DM Hamied |

Hi everybody,
I will be running a play-by-post game featuring the Carrion Crown AP starting next week, and I need players! I plan on leaving this recruitment thread open until Sunday evening (7/17), at which point I will review interested players and make selections. I am looking for five players that can post at least once a day.
I have experience with play-by-post games and with DMing, but this will be my first foray as a play-by-post DM. I am well read on the AP and on Ustalav, however, and I am confident that we will have a grand old time.
22 Point Buy - No stats under 10, please.
Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Inner Sea World Guide and Ultimate Magic are all fair game for classes/feats. Though it may sadden applicants, I'm not planning to allow the variant classes from Ultimate Combat despite its imminent release date.
Anybody who is interested should check out the Carrion Crown Player's Guide. You will start with two traits, and one of them must be a campaign trait from the guide. All of the races discussed therein are available for play, but players considering changelings, dhampirs and orcs should work extra hard fitting their more exotic characters into the storyline.
I'm particularly interested in your character's connection to Professor Lorrimor. Beyond the description under each trait, what was your history with him? Were you close, or was your relationship mostly happenstance? Furthermore, how might your character fit in misty, xenophobic Ustalav? Does anything besides the Professor's death draw you here? Will the paranoid citizenry fear you, or trust you? How might you react when confronted by that which lurks in the dark?
I'm really looking forward to seeing some character concepts!

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Here is my character concept and background for a Bladebound Magus. I am working on the numbers but I figured getting the concept up would be best. The campaign trait is either going to be Subject of Study or Inspired by Greatness.
Name: Kazimier "Kaz" Tumaz
Race: Human
Class: Magus (Bladebound)
Age: 19
Appearance: This young man has long black hair with a white streak on his left temple and a beard that also has the white streak in it. He has pale blue eyes. And walks with a limp due to a wound he took when he tried his hand at standing against bandits. Kaz wears mostly grays, blacks and whites preferring suits rather than robes. Around his neck he wears a symbol of Nethys. The left side of his face is scarred from the same bandits.
Bio: 3 Born to a minor noble house Kaz was not going to be destined for much if any of the family lands. He had to find a way to make it on his own. He strove to be the best in everything just to get his father's attention. While this was good for him it was presenting a problem with his older brothers for he was making them look bad. His brothers were devising a plan that would take care of not only his father but their overachiever brother as well.
One afternoon they suggested they all go hunting. This was an area that Kaz was never good at but it was his father's favorite, so he reluctantly agreed. While Kaz and his family were in the woods tracking a beast, they were onset by bandits. His 2 brothers began to hand over all of what they had, but his father stood up to them engaging them, trying to protect his youngest son. That was for not. The Bandits surround them both slicing and lunging at the pair; though his father fought bravely he was overpowered by sheer numbers. Kaz noted that the Bandits were moving a quite bit faster that his father and himself. One of the Bandits eyes glowed yellow and it charged his father. His father screamed he then watched as his father dropped to the ground.
Kaz knelt down to pick up his father's sword and tried to defend himself calling for help from his brothers, but they were nowhere to be scene. Then one of the Bandits sliced at Kaz cutting his left leg dropping him, than another stabbed him in the chest. The one that took down his father started coming towards Kaz, as it did he changed shape from a man to a wolf beast. It sniffed the air it howled what sounded like a warning and took off into the woods. The Bandits rushed to take all they could. Luckily they did not have the time to take the sword from Kaz's hand. The blood began to pool around him he knew death was near. When he heard voices, they were coming closer, he could not make out what they saying then all went blank.
Kaz woke up in a simple straw bed, trying to move but couldn't move he heard a gentle voice. "Don't move child you are in bad shape, I have wrapped your wounds but healing will take time." A hand touched Kaz's forehead he went back to sleep. He dreamt of power and destruction of those that have wronged him. He saw a face one that was half fair and the other charred the voice spoke "The Power is within, my disciple can show you how to tap it, and with that Knowledge you can heal yourself and can destroy those who did this." When Kaz woke he saw a woman sitting at a table half the woman's hair was white the other red. When she turned to him he noticed the left side of her face was burnt and the other was beautiful.
"Good you are awake; you are to be my apprentice so I have been told." She walks to a closet and brings out a black and white robe. "Put this on, it will cover you until we get you something a bit more fitting." He takes the robe and puts it over his head before he could be warned he tries to stand and falls. He looks down at his leg it is wrapped in bandages; she looks over at him "You will have to rebuild the strength in that one, my power is not in the Divine so I can't heal you wounds. But I can show you the Path you were told about if you choose." With a bit of struggling Kaz get back on the bed "I'll do it" thus started his slow recovery and his path to the Power promised.
During this time of training a companion of his mentor kept coming to their home asking him questions about the attack on the night his father died. This friend kept checking Kaz's wounds for infection. The gentleman called himself a Professor and he is studying the monster attacks in the area. While he was checking in on Kaz they began to talk of the problem of the monsters in this country and how they need to be stopped. Kaz who was trying to stay focused on revenge found he could not, the talk with this Professor over the month of time he came to check on Kaz made him see that his power could be used to help. One day he would get revenge on his brothers but not until he tried to help Ustalav from the creatures that plagued it.
When his initial training had been completed Kaz said goodbye to his mentor and the Professor. Miranda walked Kaz out to the place they buried his father. She looked at him "You are ready to start your real training learn all you can and share your knowledge so other don't make the same mistakes." Kaz nodded. Kaz knelt and said a prayer to his father. Kaz got up with the help of his mentor his leg still reminded him of that night and knew it would never heal. He said his final goodbye and started to walk away. She stopped him "That sword of your father's is special and when you ready you will unlock the power within." With those final words she headed back to the cabin and the professor and Kaz began his Journey.
Relationship with Professor Lorrimor: While Kaz was recovering from his wounds and training the Professor taught him that his need for petty revenge was no comparison to the horrors that walked through Ustalav. This made Kaz realize that his life should be spent on more than ruining his brothers. After he left the cabin he met the professor one other time and they had drinks. Kaz thanked the Professor for his help in changing his path so it would not be the one to destruction. Kaz would be broken up about the professor's death.

Patcher |

Hello! Glad to see more APs being run.
I'm currently running Carrion Crown myself, but I also would like to be a player too. Would me running it already be a problem for you? I would do my best to separate my DM knowledge from my character knowledge.
I'll come up with specifics if the DM doesn't mind.

Issan Masud |

Excellent. I've been very much wanting to run a Pharasmin Priest in this AP. He should fit in fine as long as there aren't any Necromancers in the party :P
I'm a reliable at least daily poster (GM one and play 2.5 games so not overloaded either).
Issan would take the Subject of Study (undead) Campaign Trait.
A tall tonsured Garundi dressed in the black robes of Pharasma, Issan’s destiny as a priest of the Goddess of Fate was set with his first breath. His mother nearly died in childbirth due to a lack of competent priests in his small village in the wastes of northwestern Osirion. Concerned at the lack of priests in the area, his parents bravely dedicated their youngest son to the goddess and the child was taken up by a small Pharasmin nunnery near Shiman-Sekh.
A favored child of the temple, Issan was instructed in healing and death rituals. He looked forward to a quiet life as a cloistered priest and healer at the temple until one of his wards succumbed to a virulent strain of ghoul fever and he barely escaped with his life. Many of the beloved sisters of the temple were not so lucky.
Bereaved at the loss of those he had considered his mothers. Issan wandered to Sothis where he met Professor Lorrimor, who was interested in his experience with ghouls. The professor helped Issan overcome his grief while they studied the varieties of undead found in Osirion. It is with great sadness that Issan has learned of the Professor's recent passing.
Issan has commenced an arduous journey across the Inner Sea and most of Avistan to attend his beloved mentor's funeral and plans to stay in Ustalav where he has heard priests of Pharasma are highly respected and much needed to ward off the lingering shadows.

Hrolf Steinolf |

(Alexander Kilcoyne's submission)
I assumed average gold for class, is this correct DM?
Presenting Hrolf Steinolf- an Ulfen tribesman blessed with both the blood and spirits of his ancestors. His background etc. are below and his stat block is available to view on this profile. I can provide a full pdf on request.
Appearance/Physical Makeup-
Hrolf is a towering man of viking descent- he stands tall at 6"6 but isn't particularily broad in the shoulders. When not relaxing, he garbs himself in scale mail and uses a heavy metal shield in combination wih various weapons; and wears a trusty horned helmet stylised as Old Deadeye's antlers. He is strong and tough as befits a warrior and hunter, but he is not particularily agile. Hrolf is a handsome man in his mid twenties, his flowing golden locks of hair and bright blue eyes both complimenting his tall visage. He keeps a spring-loaded wrist sheath attached to his right arm at all times and is fairly heavily laden with weapons, armour and equipment.
As a jarl's son in a small Ulfen tribe in Irrisen, Hrolf was raised to lead others within the tribe and to be a warrior worthy of his status. By the age of 15 he had made his first kill in a hunt- taking down a stag with a well placed throw of the javelin. He won his first duel at the age of 17 (over a woman), and eagerly entered his first battle at the age of 18, leading a small honur guard into battle for the nation of Irrisen, his tribe often serving as auxilary infanty.
Although his tribe managed to turn the tide of a losing battle when ordered to march as reinforcements, Hrolf was sorely outmatched by a cunning Taldan mercenary he clashed blades with, his honour guard slain and Hrolf left bleeding out from a deft sword slash that had disembowelled him- a killing blow if not dealt with swiftly.
With the battle still raging around him he cried for help; but no one could hear him over the din of battle, or if they could they were too focused on fighting for their lives to help. In a state of delirium and near-hysteria as the battle went on, Hrolf's cries and wails seemed to take on a life of their own, speaking in an entirely different language that seemed to smoothly roll of his tongue in a higher pitch than he was used to. Simultaneously, he found he could not hear the commands and cries of those around him; it was as though he had never spoken Skald or Common in his life. Hrolf shouted for the assistance of his ancestors; great heroes of the tribe such as the Elder- Asvald Bergthor, the Shaman Gudmand Frodi and the Bear-Tamer Ivar Arnstein. To Hrolf's great surprise, his ancestor's ghostly forms materialised around him; offering their counsel and teaching him to use the magic that ran through his veins. Hrolf tentatively placed a hand upon his wound, focused and watched his wounds heal miraculously.
He returned to the fight and slew the surprised Taldan who had dealt the wound, surviving the battle- but his ancestors never left him. He could always feel their presence and with great concentration he could call upon their counsel or a fragment of their mighty skills and power . The Elder slowly taught him of magic, of the mysteries of ancestors and their own devotion to Erastil, and a combination of the blood of heroes running through his veins and his spirit council unlocked his magic potential, slowly but surely.
Hrolf's near miraculous reovery did not go unnoticed by his tribe members, but it was glossed over as a blessing of Erastil. However, over time they began to fear Hrolf's strange acts in battle- his ability to lead severely compromised by his inability to understand or command his fellows. Good Ulfen men, childhood friends; all began to whisper the same type of words. Witchcraft. Cursed. Devilry.
Begging his ancestors for advice, he was told that he was destined for greater things than to become the next Jarl- and to leave the tribe to seek out his own glory. Reluctantly, Hrolf agreed.
A handful of years have passed since then and Hrolf has travelled extensively around Avistan. He is a fierce individual and a fairly skilled warrior, and combined with his knowledge of Irrisen he made a very competent guide and bodyguard for Professor Lorrimor. Something about the charismatic Oracle and his ancestor worship must have intrigued Professor Lorrimor as Hrolf found the old Professor often hiring him as a bodyguard even when the area of investigation was not somewhere he had expertise in. In turn, Hrolf had his own fascination which Lorrimor was happy to indulge questions about- magic. By the time they had made their last trip together the two men had become firm friends and Hrolf was managing to activate simple wands and scrolls the Professor gave him for study. He had also taught Hrolf to read and write, skills not deemed important within his tribe. When news of his death reached the young Ulfen, he was incredibly depressed. The Professor had been like a father to him, and he like a son. He only wished the Professor had been among his ancestors, for he dearly missed his advice and would give anything to have his spirit among his counsellors.
Hrolf is an Ulfen man through and through and is likely to respond to slights to his honour with a duelling challenge, banging on his shield with his mace. Once he has duelled to first blood the slight is quickly forgotten. He accepts other religions, but will not tolerate them being forced upon him; he keeps a fondness in his heart for Old Deadeye in particular but his primary worship is to his ancestors.
He has encountered very little in his life other than animals and humanoids and is likely to react to other things with superstition unless he knows better. He does have a limited understanding of the Undead though, one of Lorrimor's favourite subjects.
Party Role-
Hrolf is a second class warrior, designed to use reach weapons (probably a Bardiche) from level three onwards. He can heal and will do so when necessary. I think the ancestor worship and the mechanical abilities it gives will fit the campaign really well- and should this character be selected i'm going to come up with personalities ad histories of his ancestor council. I am imaging narrating the +2 bonus they give as timely advice, for example when spending the move action to have their advice for a shot with the bow, Bear-Tamer might whisper to aim higher for the softer hide on the hindquarters of the animal, for example.
My posting habits-
I am at GMT+0 and am on the forums almost every day at various hours. I've been a regular to PbP for a while and can post every day. I have my own long-running PbP games here on the forum and I have no intention of disappearing. Any abscences in my posting due to work etc. will be noted in advance. Thanks for reading

Bilbo Bang-Bang |

Before turning your nose up at this monk in a gothic setting, please look him over, haha.
Human Zen Archer
Tetsuo Hayashi
Coming from a monestary well known for their ghost hunters, Tetsuo has spent much time in the nation of Ustalav. While his presence has always put the locals a little on edge due to the exotic nature of his clothing and looks in general, they have always been grateful for his presence when the undead have come calling. Serving as a research assistant and bodyguard to the professor in order to bring back as much information on the subject of the walking dead to the grand library in Abaslom.
News of his friend's death reached while back at his temple delivering there latest finds. Knowing life is not the end of one's journey, Furugu decided it would be in his friend's interest to assure that the his passing was indeed on to the spirit world and not caught in limbo of un-life. On his return travel to Ustalav, Hayashi came to the conclusion his mission of self perfection included the task of freeing other's souls to return to the great wheel of rebirth.
Tetsuo will act as a combat controller softening targets and targeting spell casters.

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AK I hope you don't mind, I cribbed your submission format because it was pretty awesome.
"Easy now you lot. You've got your share of the jewels, I'm keeping this bauble. We split up as agreed. Very well, I've no desire to fight 3 on 1, take it, but don't expect to work with me again."
There, bait taken. That forgery of the Professors will keep them occupied until I'm away with the real prize.
Typical of his engagements with the Professor, Jasper Lind was often employed by Professor Lorrimor when he needed a lock picked or a trap disarmed. Being paid to outfox others has been good for Jasper, and he counts himself far wealthier since meeting the Professor. News of Lorrimor's death hits Jasper hard, and he makes haste to the funeral to pay respects to an employer and friend.
Born into a tribe of Szcarni, Jasper traveled with the troupe and learned the skills necessary to preform for the country folk. Acrobatics, tumbling, juggling, picking locks and pockets, and above all knowing who to steal from and who not to. A burglar by trade and a rogue at heart, Jasper wants nothing more than to relieve the unworthy of their valuables. Part of every take he sends back to his clan, knowing full well the penalty if he doesn't.
Jasper is average height and build for a Szcarni. He works hard to blend in, counting on the racism of Ustalav's nobility to protect him should he be forced to run while on the job. Dressing in the bright colors of his people, his clothes are reversible so the darker interior can be used at night when he is on the job. His boots are well made but not distinctive.
He is quick and clever, though rash and prone to saying what he feels instead of keeping his own council. Although he lives to break into the homes of others and disable traps of lethal cunning, Jasper is not an evil man or given to wickedness. He loves his family and supports them with his efforts. He tries not to harm anyone in the homes he breaks into, and if given the chance will flee rather than be discovered.
Party Role
Jasper is a dedicated Rogue (Burglar) who will be emphasizing skills and trickery over pure combat. Although he can hold his own in a fight that won't be his focus.

Shanosuke |

okay, I decided on a changeling monk. Drunken master Archetype for Ss and Gs
Danaline was a changeling. She knew that though she made an effort to hide it as often as she could. Few people in the world knew of her origin and it was a story she seldom told. She took to wandering from place to place around the region of Ravengro to avoid being discovered for her dark past. Often times she would visit monasteries to learn the ways of becoming a monk. She was good at it, and it made things easier for her to hide as she didn’t need to talk much. Eventually her loneliness began to take its toll. She took up drinking….excessively. She was drunk almost all the time and the monasteries stopped taking her in. However, there was one monk at a particular monastery who said she could use her abilities with alcohol to her advantage. He taught her the ways of the drunken master and she seem to adapt well to it.
A few years later she had the privilege of actually rescuing one named professor Lorrimor. She was out on her travels when she saw an old man being attacked by a wolf. She had meant to save him simply for more booze money but things didn’t turn out that way. There ended being two wolves and though she defeated them, she was badly hurt. Lorrimor was so grateful that he brought her back to his place to nurse her back to health. Danaline only stayed with the old man a couple of days, but in that time they became friends. She had accidentally divulged her true identity to him but rather than act in fear as she was used to, he showed more interest. This lead to a lot of rather uncomfortable questions. Danaline knew the old man was just being curious but all the same it was a subject she was fond of talking about no matter who the recipient was. As soon as she was able, she made her departure. Lorrimor told her she could stay but she wouldn’t. After all, she didn’t like staying anywhere for too long. Upon bidding the old man farewell, he promised that he would someday repay her for saving his life and for offending her. She forgave him for the offense right there and told him which monastery she frequented in here wandering and told him to go there should he ever need anything.
One day when Danaline visited her favorite monastery. She received the summons regarding Lorrimor’s funeral. It was a shame he was such a nice, if overly curious, old man. Out of respect for the good professor, Danaline packed her things and headed for the professor’s town.

DM Hamied |

Excellent character ideas so far, everybody. It will certainly be tough to pick only five players.
I'll address a few of the thoughts and questions put forth so far.
Do you want a full stat block as well as a backstory or just backstory?
I will leave this up to those submitting. Putting together a character mechanically is a bit of work and I don't want to require that of everybody since I can't select all of you. That said, it is helpful for me to look at as it gives me a clear sense of your proposed role in the party. This is particularly true with support classes, like the bard or cleric, which can lean heavily into other roles (i.e. archer bard, battle cleric). More information is certainly helpful when making a decision, but for the most part, I will assume that anybody that can really hook me with a well-written backstory is going to be able to back it up with stats.
I'm currently running Carrion Crown myself, but I also would like to be a player too. Would me running it already be a problem for you? I would do my best to separate my DM knowledge from my character knowledge.
I have no issues with players who know the ins and outs of the AP already. Knowing spoilers doesn't preclude enjoyment of a particular storyline...otherwise, who would buy boxed DVD sets of their favorite TV shows? That said, I'm not advocating that everybody run out and get a copy of The Haunting of Harrowstone...I just want to say that if you already know it, don't be discouraged from applying. I very much admire your games on these forums, Patcher, and I trust that you would separate story knowledge and character knowledge responsibly.
I assumed average gold for class, is this correct DM?
I apologize for not specifying. Yes, average starting gold and (to nip this in the bud) max HP at first level.
Before turning your nose up at this monk in a gothic setting, please look him over, haha.
Consider my nose unturned. I should specify that while I don't really want to see gunslingers, ninjas or samurai in a gothic horror setting, I'm not inherently opposed to Tian characters or the monk class if I feel their story ties in well with the campaign (and yours does).
I hope this answers a few questions. Please feel free to ask many more!

Issan Masud |

To clarify Issan's role in the party-
In combat he would be artillery and medic. definitely in the back where he can supply crossbow support with precise shot and more importantly lend a healing hand where needed. His dagger/skane is mostly for ceremonial purposes. He prefers to channel against undead foes.
Out of combat, he has a decent charisma and the Knowledge domain which allows access to all areas of knowledge so I can see him as an asset in negotiations and research as well.

Hornusser |

Introducing a debauched rogue from the River Kingdoms into the fray....
Crafting a character and will post a profile soon.
Mechanically I am thinking more along the lines of a heavy-hitting sneak attack - and some social "graces" - if you can call them that...
Now Ustalav was a particularly attractive destination for a rogue like Welk. He heard of the the charming opulence of its towns and admired the aristocratic demeanor of its ladies. He saw in this country a new field for conquest. He became friends with Professor Lorrimer shortly after disembarking from that crusade two years ago. He clearly noted that the Professor kept good company, so he decided to ingratiate himself to the old fellow - and managed to weasel a way into his service. Using inborn wiles and charms, Welk secured employment in the offices of the Professor's chamberlain. There found he found fertile grounds for scheming and debauchery as the retainer of a noble household.
The Professor`s death is something of a setback for the young cad. As Lorrimer's manservant he was a made man. He suspects that that some of Lorrimer's estate staff have it in for him and that they are thinking of cutting him loose. If he were to operate as a freebooter he would likely have to cross paths with the Scarzni - an unsavoury prospect to be sure. Frantically wondering how to keep out of trouble - he arrives at the funeral ready to improvise a new scheme.....

Grusk |

Role in the party....
Grusk provides the point man in the form of his Eidolon, who can walk point, set off traps and help avoid death and dismemberment...
The eidolon is also small, stealthy and acrobatic, able to help flank with the precise strike feat.
Grusk is tough as well and uses his nets/whip or greataxe as needed!

Welk Camerling |

Here is a character profile for that debauched rogue Camerling!
I hope I am using an accepted format for the character profile. I can change it if necessary. Background has been updated in their too.
This is the first time I have posted a character for a PbP Pathfinder game...but I have played many more characters over the last two years at the table. I am pretty excited about this.
I can post once a day - no problem. GMT-5.
I used a template that a friend sent me. I'm not sure if its an accepted format. Please let me know if anything else is expected....surely there will be many adjustments and changes before he is fit for a campaign....but hopefully you get the gist.
I selected heirloom weapon. Greatsword! He's the less-than-worthy son of a Crusader. haha.
I was originally inspired by to create a characters like the scoundrel gardener Andy Warhol's Dracula. (lol). I wanted to create a real knave and this one took its own direction. I was thinking of a River Kingdom character from another campaign and adapted it to the Ustalav-knave-gothic idea . I hope it works....

DM Hamied |

Is my backstory for Danaline sufficient or do you require more detail. Also, if you have any advice or concerns about her, please let me know.knowns
It's solid. I do like that you found a character-driven reason for her class archetype (the drinking). I guess I'm not entirely clear on what motivates her, aside from hiding the truth about her nature. That's the kind of thing that can begin to come out during play, however.
I hope I am using an accepted format for the character profile. I can change it if necessary. Background has been updated in their too.
I don't have a preference for a particular format as long as your character sheet is easily accessible from your profile (either listed there or contained in a provided link). However people choose to organize things is likely just fine. I did look your sheet over and it's very detailed. Good stuff.
I should take a moment to say that Chaotic Neutral always gives me pause as a DM. I have decided not to include any alignment restrictions with character creation, but I would like for anybody intending to play Chaotic Neutral to really think about how their character might fit in a team. Many players do this really well, but I can't pretend I haven't encountered more than a few difficult CN characters over the course of my gaming career (and even played one, on occasion...I know how easy it can be to fall into the trap of being an uncooperative character).

Hymenopterix |

Rosanna Tsarataranni - Female, Half-Elven Witch (Hedge witch), Enchantment patron.
Appearance/Physical Makeup-
Rosanna is a slim, willowy woman of mixed Human and Elven blood. She stands a mere 5'6" tall and appears somewhat younger than her 22 years. Rosanna's elven blood is strong, and she shows some clear signs of her elven heritage, her black hair, which she keeps plaited into a tail is long, reaching down past the small of her back and seems to move slightly even in the absence of any wind. Rosanna wears simple peasant clothing and carries a shortspear decorated with the feathers of various birds. Her familier, "Aranca" is a playful female weasel.
In the misty pre-dawn light of a cold Ustalav winter 22 years ago a young woman, heavilly pregnant and wrapped in strange threadbare clothing decorated with a pattern of ornate rose thorns, stumbled from the dark cold forest into the small and remote farming community of Ahlm in the backward region of Vieland. The woman was taken to the town's lone inn as she writhed in the pain of child-birth. The villiagers called for the witch Zana who tried to treat the woman and guide her through her labour. After many hours of pain, during which she screamed in an unknown language the woman finally gave birth to a baby girl with strangely shaped eyes and pointed ears, however the woman herself died at the instance of birth.
Thinking the strange infant a changeling, the townsfolk were intent on exposing the child to the chill winter, fearing that it would bring bad luck to Ahlm and its people however Zana, taking pity on the child, stopped them, saying that the child was a gift of the forest. Despite the protests of the villiagers Zana was not to be dissuaded and took in the child herself.
Throughout her childhood the girl, who Zana named as Rosanna because of the pattern on her mother's clothes, was lonely, excluded from the children of Ahlm because of her strange appearance and the manner of her arrival. As she grew older Rosanna developed into a quick-witted and pretty girl and began to learn witchcraft from her adoptive mother, proving a quick and able student with a talent for the craft.
When Rosanna was 16 years of age an aged man came to Ahlm. Any visitors were rare in the remote town and the appearance of a well-dressed academic was unheard of. The old man stayed in the town's inn, moving out into the countryside on trips every day and bringing back samples of plants animals and rocks with stone animal skeletons seeming to emerge from within. It was on one of these trips that the old man, Professor Lorrimor, met the young Rosanna. Striking up a conversation with the young girl, the professor was struck by her quick mind and emplyed her help in finding new and interesting specimens for his collections. For over three months the professor stayed in the town often spending his nights talking and debating with Rossana.
All to soon the professor left to return to his studies, however he maintained a correspondance with Rossana over the following years. Now, Rosanna has recieved a letter informing her of the professor's death and summoning her to his funeral. Sad to leave Zana, but knowing that she has no future in the town of her birth, Rosanna has made her way to Ravengro to pay her respects to the old man.
Rosanna is shy and meek when she first encounters people but, once she has learnt to trust, she emerges as a quick-witted and friendly woman. Rosanna will tend to stand back and allow others to talk as she stands back and assesses situations, only putting forward her opinion once she is sure of her position.
Rosanna is a general support character with a mix of healing and offensive magic. Hexes = Healing and Prehensile Hair (Extra Hex feat)
My posting habits
I am at GMT+10 (Australia) but can often post from work and will be able to do so at least once per day (often more frequently). If you'd like any more info let me know!

DM Hamied |

I thought I'd take a moment to catalog the proposed characters so far. For people just coming into this thread who have not yet expressed interest, please feel free to do so. Recruitment is open through Sunday evening (7/17).
For now though, we have:
Grusk Tan'hul, Half-Orc Summoner
Danaline, Changeling Monk
Kazimier Tumaz, Human Magus
Hrolf Steinolf, Human(Ulfen) Oracle
Toryl Jonason, Human Paladin
Issan Masud, Human(Garundi) Cleric
Tetsuo Hayashi, Human(Tian) Monk
Rosanna Tsarataranni, Half-Elf Witch
Torillan Ellandilas, Elf Fighter
Jasper Lind, Human(Varisian/Scarzni) Rogue
Welk Camerling, Human Rogue
No names yet for characters, but interested:
Patcher, not yet sure of class
Paizo Fan, arcane or divine caster
redclover, Human or Half-Orc Ranger
I think I got everybody in the thread so far, but if I missed you, please yell at me! Do note that this is just a list of prospective characters and not who I've selected. I will post selections on Sunday evening or Monday morning.

DM Hamied |

Did you miss my submission or are you waiting for me to post the character sheet.
I'm not sure how I overlooked it. Sorry about that. Editing my list momentarily...
EDIT: Okay, I've added Kazimier to my above post. To clarify, I read your concept last night shortly after you posted it, reviewed it this morning, and then somehow failed to add your magus to the list this evening. Know that I am (and have been) aware of your interest and that you are under consideration.

Shanosuke |

Okay I added one little to my story. Danaline hasn't had many friends but Lorrimor one definately one she liked the most. Rather than simply disappear after one visit, she will visit him several times, just to check in with him and talk a bit. Though she never would talk about her past, even when Lorrimor got her good and liquored up. Still they shared good company. Upon hearing of his death, she will take it very seriously, and if there was foul play involved, she would defiantly seek out justice.
Dose this addition help to solidify things?

DM Hamied |

Okay I added one little to my story. Danaline hasn't had many friends but Lorrimor one definately one she liked the most. Rather than simply disappear after one visit, she will visit him several times, just to check in with him and talk a bit. Though she never would talk about her past, even when Lorrimor got her good and liquored up. Still they shared good company. Upon hearing of his death, she will take it very seriously, and if there was foul play involved, she would defiantly seek out justice.
Dose this addition help to solidify things?
Yes. That definitely gives me a stronger sense of Danaline's connection to the campaign.

DM Hamied |

** spoiler omitted **Anything else I can answer or additional information you need?

![]() |

I'll have a profile/build posted before Sunday. This is my weekend to run gaming so I won't have time until Saturday morning. Right now my plan is CG or NG, high Dex and Int with decent Cha and Con. Human so bonus feat towards Skill Focus (Disable Device) and probably Weapon Finesse. Not sure about the other Trait yet. Anything else you'd like to see fleshed out for my character or feel wouldn't fit the campaign as written now?

Welk Camerling |

I should take a moment to say that Chaotic Neutral always gives me pause as a DM.
He'll be Chaotic Good then. Honestly...I did not put too much thought into his alignment. He is not a bad character....erratic or outrageously greedy. He's just a bit selfish...that's all. He's a braggart and a rogue in the classic sense. We would have to see as it plays out....if I am lucky enough to get a chance to play him. He would certainly cooperate with a team for the sake of wealth and glory.
He is not a particularily violent man - and was too undisciplined to train in martial arts...so he learned to talk tough and use intimidation to mask his weaknesses...
That big sword of his is mostly for show...but he'll use it if he has to.
I hope the trait selection is OK.

redclover |

Hamied how do you feel about the trait "Hunter's Blood", from Wayfinder #1
Hunters Blood
You didn’t choose the path of the hunt, the hunt chose you. You were born inside a family of those dedicated to hunting the undead. Since an early age you were taught the tools of the trade, how to hunt and kill your quarry. Be careful when using your family name – it’s better known than you are.
Benefit: You earn a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy when used to gather information, Knowledge (religion), and Survival when used for tracking when related to an undead quarry. Choose one as these as a class skill. The undead have a +1 bonus on any roll to learn about you, as your family’s fame precedes you.
And if you are okay with it, are there any such established hunting families in Ustalav I might be a son of, or should I just make one up?

Bilbo Bang-Bang |

Can the the undead acquire the shaken condition? I'm at work and don't have access to check that right now. I have pretty good lead on a debuff application for my monk build if they can. Should I be selected, I may take the combo even if they don't in case we run into some living jokers who need a good pants crapping.

DM Hamied |

Both of your traits are fine. Some DMs take issue with Heirloom Weapon, but I am not one of them.
There are provinces that have a strong reputation for hunting (Lozeri) and some well known individuals that have a penchant for it (Count Galdana of Amaans), but I'm not aware of any prominent hunting families off the top of my head. I will look through Rule of Fear tomorrow with that question in mind, but you should feel totally free to invent such a family if you wish.
Hope that helps.

Hymenopterix |

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Thanks for the reply. Didn't really think that i needed to add much to the concept as already posted but, given that a lot of the applications so far seem to be for support-type character ii thought i'd let you know that i think i can rework Rosanna as necessary to fill any gaps.

Hymenopterix |

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Thanks for the reply. Didn't really think that i needed to add much to the concept as already posted but, given that a lot of the applications so far seem to be for support-type character i thought i'd let you know that i think i can rework Rosanna as necessary to fill any gaps.

Patcher |

Apologies for my slow reply - I was at first planning on submitting an Oracle of Bones who would play the part of a good necromancer and be a good asset against the undead we may or may not encounter - but I felt as though my background and concept ended up too weak to be considered. I may retry this endeavour.
I'm also considering an inquisitor. If multiple archetypes are allowed, infiltrator and preacher - if only one, infiltrator. Would be of Cayden Cailean, anti-slavery, pro-freedom - though only in the open; instead he is morose and firmly interested in the study of evil (much like Lorrimor), and seeks to eliminate it swiftly and quietly. A bit of a two-faced bastard when it comes to who he pretends to be, and his intents.
Failing that, a bard. I need to think about this thoroughly. I can't quite seem to come up with a concept that I like.

Bilbo Bang-Bang |

Thanks for the info, Hamied. I think the build I was looking into would work for a melee monk a little better, but as it stands now, Hayashi will have a +10 to initiative, 18 AC and flurry of blows with his bow for +3/+3 after the -1/-1 reduction. I think that he will do just fine. The only problem I see in the early stage is having enough money to buy a suitable bow. But, this can be dealt with quickly enough. Chance Savior is the campaign trait for this character as it fits his backstory pretty well.
"My arrows shall block out the sun."
Some monks of Pharasma find prefection in the fist, some in weapons, others in healing, yet still others find it in the taut string of a bow and the metaphorical "release" of one's worldly attachment when the arrow launches free of of its rest. It is such a monestary from which Tetsuo Hayashi has come to seek his own self-perfection. Quickly gaining skill with the bow, Hayashi gained the attention of the head abbot. It just so happened his temple was also known for its skill in the dispatching of the restless dead.
For a group of beings devoted to detaching from their earthly attachment the walking dead are of the most abhorent and profane nature. Seeing the potential in the young acolyte, the abbot decided it was time to introduce him to a friend of the monestary. Calling Hayashi into his chamber the old monk laid out the mission he was to go on. Ustalav has long been on the hot list for monks of the temple as a hot bed of for souls at unrest, but of particular interest was a professor by the name of Lorrimor. Lorrimor had provided the monestary with information on the weaknesses of the undead for years, being extremely knowledgeable on the subject.
So it was with name, a map, and his bow the young monk ventured forth into the mist of Ustalav. Finding suspicious eyes in nearly every village he entered, Hayashi soon won many of the citizens' guarded trust through the laying to rest of the shambling ones. While on the traveling to the last known spot the professor had been seen, Tetsuo stumbled upon an attack on a small group men. Quickly notching arrow after arrow, the monk fired with deadly precision dropping zombies in rapid succession. In a matter of moments 7 undead had been returned to Pharasma's fold and the a gratitude of a man with wise eyes earned.
Recognizing the the youth's black and white robes as those of the Monestary of Light, the man introduced himself as none other than Professor Lorrimor. Over the next two years, Hayashi protected the professor and the professor taught. After a time,Tetsuo cameto realize he needed to report back to his temple armed with the trove of knowledge he now possessed. Unfortunately, it was during this time news of his friend's death also came. Knowing his own path to perfection lie inside the borders of Ustalav, Hayashi again ventured forth to pay his respects and free all which were enslaved by their attachment to world of the living.

Patcher |

Alright, so I decided to completely subvert my previous suggestions and present to you an Elf Paladin of Abadar. I haven't decided on name yet, but I have the background and character sheet finished - you can see the complete sheet on this profile (my WIP section, so to speak). I do know my sheet puts a question mark by the Warrior of the Holy Light, as it depends on whether or not I'm allowed to pick two archetypes, and on my fellow players (if selected) - I haven't a clue what Paladin spellcasting really offers.
<name> was born in AR 4677, and raised in Sandpoint.
She has no memories of any parents; orphaned at birth, the villagers of Sandpoint found her between two slain elves only a couple of miles east of the small town. The apprentice priest of Sandpoint at the time, Ezakien Tobyn, was her caretaker for her childhood. Taught to be patient and level-headed, <name> grew up to be a modest and caring lady. The sense of wanderlust that reigned in her blood became an itch, however, and on her twentieth nameday, she set out on adventure. Ezakien thought this the necessary time to give her a blade that had been found on the bodies of her parents, and <name> was given her family's ancestral weapon: the Key of Light.
She was strangely tall and long of limb. <name> wielded the Key of Light with simplicity and ease, as her elven kin often did. Her first destination was Magnimar; from what she had learnt, the port city could offer boats to everywhere in the world. It was when she arrived at the gates of the great city that the calling came to her, a strange feeling that lead her to the city's great temple of Abadar. There, she was greeted by an elderly priest, Father Trilmir, who immediately called her Altaia - a name <name> did not know.
<name> learned that her parents had been faithful servants of Abadar that had vanished twenty years ago; the proof was in the weapon she bore, and <name>'s stunning resemblance to her mother. Inspired to learn more of her parents, she decided to not travel the world, and instead stay at the temple in which her parents had been known, to learn of their deeds, and to follow in their footsteps.
She became a Devotee of Abadar during the first year of her stay, which proved a simple task thanks to Ezakien's care. It was the patient nature that left her recognised by one of the few paladins that resided in the temple: Kyria Trinegold. A swordswoman of little compare, from what <name> had ever seen, she took <name> under her wing. Two years of harsh training passed, and <name> had taken on the mantle of justice and good, as a Paladin and Hospitaler of Abadar.
The elven wanderlust resonated once more afterwards. She thanked Kyria Trinegold and Father Trilmir, and set out to view the world with her own eyes.
She loathed what she saw. The city of Riddleport, the country of Cheliax, the unrest in Korvosa... it was only by accident that she stumbled upon Professor Lorrimor while travelling through Ustalav. The professor was attacked by the filthy undead. Drawing upon her training, <name> came to the Professor's aid, with blade in one hand and hammer in the other, and it was in the nick of time that she saved the man. Offering thanks, the Professor told her he would be eternally grateful.
<name> didn't leave him here; she travelled with him to his destination, his home in Ravengro, so he would be safe for the remainder of his trip. <name> stayed for only a day, enjoying the company of the professor and his young daughter, before she carried on her journey. She was grateful, as she was finally able to save someone with what she had learned.
She had been in Magnimar for a year when the letter of the Professor's untimely death arrived. Saddened by the loss, she immediately set her destination to Ravengro: to pay respects to the man who confirmed her belief, and to offer help to his daughter.
<name> stands at close to six feet tall. Clad moderately, she wears a dark-brown doublet with bronze studs over her chain shirt, leather britches and shoes; the only feminine aspect of her appearance is that of her face and her hair, though she may as well be mistaken for a man. Her ancestral blade, Key of Light, hangs on her left hip; a longsword of exceptional quality, its name is engraved on the side. On the other side hangs a short sword. She has a great hammer and a small mace strapped on her back.
<name> is patient, yet intense. She strives to maintain balance, and only stays biased in favour of what's good and right; otherwise, she is not above being a judge. As her childhood and teachings have taught her, however, she does not preach, believing that everyone has a claim to different beliefs. She does not tolerate blatant evil, and is a champion against the vile undead.
I've always wanted to play a two-weapon fighting paladin, but realise that this isn't necessarily optimal. As such, the character is rather lightly armoured, and has low health. The plan is that by 4th level, she will specialise more in healing than being a front-line fighter. Because of her Hospitaler class feature, she will be able to heal 9 times per day (4 Lay on Hands, 5 Channel Energy), though not necessarily for much. If I'm also allowed to go Warrior of the Holy Light, she will also be defensive support - on the whole, a very defensive-oriented support character with okay damage. Smite Evil will, of course, increase the damage considerably when necessary.

Sir Jolt |

Curse you Patcher! I was going to make a Warrior of the Holy light! This is a conspiracy! A conspiracy I say! Okay, he wasn't going to be an elf...or a follower of Abadar...or a two-weapon type...or a Hospitaler...but you Illuminati types can't fool me! It's still a conspiracy! ;)
"Have to come up with something else..." Walks off in a huff "mumble, gumble, snarl, snort..." ;)
@DM Hamied: What type of game will you be running? I mean, should I make a twinked out, min/max combat type or is it okay to make more flavorful choices even if they aren't as mechanically efficient? I only ask because I've been rejected from games before because I made the one when they were looking for the other (even though that wasn't clear at the time).