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robot chris: everyone that got that pretend I used the words I meant to
christopher: Did you accidentally the email?
robot chris: a bit
robot chris: but it's internal, so I guess that's less bad?
christopher: Unless the editors got it. Fortunately, I think we're low on torch and pitchfork supplies right now.
jessica: Editors don't judge unless they're actually editing
jessica: well
jessica: we judge
jessica: but we do so in secret
jessica: so you need never know :-)

Drock11 |
{opens RobotChris' BALDUR.INI file, updates Path Search Nodes from 4000 to 32000}
Please don't do that. Secretly lowering it on him was the only way they could fix the last server slowdown. Not to mention many of them considered the increase in office hilarity that ensued killing two birds with one stone.

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cs erik: Squeely Nord for iconic golem.
sara marie: squeely nord is a golem???
crystal: Pork Golem?
christopher: Savory Golem
sara marie: meat golem
sara marie: is that sucha thing?
christopher: Well, there's the Flesh Golem...
christopher: That's made of meat.
christopher: Magical meat.
justin: there's also a blood golem... cause that's a thing
sara marie: nope this is a meat golem
sara marie: ground beef, porkchops, chicken feet, tripe
crystal: Feast Golem, maybe? It's head could be a pig with an apple in its mouth
ashley: feast golem punishes you for your holiday overindulgence
justin: why did we not have this for thanksgiving?
ashley: because turkeys are too dumb to be golems

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liz: Hrm. I wonder if pork golems would deal fire damage to those grappling or damaging them in melee...because their crispy fatty flesh bursts and splatters hot fat on them.
cosmo: I dunno... but I would expect them to grant any opponent with a mouth a bite attack.
cosmo: because PORK IS DELICIOUS
liz: Compelling Aura (Su): The pork golem drives creatures to distraction with its luscious, dripping, fatty flesh, crisped to a perfect golden brown. Creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 25 Will save—failure indicates that the creature must make a bite attack (even if they normally do not have this attack) against the pork golem.
cosmo: Successful attacks deal 1d4 damage to the biter from the hot, fatty juices.
cosmo: Successful attacks leave the attackers staggered for 1 round as they slowly chew and savor the delicious, delicious pork...

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crystal: I haven't told you about the lemur gangs?
crystal: They like to steal things
crystal: And they know they out-weigh you when there's fifteen of them
crystal: No bars. Just a need for your keys. And hair.

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crystal: No bars. Just a need for your keys. And hair.
I need an expert opinion (as I am waaaay out of practice) ... Doodlebug Anklebiter, is the lemur on the far left a little [bubble-bubble-bubble]?

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

liz: Hrm. I wonder if pork golems would deal fire damage to those grappling or damaging them in melee...because their crispy fatty flesh bursts and splatters hot fat on them.
cosmo: I dunno... but I would expect them to grant any opponent with a mouth a bite attack.
cosmo: because PORK IS DELICIOUSliz: Compelling Aura (Su): The pork golem drives creatures to distraction with its luscious, dripping, fatty flesh, crisped to a perfect golden brown. Creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 25 Will save—failure indicates that the creature must make a bite attack (even if they normally do not have this attack) against the pork golem.
cosmo: Successful attacks deal 1d4 damage to the biter from the hot, fatty juices.
cosmo: Successful attacks leave the attackers staggered for 1 round as they slowly chew and savor the delicious, delicious pork...
Cerilian Dwarves should get at least additional +4 morale bonus to saving throw against this aura because of their taboo against pork, if not outright immunity.

SnowJade |
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Noooo, it's a treyf golem!
Fear not, fair lady! *Runs offstage. Various odd noises and a few mutters ensue.* creak, creeeeaaakkk, creakk, ruummble, rummmble, CREEAAAKK. *SnowJade appears, tail first, towing a wheeled platform with a....thing....on it.* Here you are! An actual Paizonian gefiltefish golem, just for you! *Headbonk* Enjoy!

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Judy Bauer wrote:Noooo, it's a treyf golem!Fear not, fair lady! *Runs offstage. Various odd noises and a few mutters ensue.* creak, creeeeaaakkk, creakk, ruummble, rummmble, CREEAAAKK. *SnowJade appears, tail first, towing a wheeled platform with a....thing....on it.* Here you are! An actual Paizonian gefiltefish golem, just for you! *Headbonk* Enjoy!
I'll take your gefilte fish golem and raise you a certified kosher pork flavoured goose golem. What a wonderful world we live in.

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certified kosher pork flavoured goose golem
I'd fix that link for you, but you didn't even include the website, let alone the http:// that you need to direct it off paizo's site...

thunderspirit |