Shisumo's Jade Regent - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
DM Shisumo wrote:
Tristan Tarrascon wrote:

Hello there. Back from Amsterdam and trying to catch up. I'd love to continue playing Tristan and I'm not planning any major changes. Still want to build him as a switch-hitter. Got the ARG in the mail but haven't had the chance to peruse it yet.

I have been the DM so much in the past that I actually enjoy playing Tristan as Joe the Fighter, but I'm happy to take any pointers about my build. Will try to post something. Tristan won't have been staying in Sandpoint these years, but he would return there periodically to see his old friends. Post coming up as soon as I get to catch my breath.

Which combat style are you planning to take? Two-handed weapon, or archery?

Archery. I won't change anything in the build except his favored enemy. Will try to level him up today.

28/28 hp

Sorry, barely had time to log in yesterday and then couldn't reach the server when I did.

I have three or four 'leveled' versions of Lamsfel floating around three different computers. Hopefully, I can find the time to look at them and figure out which is the 'real' one and get him updated today, as well.

There's been less playtime available of late...

DM Shisumo wrote:

Kami do not, in fact, claim intelligent beings as wards. They can't. The ward ability only works on creatures with less than 3 Intelligence.

And no, technically one cannot give an eidolon a subtype, such as (angel) or (kami).

None of which prevents Gan from having been told, or believing, that his eidolon is a kami or an angel. evil grin

Ok, I'll go with him believing it is a Kami sent by Irori to aid him in his quest for redemption :-)

Updating my Avatar--

Shisumo, how do you feel about the Extra Evolution feat? It says it requires the "Eidolon" class feature and I technically have the "Fused Eidolon" class feature. Does that bar me from taking Extra Evolution? If so, I gotta pick a different feat, but no big deal.

Avatar updated, ready to go!

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

I can't say I'm fully ready, but at least ready enough to be checked out and see what I've missed.

mbauers: Extra Evolution is fine, as is your trait swap.

I'll go over Gan's and Tybus' profiles tomorrow - if anyone else is ready to go, let me know and I'll check them over as well.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Looking over Tristan, I think urban ranger is not really going to fly, so I think I'll change him into a normal ranger. It fits with where I want to take him. Will that leave us shafted in the trapfinding department?

Still working on the stats I'm afraid, but no great changes except concerning skills.

28/28 hp

I can adjust Lamsfel to pick up a level of rogue. He won't be quite as perfect a match to the swashbuckler level 2 as I was planning, but a mobile light weapon fighter (the concept I'm shooting for) is in keeping with a rogue or a duelist.

I don't mind - let me know if I need to make that change.

mbauers wrote:
Avatar updated, ready to go!

You don't appear to have spent your skill points from your paladin level...

I did (spreading wealth around a bit) except I forgot the one extra skill point per level for being a human. I have 10 skill points assigned, but I should have 12. I'll fix when I get home.

Lamsfel wrote:

I can adjust Lamsfel to pick up a level of rogue. He won't be quite as perfect a match to the swashbuckler level 2 as I was planning, but a mobile light weapon fighter (the concept I'm shooting for) is in keeping with a rogue or a duelist.

I don't mind - let me know if I need to make that change.

The new Lamsfel looks good, except for the small issue of his Wisdom and Charisma (and some of the skills building off of them).

I think that only leaves sorting out the gear and we can kick things forward!

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
Lamsfel wrote:

I can adjust Lamsfel to pick up a level of rogue. He won't be quite as perfect a match to the swashbuckler level 2 as I was planning, but a mobile light weapon fighter (the concept I'm shooting for) is in keeping with a rogue or a duelist.

I don't mind - let me know if I need to make that change.

I get lots of summon monsters per day. Summoned monsters make great "trap finders" IMO, hehe. :-)

28/28 hp

Fixed and fixed.

What do we have about the gear at this point?

All of the treasure you guys accumulated from Thistletop has yet to be sorted out, claimed (other than a warhorse and Song of Sparrows, anyway), and/or sold to become other stuff you want more. Awhile back, I'd asked someone to assemble the list, but I don't think it ever happened.

So I had some time this morning, and decided to get the loot question moving here. This is the list of all the items you could have or explicitly did claim from Thistletop - it assumes you let Orik keep his stuff but took Lyrie's, and also excludes the few potions you claimed but then used while still in the dungeon. It also assumes you've had time to identify everything - because, well, it's been four years.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are Small-sized. If an item is valuable but not otherwise particularly useful, its sale value is listed afterward in parentheses.

potion of cure light wounds
elixir of beast tongues (x2; this is basically a potion of speak with animals, but that spell can't ordinarily be made into a potion)
wand of produce flame (34 charges)
+1 leather armor*
leather armor* (x7)
light wooden shield* (x7)
dogslicer* (x9)
shortbow* (x11)
studded leather armor* (x4)
masterwork horsechopper* (x2)
dagger (x5)
pearl-handled dagger (100 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (x4)
masterwork scale mail*
Song of Sparrows (+1 katana)
dented crown (20 gp)
whip (x2)*
masterwork dogslicer*
scroll of comprehend languages
scroll of mirror image
scroll of vanish
wand of magic missile (CL 1st, 20 charges)
silver comb (25 gp)
fine silk gown (60 gp)
pearl earring (50 gp)
spellbook containing: 0 – all; 1st – burning hands, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, floating disc, identify, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, sleep
composite (+3) longbow (x2)
heavy flail
masterwork studded leather armor
wand of cure light wounds (20 charges)
masterwork bastard sword
+1 breastplate
gold holy symbol of Lamashtu (100 gp)
8 pp, 60 gp

I believe some of these items have already been claimed (in particular, at least one of the composite longbows was, in addition to Tybus' use of Song of Sparrows) but I am not making any particular allowances for that - you can redistribute as you see fit.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

Callomeleth is updated and ready to go!

28/28 hp

Lamsfel's character sheet is updated. Thanks for gathering the items into one post, Shisumo. Lamsfel has the composite longbow that he took from Tsuto and he would like to keep it. He'd also like to claim the lockpicks since Tristan won't be needing them. Neither of those items are on this list, however.

As for the items on the list here, Lamsfel sees nothing he would not sell. I would like to upgrade his armor (definitely) and weaponry (if possible) because the change of plans actually has hurt some of his combat stats, but he can live with what he has currently.

Lamsfel wrote:
Lamsfel's character sheet is updated. Thanks for gathering the items into one post, Shisumo. Lamsfel has the composite longbow that he took from Tsuto and he would like to keep it. He'd also like to claim the lockpicks since Tristan won't be needing them. Neither of those items are on this list, however.

I am all-but-certain that you'd already divvied up the Glassworks loot, sold what you wanted and so on. This is just the stuff from your arrival at Thistletop onward (specifically, the battle against the goblin druid and his firepelt cougar companion).

EDIT: apparently I wasn't quite correct - you started to but never finished, it seems. Here's the post where the list was posted and what discussion you did have began; let me see what I can come up with in regard to the things you hadn't been able to figure out or appraise.

Here's the stuff you found on Tsuto, Appraised and ID'd as needed:

cloak of resistance +1
composite (+2) longbow
masterwork thieves’ tools
masterwork flute
potion of cure light wounds
silver earrings (25 gp)
pouch of gold dust (x8, 50 gp each)
pouch of silver dust (x6, 5 gp each)
10 pp

Ameiko disavowed all knowledge of the items, so they are yours to keep. Also, one of the pouches of gold dust was used by Gan to buy a scroll, so technically there are only 7 left.

As much as we need it, I think the wand of CLW should go to Halgor as part of his share of the loot--realistically we would have given it to him.

I'll look at the list more thoroughly tomorrow, and thanks Shisumo for doing that.

mbauers wrote:
As much as we need it, I think the wand of CLW should go to Halgor as part of his share of the loot--realistically we would have given it to him.

I appreciate the thought of staying in character, but speaking as a benevolent and totally-not-trying-to-kill-you-later GM, you should keep the wand. Give Halgor all the Small-sized weaponry you don't care about and keep the useful stuff yourself.

28/28 hp
DM Shisumo wrote:
mbauers wrote:
As much as we need it, I think the wand of CLW should go to Halgor as part of his share of the loot--realistically we would have given it to him.
I appreciate the thought of staying in character, but speaking as a benevolent and totally-not-trying-to-kill-you-later GM, you should keep the wand. Give Halgor all the Small-sized weaponry you don't care about and keep the useful stuff yourself.

I'm good with that. Looking at the new items, I'm standing pat on the original requests - the composite +2 longbow matches my strength and the thieves' tools match my new class ability. The rest can be sold and divided up. I don't have time right now to try and find a perfectly equitable way of dividing up loot, so unless someone else wishes to do so, how about everyone taking what non-cash items they want and we split the proceeds of what's sold evenly?

So I just noticed that two of our five noble heroes have Childhood Crushes on Sandru.

This could get awkward.

Is everyone okay with the potential for painful love-triangle drama?

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Oh dear, I really didn't expect that. I'm fine with the drama if it comes to that.

Tristan is coming together except for the equipment part. He'd like the breastplate if noone else wants to claim it as well as one of the composite longbows.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

Heh, that's hilarious. I chose him since I figured everyone else would be going for the more established NPCs! :P

Yeah, and apparently Koya gets no love at all. Poor girl.

While we're waiting for the gear discussion to be resolved, a detour to mention NPC relationships. The basic rules for relationship scores are in the Jade Regent Player's Guide - I'd suggest another glance through them in case you haven't read that section in awhile. To start you all off, here are your current relationship scores for all four of the current major NPCs. I've spoilered them partly for length, but also because we're apparently going to have some... interesting... times ahead. :D I am assuming that, at least to begin with, you are all on the friendship path rather than the rivalry path with the NPCs - if that's not the case, let me know, as it is entirely your decision.


Ameiko: +2 (Association)
Koya: +2 (Association)
Sandru: +6 (Friendship, and you gain 400 XP)
Shalelu: +2 (Association)

You have learned that Sandru has a taste for the finer things in life, at least in matters gustatory, and he greatly enjoys gifts of fine seafood and wine.


Ameiko: +8 (Friendship, and you gain 400 XP)
Koya: +4 (Association)
Sandru: +4 (Association)
Shalelu: +5 (Association)

You are aware that exciting adventure stories are particularly inclined to draw Ameiko’s attention.


Ameiko: +2 (Association)
Koya: +2 (Association)
Sandru: +2 (Association)
Shalelu: +7 (Friendship, and you gain 400 XP)

You have learned over your time spent with her that she is quite practical – someone who wanted to earn her favor would be well-advised to give her gifts to aid her talent with archery.


Ameiko: -1 (Association)
Koya: -1 (Association)
Sandru: +3 (Association)
Shalelu: +0 (Association)

You’ve long admitted Sandru’s swashbuckling style, and you’ve learned that he appreciates gifts that allow him to reinforce that image.


Ameiko: +1 (Association)
Koya: +0 (Association)
Sandru: +0 (Association)
Shalelu: +5 (Association)

During the time you spent traveling with her, Shalelu displayed a taste for nature-themed artwork that surprised you a little, since she doesn’t seem the art-appreciating type.

I'd encourage you to add this information to your character sheets, but I would request that it remain spoilered.

Finally, for clarity's sake: you should all be at 2181 XP, Callomeleth included (just to make it easier), before relationship scores are taken into account.

28/28 hp

Not to throw a wrench into things, but the way things played out, it seems I have a closer relationship with Koya than Shalelu. If you feel we should have a PC close to her, I'd NE fine with it - though I have not looked at the pertinent trait for a very long time.

I don't have strong feelings about it either way. The current breakdown is as follows: Ameiko 1, Koya 0, Sandru 2 and Shalelu 2. That really doesn't mean anything too terribly important for the overall structure of the campaign - Koya's coming along regardless - but I thought it was worth mentioning. Switch if you'd like, but don't do so just because of the numbers.

EDIT: If you do choose to do so, the Friend of the Family trait would fit your situation perfectly, even if the mechanical bonus isn't necessarily all that optimal.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Totaling up the treasure now.

Tristan, is that +3 Composite Longbow one of the ones we received as treasure? If it is, I don't want to double count it in our money breakdown, which is why I ask.

Tybus, regardless we have two +3 Composite Longbows--you want one?

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Yep, I was hoping one could go my way.

I'm also looking at the wand of magic missile and the spellbook,though I could probably copy the few spells I can cast into my own and we can then sell it. Furthermore, the scroll of mirror image would be a fine addition for my second level spell repertoire, once we get that far (it might be needed sooner than 4th level, though).

I also realized I need to readjust my skills, since I wanted to pick up Ride. Shouldn't take long.

Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

Yeah, I think I claimed one of the bows. I'd also like to make a bid for the breastplate if noone else wants it.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

You might want to have it tailored, since if I recall, it was cut to display Nualia's midriff. /jk :)

Ok, here's the list before the most recent posts. I'll adjust later today:

Party Treasure—to be divvied up:
wand of cure light wounds (20 charges)—give to Callomeleth when he joins us?
potion of cure light wounds (x2)—worth 50 gp each
potion of cure moderate wounds (x4)—worth 300 gp each (maybe give one to each person?)

elixir of beast tongues (x2; this is basically a potion of speak with animals, but that spell can't ordinarily be made into a potion)
cloak of resistance +1—worth 1,000 gp (someone should use this instead of us selling it—next level my saves skyrocket, so I’ll only take it if no one else wants it)
spellbook containing: 0 – all; 1st – burning hands, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, floating disc, identify, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, sleep (not sure if we can sell this, but Tybus can learn burning hands and ray of enfeeblement first)

Assuming we can sell items for half price:
wand of produce flame (34 charges) –sale price 255 gp
wand of magic missile (CL 1st, 20 charges) –sale price 150 gp
+1 leather armor* --sale price 580
masterwork studded leather armor—sale price 87.5 gp
studded leather armor* (x4)—sale price 50 gp total
masterwork scale mail*--sale price 100 gp
leather armor* (x7)—sale price 35 gp
light wooden shield* (x7)—sale price 10.5 gp
masterwork bastard sword—sale price 167.5 gp
composite (+3) longbow (x2) (400 gp total sale price)
masterwork dogslicer*--sale price 154 gp
masterwork horsechopper* (x2) –310 gp total sale price
heavy flail—sale price 7.5 gp
whip (x2)*--total sale price 1 gp
dogslicer* (x9) –total sale price 36 gp
shortbow* (x11) –total sale price 165 gp

spear*--sale price 1 gp

dagger (x5) –total sale price 5 gp
pearl-handled dagger (100 gp)
dented crown (20 gp)
silver comb (25 gp)
fine silk gown (60 gp)
pearl earring (50 gp)
gold holy symbol of Lamashtu (100 gp)
8 pp, 60 gp
masterwork flute—sale price 50 gp
silver earrings (25 gp)
pouch of gold dust (x7, 50 gp each)
pouch of silver dust (x6, 5 gp each)
10 pp
Total sale amount : 3,565
Items taken
50 gp (used earlier for scroll)
scroll of comprehend languages (unless someone else wants it)—25 gp
scroll of mirror image (unless someone else wants it)—150 gp
scroll of vanish (unless someone else wants it) –25 gp
Total: 250 gp

composite (+2) longbow (300 gp)
masterwork thieves’ tools (100 gp)

Breastplate +1 (I think you said you wanted this, right?) 1,350 gp

Song of Sparrows (+1 katana) 2,350 gp

Not including the party treasure at the very top of the list, our total is: 7915. Add the Cloak of Resistance and it puts it at 8,915.
Divided by 5 to give Halgor an equal share is: 1,783 per person. I’ll do further suggestions a bit later (I know with my money I’ll want to buy some potions, scrolls, etc.

Tybus Elhezen wrote:
You might want to have it tailored, since if I recall, it was cut to display Nualia's midriff. /jk :)

Why wouldn't he want to show off Tristan's washboard abs? ;)

More seriously, I will remind you all that you will soon be wanting to outfit a caravan. A few hundred gold in the kitty toward that end might be a good idea.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Ok,after selling everything not listed here, here's what I came up with. Everything was even except Tristan came out a little ahead, but I don't personally care about that and I doubt any of you guys will too. Since I received the highest amount of actual cash, I will donate 3 or 400 to the "caravan fund". I just need to see what I want to buy first.

Anyway, here's what I came up with:

Party Treasure—to be divvied up:
wand of cure light wounds (20 charges)—give to Callomeleth when he joins us?
15 gp left

50 gp (used earlier for scroll)
scroll of comprehend languages 25 gp
potion of cure mod—300 gp
scroll of vanish 25 gp
Potion of CLW x2 (100 gp total)
1550 gp (I'll donate some of this to the caravan fund)
Total: 2,050 gp

composite (+2) longbow (300 gp)
masterwork thieves’ tools (100 gp)
Potion of Cure Mod—300 gp
1,350 gold
Total: 2,050 gp

Breastplate +1 1,350 gp
composite (+3) longbow 400 gp
Potion of Cure Mod—300 gp
Total: 2,050

Song of Sparrows (+1 katana) 2,350 gp
scroll of mirror image (unless someone else wants it)—150 gp
composite (+3) longbow 400 gp
Total: 2,900

cloak of resistance +1—worth 1,000 gp
Potion of Cure Mod—worth 300 gp
elixir of beast tongues (x2; this is basically a potion of speak with animals, but that spell can't ordinarily be made into a potion)—worth 500 total I believe?
250 gp
Total: 2,050 gp

Everybody good with this?

DM Shisumo wrote:
The archeologist bard archetype might actually work rather well for your idea, Ainvar. I'll try to find some time this weekend to type it up (or at least sketch it out for you). The short version is that it loses bardic performance almost entirely, replacing it with some inherent self-buffs and a bunch of rogue abilities, including a version of trapfinding. The only issue is that it has no bonus stabbity damage (a la Thrust or sneak attack); on the other hand, it does have spells...

Blast from the past - this suggestion was a year ago and I just stumbled across it again, so I looked at the Archeologist - I'm not seeing the trapfinding ability - what am I missing?

Yes, this means Lamsfel might get a revamp again.

28/28 hp

I'm fine with Gan's suggestions. Well done!

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

For my part, I'd want to buy:

Wand of Mage Armor: 750 gp
Scroll of Summon Eidolon: 200 gp
Scroll of Invisibility: 150 gp
Scroll of Spider Climb: 150 gp

Then I'll have 300 gp left to contribute to the caravan, putting us at 315 gp.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
AinvarG wrote:
DM Shisumo wrote:
The archeologist bard archetype might actually work rather well for your idea, Ainvar. I'll try to find some time this weekend to type it up (or at least sketch it out for you). The short version is that it loses bardic performance almost entirely, replacing it with some inherent self-buffs and a bunch of rogue abilities, including a version of trapfinding. The only issue is that it has no bonus stabbity damage (a la Thrust or sneak attack); on the other hand, it does have spells...

Blast from the past - this suggestion was a year ago and I just stumbled across it again, so I looked at the Archeologist - I'm not seeing the trapfinding ability - what am I missing?

Yes, this means Lamsfel might get a revamp again.

Here you go:

Clever Explorer (Ex)

At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps.

This ability replaces the versatile performance ability.

AinvarG wrote:
DM Shisumo wrote:
The archeologist bard archetype might actually work rather well for your idea, Ainvar. I'll try to find some time this weekend to type it up (or at least sketch it out for you). The short version is that it loses bardic performance almost entirely, replacing it with some inherent self-buffs and a bunch of rogue abilities, including a version of trapfinding. The only issue is that it has no bonus stabbity damage (a la Thrust or sneak attack); on the other hand, it does have spells...

Blast from the past - this suggestion was a year ago and I just stumbled across it again, so I looked at the Archeologist - I'm not seeing the trapfinding ability - what am I missing?

Yes, this means Lamsfel might get a revamp again.

Look closer....

Archeologist from the PRD wrote:

Clever Explorer (Ex): At 2nd level, an archaeologist gains a bonus equal to half his class level on Disable Device and Perception checks. He can disable intricate and complex devices in half the normal amount of time (minimum 1 round) and open a lock as a standard action. At 6th level, an archaeologist can take 10 on Disable Device checks, even if distracted or endangered, and can disarm magical traps. This ability replaces the versatile performance ability.

Honestly, though, I'm not sure how relevant this would be at this point. You'd have to wait until 2nd level to get the bonus, which means you'd have to either ditch the fusilier entirely (until 3rd level, at least) or take another level of archeologist after this one. Moreover, for whatever weird reason the archeologist doesn't actually give you Disable Device as a class ability, so that would potentially be problematic too.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

I'm good with Gan's suggestions. I went and switched my studded leather for a chain shirt, even though I don't really have the funds for it from the treasure piles (though I suppose four years of Profession: sailor checks might be able to raise the money). Tybus would have also left Song of Sparrows behind when he left Sandpoint. I'd prefer to role-play it out should he decide to take it up, or keep using his cutlass. Obviously, we've got about 3,000 xp to gather before the black blade gains awareness: will it be the cutlass or the katana? I'm undecided at this point. I'd like to see how the story goes.

28/28 hp

Ah, but I did see that. Disable device only comes into play after the trap has been found and what I did not (and do not) see was trapfinding. Lamsfel will stick with rogue.

All trapfinding does these days with regard to actually finding traps is give you a bonus to Perception checks - and Clever Explorer does that as well, and better, because trapfinding's bonus is just to finding traps, while Clever Explorer's is to any Perception checks period.

28/28 hp

Did not realize that the restriction to finding traps with a DC of more than 20 had been removed. Regardless, I'm not willing to spend two levels for the ability.

Actually, if Disable Device is what is the issue, perhaps I should take the Vagabond Child trait to get the skill and go on down the road with my original plan.

Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

Or Tristan could swap Child of the Streets for Vagabond Child and Sleight of Hand for Disable Device. I already have decent Perception.

28/28 hp

I can live with that if you can.

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