Nobody expects a guide to the inquisitor


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Dark Archive

Thanks for the kind words. Writing a guide is more work than I anticipated.

Sizik wrote:
Any plans for including Words of Power?

I consider Words of Power very limiting for an inquisitor.

Next, I'll take a look at skills, feats and equipment, although for obvious reasons I will not evaluate any feat in the game, only the feats of interest to the inquisitor.

Thanks for the guide Jadeite.

I have a quick question:

Why do you say that we must choose between bane and judgement as they are both swift actions.

Is n't it just the "change" of bane type and "change" of judgement that requires a swift action?

Dark Archive

glenstryder wrote:

Thanks for the guide Jadeite.

I have a quick question:

Why do you say that we must choose between bane and judgement as they are both swift actions.

Is n't it just the "change" of bane type and "change" of judgement that requires a swift action?

Both can be active at the same time, but it's a swift action to activate them. I'd usually activate judgment first since it lasts for the whole combat while bane is limited to a number of rounds per day.

Feats are pretty much done. If you think I forgot a feat of interest, feel free to suggest it.

Just as a reminder, when you go half elf you can also pick a scimitar, so if you want to go the dervish dance route the half elf is a better choice than human.

The ensemble teamwork feat doesn't have a description.

Dark Archive

leo1925 wrote:
Just as a reminder, when you go half elf you can also pick a scimitar, so if you want to go the dervish dance route the half elf is a better choice than human.

A cleric of Sarenrae gains scimitar proficiency, too.

I'd say I'm pretty much done for now. The equipment chapter could be longer, so if anyone has an idea what would make a good addition, feel free to contribute.
Otherwise, I'll try to update the guide once Inner Sea Magic and Ultimate Combat are released since they should contain some material of interest.

I think it should be good to write in the guide in which book Cornugon Smash is in. It's in the pathfinder companion Cheliax Empire of Devils p.26

Dark Archive

I probably should have included a source for all feats and spells. Checking d20pfsrd is a good way to find them, though.

Jadeite wrote:
I probably should have included a source for all feats and spells. Checking d20pfsrd is a good way to find them, though.

What other feat or spell have you placed? Dervish Dance and Cornugon Smash.

I don't think that feats and spells that are in the core hardcover books (core, APG, UM etc) don't need to give their exact location since those books are pretty much common knowledge to anyone.

Yes the d20pfsrd is indeed a very good source but a few people (especially new ones to the game) might not know it.

Minor error:
In the Torture Inquisition you mention the conversion domain, i suspect that you meant the conversion inquisition.

Dark Archive

I also included the spells from Faiths of Purity and ISWG. Boon Companion is from Seekers of Secrets.
The guided property is from Pathfinder 10, A History of Ashes.

I don't own Faiths of Balance yet, but I guess it includes inquisitor stuff as well.

Dark Archive

leo1925 wrote:

Minor error:

In the Torture Inquisition you mention the conversion domain, i suspect that you meant the conversion inquisition.


Jadeite wrote:

I also included the spells from Faiths of Purity and ISWG. Boon Companion is from Seekers of Secrets.

The guided property is from Pathfinder 10, A History of Ashes.

I don't own Faiths of Balance yet, but I guess it includes inquisitor stuff as well.

Ok i didn't noticed any spells from faiths of purity.

what does ISWG stands for?
You are right on the boon companion.
I think that you mentioned that the guided property is 3.5 material.
I also don't own *yet* the faiths of balance so i can't help you there.

But i think that you have a point, it might just be better to say in the beginning of the guide which books were used or just do nothing and let the new ones to come to the boards and have their questions answered.

Dark Archive

ISWG = Inner Sea World Guide. I should probably include the domains from that book as well.
Naming the books used in the beginning is a good idea.

Thanks a lot for the guide! keep up the good work.

Are you planning on adding the material from Ultimate Combat?

Dark Archive

acid wrote:

Thanks a lot for the guide! keep up the good work.

Are you planning on adding the material from Ultimate Combat?

Yes, stuff from the other recent books, too. I'm not too happy about the archetypes, but there are some rather fun options with the new teamwork and style feats. I'll probably start on it within the next week.

Jadeite wrote:
acid wrote:

Thanks a lot for the guide! keep up the good work.

Are you planning on adding the material from Ultimate Combat?

Yes, stuff from the other recent books, too. I'm not too happy about the archetypes, but there are some rather fun options with the new teamwork and style feats. I'll probably start on it within the next week.

Glad to hear it.

Dark Archive

I added the archetypes and inquisitions from UC and ISM.

Jadeite wrote:
I added the archetypes and inquisitions from UC and ISM.

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Now I also added the spells from Ultimate Combat. There are some good ones among them, although less than one might expect.

I just read this guide (courtesy of the guide to guides) and I thought it was amazing

What do you think of multiclassing with Zen Archer for a ranged Inquisitor? That way you get WIS to hit, AC and spells (not to damage though ;))

3 levels is rather steep (or maybe 4 to gain access to a ki pool?) but I can see a lot of synergy since you get a lot of extra feats required for archery

Instant judgement should be rated a bit higher, since it lets you change one judgement as an immediate action, you can activate both the +atk +dmg judgement on your turn, and if you get attacked, you can change one of those to defend yourself, or activate the judgement that prevents elemental damage, not a must feat, but certainly lets you respond immediately to an imminent threat.

Drothmal wrote:

I just read this guide (courtesy of the guide to guides) and I thought it was amazing

What do you think of multiclassing with Zen Archer for a ranged Inquisitor? That way you get WIS to hit, AC and spells (not to damage though ;))

3 levels is rather steep (or maybe 4 to gain access to a ki pool?) but I can see a lot of synergy since you get a lot of extra feats required for archery

Better to grab 1 level of Crusader cleric, grab channel smite, then guided hand.

And ensure your deity's favored weapon is a bow.

Cheapy wrote:
Drothmal wrote:

I just read this guide (courtesy of the guide to guides) and I thought it was amazing

What do you think of multiclassing with Zen Archer for a ranged Inquisitor? That way you get WIS to hit, AC and spells (not to damage though ;))

3 levels is rather steep (or maybe 4 to gain access to a ki pool?) but I can see a lot of synergy since you get a lot of extra feats required for archery

Better to grab 1 level of Crusader cleric, grab channel smite, then guided hand.

And ensure your deity's favored weapon is a bow.

That means Erastil (only) in Golarion right?

leo1925 wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Drothmal wrote:

I just read this guide (courtesy of the guide to guides) and I thought it was amazing

What do you think of multiclassing with Zen Archer for a ranged Inquisitor? That way you get WIS to hit, AC and spells (not to damage though ;))

3 levels is rather steep (or maybe 4 to gain access to a ki pool?) but I can see a lot of synergy since you get a lot of extra feats required for archery

Better to grab 1 level of Crusader cleric, grab channel smite, then guided hand.

And ensure your deity's favored weapon is a bow.

That means Erastil (only) in Golarion right?

As far as I know. But he has a lot of good domains.

Jadeite's Guide to the Inquisitor wrote:
Eyes of Judgment - With enough time you should be able to determine the exact alignment by using your detection abilities in succession.

Unless the subject has five or fewer hit dice; a restriction Eyes of Judgment ignores.

Eyes of Judgment wrote:

Benefit: When using your detect alignment class feature, you may spend 3 rounds studying a creature within 60 feet. You cannot take any other actions while doing this. After that time has passed, you learn the alignment of the creature.

I am fairly certain this would not bypass magical concealment of your alignment; and by the time you can take this feat it is mostly just useful against common NPCs, but still...

Question: You mention the "Guided" weapon property.

What book is that in, and what's the additional cost to add that to a weapon?

sgtrocknroll wrote:

Question: You mention the "Guided" weapon property.

What book is that in, and what's the additional cost to add that to a weapon?

PF AP #10. Technically, it's from the 3.5 days.

"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

DrDeth wrote:
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

And nothing of value was lost. :D

Full text wrote:

Source Pathfinder #10: A History of Ashes pg. 22
Aura moderate evocation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A weapon with the guided property allows its wielder to use his instinct when striking blows with it. Attacks from a guided weapon generally don’t strike hard, but they strike at precisely the right moment to maximize damage if in the hands of a particularly wise wielder. A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not adjusted for two-handed weapons or off-hand weapons—it always remains equal to the wielder’s Wisdom modifier. A guided weapon may be wielded as a normal weapon, using Strength to modify attack and damage rolls, but this goes against the weapon’s nature and imparts a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made in this manner.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spiritual weapon; Price +1 bonus

My post was about the OP. I can’t see his guide.

Liberty's Edge

I can see it fine.

Also, thank you very much for the guide. I've never really cared for the inquisitor class, but at least now I know quite a bit more about what it has to offer.

Sovereign Court

I've hit a wall of indecisiveness for my 7th level feat for my inquisitor.

Looking for any suggestions folks have.

Human 7th lvl inquisitor of Gorum

STR 19
DEX 14
CON 14
WIS 14

H Hvy armor prof
1 Dodge
3 Power Attack
3b Precise Strike
5 Craft Magic Arms and Armor
6b Outflank
7 ??

He uses +2 platemail and a +2 feybane greatsword.

I'm considering the following:
Extra Bane, Furious Focus or Weapon Focus, or possible Cleave, but I'm leaning away from that choice.

We have in the party:
a one handed fighter/aldori sword master
summoner with a melee eidolon
archer ranger with a wolf companion

Flanking partners aren't usually a problem, though getting into flanking sometimes is difficult. I think Mobility may have been on my wish list at some point...which is something I've only just now remembered. So maybe that would be the way to go. That lets me get into flanking positions a lot more safely.


Sovereign Court

I was taking a look at the teamwork feat Escape Route, and after reading what the guide here has to say, I feel it's being undervalued.

The feat reads:

Escape Route (Teamwork)
You have trained to watch your allies' backs, covering them as they make tactical withdraws.

Benefit: An ally who also has this feat provokes no attacks of opportunity for moving through squares adjacent to you or within your space.

The guide says:
Escape Route (Ultimate Combat) – Your allies no longer provoke for moving adjacent to you.

However, if I'm correctly understanding the feat and Solo Tactics, that's not what it does in the context of an inquisitor's normal situation.

The inquisitor gets the benefits of a teamwork feat that he has as if his allies have the feat. This means that any move the inquisitor makes through a square adjacent to or occupied by any ally provokes no AoO. This seems like a pretty nice benefit to have.

It's more situational than Mobility, but rather than giving a bonus to AC for the AoO, it prevents it entirely.

Consider the situation where an ally is adjacent to a medium or smaller foe.

Here the Foe is F, the Ally is A and the inquisitor is I, D is the destination square, wherefrom the inquisitor flanks the foe with his ally. The inquisitor with Escape Route can move from his current position to a flanking position without incurring any attacks of opportunity. He moves into the ally's space, then diagonally into the square to the left or right of the Foe, then again diagonally into the flanking square.


Dark Archive

That's yet another feat that isn't very clear wiht the way that it is worded. I would interpret it to mean you could move anywhere adjacent to A, but moving to D or the two X squares on either side of D would provoke, since none of those squares are adjacent to your ally.

Spot on with the Inquisitor-centric interpretation of the teamwork feat, though: the Inquisitor would reap the benefit of the AoO-free movement, not his ally.

Sovereign Court

It is poorly worded, I'll agree. I can see arguments for the interpretation you've put forward.

The reason I lean towards the one I posted is that movement provoked attacks of opportunity are defined by the square left, rather than the one entered.

Let's say you have a large creature L with a reach of 10 feet, and an ally A.


A is adjacent to squares 2, 3 and 4.

L threatens squares 1 through 6, plus others of course, but I'm only dealing with those in this example.

If our inquisitor moves from 1 to 2 (not a 5 foot step) under my interpretation, he's moving from a square that is not adjacent to his ally, so is not protected from AoO by Escape Route. He would take the AoO in square 1, a square that is not adjacent to A, and so that makes sense to me. He can't protect you from an AoO that would happen in square 1.

If he moves from square 4 to 5 he is protected from AoO by my interpretation. The AoO, if it were to happen from such movement, would occur while our inquisitor is in square 4 (an AoO happens before the action that provokes it, so it happens before the move from 4 to 5). This makes sense to me, since A is adjacent to square 4 and he can influence events in it.

By your interpretation (if I'm understanding it correctly), our inquisitor would take an AoO in square 4 when he declares that he's moving to 5, but he would not take an AoO in square 1, when he declares his movement to 2. This is seems counter intuitive to me, as A is influencing an event in square 1 (to which he is not adj), while not able to influence one in square 4 (to which he is adj).

Dark Archive

Okay, time to start working on it again.

Jadeite wrote:
Okay, time to start working on it again.

At a bare minimum please give us your impression of Dazzling Display (and its iterations if possible) I believe another AoE Intimidate would be invaluable. Plus if you wish to pursue further, you eventually wind up with Constitution Bleed (since I haven't mathed it out, that feat might be too expensive to chase, but worth evaluating)

Spellbreaker is the best archetype for those few that will spend significant time at 20th level. Once you're immune to Antimagic Field...

Dark Archive

Beats wrote:
Spellbreaker is the best archetype for those few that will spend significant time at 20th level. Once you're immune to Antimagic Field...

I'm not so sure if immunity to Remove Curse is such a good idea.

I find Witchunter to be a freaking awesome archetype. Play a Dwarf with Steel Soul and glory of old Trait. (+5racial vs magic)

Throw Knowledgeable Defense AND stalwart class ability and you LAUGH at enemy casters. You fort and will saves are massive.

I currently am running a Tengu inquisitor. Mine is an archer, but Tengu get automatic proficiency with all swords so they would make excellent melee fighters as well. I think the Wis and Dex bonuses make it a solid race even if the con penalty hurts a little.

Cass_Ponderovian wrote:
I currently am running a Tengu inquisitor. Mine is an archer, but Tengu get automatic proficiency with all swords so they would make excellent melee fighters as well. I think the Wis and Dex bonuses make it a solid race even if the con penalty hurts a little.

Good point. Tengu are super awesome.

Dark Archive

A tengu inquisitor might be better of trading his sword proficiency for claws. While they don't work with bane, three natural weapons are still pretty good, especially if you get them at first level. Dex instead of Str hurts a bit, but they are still a solid race.

Don't remember if I ever said it, but thank you for this guide. It is by far my favorite of ANY guides. I keep it in my favorites and reference it often. I was impressed watching you type it when you first put it up. And am thankful you continue to watch over it.

Even though I do not execute every "best" choice, knowing weaknesses and potential flaws of my character's design, has made playing my inquisitor so much more fun.

Once again, really appreciate your work.


( EDIT: reread posts, I actually thanked you bunches, but heck, it bears repeating :P )

It is a great guide. I started Carrion Crown playing the 'tank', had expected to take 1 or 2 inquisitor levels and go straight fighter the rest of the way.....until I read your guide. Now, who needs fighter levels?

I cant wait to see the coming updates.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I love the inquisitor and think you guide is pretty good.

I noticed you did not included the Pharasma versions of the Death and Souls domains, /death-domain /repose-domain/souls

I would rate the Souls domain as a green for it's abilities verses incorpreal and level drain.

I also highly suggest the "Preacher" archtype(UM) if you are even a secondary debuffer. inquisitor-archetypes/preacher

Shadow Lodge

What are your and others' feelings on Craft Wand or Scribe Scroll for an inquisitor? Also are there any items that hold multiple scrolls or wands and allow their retrieval as move ormswift actions?


Grand Lodge

An Inquisitor with the Aquatic or Swamp domain, Channel Smite and Guided Hand feats, with god who's favored weapon is a Bow, is one of my favorite Inquisitor tactics.

Dark Archive

John Bellando wrote:
What are your and others' feelings on Craft Wand or Scribe Scroll for an inquisitor? Also are there any items that hold multiple scrolls or wands and allow their retrieval as move ormswift actions?

I'm not sure about the items, but in my opinion Craft Wand or Scribe Scroll aren't that good for an inquisitor. They are spontaneous casters, so their ability to craft such items is rather limited.

Considering that you still have to know the spells you want to craft, you're probably better off just buying the items.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
An Inquisitor with the Aquatic or Swamp domain, Channel Smite and Guided Hand feats, with god who's favored weapon is a Bow, is one of my favorite Inquisitor tactics.

It's debatable if that works.

I'm curious why the red rating for circle of death. You mention something about an 8HD enemy, but Circle of death is going to effect an average of 36 HD of enemies (math off the top of my head), when you first get it.

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