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Pathfinder: The Haunting of Harrowstone
This is a call to arms! It is for those who are prepared to face the pinnacle of horror. Terror and misery are best friends. Do you dare make their acquaintance? Friendships often come with a price. Who upon the face of Golarion has forged a meaningful friendship with the good Professor Petros Lorrimor of Ravengro within the county of Canterwall surrounded by the misery and horror of Ustalav? The good professor retired from his teaching career 15 years ago, and moved to the small town of Ravengro. From there he has continued his research. His fields of study include defense against evil, secret societies and wizardry. Professor Lorrimor has traveled Golarion extensively, and he has met many different people from all walks of life. He sometimes sees value where others may not think to look...
Step up and let yourself be known:
Describe your friendship with the professor and the good times you have had.
I am opening recruitment for four 1st level characters for this adventure path. I strongly recommend that you look over the players guide on before deciding on the specifics of your character.
In order to apply, provide a character concept and a story about your friendship with the professor.
15-Point Buy
All player options within the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic rulebooks are acceptable.
Anti-paladin will not be allowed.
You may choose two character traits from any pathfinder paizo book.
As a time-saving device, all player options must be referenced with a book title and page number unless that option comes from the core rulebook.
Any other books are taken on a case by case basis. Non-Paizo Pathfinder books are automatically disqualified.
Max hp’s at 1st level. On all other levels players can choose to use average hp’s (for example, d10 = 5.5 hp’s per hit die, round down) or roll for them. You can choose between these two options every time you gain a new level, but you must choose an option before you roll any dice. You must indicate on yourcharacter sheet which option you used for each level.
Max starting Gold for each individual class will be used.
Weight of gear, encumbrance and armor check penalties must be indicated on character sheets.
Allowable races include all of the ones mentioned in the players guide. Any others are not allowed.

koul |

Ok, I try it again with Nanya:
Nanya is a young human wizard of Vudrani origin. She has learned the magical arts (with a speciality in abjuration) in the college of Absalom. Durng her studies there she visited several lectures with the Professor and she followed his theories with great interest. She spent many hours argueing with him and even later exchanged letters with him about these discussions. She views the Professor as a friend and mentor.
In one of his letters he asked her to come to Ustalav to help him with his studies and so she scraped together her savings and started the long journey from Absalom to Ustalav. During the journey she heard from his death and that she was mentioned in his last will.

Wildebob |

Ryvan Azstalos is a fighter who survives as a mercenary. Professor Lorrimor was his godfather.
News of Professor Lorrimor's death hit Ryvan hard. He cared for his godfather very much. His own father is too ill to make the trip to Ravengro, but Ryvan wouldn't miss the funeral for anything.
Ryvan's stats are very soon forthcoming.

Naivan Rojoch |

(ajkkjjk52 here)
It's been 4 months since High Court of Abadar in Absalom sent Naivan to Ravengro to preach the ways of the Master of the First Vault. Though devout in his faith and determined to better organize governance in Ravengro, the missionary has so far had little luck establishing much--any, really--of a following. He acts as a sort of Notary Public from his room in the Tavern, but no one has attended his services since the first week, and his attempts to stage a celebration of Taxfest were neigh on disastrous.
It's not that the Ravengronis (is that the right term?) despise Naivan, but they simply have no respect for the youth either. He's hardly a powerful speaker, and the urbanizing doctrines of Abadar bear little relevance to their day-to-day lives of farming and fishing.
Nevertheless, Naivan keeps meticulous records of the town's trade, of births and deaths, and speaks to anyone who will listen about the importance of establishing a Chamber of Commerce to allow the cities mercantile class to grow.
Professor Lorrimor has been the only Ravengroni who has paid much attention to Naivan; though he is not a worshipper of Abadar, conversation with another educated individual is too valuable a commodity to pass up, and Naivan is in turn glad of the company of the old scholar.
LG Human Cloistered Cleric of Abadar, Nobility Domain. Crunch will be added to this alias shortly.

Falmar Duathyn |

For your consideration, Felyiel "Four Fingers" Moonborn is an Elf Alchemist Chirurgeon who would be looking to take up the party healer role. He's an introverted individual whose relationship with Professor Lorrimor has been one of peers, comparing notes on alchemical substances related to the undead.
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Favela Dios |

This is doctor wu. Favela is a human two handed ranger.
Favela Dios is a trained tracker that helped professor Lorrimor out of a dense fog when eh was busy in the streets. she has done some studies of around Ravengo and has told him about some of the native plants. A few weeks later she helped him track down a person who had stolen a rare book on necromancy and returned it to the professor even though this book would be valuable on a market to adventurers. Favela also helped the professor after he was taking a trip in a boat on lake Encarthan and his boat capsized and help dry him off and provided a hot meal after hunting for him.

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Hello everyone! I want to thank you for all of your submissions. It looks like there are enough players to run two groups, so that is what I will do. I enjoyed reading all your character backgrounds, and there certainly is room for all of you. The only change that I would like to see is for Favela to perhaps upgrade to a beefier class. She would need to step into the role of main melee person as well and main tank. This adventure path is largely urban, so A ranger would be good for tracking of course. However a dedicated tank/melee person to back up all those squishy caster types is certainly important.
The first group will be more traditional in composition whereas the second group will be a little more unorthodox. I am interested in seeing how well group two can perform with this compositon.
Group 1:
Nanya Abjurer
Kordel Rogue
Ryvan Fighter
Naivan Cleric of Abadar
Group 2
Favela Ranger? Other?
Felyiel Alchemist/healer
Grusk Summoner
Professor Faradir Universalist
I would like to run this game on rpol.net if you guys are agreeable. I think that site has better functionality than this site does, so I would like to give it a try.
Ohh and by the way someone did ask about Ultimate Combat. I am willing to allow it at some point after it does come out.
I noticed that some of your character backgrounds have spent previous time in Ravengro. This is acceptable of course, but you cannot be origanlly from Ravengro. You could always be from somewhere else in Ustalav. Those of you who have spent time in Ravengro quickly realized that the locals dont warm up easily. You guys are still outsiders as far as the locals are concerned.
At any rate, I am hoping that you guys will register with rpol.net and start fleshing out your characters there. Once your characters are complete, you can post your character names as they appear on rpol.net.
I can then add you to the appropriate gaming threads.
Unless anyone drops out I think we can consider recruitment closed.

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I joined rpol.net. I'm not yet finding how to make a new character there. Do I have to be added to a game first? My username is: jakesouth
Hi Ryvan, I think I have you added to the game now. I am learning how things work over there on the fly.
I guess the way it works is that I need a user name at rpol.net before you guys can create characters.

Naivan Rojoch |

Along the way, I decided the character idea was more suited to a Preacher-Archetype Inquisitor. Crunch (and some additional description) are up in the alias, minus gear.
Edit: Looks like we might need me to return to being a cleric for the healing, unless anyone else wants to join group one as a healer.

Kordel Mordaen |

Thanks so much for choosing me (and I was dying to play a Rogue type, havent played one since Basic), but I'll bow out of this. I really didnt want to register on another site for a pbp.
I would rather stay here @ Paizo to keep the games i'm in or might join, all in one place for convenience.
Apologies, I didnt know this pbp was to be hosted off-site from the OP.

Grusk |

Hi Favela, I am willing to try out your ideas with the combat feats and stat changes. Also since Grusk may be able to help with his summoners pet. It may work out fine.
You might consider reading about "wise fox" my small Eidolon on my profile.
It has the teamwork feat precise strike, you might look at taking that yourself. I can not take the feat till third level due to the +1 bab requirement. The Eidolon is built as a "flank buddy".
As a ranger you usually have to wait till level 4 for an animal!

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** spoiler omitted **
Yeah I finally figured that out today. I deleted the other game and made a thread for each group under the original game. I am not sure what you mean by re-booting. I have presumably added You Favela, Naivan, Ryvan, and Nanya, but I can only see the character sheet for Nanya so far on rpol.net.
It may be that there is some case sensitivity going on. I capitalized the first letter of each character name. Maybe that is keeping me from seeing character sheets.

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Still waiting for my invite. Mind if I keep my character sheet on Hero Lab?
Hi paizo fan did you get your invite? I attempted to give it to you
Can you give me a test post on rPol?What is your status? I am hoping to begin on we'd will you be ready
I am assuming you are playing the alchemist is that correct?
How do I see your character sheet ?
When I click on your icon here it takes me to the main Paizo