Favorite Backup Weapons

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

I am asking what weapons people like to have their characters carry as back-up, or an extra weapon to overcome DR. I am not asking what you think is best; only what other weapons you carry, ranged included.

My PFS Dwarven Fighter carries some throwing axes and a silver warhammer, for extra dwarfiness.

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weapon blanched ammunition

Liberty's Edge

Theconiel carries an alchemical silver dagger, a cold iron dagger and a hanbo. Thus, she can get through any DR except adamantine (in melee). She also has weapon blanche arrows with cold iron, silver and adamantine (efficient quiver).

Why a hanbo? It's simple (proficiency), light (finesse) and does 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Daggers can inflict either piercing or slashing damage.

Her primary weapon is an enchanted rapier.

Dark Archive

Iacobus (Blackblade Magus) carrys a Longbow as a backup. And a Scimitar as a main.

Mhorail (Zen archer) uses his fists

Finek Ares used a longsword (Elven Alchemist) as a backup for his longbow/bombs. Most fun I have ever had with a backup weapon. Drinking mutagen and then picking up where the recently fallen tank had left off was always a blast no matter how many times it got me KOed.

Stolen from someone else

Spiked Gauntlet(silver) 10g

Spiked Gauntlet(cold iron) 25g

Depends on the character. But generally, I like to have one ranged, one slashing, one bludgeoning, one piercing. A lot of times I try to combine two of those. For example, a Dagger takes care of P or S, and a light mace or quarterstaff (walking stick) takes care of Bludgeoning. For ranged, again, depends on the character. Anything from a brace of throwing daggers (which doubles as my p/s) or a bow. I almost never use crossbows or slings.

Man, I have a long list for my Cav-Pal:

Main mounted: Lance, with Spiked Shield
Backup mounted: Battle Axe, Light Hammers, Shortbow
Main on foot: Longsword, with Spiked Shield
Backup on foot: Lucerne Hammer (knightly pollax), Spear, Greatsword, Heavy Flail.


dagger (usually w/ spring loaded wrist sheathe)

composite bow

spiked gauntlet


and unarmed

in some cases, some of these even become primary weapons.

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Halflings -- if I run out I start using goblins -- but they don't last as long or get the same range when thrown.

Liberty's Edge

I always suggest to my players that they get a dagger for backup. It's the best weapon that literally every character can use. It's cheap. It's light. It has two damage types. It crits on a 19.

Grand Lodge

back up weapon of choice is Fireball but my primary weapon is Channel Negative Energy. :)

If forced to it I use a Morningstar or a dagger.

Alchemical blanching is a GREAT solution to the need for different weapons.

Liberty's Edge

Launcher variant crossbow and a lot of alchemical ammo. That usually solves my dr, resistance, and ranged problems.

Bayonet attachment for said crossbow.

A dagger and blanches, poisins, rope, and a quarter staff.

Caught off gaurd usually takes care of my need of excess back up weaponry.

My favorite backup weapons are Bluff and Stealth.

When I cannot use those I reach for a dagger or gauntlet.

Dark Archive

my favorite backup weapon is the one that destroys realities as an immediate action. you dont wanna know what my main weapon is...

Grand Lodge

Spiked gauntlets or the Cestus.

Name Violation wrote:
my favorite backup weapon is the one that destroys realities as an immediate action. you dont wanna know what my main weapon is...

I know I know!


Summon Abe

I carry...*ahem*

*10 throwing daggers,in a bandolier across my chest.
*2 poisoned daggers in spring-loaded sheathes at my wrists.
*A club.
*A shortbow.
*Smoke bombs,alchemist's fire,and tanglefoot bags.
*2 wakizashis at my waist.
*2 wakizashis across my back.
*A katana,also across my back.

And those are my secondaries!

Silvered dagger and cestus for lower levels. Generally dual wielding bastard sword and short sword, with a composite long bow for ranged. Cold iron and silvered arrows when I can get them, and a cold iron dagger follows. Weapon blanches and magic weapon oil soon after that.

Usually a dagger and a hand axe. Both are multipurpose tools which comes down to economy for total weight carried.

Grand Lodge

sphar wrote:

I carry...*ahem*

*10 throwing daggers,in a bandolier across my chest.
*2 poisoned daggers in spring-loaded sheathes at my wrists.
*A club.
*A shortbow.
*Smoke bombs,alchemist's fire,and tanglefoot bags.
*2 wakizashis at my waist.
*2 wakizashis across my back.
*A katana,also across my back.

And those are my secondaries!

I see I'm not the only one that has a ninja who would die if he fell down some stairs the wrong way. What are your primary weapons?

My ninja carries 20 shuriken, 200 arrows, 1 composite longbow, 1 kusarigama, 1 giant shuriken (actually just a large size category spear), 2 cestus, a morningstar, 2 wakizashi, 2 katanas, 2 nunchaku, and 10 throwing daggers. The only weapon which you can see is the giant shuriken, because I'd need a portable hole to hide it, and I'm not even going to try.

Silver Crusade

Mr. Damocles uses a longspear as his secondary. Cause enlarged reach is fun, especially when lead blades is added. Most of the time, though, I get past DR the old fashioned way: DR 5 is nothing when I hit you with a 3d6 + 8 blade that crits out to 15.

I tend to use a Long spear (its a spiked walkingstick used for springing traps , scaling terrain and anything else i can perceive sometimes the hardest question can have the simplest answer use a long stick) , A Dagger , A Bow with a quiver of 16 arrows (3 are rope cutting) , a bandolier of darts , o and i always always carry a hammer .

I tend to be a utilitarian i remember one time i stopped a group of guards for 6 rounds by using a light hammer to plant some pitons into the wall (one on each side of the door ) and 4 on the ground (in front of said door) , i then placed a mop i grabbed a minute ago while we were fleeing through the servants quarters on the pitons that were nailed unto the wall serving as a makeshift bar.

this gave my group enough time to construct a giant rope out of smaller ropes , bedsheets , clothing , the bards whip and a tablecloth . allowing us (most of us ) to scale down the towers wall while holding unto a butt naked noblewoman , sadly the barbarian died protecting us while we were shimmying to safety, the gm rewarded the barbarians player though with a exp bonus on his next character and i was rewarded for out of the box thinking .

we later ransomed the girl back to her father for 30k gold and used that money to bribe a blue dragon to aid in the defense of village on the brink of destruction by barbarians .

fun times o and thats why you allow a rogue to lead the group.

My TWF STR Ranger and Two Weapon Warrior both use Chackrams for ranged from and efficient quiver 'bandolieer' for ranged and Twin light maces when their Scimitar/Kukri and Duel Scimitars run into DR.

If you can only carry one, there is only one answer:

+1 silver (or cold iron) dagger - magical and silver, simple weapon, and short - so you can use it IF YOU GET SWALLOWED.

If you are worried about getting disarmed, or a melee weapon if you are an archer type, the choices are myriad. But you should always have a dagger.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I have a 4th-level fighter in PFS with the following:

Main weapon: Masterwork flail
Ranged: Masterwork STR+4 composite longbow, with supplies of both normal and blunted arrows
Alt1: Masterwork cold iron scimitar
Alt2: Masterwork silver scimitar

How important is it to have a piercing weapon?

Dark Archive

Ninjaxenomorph wrote:

I am asking what weapons people like to have their characters carry as back-up, or an extra weapon to overcome DR. I am not asking what you think is best; only what other weapons you carry, ranged included.

My PFS Dwarven Fighter carries some throwing axes and a silver warhammer, for extra dwarfiness.

If I can mannage it, a dagger. If not then the phrase is "as club."

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

My dwarf fighter has the Caught Off Guard feat. Her favorite backup weapon is whatever she can get her hands on (usually her favorite barstool, which she takes with her everywhere). :)

Most of my other characters have the standard issue backup dagger, nothing exciting.

I am pretty sure nearly every PC I have made carried a dagger and a club.

@Kais86:My mains are actually wakizashis as well,but they're the ones I keep poisoned.Always. :D

And,I also carry a pair of sais,and I would keep a sickle and chain if I could...

I've always carried daggers, mostly because I make characters whose primary weapon are daggers. I yell at the other guys in my group when they don't buy them. In real life, I always have a knife or two on me, too useful not to.

Especially that time the paladin got swallowed by a dinosaur fifteen minutes after I chastised him for only carrying a maul.

Grand Lodge

sphar wrote:

@Kais86:My mains are actually wakizashis as well,but they're the ones I keep poisoned.Always. :D

And,I also carry a pair of sais,and I would keep a sickle and chain if I could...

Why can't you?

Light pick. It's funny if you crit nicely with a back-up.

For my 3.5 ninja character, 1 falchion as main, two more of different construction as back-ups on person, a few more in dimensional hole. +1 giant/elf bane kukri, some shurikens, a bronze shortsword and a hide-away duom.

I also almost forgot the poison wrist blade contraption, and sometimes some bombs.

Depends on the game. normally I go with Silver or Cold Iron daggers, Adamantium if possible, and a Mace of late. And then there was the dagger made with weaponized salt...

@Kais86:Because,even with a Mwk Backpack,my ninja is still a weakling on the inside :P

I always make sure to have a dagger, if only to quell my inner need for a semblance of realism: no one goes into the wilderness without a survival knife, unless they're insane. The knife is absolutely essential. Also, as was mentioned, it has two damage types, a range increment, 10% crit threat, is light, cheap, always handy, and can be used to cut your way out of something that swallows you.

But when it makes sense (ex: when I play strength/melee oriented characters) I tend to pick up a morningstar in addition to the dagger. The dagger is rarely used, honestly, as is the morning star, but having two weapons with dual damage types is a great way to feel prepared. Also, a morningstar is an intimidating weapon, if you really think about it. IMAGINE being attacked with one, seriously. A sword cuts, a rapier pokes a hole in you... this thing smashes and pokes and presumably tears stuff away in the follow-through. It's a brutal weapon, as most bludgeoning weapons are, but this one has spikes. I love it.

I have used slings as back up ranged weapons, particularly with high Str characters, for the added damage. The damage isn't any more terrible than a dagger, and it's really good for fighting skeletons at range.

I once Had a wizard that I forgot to buy a weapon for, but I was using a Certain Wotc supplement which I made an Iron spell book with Iron pages. So at one point I ran out of spells per day, and decided to run into melee and start beating the monsters with my spell book. The infamous part of this was it work on a regular basis so I ended up making it part of the characters normal strategy.

My current character has on him:

Main- Mithral Greatsword
Alt 1- Composite Longbow +4
Alt 2- Warhammer
Alt 3- Spiked Gauntlet
Alt 4- Dagger x10

my current Jade Regent PBP fighter has the following (reflavored)

a club
a bastard sword
a shortsword
a dagger
a longbow
her limbs

and the oracle i am trying to join a Rise of the Runelords PBP with carries the following weapons despite her being mostly a noncombatant

a dagger (primarily a surgical tool)
a hanbo (for self defense)
her limbs

Grand Lodge

sphar wrote:
@Kais86:Because,even with a Mwk Backpack,my ninja is still a weakling on the inside :P

Drop the backpack when you get into combat. Then you can carry all of your weapons.

a knife, it's a classic and incredibly useful.

except my barbarians, he carries a few alchemists fire to coup de grace by stuffing a one in the ennemies mouth an kick him as hard as he can in the chin and cheering if the head comes off flying.

@Kais86:I'll still be overencumbered D: and I'm a Dex fighter so it'll kill me.

@Richard:Lmao,that barbarian is epic.

Grand Lodge

sphar wrote:

@Kais86:I'll still be overencumbered D: and I'm a Dex fighter so it'll kill me.

@Richard:Lmao,that barbarian is epic.

What? By dropping your backpack? 1 less strength is usually about 5-10 lbs. the backpack itself weighs 2lbs. plus it's contents, so if you drop it, and all the stuff inside it, you should lose a lot of weight. Masterwork backpacks are 4lbs. each, so if you are carrying over 6 pounds of stuff in it, you can drop it when you need your dex.

Dark Archive

My PFS character (Cavalier/4) carries:

Bastard Sword +1 (main weapon, with Adamantine weapon blanche for emergencies)
Cold Iron Lance (for obvious reasons)
Alchemical Silver Flail (in AD&D, it would have been a Horseman's Flail, naturally).
Pilum (for ranged work)

A cold iron dog-slicer or shortsword (saw-backed) and a silvered throwing axe or dagger, always a couple of small blades: daggers, darts, war-razor.

Quote: Logen "The Bloody-Nine" Ninefingers : you can´t have too many knifes.

or Murpy: it´s physical impossibility to carry too much ammo.

The Exchange

Not exactly favorite, but more desperate backup weapons...

The party was stripped of items but had a pair of shields on hand as we fled into the wilderness, where we ran into a large crab. We had to shield bash the crab to deathn (and that took a while), with much pain to my character who was the crab's grapple buddy for the entire encounter.

punch daggers...
BBEG of the day did the fear thing and all but one failed, dropping our weapons into the fog/mist that went up to our waist. Most started running... So when most of us finally got out of our fear, our main weapons were not immediately available so it was desperate actions, with some weapons flying off into the mist on crit failures... the last two standing characters down to punch daggers flanking and hoping for the best in doing enough damage to take 'em down.

General backup weapons:
Dagger - Obvious versatility, in and out of combat. If a non-caster, get two (silver & cold iron)
Sap - A good way to deal nonlethal damage without sucking.

More specific backup weapons:
Light Crossbow / Shortbow - So melee attackers can attack that pesky flying enemy, or to let low level casters save their spell slots for later.

Spiked Gauntlets - So spellcasters & ranged attackers always threaten and provide flank.

Armor Spikes - So Melee guys with Reach weapons aren't too boned when an enemy bases with them.

Morningstar, FTW. B and P damage, so your sword-slasher fighter has another decent way to damage slash-resistant creatures. Make it silver or cold iron for extra versatility.

Daggers or clubs for everyone. You can throw them, if you have to.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Alchemical silver battle aspergillum (APG); unless restricted by class weapon proficiencies

One alchemical silver and one cold iron dagger

Several each of alchemical silver and cold iron arrows/bolts/bullets (depending on the character's ranged weapon)


For me, it really depends on the character. Some of my recent ones have included:

Attila (Human gypsy Cleric/Harrower):
Primary: Harrow Deck / Spells

Backups: Dagger x2 (for throwing)
Punching Dagger (first choice for melee backup)
Sword-breaker Dagger (for sundering/disarming)
Bladed Scarf (when there's a risk of getting grappled)
Whip (for short ranged maneuvers)
Urumi (when things get really dangerous)

Vega Surtova (Human Monk):
Primary: Fists

Backups: Masterwork Shurikens
+1 Undead Bane Shurikens
+1 Adamantine Construct Bane Shurikens

LoTae Zhao (Elf Weapon Master Fighter):
Primary: Elven Curve Blade (heirloom)

Backup: Short Bow

Sir Orrin Neville-Smythe (Halfling Cavalier):
Primary: Lance

Backups: Shield (for bashing)
Carolinus (his mount, a deinonychus. Go claw+claw+talon+talon+bite!)
Giles Cantibiel (his cohort via leadership, a wolf riding whip wielding bard)

Rilock of Reyalis (semi-blind Sorcerer, earth elemental bloodline w/a low Int and a low Wis):
Primary: Greatsword

Backups: Spells (almost all of which were utility spells and transmutations that affected areas / earth)


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