Fantasy movies that put you in a D&D mood


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Silver Crusade

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Hey all, let's share some fantasy movies that have you thinking of gaming while/after you watch them. I will put my list below. I have heard some terrible things about some of them, but I love them all, even today.

Beastmaster (the first)
Ladyhawke (The scene where he is sword fighting and throws his dagger, clasic)
Krull (classic D&D themes there)
Clash of the Titans (The original, the new one ws just a generic action movie to me)

Hawk the Slayer
Dragon (~2000 movie that is low budget but not bad)
For low budget slock:
Barbarian Queen

Vampire Hunter D
Shogun Assassin
Ninja Scroll
Seven Voyages of Sinbad
Dragon Slayer

hehe am all old school

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First thing that came to mind was Stardust (which I highly recommend, by the way).

But also (is this too obvious?) Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

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I have to agree with some of these.
Beast master {freaking classic}
Ladyhawk {also classic and must watch}
Clash of the titans
dragon slayer
Stardust{ fantastic }

I would add in no order
Jason and the Argonauts
The Princess Bride
How to train your dragon
Monty Python and the Holy Grail [yep comic but makes me wanna play)
The Dark Crystal
Treasure planet
Pirates of the Caribbean {all of em}

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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seekerofshadowlight wrote:

The Princess Bride

How to train your dragon

How did I forget these?!? Anyone have Atonement prepared today? :(

Grand Lodge

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A Flight of Dragons
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Ninja Scroll
Rebuild of Evangelion
Pitch Black
The Matrix
Robin Hood: Men in Tights

Another one

Reign of fire

Liberty's Edge

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I'm only naming one.

Record of Lodoss War

Granted, the whole thing is just based on one big D&D campaign so it's kind of hard not to think of gaming when I'm watching it.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
A Flight of Dragons

Probably one of the most influential movies of all time for me.

The idea that logic and rational thinking will allow you to vanquish the BBEG but also shut you away from the world whence that BBEG came from left a huge impression in the child that I was... even to this day.


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Caligula. The uncensored version, of course.

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When people say "Conan," I assume they're referring to the 1982 Conan the Barbarian movie. I never saw it. (It's one of the many, many movies on my "to-see" list, but so low on that list that I'll probably never get around to it. :( ) But once, I happened to catch Conan the Destroyer on TV, and it gave me an urge to play an RPG like I had never felt before.

And yeah, I remember seeing A Flight of Dragons, while I was running my first successful D&D campaign ever. I felt that if I ever got around to creating a pantheon for my D&D world at that time, I would make it consist of 4 gods, based on the 4 magic brothers.

And yeah, at that time I thought that the idea of denying magic giving you the ability to defeat it was neat. But later I dismissed the idea. If defeating magic is that easy, EVERYONE would do it, and that would be that. (And presumably, in the "Flight of Dragons" story, many people were denying magic, as evidenced by the diminishing power of the brothers.)

Alot of good movies, and anime mentioned.

Here is a few I would like to add to the list.

The Sword and the Sorcerer
Rune Soldier
Prince of Persia
Flesh and Blood
Brotherhood of the Wolf

Sovereign Court

Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
Return of the King
the Hobbit (cartoon)
Fire and Ice
1st Conan movie
Kingdom of Heaven
The Eagle
Rob Roy
Robin Hood with Errol Flynn
Captain Blood with Errol Flynn
All 4 PotC
Beowulf and Grendel
Ivanhoe original and remake with Steven Waddington
The Vikings
13th Warrior
King Arthur
Dark Crystal
Triston and Isolde
How to train your dragon
The Sinbad movies like the one with Patrick Wayne and Jane Seymour

Liberty's Edge

Red Sonja is the movie that got me to buy the D&D Red Box.

Other films that I consider important:

  • 7th Voyage of Sinbad
  • A Chinese Ghost Story
  • Against the Drunken Cat's Paw
  • Alien
  • Aliens
  • Amazons
  • Army of Darkness
  • Ator, The Blade Master
  • Barbarella
  • Barbarian Queen I & II
  • Battle Beyond the Stars
  • Beastmaster
  • Big Trouble in Little China
  • C.H.U.D.
  • City of Lost Children
  • Clash of the Titans
  • Conquest
  • Deathstalker II
  • Doctor Mordrid
  • Dragonslayer
  • Dune
  • Eliminators
  • Excalibur
  • Flash Gordon
  • Flesh + Blood
  • Gor
  • Hawk the Slayer
  • Hearts and Armor
  • Hell Comes To Frogtown
  • Highlander
  • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Ice Pirates
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
  • King Solomon's Mines
  • Krull
  • Labyrinth
  • LadyHawke
  • Legend
  • Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
  • Masters of the Universe
  • Nightmare on Elm Street 3: The Dream Warriors
  • Ninja III: The Domination
  • Nymphoid Barbarian in a Dinosaur Hell
  • Outlaw of Gor
  • Planet of the Apes
  • Predator
  • Pumpkinhead
  • Puppet Master I-IV
  • Rawhead Rex
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Return to Oz
  • She
  • She-Wolves of the Wasteland
  • Sheena
  • Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
  • Sorceress
  • Space Raiders
  • Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone
  • Star Wars
  • Sword of the Valiant
  • The Barbarians
  • The Dark Crystal
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • The Ewok Adventure
  • The Golden Child
  • The Golden Voyage of Sinbad
  • The Last Starfighter
  • The Never-Ending Story
  • The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of Yik-Yak
  • The Princess Bride
  • The Road Warrior
  • The Sword and the Sorcerer
  • The Warrior and the Sorceress
  • The Warriors
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Time Bandits
  • Tremors
  • Viking Women
  • Warlock
  • Willow
  • Yellowbeard
  • Yor, The Hunter From The Future
  • Zardoz

    And I know I am forgetting at least a dozen or more titles.

    Animated Films

  • Fire & Ice
  • Heavy Metal (especially the Taarna segment)
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • The Black Cauldron
  • The Hobbit
  • The Last Unicorn
  • The Secret of NIMH
  • Wizards

  • Grand Lodge

    Your Highness

    There are so many that do & I'll forget many, & some of these are not just medieval fantasy, but here I go:

    -THIRTEENTH WARRIOR - Such a classic
    -Red Sonja - So bad it's good. & the sets & costumes are out of this world amazing. Pity they're the beautiful frame for a (fun) mess of a film.
    -Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust - the weirder, better, sequel. ("To the moon, Charlotte"..)
    -Seven Voyages of Sinbad
    -The first Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (for some reason the other two don't get me all Pathfinder-y like this one does)
    -The Dark Crystal
    -Pitch Black
    -Brotherhood of the Wolf
    -The first Pirates of the Caribbean (the only good one)
    -The Black Cauldron (though the movie strays quite a bit from the wonderful book)

    Jon Brazer Enterprises


    seekerofshadowlight wrote:


    Conan (both)
    Clash of the titans (the original, not the new crappy movie)
    Jason and the Argonauts
    The Princess Bride
    How to train your dragon
    Monty Python and the Holy Grail "RUN AWAY!"
    The Dark Crystal
    Pirates of the Caribbean (The Original Only)
    IceniQueen wrote:

    Lord of the Rings Trilogy

    1st Conan movie
    Kingdom of Heaven
    13th Warrior (THE Movie IMHO)
    Dark Crystal
    Gailbraithe wrote:

    The Never-Ending Story

    The Princess Bride (Worth mentioning a second time)

    Really? All those movies and no one mentions these?

    Monty Python's Life of Brian
    The Blood of Heroes
    Princess Mononoke
    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
    The Mummy
    The Name of the Rose
    The Amazing Screw-On Head
    Wild Hunt
    The Ninth Gate

    These are more SciFi than Fantasy
    Johnny Mnemonic
    Logan's Run
    12 Monkeys

    princess bride

    Sovereign Court

    Matt Gwinn wrote:

    Really? All those movies and no one mentions these?

    The Mummy

    Makes me want to play Call of Cthulu or some other horror based game


    These are more SciFi than Fantasy
    Johnny Mnemonic
    Logan's Run
    12 Monkeys

    Makes me want to play a Sci-Fi based game not a fantasy based game

    Jon Brazer Enterprises

    Matt Gwinn wrote:

    Princess Mononoke

    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

    These as well as:

    Hero (the Jet Li movie)
    House of Flying Daggers
    3 Kingdoms
    The Warriors
    Battle of the Warriors
    (ok any Andy Lau movie)

    all make me want to play Exalted. God I miss those days when I played that game regularly.

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    Pulp Fiction

    Oh my couatl how could I forget Serenity & Princess Mononoke?!?!?!

    In our circle of friends, the Princess Bride and Army of Darkness are required gamer movies. You can't game till you've seen them both, and both never fail to put us in the mood to game.

    Lathiira wrote:
    In our circle of friends, the Princess Bride and Army of Darkness are required gamer movies. You can't game till you've seen them both, and both never fail to put us in the mood to game.

    Interestingly enough I truly hate the Princess Bride due to overexposure during high school. Monty Python almost met the same fate, but fortunately my friends discovered MST3K just before I reached critical mass and so overexposure was avoided. Big fan of Army of Darkness, however.

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Great! Let's all sit down and watch it twenty times in a row!

    Freehold DM wrote:
    Lathiira wrote:
    In our circle of friends, the Princess Bride and Army of Darkness are required gamer movies. You can't game till you've seen them both, and both never fail to put us in the mood to game.
    Interestingly enough I truly hate the Princess Bride due to overexposure during high school. Monty Python almost met the same fate, but fortunately my friends discovered MST3K just before I reached critical mass and so overexposure was avoided. Big fan of Army of Darkness, however.

    Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail is our #3 movie :p I admit, not a big fan of the rest of the Monty Python stuff. I know what you mean about overexposure; I watched Princess Bride once or twice when I was younger, and then ignored it until I got to watch it again a few months ago. It's not something I can always watch, but there are few movies that qualify as such. LOTR, yes, probably, so long as I can fast-forward through parts of TT and ROTK to avoid dealing with Frodo. A few anime like Fate/Stay Night or Ghost in the Shell.

    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Great! Let's all sit down and watch it twenty times in a row!

    I think the current record is 5. There was one point in my life I could do the whole Brian Griffin from Family Guy thing where I could quote the movie line-for-freaking-line while sitting there with my eyes glazed over.

    Sovereign Court

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    The Fall.

    Utterly brilliant and beautiful movie, and never fails to spark a desire to play D&D.

    The Exchange

    Freehold DM wrote:
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Great! Let's all sit down and watch it twenty times in a row!
    I think the current record is 5. There was one point in my life I could do the whole Brian Griffin from Family Guy thing where I could quote the movie line-for-freaking-line while sitting there with my eyes glazed over.

    I can do that with a few movies, minus the eyes glazed over part. My wife hates it. She refuses to watch a movie more than once, unless it has been so long that she forgets details. Just watched Labyrinth, her copy by the way, for the first time since she got it 8 years ago. Mainly because the kids had not seen it.

    Grand Lodge

    I generally only rewatch movies when I'm sharing them with someone that hasn't seen them before. I can't think of any that I rewatch on my own.

    Jiggy wrote:
    First thing that came to mind was Stardust (which I highly recommend, by the way).

    + A million. Love the light fantasy feel of this movie. It was a nice surprise.

    So many have already been mentioned already, so this might seem a bit redundant.

    Conan the Barbarian
    Conan the Destroyer
    Sword and Sorcery
    Red Sonja
    Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one, especially)
    Road to El Dorado
    Golden Voyage of Sinbad
    Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
    Disney's Aladdin
    Disney's Aladdin and the King of Thieves
    Brotherhood of the Wolf
    The Mummy (Brenda Frasier version)
    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
    House of Flying Daggers
    Red Wall
    Three Kingdoms
    Eric the Viking
    13th Warrior
    Army of Darkness
    Ice Man
    Blair Witch Project
    Paranormal Activity
    Sleeping Beauty
    Road Warrior
    Prince of Persia and the Sands of Time
    Avatar: The Last Airbender (the tv series, really. I hated the movie)

    These are in no particular order of preference. I could think of more, but I have to run some errands.

    Sovereign Court

    Oh I forgot and I don't know how I forgot

    The Gamers


    Dorkness Rising

    Also Adventure quest
    The Guild

    Liberty's Edge

    Freehold DM wrote:
    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    Great! Let's all sit down and watch it twenty times in a row!
    I think the current record is 5. There was one point in my life I could do the whole Brian Griffin from Family Guy thing where I could quote the movie line-for-freaking-line while sitting there with my eyes glazed over.

    I can do that with Star Wars. I've seen it close to 600 times.

    Scarab Sages

    Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    The Keep
    Pan's Labyrinth

    Dark Archive

    Surprised it has only been mentioned one time so far. But Legend Tom Cruises best movie to date, classic DnD feel.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    bigkilla wrote:
    Surprised it has only been mentioned one time so far. But Legend Tom Cruises best movie to date, classic DnD feel.

    DANGIT! I was gonna pull that one out, but I get to the end of the thread and the very last post has it. XD When I was younger, I swore that whoever wrote that movie stole the whole idea from The Legend of Zelda. (I was around 5 and couldn't comprehend the fact that two characters could both have swords and shields and be trying to rescue a princess while aided by faeries.)

    EDIT: DOH! I missed the first mention of it. Musta' rolled a 1 on that Perception check...

    The Last Samurai is a good Cruise movie, too, though. I don't *like* Tom Cruise, but I do give him props for that movie, especially the amount of work he went through to do the action scenes justice. (Ujio rocked his socks, though. XD)

    I don't know why people hate on PotC so much. The first movie was probably the best, but I still really like the three sequels. I wish I could create scenarios in my games where loyalties could shift so quickly and carry so much tension, but my players would just kill everyone and be done with it.

    Stardust was an excellent call. Great movie, and I admittedly enjoyed the movie more than the book. Robert DiNiro was hilarious.

    Not for fantasy reasons, but for action: Taken. Liam Neeson is a BAMF, and just watching him beat on people. I hear the Count of Monte Cristo is good, too.

    So many good movies...

    Elora wrote:

    The Fall.

    Utterly brilliant and beautiful movie, and never fails to spark a desire to play D&D.

    Love this movie, wildly underrated, much better than it's rival Pan's Labyrinth and it's in English. If 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' can come up with 7 languages on the DVD, so can you Mr. Del Toro!

  • ANYTHING "zombie oriented"
  • The Postman
  • Water World
  • Ace Ventura (1&2) ...think druid...
  • Snow White & The Seven Dwarves (animated)
  • Fist of the Northstar (anime)

    Non-movie, epic series...

  • Claymore (anime)

    I think everything else that I would've mentioned, has been already.

  • To add to all that's been mentioned:

    The Chronicles of Narnia (all three)
    The Brothers Grimm
    The Secret of Kells
    Hellboy (both, although for different reasons)
    Prince Valiant (the 1997 version [mainly 'cause I haven't seen the earlier one...])

    The following, while not movies, should get a mention (& I'm not the first to mention a series in this thread...)
    A Game of Thrones
    Berserk (dark fantasy anime)
    Shadow Raiders
    the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon (a little too obvious, but... ;p )

    There are many more!

    -- C.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    The 13th Warrior

    In my opinion very underrated.

    Dark Archive

    Velcro Zipper wrote:

    I'm only naming one.

    Record of Lodoss War

    Granted, the whole thing is just based on one big D&D campaign so it's kind of hard not to think of gaming when I'm watching it.

    I agree with this one. They did a remake of the original, which was kind of wierd it started in the middle of story kind of, but both are excellent. Many modern animes could learn a few things from this one. I saw Beserk Mentioned also an amazing piece of work, and I would add Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D blood lust.


    Most other picks have been mentioned upthread.

    Star Wars

    The Exchange

    I would have to add:

    The Bunker - Its a World war II film but it is about a bunch of soldiers hold up in a bunker guarding a pass that was once a cave network. basically the Caves were used for this purpose for thousands of years and down in the coldest and deepest of the caves are the bodies of warriors in Medieval, Roman, and even stone age garb.

    Last of the Mohicans
    Brotherhood of Wolves - the pre-revolution french one like the hound of the baskervilles.
    The Shadowless Sword
    House of Flying Daggers
    Ong Bak 1-3

    The Exchange

    Some films on DVD comming up that might be relevent to D&D:

    Bourke & Hare: Cadaver salesmen/body snatchers/grave diggers selling corpses to universities.

    Your Highness: Wizard snatches a princess and heroes go to the rescue.

    The Exchange

    My list would have to include:

    The 13th Warrior
    Troy (especially the Achilles vs Hector fight and the Beach Landing)
    Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
    Conan (all 3 of them)
    Lord of the Rings Trilogy
    The Scorpion King (only the original)
    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
    Kingdom of Heaven
    Sleepy Hollow
    Bram Stoker's Dracula
    Van Helsing
    The Wolfman (modern version)
    Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton version)
    The Mask of Zorro/The Legend of Zorro


    The Black Cauldron
    Dungeons & Dragons
    Mysterious Cities of Gold

    TV Series:

    Game of Thrones
    Dune/Children of Dune

    At first I was going to say none as no movie is high fantasy, high magic enough. Most everything listed falls into the E6-E8 then I had to admit:

    Legend (still arguably in that e6-e8 mode)
    Clash of the Titans (original)
    the miniseries The Odyssey
    and Bakshi's Wizards
    The Last Unicorn
    Possibly The Gummi Bears

    go beyond that


    Monty Python
    Your Highness
    Dorkness Rising
    Knights of Badassery (i hope)
    Hogfather (miniseries)
    Colour of magic (miniseries)

    all bring some serious satire to the whole genre.

    Lots of love for most of the movies on posts here but no not really do they make me want to play DnD.

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    Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector.

    I'd need only watch it for 5 minutes to realize I'd be better off spending my time playing an RPG.

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