Glawng Ghawn |

@ Jangis
You and Zierka must be twins because you are both claiming to be the oldest. I guess we could leave it as twins, or it could be a bone of contention because our parents were never really clear on who came first.
BTW which teamwork feats should we take? I am leaning toward precise strike, look out, or duck and cover.

Zierka |

@ Jangis
You and Zierka must be twins because you are both claiming to be the oldest. I guess we could leave it as twins, or it could be a bone of contention because our parents were never really clear on who came first.
BTW which teamwork feats should we take? I am leaning toward precise strike, look out, or duck and cover.
I'm at work so don't have access to the teamworks feat. (Somehow we have access to this website, but not the SRD.) BTW I believe we only get 4-6 characters. Any idea what we're at at this point?

Jangis Ghawn |

Zierka can be oldest, no problem. Although I think multiple births are common among orcs, so maybe we can be twins--or I could be Gromor's twin, based on ages.
Let's try to get our family history in order. We've got:
Zierka Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Jangis Ghawn, 23, Ranger
Gromor Ghawn, 23, Summoner
Rhesus Ghawn, Monk
Glawng Ghawn, 17, Rogue
Dric Ghawn, adopted, 25, Monk
Basil Kettering Ghawn, 25, Barbarian

Dric "The Quarter Orc" Ghawn |

well, it does meet the requirements of being found on the website, but its not very useful in a fight. it only increases your str for carry cap and encumbrance, not for actual fighting. so sure, you can take it and be "nodwick the henchman", but wont get a bonus in fights...
I'd like to point out the line where I said I wanted to be able to use a table in a bar fight. I did the math and found out I can pick up a maximum of 600 pounds and drag 1500.
I will be the strongest halfling in the world!

Azure_Zero |

We also have interest by
Paizo Fan looking to make an Oracle
and Tiny Cofee Golem looking to make a Cleric
So you don't like the Witch I am planning, who can Heal, Buff, and Blast as a party member?
And Jangis Ghawn's list shows the party as melee heavy. And only one arcane caster (summoner), whom has a smaller casting list compared to a sorcerer or witch.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

We also have interest by
Paizo Fan looking to make an Oracle
and Tiny Cofee Golem looking to make a Cleric
I was looking for a little feedback on the character concept before I continued.
Half orc Cleric worshiper of the Coyote (native amerrican nomatic trickster). Domains are Travel and Trickery. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Snide remarks?

Glawng Ghawn |

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:Snide remarks?You just couldn't worship a wolf, could you? Oh no, you had to worship the cowardly little coyote that slinks around looking for the left-overs of real predators!
*checks pocket*
Hey, where'd my coins go?
Sittin in the corner counting coins.

Jangis Ghawn |

I also can't access d20pfsrd at work, but I do have access to the Paizo PRD.
Here are the teamwork feats Glawng is referring to:
Precise Strike: When you and a Precise Strike ally flank a creature, you both get an additional +1d6 damage.
Lookout: When you are adjacent to a Lookout ally, you can act in the surprise round if he/she can act, on your initiative or your ally's initiative -1, whichever is lower. If you both can act in the surprise round without Lookout, then you both get a standard and a move action in the surprise round.
Duck and Cover: When you and an adjacent Duck and Cover ally both need to make a Reflex saving throw, you may choose to take your ally's result instead of your own. If you do, you are knocked prone. You get +2 AC vs. ranged attacks if your ally has a shield.

Rhesus Ghawn |

Rhesus is 19, having traveled for a few years after the clan kicked him out for always trying to clean the cave. Always one to desire order, Rhesus couldn't stand the chaos of his brothers and sisters. Ma and Pa were never supportive of Rhesus' attempts to clean, saying they knew right where everything belonged. Rhesus still carries a small gasket off their still to remember them by.
Heavily scarred from rituals performed on him during his travels, Rhesus wandered onto the grounds of a temple of Irori during a blizzard, half starved and mostly frozen to death. He was taken in by the monks, but during his recovery he wandered into their garden and proceeded to eat most of their herbs and mushrooms. This experience taught Rhesus both the secrets to the universe and an incredible stew recipe.
Although the monks were upset they recognized the potential of their newest member, and trained him in the ways of Irori. After several years of study Rhesus left the monastery with the blessings of the monks and instructions to never eat mushrooms without first identifying them again.
Need to change a trait around when I get home and then Rhesus is finalized for application.

Glawng Ghawn |

My edit was deleted...
So here are the others that have expressed interest.
Paizo Fan -- Oracle
Tiny Coffee Golem -- Cleric
Desriden ---- wizard
Azure Zero -- Witch
DM has suggested that we needed a cleric and that crafting for a wizard type might be a good idea. I have not played or looked at the World’s Largest Dungeon other than the link posted by the DM, so I do not know how likely it is that we pick up the equipment we need on the way, including magical stuff or if we have to make it as we go. I figured in a classical dungeon crawl we would meet traps, secret doors, and other devices so I put emphasis in these areas for my rogue. I have basically +11 for perception of hidden things and +11 on disable devises.
BTW the cooperative feat of precise strike requires BAB of at leasat 1 so most of us will not get that until 2 level but the added 1d6 of damage per attack when flanking i think is worth the wait.

Jangis Ghawn |

I picked up Knowledge(Dungeoneering), Cavewight, Profession(Miner), and a bunch of spelunking and mining gear for the trip. I'm wondering if we've got enough food and water--maybe I should pick up some more. I'm not planning to carry coin into the dungeon.
Precise Strike is on my short list of feats, now. I considered picking up the Dirty Fighter trait, too...

Gromor Ghawn |

BTW which teamwork feats should we take? I am leaning toward precise strike, look out, or duck and cover.
I would say precise strike, except it has prerequisites that not everyone is going to meet, so unless we are allowed to ignore the prerequisites, it's not viable. I'm thinking that the CMD and CMB teamwork feats would be good, so would the two you posted.

Desriden |

Hello again. I figured the wizard route would be the way to go, but I wanted to make sure. Are we using the normal crafting rules, too? If so, i need to go read them, lol.
I'll post a character and his sheet later tonight. I need to plan it a bit. I probably will go universalist ( bleh!) so I can make as many items as possible. I'll do a little research today and see.

Glawng Ghawn |

Glawng Ghawn wrote:I would say precise strike, except it has prerequisites that not everyone is going to meet, so unless we are allowed to ignore the prerequisites, it's not viable. I'm thinking that the CMD and CMB teamwork feats would be good, so would the two you posted.
BTW which teamwork feats should we take? I am leaning toward precise strike, look out, or duck and cover.
While I have not posed it to the DM, I am hoping he will let us take that feat even if we do not currently have the BAB +1, and have it "activiated" when we meet the requirements. I think it would fit the senerio we are creating. I am hoping it will not be long before we level up.

Groltsch Ghawn |

I am submitting Groltsch Ghawn as a polearm wielding fighter.
I did just do up his entire character sheet and then had the site decide not to save it so I will be doing it up again in a little bit.
Question for DM: Am planning to take a Bardiche as my primary weapon. As it was not in the rules when this module was written I am wondering if you will be adjusting loots to match some carried weapons.

Jangis Ghawn |

Do we all need to take the same teamwork feats? I could imagine that some of us could have different feats depending on our roles. For example, Paizo Fan's Oracle idea (which I'm calling Auntie Ghawn for now) might not do nearly as well with Precise Strike, compared to some of us front-liners.
I'm thinking Precise Strike and Lookout for Jangis. Is anyone planning to use a shield? Jangis isn't.
ETA: Also let's note that if someone can't choose a given feat at the start, they can always pick it up later. I bet I'd take a couple more Teamwork Feats over time to match the rest of the family.

Jangis Ghawn |

don't both people have to have the teamwork feat for it to work?
Inquisitors and Cavaliers can do special things with teamwork feats. But in general, yes.
The big difference is that not all teamwork feats work best for all members. A stand-in-back spell slinger, for example, won't get nearly as much use out of Precise Strike as someone on the front lines. I might recommend Shielded Caster or Swap Places for such a character.

Desriden |

As for the cleric situation, we'll eventually need some little used spell to remove some condition and clerics get every spell. Also, that will help in crafting. A Ring of Protection requires Shield of Faith to make. Not having that increases the chance of making a cursed item. Which is quite fun until someone loses a gender.

Dric "The Quarter Orc" Ghawn |

It was a strange twist of fate that brought the orphaned Dric to the Ghawn family cave, a weary 6 six year-old who couldn’t think of anything but getting out of the storm and getting close to the fire. He walked into the half-orc filled cave boldly and sitting next to their fire, where he promptly fell asleep. Impressed by such a tiny child’s bravery, he was adopted when the Ghawn’s were able to figure out Dric couldn’t remember his parents.
Years passed, and Dric realized he was not as helpful to his family as the rest of his siblings. He was not a strong, and he lacked the frightening quality half-orcs have. So, wanting like all children to be useful, Drick began to use an time he had to work on getting stronger. Somehow hiding this for years, he was eventually lifting rocks three times his weight and throwing them around. Now he could be useful.
Growing older led to going to taverns for a drink, and on his first time to one he started a bar fight. Some elven lout had dared to insult his family! The fight didn’t last long, and after quite literally throwing people out of the bar, Dric found that he had a side-job as a bouncer. He treated his family to a night of ale and food… and another bar fight. But what was the point of going to a tavern if you didn’t have a little fun?
Lucky for the sheriff, Dric was restrained by his adoptive siblings (they had to pick him up to do it) when Mamma and Papa Ghawn were executed. Boulders would have flown otherwise. Wanting nothing more than to leave this town until he could come back and clear his parent’s names, Dric grabbed Papa Ghawn first hunting spear when everyone decided to move.
Finally got this finished.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

As for the cleric situation, we'll eventually need some little used spell to remove some condition and clerics get every spell. Also, that will help in crafting. A Ring of Protection requires Shield of Faith to make. Not having that increases the chance of making a cursed item. Which is quite fun until someone loses a gender.
building my coyote cleric now. Any ideas for good names for this half orc?

Glawng Ghawn |

Desriden wrote:As for the cleric situation, we'll eventually need some little used spell to remove some condition and clerics get every spell. Also, that will help in crafting. A Ring of Protection requires Shield of Faith to make. Not having that increases the chance of making a cursed item. Which is quite fun until someone loses a gender.building my coyote cleric now. Any ideas for good names for this half orc?
How about Gowing Gowing Ghawn or Phar Ghawn? :-)

Zierka |

As for the cleric situation, we'll eventually need some little used spell to remove some condition and clerics get every spell. Also, that will help in crafting. A Ring of Protection requires Shield of Faith to make. Not having that increases the chance of making a cursed item. Which is quite fun until someone loses a gender.
I can easily modify Zierka to be a Cleric. I was trying to decide between the two classes, and went with Inquisitor mainly because I haven't played one before, but the concept of an Undead Hunter for Pharasma works with a cleric as well. It would just need a couple of tweaks. I'll change it tonight. I use HeroLab, so I'll just make the modifications and save it as a separate file.

Groltsch Ghawn |

Groltsch's character sheet is done, need to do equipment and story yet.
Is gold max or average? (or roll it?)
Is Rich Parents available as a trait? I would assume if we are all family that it would be a large cache that was discovered or something similar rather than actually having family money.
Teamwork Feats: My suggestions for these would be Swap Places (Have used this one in a RL game, it is brilliant for getting people into and out of dangerous situations), and then one of the following two: Duck and Cover (Who doesn't like rolling multiple d20s to make saving throws), Lookout (Act in the surprise or if you already are, get a full round action).
I do like Precise Strike but the pre-reqs might render it unworkable.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Desriden wrote:As for the cleric situation, we'll eventually need some little used spell to remove some condition and clerics get every spell. Also, that will help in crafting. A Ring of Protection requires Shield of Faith to make. Not having that increases the chance of making a cursed item. Which is quite fun until someone loses a gender.I can easily modify Zierka to be a Cleric. I was trying to decide between the two classes, and went with Inquisitor mainly because I haven't played one before, but the concept of an Undead Hunter for Pharasma works with a cleric as well. It would just need a couple of tweaks. I'll change it tonight. I use HeroLab, so I'll just make the modifications and save it as a separate file.
I've got a cleric on the way. I's asctually already on paper. I just have to transfer it over. t

Azure_Zero |

Good luck, everyone. I've been running a tabletop World's Largest Dungeon for a little over two years. The party is a little less than halfway through and they've gone through 46 characters.
"HOLY Cosmos ... That's one whopper of a lizard" - Vegeta on namek seeing the namekian dragon
The party went through that many characters


IF everyone takes the Precise Strike teamwork feat, ill waive the +1 bab prereq.
list of PCs so far
Zierka "chaka" Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Jangis "hardly" Ghawn, Ranger
Gromor "gopher" Ghawn, Summoner
Rhesus "barely" Ghawn, Monk
Glawng "Gone" Ghawn, Rogue
Dric "the 1/4 orc" Ghawn, Monk
Basil "Kettering" Ghawn, Barbarian
Desriden, wizard
Groltsch "gullet" Ghawn, polearm fighter
Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman (played by tiny golem)
Grandma Ghawn, seer
Mostly Ghawn, a witch, played by azure-zero.
did i get everyone?

Groltsch Ghawn |

Velcro Zipper wrote:Good luck, everyone. I've been running a tabletop World's Largest Dungeon for a little over two years. The party is a little less than halfway through and they've gone through 46 characters.SHHHHHH...dont spook the PC's!!!
I feel as though there may be more than a few brothers and sisters and cousins wandering in the WLD after the fact to replace those who have fallen.
I have heard that this is a nasty nasty module and you face some very nasty critters.DEWN: My background and character description are now updated on my profile page.
Also, see the question I asked before about unusual weapons and chances of finding ones in the WLD. My assumption is that you will tailor it as needed.

Jamroar Ghawn |

Here is the arcane spellcaster for all our crafting needs! He is a specialist conjurer wizard with enchantment and necromancy as opposition schools. I might take the arcane discovery to remove the enchantment opposition later on.
He has scribe scroll at first level. He'll pick up Craft Wondrous Item at level 3 and Craft Armors and Armor at level 5. If he lives after that, we can all decide what other creation feats should be picked up.
Heirloom item: A well-worn book Jamroar read often as a child and took with him to school. His parents said it was passed down from his grandfather, a powerful sorcerer. He had never heard of the spellcaster before they gave him the book or after.

Paizo Fan |

Grandma Ghawn wrote:Hopefully, that's where Grandma's powers of divination will come in handy. Profile updated!did you mod your attributes to reflect her age? age modifiers are in full effect...
I did for Middle Age and have just realised I bumped her to Old Age halfway through. I will make the necessary adjustments this evening.


WOW... the body count-er, the PC count for this adventure is up 13.
ok. new plan. instead of dropping 6-7 pcs, what i will instead do is run 2 campaigns at the same time, through the dungeon.
that said, i will pick two PC's at random to act as unoffical captains, and then everyone else can pick a camp to fall in to.
camp 1) Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman
Camp 2) Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, wizard.

Azure_Zero |

WOW... the body count-er, the PC count for this adventure is up 13.
ok. new plan. instead of dropping 6-7 pcs, what i will instead do is run 2 campaigns at the same time, through the dungeon.
that said, i will pick two PC's at random to act as unoffical captains, and then everyone else can pick a camp to fall in to.camp 1) Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman
Camp 2) Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, wizard.
Camp 2 Selected