet you stay at home. The marshal has dog-sled to check out but thats it.

Troops: we have a percentage of 10.2%, which means 260 men in the standing army. We used to have 15% at some point, where the DM threatened with a stop-gap of unrest if we didn´t wait for more settlers, before building more barracks/whatever.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Our Kingdom was settled initially by Irissens, and still has a markedly Irrisen flavor even though most of the (human) inhabitants are Rostlanders. They are the only local nation that goes to war in winter by preference. They love non-humans--the King is a hobgoblin and the General is a winter wolf, in good Irrisen tradition--and recruit anything they can get their hands on, even wildly difficult things. (They only had spriggans for a season, though, before becoming lethally tired of their behavior.) Their King is said to have the blood of dragons, and this leads him to want his Honor Guard to be all kobolds, so a lot of work has gone into training kobolds into some kind of usefulness.

It is a bizarre place. I try to play up the bewildered reactions from neighboring, more human lands.

Once an ambitious Brevoyan merchant showed up with six young non-sentient flying mounts, hoping to entice the King into agreeing to a trade treaty. Unfortunately for him, overnight the non-sentient flying mounts somehow turned into sentient flying mounts. The King expressed bafflement at this, but pointed out that the Summerlands are a River Kingdom and slaves are not allowed, so the critters had to be freed. Big political brouhaha ensued, but he stood firm. He was arguably telling the truth, in that the PC who Awakened the critters didn't ask his permission first. But surely he could guess how it must have happened! (Though perhaps he blamed a witch. The Irrisens *really* believe in witches.)

RedPorcupine wrote:

two or three things about our DM:

our DM´s campaign and the most obvious differences i noted


Troops: we have a percentage of 10.2%,

Percentage of overall population, that is.

I wanted to specify this, but couldn´t edit.

And now,... again...an ecxerpt from our constitution.

Hereby we, the "Citizen´s Council of Ironwill" declare,
supported and protected by the group of brave adventurers,
known as the"NarlForest Avengers",
the region of the Greenbelt to be indepentent
and constitute our new realm to be a Sanctuary
for all people to be free and live without fear,
a Shelter from Oppression, Mosnsters and evil creatures,
a safe Haven in the storm


The " Original" Narlforest Avengers were:

Our MGL ( most glorious leader * )
Lord-Protector Ajax "The Steadfast" Talan,
Paladin of Iomedea Lvl 9

High Priest Hermann " Ironwill" Proyas
Cleric of Iomedea Lvl 3, deceased,
Patron Saint of the town Ironwill,
former Oleg Trading Post

Ranger-Marshall Yorek "The Cook" Blackhand
Half-Orc Ranger Lvl 5, crippled, now
Mayor of Tatzlford

Councilor for Forest, Wood and Building
Gardiblasmiufur Querandunfur Oczidentalis
aka Gardi "The Carpenter" Woodwarper
Gnome Druid Lvl 5, disabled, now
+1 Lvl Expert/ Architect

Magister Andyair "The Cloud"
Elemental Sorcerer of Air Lvl 8

* is there more than one reference ? My brother plays the Paladin to the hilt... when in doubt- charge ! Hard work for the Scout (me)

Mary Yamato wrote:
They love non-humans

Despite our more human emphasis we tried very hard not to just annihilate the non-humans, even left the mites alone for nearly two years, before they just had to molest some farms. I also really wanted to save the kobolds, but their "Shaman" had them riled up to bad.

In a spin-off-campaign characters of mine recently stumbled unto the BloodScale Tribe. I set great hopes in keeping their hatchlings and younglings alive.

It is a bizarre place. I try to play up the bewildered reactions from neighboring, more human lands.

The "Green Team " is working hard on maintaining what diversity we still have, between my old Half-orc Char being Mayor of TatzlFort, having aquired Gnome Settlers ( The Mapmaker´s Clan), most of the resident fey still being around and allied (Perlivash, the Nixie and the Dryad). Garuum, the Boggard "King" has his own extra-territorial enclave.

Did anyone find a lonely hill-giant in his campaign and managed to talk him into "signing up"? I almost had him there when my characters negotiations were sabotaged and we had to kill him.

Recently our group took care of big bad V. and started into March of the fifth year of the campaign.

The new spiritual adviser of the MGL is

Saik " The Judge" Nansur,
Inquisitor of Iomedea Lvl 7,
initially sent to investigate the death of his predecessor

The new Ranger-Marshall

Barsuk "The Porcupine" Bloodshirt, Half-Orc Ranger
Infiltrator 7/ Oracle 1
stumbled upon the group in Varnhold, while he was searching for a mighty spear to avenge himself on his full-orc half-brother and clan

(after an interlude as elven Ranger1/Cleric of Sarenrae, that unfortunately neither matched my style nor the group and a very short-lived Shoanti Barbarian1-Ranger5 ( was eaten instead of the Paladin, when the whole group was drifting unconcious in a creek in Varnhold) i returned ruefully to my beloved and apparently more durable Half-orcs)

Scarab Sages

In our game, there is a druid of the Green Faith that is absolutely convinced that the Old Sycamore is a sacred tree of some kind that has been desecrated and contaminated by the mites presence. He is dead set (pun intended) on clearing them out and cleansing the tree, but they haven't gotten to that yet after a particularly ill-fated venture inside.

The kobolds absolutely love the oracle of life in our party after he did a positive energy burst and brought several kobold warriors "back to life" (they were negative), when the party encountered a mite/kobold skirmish. However half the party thinks the kobolds are going to be a problem that should be dealt with now, and half think they should be hired to work the mines as minions.

redcelt32 wrote:
and half think they should be hired to work the mines as minions.

Frankly, i want/wanted them as sepoys- very light cavalary on riding dogs for night raids and such.

Recently however we made peace with the centaurs and they feel they owe us one... the finest light cavalary of all Golarion propably !
I hope they´ll help us harry certain Barbarians..;)

Sovereign Court

My character, who has become the ruler, is a sorceror. Pretty straight forward? Not a chance. He is from Taldor and is the sousin of the King of Taldor. Still not that unusual. However, his Grand father made pacts with devils so that his grandson would become a great king. Obviously he thought that meant a great king of Taldor and stop the decline of that country. But one must be careful when dealing with devils and it did not come to pass. Although my character did start a revolution and lasted quite awhile. Only when betrayed by a spy and convinced to give battle was the rebellion crushed. He has since been in hiding (and his powers have atrophied) for several years. He has since learned that a powerful potion called the elixir of Nex (a poyion developed by Nex to stay young and alive forever) is in the stolen lands. Much of our army and a few of our leaders were survivors of the rebellion. His name is Palious Pendragon. He is a 7th level Infernal Human Sorcerer. and He will dominate!

...our Kingmaker Party is decidedly odd. Various circumstances basically gave us several different characters making up a couple of parties, but here's our main players:

Zaniah Astral, Baroness, Oracle 8. She's the ruler, and is decidedly LN. Despite being one of the least intimidating combat characters, she's nonetheless held in fear by the rest of the party due to her efficient and unique manner of dealing with problems. Her leadership has led to the kingdom of Oakenforge having an amazing surplus of goods every month. This is partially because Star Chart is the most awesome ability in the history of mankind. She currently has a certain annoying bard on her payroll, and uses him to make sure the people are on her side in everything she does.

Renclod (Nobody remembers his full name), Baron, Paladin 8. Previously the high priest, Renclod started being a Paladin after he lost his first child to wine and prostitutes. As a Paladin he still has a soft spot for both wine and prostitutes, but he has a heart of gold. He is loved by the people and legendary for befriending the Sootscale tribe and introducing Dire Bat Cavalry to the nation after an incident involving Will-O-Wisps and a Summon Monster III spell. He was originally the High Priest until Zaniah made him an offer he couldn't refuse due to his popularity with the people. The two have had a child, who was kidnapped by a very angry fey. Needless to say, they will pay.

Bro-Tor, Fighter 8. A large sized fighter guy who is most notable for having once used a monk as a javelin because the enemy was out of reach and he didn't bring a ranged option. The current Royal Assassin.

Eon, Barbarian 8. Hailing from Irissen, he stabbed God in the face and got Power Word: Killed for it. It was totally awesome. He's notable mostly for having shown up one day, declaring himself the general of the army, and punching anyone who disagreed. The powers that be opted to let him have it, provided he only punches who they say he can punch.

'The Orc,' Druid 8. A half-orc, sentenced to community service for burning down a tavern. He was drafted by the community at large and given the position of Marshall. He sets EVERYTHING on fire. No one knows his real name.

Rebecca, Sorcerer 8. She's quite crazy, walks everywhere with a teddy bear, and has spent much time devising ways to make all signposts throughout Oakenforge talk, in order to give verbal directions to the residents of the town. Obviously, this qualified her for the position of Magister. Zaniah's decision making process is occasionally difficult to follow.

I'm known to jokingly refer to our leaders as the "Multicultural Council." We have, to this point in the campaign, had a total of 9 PCs, and only one was human. (None of the current ones are.) Our current Council stands as follows:

Lina Greer Hansonii. Duchess. Half-elf monk/warmage/enlightened fist. Until recently she had a Duke, but her elven husband, Catesbaei, was assassinated about 2 sessions ago. My character.

Crushing Grass. General. Centaur psychic warrior/swordsage. The other PC on the Council. (Our third PC is a replacement character and not currently on the council.)

Siassara (Valga) Pendrod. Treasurer. Half-elf inquisitor. NPC healer who used to travel with the party.

Ervil Pendrod. Magister. Human Bard. Siassara's husband.

Jhod Kavken. High Priest. Human Cleric.

Melphia Kavken. Diplomat. Elf Adept. Jhod's wife, created when we rolled a public scandal and decided Jhod had gotten one of his priestesses pregnant. She became diplomat after our first one married our Duchess.

Kesten Garess. Warden. Human Fighter.

Elminster of Shadowdale. Spymaster. Human Fighter/Rogue. We're playing in our DM's homebrew world, and he's always joked that big NPCs from other worlds exist in his world too--just not as important. He threw Elminster in leading a group of bandits as a joke, and we liked him so much we kept him.

Bardo Alarnus. Councilor. Half-Orc Expert. Local smith who was chosen to replace our elven druid when she died.

Brode Adamant. Marshal. Dwarf Samurai/Cleric. Replaced the halfling we'd had in the role when she died.

Now all we need to is to get rid of one or two of the humans and replace them with, for one, the halfling bard who is our replacement NPC healer, and find a gnome, and we'll have just about everything. This is particularly appropriate as in our campaign, Pitax is being run by our DM homebrew world's equivalent of the Red Wizards of Thay. I personally figure they're probably behind our Duke's assassination.

They'll like us even less when we name the leader of one of the next cities we build: a behir who assisted us in fighting Hargulka.

Trinam wrote:
befriending the Sootscale tribe and introducing Dire Bat Cavalry

LOVE to have for recon and nightraids! What other troops does General Punch have under his command?

The recruits of our army are considered basically human throughout, assuming that they mostly come from Brevoy. Pity...

As for settlers we have a family of Dwarfs running the SilverMine, but they are just enough to provide their own security. Hmm- Heavy Infantry..
In TatzFort there´s a small Gnome Community around the family of Jubilos the Mapmaker, but thats it for non-humans. For now.

Though we recently hired propably half the community of Half-orc Dockworkers out of Mivon, meaning a good half dozen (pending precise DM decision) as rowers for our budding navy and once they are trained for heavy assault troops/Marines.

The North/ Ironwill is held by Kesten Gareth with out most seasoned Troops, The IronWulfGuard, who saw action in the battle at the Erastil Temple in the WORGWinter as well as against the southron elves in the Siege of FireWalkerKeep- the first we started to Stat somewhat and equip better -our Heayy Infantry.

The IronWulf Guard

Sir Captain Kesten Gareth, Knight of BokkensPond
Fighter 4/Cav1

StaffSergeant Beorn
Lvl 4 Fighter/THW

1 Lvl 3 Fighter- SergeantW&S /HideShirt
10 Fi Lvl2/3 Fi Lvl 1 (Weapon&Shield)
Hidearmor(+ BattleKilt) 4/5
HeavyWoodenShields +2
Longswords d8

IronWulf Helebardiers
1 Lvl 3 Fighter- Sergeant/ PS/ Hs+k
6 Fi Lvl2/7 Fi Lvl 1 (PhalanxSoldiers)
Hidearmor(+ BattleKilt) 4/5
HeavyWoodenShields +2
Halberds d10/brace+trip)

IronWulf Shooters
1 Lvl 3 Fighter- Sergeant (CBM/ HS+K)
10 Fi Lvl2/3 Fi Lvl 1 ( Crossbowmen)
Hidearmor(+ BattleKilt) 4/5
Buckler +1
LightCrossBows d8

How "micro-managment" are you ?

I'm the DM of our Kingmaker campaign, and it's been progressing fairly well so far. After the Stag Lords defeat, they formed the fledgeling kingdom of Medelia, and their first city Flodar. They've been keeping busy a year since after that, expanding the kingdom, building their city, and recently fending off several crises.

Ser Crofton, Lord of Medelia. Paladin, protector, noble. Ser Crofton was the leader of the expedition to the stolen lands, a destitute noble that had been promised a future for his house and name in the service of the Swordlords. He suspected that Restov would make a grab for the stolen lands, but never suspected to be given so much power. He formed the kingdom together with his loyal party, whom rule at his side and advice him.

Fiodyr, half-orc Inquisitor. Former royal assassin, now deceased at the hands of a barrow wight

Harold, Summoner and researcher, former Grand diplomat. After the death of Fiodyr, he left the kingdom realizing it was far too dangerous for him, and he had important research to report back to the university.

Kyras, Transmuter, crafter of magical items and Magister. He makes most of the magic items the party needs, and is an expert in magical matters. Killed by the morningstar of a troll warlord, but twice-born and reincarnated into a new body thanks to the help of Old Beldame's magic.

Leriam, dragon-blooded Sorcerer. Spymaster

Kressle, Royal Assassin. Kressle surrendered to the party and spilled a bit of information about the Stag Lord. She was disinterested in serving him and his descent into alcoholism and uselessness. The party kept her a prisoner at Olegs while they dealt with the Stag Lord, and afterwards she offered to serve them since they're the new movers and shakers of the land. She's loyal to their coin, and likes to antagonise them when she can.

Zach, elven druid, and Marshal of the land.

Kasteen Garess, Captain of the Militia and responsible for the training of the kingdoms military. Crofton had a few harsh but inspiring words to the also destitute noble, and managed to make him shape up a little in his behaviour, at the very least shave regularly.

Akiros, Warden and captain of the city watch. Akiros joined the kingmakers side in the climactic battle against the Stag Lord, and almost died by the bandits kings marksmanship. A stray(or ruthlessly uncaring) firespell from Leriam almost sealed his fate when bleeding from his wounds, but Crofton threw himself over the ex-paladin to take the blow.

Jhod Kavken, high priest of Erastil. With the temple of Erastil found, Jhod was somewhat redeemed in the eyes of his clergy. He called some of them to the Stolen Lands to join him in the restoration of their temple. When the kingmakers required a candidate for religious matters, they chose Jhod.

Councilor Kurt, Olof the treasurer and Edward the diplomat, three colonists that were picked to serve vacant positions

Alyssa, a witch with a patron of trickery and illusion. She found her way to the stolen lands running from her past and seeking a future, and a way to understand her strange powers. Old Beldame(which I made a witch instead of a sorceress) introduced her to the party, and demanded Kyras to take her as an apprentice, though they soon figured out their ways of approaching magic was very different. She hasn't taken any leadership position yet.

I've also kept a map of their kingdom updated, based on the map from the book.

Spoiler, Map from Rivers run Red:


I also DM a Kingmaker game and we're in the middle of RRR (with the "Hargulka Monster Kingdom" modifications seen in this forums). Our group is brazillian, so I'll post the English translations for the names.

Our group having some politically-savvy players, avoids pompous titles such as "kingdom". They fear some retaliation by King Surtova of Brevoy, and so try to keep a low profile. The kingdom's name is Eveningstar (after a bright star that guided the group one night when they got lost), and their cities are named Dawn (named in the effort of offering new chances for people) and Dragonford (instead of Tatzlford).

Yelena Eveningstar, Lady of Eveningstar and "baroness". Originally Adelle Orlofsky, bride-to-be to regent King Surtova (before she stabbed him in the gut and ran away). Human Fighter, in the Aldori duelist tradition. She was CG but shifted to LG when she was "pushed" into the authority she now holds.

Yohan, Chosen One of Pharasma. Human (varisian) Oracle. Last survivor of a caravan, was found unharmed in the middle of the wreckage. Pharasma has a big plan for this guy, apparently. Focuses more on the "Destiny" aspect.

Jamal, Spymaster for the kingdom. Human (issian) Rogue. Is a "Godfather" wannabe. He intimidates, protects, or disappears with people when needed. Is learning some herb-lore (and poisoncraft) with the Old Beldame, and is Kressle's business partner. Will probably be changing alignment to NE if he carries through with his many many promises.

Valion Orlofsky, Grand Diplomat. Human Wizard (enchanter). Yelena's distant cousin, he adopted a debauched lifestyle after being sent to Absalom to study magic. Because of him, the second building on the kingdom was a brothel (in which he has controlling interests). Brought Loy Rezbin to the council's attention.

Sir Bronwyn, General. Human Cavalier. Having failed on a designated task (his lord was killed) he wandered the world, looking for a chance to redeem himself of his failure. He's a heavy drinker, and is frequently hammered, but people still love him (he's the only attention-seeker of the group).

All of the above are player characters. Aside from them, we have:

Jhod Kavken as Councilor, Oleg as Treasurer, Kressle as Marshal (with a little upped Dexterity), Auchs as Royal Assassin (yeah, right!), Akiros as Warden (although he has redeemed, he has left the paladin life behind him and trained those levels for fighter ones).

Kressle (on Jamal's suggestion) has been running a protection racket on travelling merchants. If she gets her cut, the kingdom's rangers protect their caravan. If she doesn't, they go unprotected (and frequently disappear).

Rune wrote:

Kressle (on Jamal's suggestion) has been running a protection racket on travelling merchants. If she gets her cut, the kingdom's rangers protect their caravan. If she doesn't, they go unprotected (and frequently disappear).

Hmmm... we might sneak something like that past the Paladin, but not the Inquisitor. Even had to turn down the Daggermark Assassin´s Guild to become their main supplier of "herbs", since i couldn´t guarantee continuos and punctual delivery. Instead we´re becoming the leading supplier of "medical-herbs" for Mendev - druid-blessed, first-world-touched Flayleaf grown in Tuskgutters Lair;).

Beautifull names, by the way. Our Capital, formely the Staglord´s Bastion is called Sunburst Keep.

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My Kingmaker Group: I'm DMing, with a five character group.

Kingdom Name: Kingdom of Sanctuary (the entire group is either NG or LG, and they decided the Kingdom has a NG alignment).

Capital City: Haven

Vitori: (PC) Male Aasimar Paladin of Iomadae- The reluctant King of the Kingdom.

Tygara: (NPC) Formally the Grig known as Tyg (she was blessed by Erastil and changed into and elven maiden and promptly fell in love with our King, so she is soon to be queen)

Sinafay: (PC) Female Drow Rogue, Royal Spymaster. Currently romantically involved with Lord Kesten Garrus.

Kesten Garrus: (NPC) General of the Armies of Sanctuary

Solomon: Male Tiefling Magus, Headsman and Executioner (Royal Assassin). Also former Shaman of Sootscale Tribe (Hilarious story).

Aldridge: (PC) Male human Priest of Erastil, Lord Marshal of the Spears of Sanctuary.

Eros: (PC) Male Elven Wizard, Magister of the Kingdom of Sanctuary.

Pervilash: (NPC) Male Young Blue Dragon (blessed and changed at the same time as Tyg). Grand Diplomat.

Svetlana: (NPC) Female Human Expert. Grand Councilor and Voice of the People

Oleg: (NPC) Male human Expert. Treasurer and all around nice guy.

Declan: (NPC) Male Human Fighter, Warden and Leader of the Shields of Sanctuary. Proved himself during the Battle of Haven to earn the title of Warden.


I recommend you read through Turin the Mad's Campaign Journal, A Madman GMs CoT, and Beyond! & my A Bandit King Arises!

Both track the progress from day 1 of the AP, and I'm up to about 1/3 of the way through book 5.

Turins group is a bit behind ours, but well past us in power levels.

Shadow Lodge

IMC we are in the middle of RRR, just beginning the module Realm of the Fellnight Queen as a foreshadowing of Nyrissa through her daughter Rhoswen.

Here is the Ruling Council for the Duchy of Falconcrest:

Duke Nerle (refers to himself as "The Doochess"), gnomish Oracle of Fire (PC): Having grown up in the shadow of his brother, he always felt bitter resentment towards him. Resentment that turned inward on the day his village burned and in a moment of choice to save himself, left his brother to burn to death. Soon after he was called to service by Sarenrae on a quest of redemption and being a conduit of her will.

Former Councilor Jhod Kavken (NPC): left to run the Temple of the Elk.

Councilor Cat, Rakshasa Tiefling Fighter/Alchemist (PC): An orphan taken in by a half-elf Loremaster and leader of a troupe of entertainers. She is a free spirit who doesn't quite get why people act weird around her. She's been having visions in her dreams of things connected to Nyrissa (like the death of the unicorn and Iorvetti's consort) without knowing who she is or why she's having them.

General Raphael Medvyed, Paladin of Pharasma (NPC): a former PC, Raphael is the second son of the Head of House Medvyed. The player had to leave due to time constraints.

Grand Diplomat Svetlana Leveton (NPC): A Varisian gypsy and wife of Oleg. Has been caught in the past putting a hex on Kressle as revenge for her actions against her (even using a PC to get her a sample of Kressle's hair for her unwittingly). Svetlana secretly is a Witch and is being courted by the Cult of Gyronna.

High Priestess Dame Surra Greymoon, Paladin of Pharasma (NPC): She was introduced to the party via a random encounter I rolled pre-Stag Lord defeat. Their camp was attacked by a Werewolf and they managed to subdue rather than kill her and take her back to Oleg's. With Jhod and Bokken's help, they were able to administer Belladonna to her and eventually she was cured of her affliction. She is a member of the Grave Knights, and became afflicted during her escape of a botched raid on a cabal of Necromancers. She is also a member of a prominent Taldor noble family.

The Magistrate, Inquisitor of Abadar (PC): this masked Half-Ogre has no name, just the strongest conviction for Law and Order. I made up a custom ruler position for him as te Judge of the kingdom. He is no nonsense and a fearsome warrior.

Spymistress Lumen, Rogue (PC): Abducted from her family and charmed by a clever thief, this halfling girl became a puppet used to steal and kill for her master for three years before being abandoned suddenly. Refusing to go home, she has been wandering ever since and jumped at the chance to explore the Stolen Lands. She murdered the Stag Lord via coup de grace while he slept in a drunken stupor, and barely survived a second battle with him when he returned to face her as a Revenant two years later.

Royal Assassin Zel, reformed Bandit (NPC): Zel was among the group led by Happs when the party first came to Oleg's. After interrogating him, the former Magister convinced Zel that he would have to serve the group for 10 years after signing an agreement to reform, lest he would die a horrible death wrought by powerful magics worked into the agreement (a bluff he fell for completely). Led the party to the river camp during the assault and capture of Kressle.

Former Magister Iorweth Aldori, fighter/wizard (PC): An Aldori Swordlord sent by Restov to explore and settle the Stolen Lands. Killed during the Carnival of Tears Module when he was confused and sent via Dimension Door into a Planing Machine in the tent of Modern Engineering Wonders. A monument was built in his honor.

Magister Natalya Yagevna, Irrisen Snow Witch (NPC): wife of Skelg the Ripper (from PFS Frozen Fingers of Midnight), a hero who retired in the party's town. Asked to step in and replace the fallen Iorweth.

Former Marshal Brae-tac, human Druid of Erastil (PC): Player left due to time issues. Character joined Jhod at the Temple of the Elk.

Marshal Klath Axehaft of the Axehaft Clan, Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (PC): arrived via Frost Giant toss into the midst of battle, Klath has come seeking mining rights and battle. He has a nose for finding gems and getting into trouble.

Warden Akiros Ismort (NPC): former Lieutenant of the Stag Lord and Paladin of Erastil. Joined the party against the Stag Lord's bandits during their infiltration of the Fort.

Treasurer Oleg Leveton (NPC): husband of Svetlana and former owner of Oleg's Trading Post. Always been a loyal ally to the party. Unfortunately, Oleg will soon meet his end at the hands of a Skinstealer (an agent of Nyrissa) who will go on a binge of boozing, womanizing and embezzeling before turning into a serial killer.

Two new players have not yet joined the Ruling Council yet as they are recent additions to the game (now 7 players):

Maugrim, half elf barbarian (PC): on a quest for vengeance against his elven bandit lord father.

Felice, human dragon blooded sorceress (PC): a bastard of the Rogarvian Line who abandoned her family at a young age and joined a band of Varisian gypsies, only to see them slaughtered years later by bandits. Was not within range of the Vanishing's effects at the time of the incident.

We have a very interesting Kingmaker Party. Also, I find it funny that most parties on this thread are level 7. Mine is too XD

The rulers of Auchsland!

General Sol D'Carnag: Teifling Fighter 6/Bard 1 - He's a member of the order of the Dragon, and wanted to establish a stronghold for them. He came from slavery in Cheliax, but excaped when Order of the Dragon raided the slave auction. He also is a bastard of the Ruler of Cheliax, and is technically, next in line, but he has no idea.

Warden Emil Marko: Variasian Gunslinger 7 - He used to be a bandit, but an encounter with an elven patrol in Kyonin made things worse. He came into the game addicted to drugs, but apparently, it's really easy to kick addictions.

Magistar Ghulzar Revias: Half-orc Monk 7 - And amazingly polite and good natured half orc, he writes to her mother in Absalom often and enjoys drinking tea.

Baron Chafira Pendragon: Half-elf Bard 6/Dragon Disciple 1 - A remarkably bland character despite having the crown. He really wants the unicorn in the Narlmarches

Spymaster Thorand: Human Rogue 7 - He had left his father in Restov, an upstanding politician, because he was sick of Brevoy politics. He was a member of the Warden, but when the previous spymaster (Lillith) was murdered (by his previous character), he rose up to take the role. He shares some qualities with his predesscor (aside from rogue levels), preferring to end things with violence. Currently, he is in a strange relationship with a woman named Oriana, however, what he doesn't know (yet) is that his father hired her because he thought he was incapable of ever getting into a relationship. Can't WAIT for next session, har har. It should be noted that his previous character was executed (I told him out of game, there would be tastier targets to qualify for assassin, namely, Gregori, but he didn't want to wait.)

Diplomat Kima: Quadiran Cleric of Sarenrae 7 - He just joined the council, and has proven his worth in the battle against trolls and the scythe tree. He is caring and full of fury at the same time. He is still discovering his own self.

I am the dm of my kingmaker campaign and with only two players its been interesting. The 1/2ling ranger is the baron and he's adopted every animal he's come across (the trapped thylacine from Stolen Lands is his animal companion, both the owlbear from the Stag Lord's fort and the baby giant one at the end of Rivers Run Red are currently being trained by him for war and guarding and Crackjaw the turtle currently makes the castle moat a dangerous place to swim). He's a ranged specialist and he's the "normal" one. His wife is the 1/2 orc witch (animal patron) Symantha. She has a bite attack, hair that attacks and a centipede animal companion named darren. I've seen her beat a hill giant with his own club with that hair, rip out a tatzlwyrm's throat as it tried to kill her in its coils (she criticaled it and hit it again as it tried to flee from her-because she nearly killed it with the crit- and critted AGAIN!) She even joined the hag cultists for a while.
The nation's leaders are oleg and his wife (treasurer and high councilor) Jhod (high priest), Akiros (warden), Khesten (general), Lily Teskerton (spymaster), Tiressia (dryad druid, marshal) Melianse (nixie, magister) Horace (royal assassin, a human rogue and cohort of the 1/2 orc witch. Both my pc's took leadership to get a party of four. The ranger had a druid named Momas Thagnum with a constrictor snake animal companion named Huggins. He charged into a troll lair waving a flame blade. Almost made it a full round when he slammed into three trolls solo. Now he's forest compost. These days its a blind oracle who gets to be the grand diplomat) and my Pc's are the rulers.
Its a true neutral nation called Elken and the capitol is named Sabretown (we are using variations of the names of towns in our state. WV represent!) that has no taxes, accepts anyone until they prove to be a liability and generally lets "live and let live". Even the boggard and the Sootscales (sans the shaman) get a pass. The boggard watches the swamps and the Sootscales represent the nation's mining contingent.
We just got through with the main villain of the Varhold Vanishing and it was AWESOME! I love it when my pc's think they may have to flee and the monster is thinking the same b/c he is in as rough a shape as them. Well-done with your villain, Greg A. Vaughan! He made my evening.
I saw a post where someone asked if anyone managed to get e certain hill giant on board, as it were. Mine did, sorta. They managed to intimidate him into co-operating and sent him on a will-o-wisp hunting expedition. He did WAy better than they did. But when he didnt find moonshine-making berries he came looking for them and smashed into their town. The local inn the pc's built that month is now called Munguk's End. Take a wild guess why...
I am wondering how other dm's work aroud "good rolls" for the event phase. Almost nothing bad ever happens to the nation. Its all the time with good weather, food surpluses, economic booms and twice they have had outstanding successes. When I do get a "bad roll" for the event, they have always handled it easily and well. Minimal damage from monster attacks and disasters, easily capturing the flamboyant thief, etc. I kinda want to see some tough times for them, but I also dont want to be the dm who screws over his pc's just to screw them over. Suggestions are appreciated.


I suggest "building out" a few custom events for your players, especially if you want to foreshadow events to come.

A small raiding party of Tiger Lord barbarians (precursor to Armag and the 7 Glenebon Highlander clans).

A cult of Gyronna or Zyphus (to foreshadow to Black Sisters). Have the sisters wtiness their elder siblings' punishment before they take up the mantle of Armag's guardians.

Inbred hillbilly ogrekin magi move into Hargulka's old lair and give the locals much grief before the rulers put them to the sword. They're ogrekin to a certain General from Chapter 5.

A raiding pair of black dragons' say at least of adult age, that they have to track down within the Slough that are the children of the BBED in Chapter 6.

The bog mummies found in the Slough could have a more direct origin in the form of a different or additional bodyguard for Irovetti. (S)he is a dread mummy or true mummy with beaucoup clss levels. Perhpas even able and willing to cast Simulacrum and Clone (and Gentle Repose).

A simulacrum army of the nastiest of the PCs should peg a baseline army CR of 6-8, especially with decent equipment/resources. If this baddy is able to infiltrate your players' kingdom as an NPC "healer" able to provide certain high-level services, the acquisition of fleshy bits should be easy enough.

Any assassination attempts later on (between chapters 4 and 5) that are successful could see the victim awaken in a Clone in Irovetti's dungeons, to be publicly executed prior to his war let's say as a dastardly "assassin" captured by Irovetti's guards, pushed through a sham trial and then executed via guillotine.

psionichamster wrote:

I recommend you read through Turin the Mad's Campaign Journal, A Madman GMs CoT, and Beyond! & my A Bandit King Arises!

Both track the progress from day 1 of the AP, and I'm up to about 1/3 of the way through book 5.

Turins group is a bit behind ours, but well past us in power levels.

It's been quite a ride, going on two years' real time to get to the beginning of Chapter 4.

They get their first taste of mass combat this Sunday, with real war to begin in earnest in Chapter 5. They should destroy their foe in Chapter 4 in short order. Chapter 5 is another matter altogether...

It's impressive just how nasty a kingdom gets in 12 years' game time. :)

Grand Lodge

Turin the Mad wrote:
psionichamster wrote:

I recommend you read through Turin the Mad's Campaign Journal, A Madman GMs CoT, and Beyond! & my A Bandit King Arises!

Both track the progress from day 1 of the AP, and I'm up to about 1/3 of the way through book 5.

Turins group is a bit behind ours, but well past us in power levels.

It's been quite a ride, going on two years' real time to get to the beginning of Chapter 4.

They get their first taste of mass combat this Sunday, with real war to begin in earnest in Chapter 5. They should destroy their foe in Chapter 4 in short order. Chapter 5 is another matter altogether...

It's impressive just how nasty a kingdom gets in 12 years' game time. :)

Keep us posted bro!

Turin the Mad wrote:


I suggest "building out" a few custom events for your players, especially if you want to foreshadow events to come.

Uggh..Hrmrmm...Man, sooner or later my GM will have time to check in here and i´d rather not have more Meta-knowledge to admit to than strictly necessary. He´ll have a good piece of my hide for the Jabberwocky alone, but i´m not to fault for that, as it appeared in the threads headline, unfortunately.

I´m pretty good at ignoring Meta-knowledge and have not yet read much to add to what is written in the summaries of the adventures, or other sources, but: Carefull, if you´d please?

RedPorcupine wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:


I suggest "building out" a few custom events for your players, especially if you want to foreshadow events to come.

Uggh..Hrmrmm...Man, sooner or later my GM will have time to check in here and i´d rather not have more Meta-knowledge to admit to than strictly necessary. He´ll have a good piece of my hide for the Jabberwocky alone, but i´m not to fault for that, as it appeared in the threads headline, unfortunately.

I´m pretty good at ignoring Meta-knowledge and have not yet read much to add to what is written in the summaries of the adventures, or other sources, but: Carefull, if you´d please?

My apologies, RedPorcupine. I hadn't caught your original post as I was following a post link from another poster in this thread.

We started the campaign three weeks ago, so far managed fourteen sessions during the vacation. I am using the Old Margreve adventure, and lot of my own side-quests. It will be a really slow xp progression to fit the decades that will pass in the game (homebrew system that allows two major classes and a dip into 1-2 minor ones). The group is still far from ruling anything. One or two players have big plans tough.

Note that the setting is not exactly Golarion. Besides Midgard I mix in Eberron, the Realms, Planescape and a homebrew world based on Earth's history and mythology (for this campagin mostly Slavic). These are mostly PC’s, they are not very trusting.

Forawit (or Foracle, The Black Sheep): LN M Brevic (southern)-Yuir ancestry (from FR) human Dual-cursed Oracle. Mostly a conservative guy, bureaucrat, speaks like an idealist, acts the opposite. Believes in the old ways of Taldor (a bit like the Roman Republic). His family worked for a Crusader bank that supported colonization, but they fell into poverty after one ambitious venture. Forawit abandoned his faith in Comerike (Abadar-FR Waukeen mix) and seeks to start anew, returning to traditional values. He follows Veles-til (Erestil-Slavic Veles mix) and supports the Merkhant (PS) philosophy. His ambition is to become Censor, which will be above the Masters of Coins, Investments and Augury, Paths, Agriculture, Contracts and Public Morality. Or at least Pontifex Maximus, to suppress more oranized religion which he believes leads to decadence. Plans to offer Jhod an office of Tribune. Forawit wants to establish contacts with Druma. He's haunted by the spirits of his hill-men ancestors due to having a mark-gift-curse of mysterious First World origins.

Dassaro the Barrel Dancer: N F Varisan (west)-Nars (FR)-Yuir ancestry human Spellthief-Crypt Breaker Alchemist (minor)-Bard (minor). This robust and dark rogue grew up stealing and scavenging the megalithic ruins around Magnimar. Her father forced her to become the mason's apprentice, paying with a stone artifact he found. Years later she fled pursuing her true passion, dancing. She's a fanatic follower of the mysteries of Kha-dualos (Cayden-Dionysis mix) and the Sensate philosophy (PS). Her dancing group vanished during one celebration into the Narlmarches, taken by the forest, leaving her unworthy. Forawit intends for her to become the Master of Public Works and Colleges (guilds) by day and the Master of Ceremonies by night (Aedile). She means to challenge him for the high priest position and make the bacchanalia the First Rite.

Fantin-bor: NG M human (of mixed Taldan or Chondathan, and Nar, Yuir descent) Fighter-Gladiator-Swordsage. Former landless peasant from Rostland who fled to Tymon to fight in the arena. Then recruited by a nomadic group who specialized in mock fights and shows of athleticism. Until almost all of them were slain by a spirit-possessed mechanical behemoth from Numeria. Fantin-bor fights with an alchemically enhanced bastard spatha, retractable tortoise shield and a razornet. He wants to take the ridiculous title First Sword of the Empire (like in Malazan) and fight with a small unit in the front line (teamwork feats). That angers Forawit who sees more profit in arenas than in war.

Calsul: NPC fey eidolon. Master of the Tenfold Way, Calsul was a member of count Renalc’s court. He’s immaterial, only with those he he has chosen to train his weapons and arms become tangible like a field of force. He was a spiritual guide of the fighting troupe Fantin-bor travelled with, who according to him were all fey-blooded. Fantin-bor had to find four new members, each to be tought two new martial disciplines, all according to their personality. Forawit is becoming aware of Calsul’s martial lore and intends to propose the title of dux (general).

Pya Orsini, The Bomb of Ochre: CG F human (of Taldan, Kellid-Ashfield ancestry) wordcaster-wizard-primalist-bard (archaeologist dip). She was schooled in classic arts, being a niece of a former venture-captain from Tymon. Her aunt left her books on two lost cultures she explored, one called the Ashfield (homebrew, from where her fiery magic originates) and the cyclopean. Pya is very direct, charismatic and a skilled orator. Wants to take the place of the First Speaker (princeps senatus) when the Assembly forms and involve in international relations. The main area of her research is the magic of names, symbols and cyphers. She learned to detect ley lines, nodes and First World crossroads, which will be taken into consideration before building any settlements.

Mechs: LN M Nar human hologram psion-shaper-wizard-transmuter. Once an apprentice of the Technic League, until being ritually sacrificed for his failures. His soul ended in Axis but soon returned to life when a strange Numerian device recreated his body. He’s in symbiosis with a paracletus aeon, that functions as a psicrystal and projects the hologram. Mechs is under geas to investigate the Old Margreve, feeling it’s related to the starship’s crash. Most of his research is about ectoplasm, clockworks and constructs. He wants to build a mobile artificial island in the Candlemere. Forawit wants him to take the role of Praetor (magister) and in other times focus on more agressive uses of constructs. Mechs believes that most of the ruling should be left to uncorruptible artificial intelligence or bound spirits from Axis, Mechanus and Dwolanx, but realizes that is an impossible dream, even convincing others.

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