Shisumo's Jade Regent - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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28/28 hp

Not at all, just floating ideas and seeing what people think. Is another supply wagon something we are interested in? Getting an enhanced undercarriage? We have money to spend - and I'm not counting anyone's personal investment, only Ameiko's.

How about this?

300 gp New supply wagon
75 gp Cargo - repair units
35 gp Cargo - stores units
180 gp Cargo - trade goods units
35 gp Wages - first month
300 gp Second supply wagon
20 gp Two new drivers (Sandru is free to guard now)
945 gp
1000 gp campsite traps
1945 gp
I'm on the wrong computer - don't have the player's guide - so I don't know how many cargo units we can carry with this scenario. Campsite traps fill at least one and I think more cargo units. Assuming the traps take three cargo units, the last 55 gp from Ameiko's investment can be 5 stores units and 3 trade goods units.

What say you? This is not counting Gan's goodberry wand, but I think that's a good emergency store. Lamsfel will help, but he cannot cover the entire 250 gp alone.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Hmm, Shisumo, could we buy a Goodberry wand with 40 charges for 600 gp?

1d100 ⇒ 90

It would not appear so. Looks like you'd have to go full price.

28/28 hp

Campsite traps take two cargo units. It appears that I said I was allowing for the traps to fill three units, but actually calculated for two, so I guess that's filling the wagons to capacity both for storage and seats.

According to the spreadsheet, this configuration grants us the following stats: Attack 10, AC 13, Security 8, Resolve 6

Circle the wagons increases the AC to 17. Campsite traps increases Attack and Security.

Campsite traps increase the Attack and Security to 14 and 12, respectively, for the first round.

Current allocation is 12 stores and 21 trade. Consumption is 15 after taking hunters into account, or three units of stores every two days.

Current personnel assignments are Ameiko (cook), Koya, (fortune teller), Sandru (guard), Shalelu (scout), Bevelek (driver), Vankor (driver), three unnamed hirelings (drivers), Tybus (spellcaster - guard), Gan Liang (spellcaster - guard), Callomeleth (spellcaster - enterainer), Tristan (guard), and Lamsfel (scout).

There's a lot of leeway in these numbers. We could pump up resolve at attack's expense, we can improve security (or consumption) at attack's expense, etc.

Everybody seems generally agreeable, I just wanted to share the numbers as of the latest configuration.

Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

Tristan can probably chip in for the last 150 gp. Even if he can't use it himself, he likes the idea.

Well, it looks like you've got the framework in place. Let's get this show on the road!

(That was more of a pun than I meant it to be...)

28/28 hp

Lamsfel will give Shalelu the six +1 arrows. "These are just something that I've picked up over the years. I think you will be more effective with them than I. I'd rather they were in your quiver."

I have scratched 100 gp from my inventory since Tristan is stepping up to cover the rest. That is assuming we are able to obtain such a wand, of course.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Original allotment for Gan:
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Lesser Restoration
Wand of Identify (19 charges)
Wand of Mending (42 charges)
550 gp

subtracting my 500 for the wand, assuming it was available, I'm adding this to my equipment:

Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Lesser Restoration
Wand of Identify (19 charges)
Wand of Mending (42 charges)
Wand of Goodberry (50 charges)
50 gp

Also, I'll take the +1 bonus to Ameiko

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Note to self--I have Arcane Strike. Gotta start using that :-)

28/28 hp

Shisumo, are you tracking our food consumption or are we supposed to do that?

I was hoping you would do that, because I have enough on my plate at the moment. ;)

28/28 hp

OK, we started from Sandpoint with 12 units of stores, 120 "consumption units". After three days, we have used 45 consumption units. We should purchase stores and possibly sell some other goods. Might not be able to do so in that order unless PCs are paying, actually....

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Damn, I didn't realize it would deplete that fast. I think we should see if they sell wandermeal here and stock up. It's another cheap, effective way to have a backup plan (although I'm not sure that is accounted for in the caravan rules).

28/28 hp

To let you know, we are packing up our bicycles for few days on a rail-to-trail in Iowa. I don't know how much Internet access we will have over the next week, so please don't let Lamsfel hold things up - please feel free to take actions on his behalf. Have a great Memorial Day (if you are in the States) and a great week (wherever you might find yourself)!

FYI, I have added some information to the Campaign Info tab that might help in future.

28/28 hp
DM Shisumo wrote:
FYI, I have added some information to the Campaign Info tab that might help in future.

Very helpful, thanks. I must have miscalculated the monthly wages. The rest appears accurate - did you run that through Hero Lab or just format it that way?

Just formatting. Because I have that kind of time... *eyeroll at self*

Is being that kind of obsessive-compulsive a gamer geek thing, or is it just me?

28/28 hp

I think it's a gamer-geek thing, but it's definitely not just you.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

So... the next few weeks are going to see the release of three new adventures I'm pretty excited about: The Dragon's Demand, Warriors of the Reborn Forge, and the start of the Wrath of the Righteous AP. Anybody got any plans to play or run any of them?

I might, might get Dragon's Demand to see if it's appropriate to run for my kids. Don't know anything about the Reborn Forge, and I'm unsold on the Mythic rules, so I don't have any plans for the next AP.

No plans yet. Why do I think you do?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Because we've known each other, at least as forum gaming companions, for something over three years now? ;)

Although, in all honesty, I don't so much have plans as have plans to have plans, if you see what I mean. I'm excited for all three adventures, but I'm not sure what relationship I might have to any of them. For instance, I really want to play in a Wrath game, but I've been playing with starting a PbP of Dragon's Demand (maybe set in Eberron?), and Forge just makes me wanna shoot things (in a good way)...

Heh, yeah, that's probably it.

My life needs some pruning of other things before I could pretend to run another game, or I might be interested in providing that Wrath AP for you.

As it is, I'm spread way too thin.

For the record, this month actually marks five years - I had to go look.

I'd like to play Wrath, but after I get book 6 of RoW I'm regrettably canceling my AP subscription. :-(

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)
AinvarG wrote:
For the record, this month actually marks five years - I had to go look.

Dayum. I knew it had been awhile, but...

How is it we've never managed to grab a drink at a con or something in all this time?

Oooh, speaking of which, is anybody going to GenCon this year?

mbauers wrote:
I'd like to play Wrath, but after I get book 6 of RoW I'm regrettably canceling my AP subscription. :-(

Aw, how come?

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

I am, Shisumo, but I suspect you knew that already.

Other than WotR, I'm not looking at getting any of the other published adventures.

That's easy - I have yet to make it to a con.

I'm planning to continue my subscription, so I'll have access. It's time I lack. What little I have is making my posts here - prepping for a game, even published, would be tough.

Yeah, my group just finally started playing skull and shackles again (Book 2).

I have all of Shattered Star and Reign of Winter, so I can't justify the expense. Time is a factor too, but it's a shame because all of the APs are awesome.

And now for a question that actually is related to our current campaign: can I get a double-check on which of the PCs have patron deities, and which deities those are?

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Iro-Shu (Irori)

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

Coming as a surprise to no one: Shelyn.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

I think Desna.

28/28 hp


Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

On the topic of running Dragon's Demand in Eberron, I hereby present the following:

Yet another Pathfinderized take on the warforged:
Warforged are resilient and designed to process information quickly, but have difficulty relating to the more flexible minds of most other species. They gain a +2 bonus to Constitution and Intelligence, but suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma.

Warforged begin play speaking Common. Warforged with high Intelligence scores may begin play speaking any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Constructed (2 RP): For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger's favored enemy and bane weapons), warforged count as both humanoids with the warforged subtype and constructs. Warforged gain a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion, and are immune to disease and sleep effects. Warforged can never gain morale bonuses, and are immune to fear effects and all emotion-based effects.
Emotionless (–1 RP): Warforged have problems processing emotions properly, and thus take a –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.
Semi-Living (–1 RP): Warforged are made of a unique blend of living and inanimate materials, and thus gain only half the usual benefit from healing effects that rely on positive energy (including channeled energy and most spells of the healing subschool). Spells that repair damage done to constructs have their full effect on warforged, as do effects that cause damage through negative energy. Whenever you make a Heal check on a warforged, you may make a Craft (armor, carpentry, sculpture or stoneworking) check instead; treating deadly wounds in this way requires a set of masterwork tools in lieu of a healer’s kit (no “uses” are expended), and adds your Intelligence modifier to the hit points recovered instead of your Wisdom modifier if you exceed the DC by 5 or more.
Built-In Armor (3 RP): Warforged have built-in armor, as suits a race designed to be warriors. This armor has an armor bonus of +3, an arcane spell failure chance of 5%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, and no armor check penalty. It is considered light armor. The armor takes up the armor magic item slot, cannot be removed, and can be enchanted as though it were masterwork armor (although the warforged must be present for the entire enchanting process). Warforged are always considered to be wearing metal armor for the purposes of spells or effects that target such creatures, but the armor cannot be attacked or targeted by harmful effects separately from the warforged itself while the warforged remains alive.
Diehard (4 RP): Warforged gain Diehard as a bonus feat.
Darkvision 60 ft (2 RP)
Low-Light Vision (1 RP)

On the topic of Jade Regent... is, um, anybody gonna post?

28/28 hp

1) I'm not sure why the warforged would be incapable of getting a morale bonus. Perhaps halved because of "difficulty processing emotions"?

2) Are you going to add repair spells to the arcane lists for this adventure?

3) Oil of Repair...

4) Racial feats to improve the armor at first level?

I've been posting so much, I feel guilty sometimes like I'm pushing things faster than some others might like, so I don't post right away. I'll try to do so shortly, but I'm being called away.

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

Well, the Constructed racial trait, including the RP cost, is stolen directly from the android from the Inner Sea Bestiary. And honestly, I think it's a balance mechanism - their resistance to mental effects cuts both ways, helping to keep the whole thing from getting too overpowered, and also means you won't see a lot of barbarians taking advantage of the racial immunity to fatigue, among other things.

I had not planned to add the repair spells to the game, simply because of the way make whole got rewritten in Pathfinder; oil of make whole should be fairly easy to come by at the levels the game would take place at; higher levels, warforged would make frequent use of rapid repair as a healing effect. Beyond that, I'd prefer to leave the weakness as an actual weakness.

And yes, all of the "fiddle with your innate armor" feats would be on the table; I'd probably tweak most of them, but the basic concept for each would stay the same.

Maybe I'll see about getting my artificer alchemist archetype (say that three times fast) up in the next few days...

I found a lot of discussion on the subject - including posts from you a few years ago - and there seemed to be a lot of consensus on the basics and a lot of minor disagreements on the details. You were probably already well aware, but I pm'd them to you, anyway.

I don't know that the repair spells are a problem - they take away from resources that would be used otherwise, as they should.

I'm not sure why negative energy has full effect if positive energy has half effect.

Nonetheless, I think I could play it as written without much problem. I'm aware that you are open to suggestions when something is obviously broken, as am I if it's too good.

Anyway, it's way too late, time to head for bed.

Is there going to be a Small warforged race like the Eberron scout?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I was kinda thinking that would just be an alternate racial trait - Small sized and +2 Dex instead of +2 Con....

That makes sense.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'm back. :)

Tristan's patron deity is Desna, by the way.

Welcome back! Have fun?

Black Tom wrote:
I'm back. :)

w00t! :D

Black Tom wrote:
Tristan's patron deity is Desna, by the way.

Do any of you (besides Callomeleth, that is) wear an open/visible holy symbol?

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Not me.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

I never thought about that, honestly, because I never play paladins. Do paladins have holy symbols?

28/28 hp
DM Shisumo wrote:
Do any of you (besides Callomeleth, that is) wear an open/visible holy symbol?

Not I.

Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

Nor I.

28/28 hp

On the subject of the Dragon's Demand, I did not know if you were planning to do an open recruitment or not, but I know an excellent player I would heartily endorse if you have room.

Will shifters be an available race? Or is that something else you are working on?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

I have DD in hand, but the upcoming Blood of the Moon is making me wonder if I should wait until I see what the skin walkers look like, as a possible shifter replacement...

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