Shisumo's Jade Regent - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Same question over here - you guys need a healer...!

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

I heard you were the people to ask about killing some goblins?

Looking over the character, the mechanics look good, but the background's kinda sparse. What brings you to Sandpoint? Where are you from originally? (The closest major dwarven stronghold is the trade city of Janderhoff, about halfway between Kaer Maga and Korvosa, though further east than either. It's probably a couple weeks' travel.) Is there any particular reason you're looking to smash some goblin skulls?

Male Dwarf Cleric 1


Sorry, i kinda felt like I was delaying the game, so I wanted to get him in as quickly as possible.

He wants to smash goblin skulls because his people have a natural hatred for the murderous savages who constantly try to kill them. ;)

As to why he is there, I kind of alluded to it in the little "mini-background", but basically he is kind of like an amish person, where he is supposed to stay home and be a religious leader to his people, but before he does, he is supposed to go out and "see the world", to get more wisdom and learn how other people live. I intentionlly left it vague, not just for quickness' sake, but also to make it easier to fit him in the story in whatever way you want.

The JR player's guide mentions metals coming out of the lands of the linnorm kings to janderhoff where they are sold to traveling merchant caravans. I hadn't really intended for him to be from a gigantic city, but more like a smaller village or whatnot. He could come from a small dwarven settlement near Janderhoff, and it wouldn't be a stretch at all to say that when he was told to go out and "explore", the easiest way for him to do that would be to join one of those caravans as a guard.

I know that JR involves caravan travel (but don't know much else about it), so I dunno if that works for ya or not. Even if the caravan from JR wouldnt be around during this prologue cause it is several years before, i mean he could just have been on any other caravan for the festival, and then stuck around and decided to help out in wiping out the goblin bastards.

Okay, that works. You hired on with a caravan run by a man named Sandru Vhiski, a Varisian caravan master based very loosely out of the small town of Sandpoint, a port and timber milling center along on the Lost Coast Road. Sandru is a former adventurer, in his late thirties, handsome and rather dashing, with a strong charisma and a extremely quick hand on his always-present scimitar. He plays at politics among the Varisian community in Magnimar during the winters, but refuses to become too deeply involved in the goings-on because he always leaves once the spring thaw arrives.

About a week ago, he announced he was heading out from the caravan on a personal trip to Sandpoint for the annual Swallowtail Festival, where the town would be dedicating a new cathedral. He was gone for two days, but when he returned he looked like he'd been through a fight, and described a goblin attack on the town during the festival. "I'm heading back in another couple of days," he announced to his gathered guards, "and I'm looking for a volunteer to come with me to help keep an eye on the town. The town sheriff's gone off to request some aid from Magnimar and there's a local adventuring group that have taken on a protective role in his absence, but I'd like another blade or two to help out. Anyone looking for a chance to beat a few goblin skulls in?"

Male Dwarf Cleric 1

I've never been to Sandpoint, so I'd love to check it out. Getting to stop those little bastards from terrorizing good folk is a great reason to go, too. Count me in.

"Perfect! Anyone else?" When no one speaks up, Sandru nods, satisfied, and steps over to you to discuss preparations for the trip.

Sandpoint itself turns out to be a decent-sized town, really, bigger than what Sandru's stories had painted it, and it occurs to you that Sandru's impressions of the town are likely colored by having grown up here. As an outsider, you can recognize that it is a properous village under most circumstances, growing rapidly, but it is easy to spot the scars of the recent raid Sandru mentioned. Scorched walls, arrowheads still embedded in fenceposts, and here and there what can only be bloodstains on the wooden boardwalk all cry out that violence occured here, and not too long before.

Sandru leads you into town from the southern gate, connected to the Lost Coast Road via a broad bridge over the Turandarok River. There is a market square - currently empty, as it is the middle of the week - just inside the gates, and Sandru turns his steps down a side street leading away from it, toward a two-story building with a rust iron sculpture of a dragon on the roof. He pushes the door open, leading you in...

...and into the main gameplay thread. See you there!

Incidentally, one thing you guys do need to work out is what you plan to do with the loot you got off of Tsuto...

28/28 hp

Re-posting from the game thread.

Lamsfel wrote:

He shows the following to the rest of the party:

  • Fine cloak
  • Longbow with a strong draw along with arrows
  • Lockpicks and related tools
  • Well-crafted silver flute
  • Potion (?) bottle
  • Small bags of silver dust
  • Small bags of gold dust
  • Handful of platinum pieces
  • Nice silver earrings
  • A leather journal, filled with what looks like diary entries and a number of skilled drawings, mostly erotic depictions of a beautiful woman (a few are down with colored pencils, indicating that the woman has purple irises).
  • Tristan has the masterwork lockpicks. Lamsfel would like the longbow and arrows (he has confirmed the strength of the draw is appropriate for his own strength).

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

    The following day when I have to memorize Interrogation x2 I'll also memorize detect magic instead of Daze. Before interrogating Tsuto I'll cast Detect Magic on everything. (Best to know what's magical before divvying up, right?)

    Then I'm supposed to make a spellcraft check to identify stuff, right?

    Gan Liang wrote:
    The following day when I have to memorize Interrogation x2 I'll also memorize detect magic instead of Daze. Before interrogating Tsuto I'll cast Detect Magic on everything. (Best to know what's magical before divvying up, right?)

    The cloak and the "potion (?) bottle" both detect as magic.

    Gan Liang wrote:
    Then I'm supposed to make a spellcraft check to identify stuff, right?

    That's correct. If you're feeling lucky, you can take 10 on the check, though if that's not enough you can't try again until the next day.

    Go ahead and roll - no need to wait for the PbP to catch up for this part.

    You (or anyone else, for that matter) can attempt Appraise checks to determine the worth of the rest of the items, if you wish to.

    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Gan Liang wrote:
    The following day when I have to memorize Interrogation x2 I'll also memorize detect magic instead of Daze. Before interrogating Tsuto I'll cast Detect Magic on everything. (Best to know what's magical before divvying up, right?)

    The cloak and the "potion (?) bottle" both detect as magic.

    Gan Liang wrote:
    Then I'm supposed to make a spellcraft check to identify stuff, right?

    That's correct. If you're feeling lucky, you can take 10 on the check, though if that's not enough you can't try again until the next day.

    Go ahead and roll - no need to wait for the PbP to catch up for this part.

    You (or anyone else, for that matter) can attempt Appraise checks to determine the worth of the rest of the items, if you wish to.

    I'll take 10 for the potion roll, giving me a result of 18 (19 if I'm allowed to use Guidance even though I'm not technically "rolling")

    Then I'll use Guidance and try my luck at IDing the cloak:

    Spellcraft 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

    The potion is a potion of cure light wounds, but you do not know what magic the cloak might contain (although you can determine it is a fairly weak aura).

    28/28 hp

    Funny - I just went back through the thread looking for this information. Didn't realize that I (of all people) had copied it over here.

    Same as before - Lamsfel would like to keep the bow and arrows if no one minds. He has no designs on any of the rest of the gear or money.

    I don't know that calculating exact gp value of things is completely necessary. What do the rest of you think?

    Lamsfel wrote:

    Funny - I just went back through the thread looking for this information. Didn't realize that I (of all people) had copied it over here.

    Same as before - Lamsfel would like to keep the bow and arrows if no one minds. He has no designs on any of the rest of the gear or money.

    I don't know that calculating exact gp value of things is completely necessary. What do the rest of you think?

    Well, the only reason why we should at least partially calculate gp value is because we need to deduct 25 gp from the total for that scroll.

    # Fine cloak--I should get another day to ID this and Halgor can try as well
    # Longbow with a strong draw along with arrows--claimed by Lamsfel
    # Lockpicks and related tools--uh, can Tristan pick locks?
    # Well-crafted silver flute--maybe we can sell this
    # Potion (?) bottle--IDed as CLW: I recommend one of the front-liners takes this
    # Small bags of silver dust--can we trade these for coins?
    # Small bags of gold dust--can we trade these for coins?
    # Handful of platinum pieces--how many? :-)
    # Nice silver earrings--can we sell these?

    28/28 hp
    mbauers wrote:

    Well, the only reason why we should at least partially calculate gp value is because we need to deduct 25 gp from the total for that scroll.

    # Fine cloak--I should get another day to ID this and Halgor can try as well
    # Longbow with a strong draw along with arrows--claimed by Lamsfel
    # Lockpicks and related tools--uh, can Tristan pick locks?
    # Well-crafted silver flute--maybe we can sell this
    # Potion (?) bottle--IDed as CLW: I recommend one of the front-liners takes this
    # Small bags of silver dust--can we trade these for coins?
    # Small bags of gold dust--can we trade these for coins?
    # Handful of platinum pieces--how many? :-)
    # Nice silver earrings--can we sell these?

    Yeah, Gan said he took some of the gold dust to pay for the scroll. I don't think that means that Gan needs to receive 25 gp less from the split. He was doing something on the party's behalf, so it was a party expense. My opinion.

    I just meant that I'm not concerned about making sure everyone has exactly the same gp value from the pile. (I'm hoping the longbow is not the most expensive thing in the split.) If I need to pay into the kitty, let me know. If the bow is less than my split, Lamsfel will refuse any of the cash.

    Yeah, Tristan had the lockpicks - he used them to pick the lock where Ameiko was being held prisoner before we found the key. I think it is just common sense that he keep them.

    There was some talk about making sure that none of this belonged to Ameiko. I'm in particular wondering about the dust, coins, and earrings, whether they were stolen from the Glassworks.

    *shrug* What it comes down to for me is that if you want to do the legwork, I will be more than happy to go along with your conclusion. I don't have the time or the inclination to do the work. And it's not Lamsfel's style, anyway.

    Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

    Don't foget that Tybus can detect magic and perhaps identify the cloak. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17.

    The only preparation Tybus would like is another scroll of shield or two before heading out. If he can dip into the treasure pile for the 25 or 50 gps that would cost, that'd be fine with him.

    As far as Ameiko knows, none of the items you found belong to her.

    Alas, Tybus has no more luck than Gan did at first in identifying the cloak. It seems to... resist... you. ;)

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
    DM Shisumo wrote:

    As far as Ameiko knows, none of the items you found belong to her.

    Alas, Tybus has no more luck than Gan did at first in identifying the cloak. It seems to... resist... you. ;)

    So how much gold can we get from the dust and the platinum pieces? Depending on the amount I might want to get a scroll or two as well.

    Speaking of scrolls, has my scroll of Glitterdust arrived yet? :-)

    There are 10 platinum pieces. The gold and silver dust comes to 430 gp together. The flute can be sold, if you like, but you might be in trouble if you haven't appraised it first.

    The scroll has indeed arrived.

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
    DM Shisumo wrote:

    There are 10 platinum pieces. The gold and silver dust comes to 430 gp together. The flute can be sold, if you like, but you might be in trouble if you haven't appraised it first.

    The scroll has indeed arrived.

    Not a bad haul. Anybody got appraise skill? If you can use it untrained, I'll try it with guidance

    1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 on the flute

    I kind of want to take 100 gp from the loot and order another scroll of Glitterdust in case I need to use this one in the upcoming battle (I have enough GP beforehand to cover the other 50 gp of the cost). Is this doable?

    Alternatively, I suppose we could all save up for a wand of CLW.

    As far as the cloak goes, maybe Tybus wants it? I love cloaks of resistance, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be in the "back lines" for a long while now, so one of you guys that's going to be mixing it up might want it.

    Given the presence of the NPCs in the Jade Regent Path overall, I'd like to do a test run on having an NPC along for the fight at Thistletop to see how it changes the game. Shalelu is the obvious choice, of course, given everything, so unless someone has a huge objection, she'll be coming along for the invasion.

    Here's how I see this working: I won't deduct her XP from your shares, but I will likely tweak the CRs a bt higher to account for her presence. I will post her stats in the Campaign Info tab, and anyone who wants to can post for her when her turn comes up in combat. (I will continue to speak for her in role-playing terms.) If there is an edit conflict, as we have done in the past I will give preference to the first poster.

    How does that sound?

    28/28 hp

    Sounds logical to me. If we have someone that is off-stage or disabled for some reason, I suggest that they 'become' Shalelu so they can continue to participate. Otherwise, first to post sounds great.

    Alternatively, I'm in another game with lots of NPC involvement. As often as not, the person posting immediately before or after the NPC in initiative order posts for the NPC, too.

    Shalelu's stats are up in the Campaign Info page.

    28/28 hp

    Are we going to be getting in over our heads since we remain 1st-level? Since I'm not looking at the AP, I don't know what the designed difficulty of the Thistletop raid is, but the thought just occurred to me.

    Liberty's Edge

    Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

    You would be if I hadn't re-scaled the Thistletop stuff. Shalelu's something of an ace up my sleeve in case I misjudged, but I think you'll be all right. Everyone will have to be playing together, though, so here's hoping Halgor and Gan stay focused...

    28/28 hp

    I figured you had it covered, but had to ask.

    I had noticed that Gan and Halgor had been quiet lately. I've felt a little guilty because I seem to be hogging the spotlight - hope I haven't pushed them away. I'll go ask for their thoughts in-thread.

    EDIT: Or not, since I see that Gan has replied.

    Liberty's Edge

    Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

    Just a quick reminder too: this is your last chance to sell/buy stuff before you go traipsing through the woods.

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
    Shisumo wrote:
    Just a quick reminder too: this is your last chance to sell/buy stuff before you go traipsing through the woods.

    Can I order another scroll of Glitterdust? I would like 100 from the party funds and I have the other 50.

    Are there any potions of CLW available in town for purchase in case anyone wants some?

    28/28 hp

    Where did we get on the appraising of the items we collected?

    The only Appraise roll I saw on the flute as an 8, which is not enough to make any guess as to its value. I don't think anyone has done anything with the earrings.

    I am sorry to report that Voon only ordered one glitterdust, and there would not be time to get a second one before you leave.

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
    DM Shisumo wrote:

    The only Appraise roll I saw on the flute as an 8, which is not enough to make any guess as to its value. I don't think anyone has done anything with the earrings.

    I am sorry to report that Voon only ordered one glitterdust, and there would not be time to get a second one before you leave.

    Oh, I know I wouldn't be able to get it before we leave. I just want to order another one to have in a couple days in case I have to burn the one I just got. :-)

    Well, there will be a 4 year time skip after you get back from Thistletop, so I'm not especially worried about it.

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2
    DM Shisumo wrote:
    Well, there will be a 4 year time skip after you get back from Thistletop, so I'm not especially worried about it.

    Hehe, if that scroll can't get here in 4 years the shopkeeper and I are going to have words.

    Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

    Any objections to me buying a couple scrolls of shield?

    28/28 hp

    Untrained Appraise for Flute: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

    Untrained Appraise for Earrings: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

    I can't expect to do better than that. Anyone want to aid another or try their hand is welcome.

    Tybus Elhezen wrote:
    Any objections to me buying a couple scrolls of shield?

    Voon has a substantial backstock - you can buy as many as you can afford, effectively.

    Unfortunately, Lamsfel really has no idea how much the flute or earrings might be worth. (You're looking for a DC 20. Taking 10 is possible, but you cannot take 20 on this roll, as repeated attempts to appraise the same item get the same result.)

    28/28 hp

    "Well, if we don't know what they are worth and we don't know someone we trust to tell us, perhaps we should just hold onto them for now. Or sell them for whatever someone will give us."

    That's a shame, two aid anothers on one item or three on the other one and we could have puzzled it out. I had no expectation of success rolling untrained, anyway.

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1
    Lamsfel wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    Im here, and lurking. Halgor just wants to kill some gobbos. He will leave the strategery to the others. :)

    Okay, last call folks! 24 hours from now, I will be posting the next post in the game thread, and you will be at Thistletop - no looking back! So sell or buy what you need, change your prepped spells if you plan to, and let's get ready to rumble!

    28/28 hp

    Lamsfel's ready. He can't afford to buy anything significant at this point and he's not interested in shopping, anyway.

    Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

    Tristan is good to go too, I think. He's just debating with himself whether he should keep the chain shirt for mobility or go back to his slightly more robust scale mail.

    I'm leaning towards the latter. He's not going to do much scouting anyway and he's certainly going to be taking a beating.

    Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

    Ready to roll!

    28/28 hp
    Tristan Tarrascon wrote:

    Tristan is good to go too, I think. He's just debating with himself whether he should keep the chain shirt for mobility or go back to his slightly more robust scale mail.

    I'm leaning towards the latter. He's not going to do much scouting anyway and he's certainly going to be taking a beating.

    Or keep the chain shirt for sleeping in on the trail to avoid being fatigued the next day and wear the scale when in combat-expected situations.

    I agree, though, you will be a front-liner, so you might want the best armor you can get.

    Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

    I'm still around, folks. I've heard no objections, so I'm assuming Tybus has dipped into the stash of platinum or gold dust to buy a couple scrolls of shield. I'm noting it on my page, and anticipating that the total will be deducted from my share later.

    28/28 hp
    Tybus Elhezen wrote:
    I'm still around, folks. I've heard no objections, so I'm assuming Tybus has dipped into the stash of platinum or gold dust to buy a couple scrolls of shield. I'm noting it on my page, and anticipating that the total will be deducted from my share later.

    No concerns here.

    Male Dwarf Cleric 1

    I don't even know about the party stash, so I have no objections. :)

    Wow we haven't posted in the discussion thread in awhile...

    Uh, kay. I want to make the Nualia fight slightly cooler than the rest of the fights have been presentation-wise, but I kinda got my butt kicked today at work, and tomorrow's probably not going to be time enough for me to recover. So I will get things moving again Saturday morning.

    While you're waiting, someone could go back through the thread and dig out all the treasure you've been accumulating since you got to Thistletop and starting figuring out what you want to do with it after this is all over...

    Yeah, I apparently don't get "x new" notices for this thread, it's been so long. I just happened to notice the font was a slightly different color, so I clicked in.

    Well, with that thought in mind, I need to make an unpleasant announcement. My laptop has been acting a little odd for the last couple weeks, and yesterday it become evident that the issue was less one to be filed under "annoying (mildly)" and more under "catastrophic (impending)."

    The good news is, I have my stuff backed up and the laptop is under warranty; the bad news is, I'm about to go offline for probably at least a week while I get my computer fixed. I will have my phone to post with, but I don't think I'm going to be able to keep my games going for the moment. Hopefully, this will be a brief hiatus, and we'll be back in just a few days or a week or so. Watch this space for details.

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